Fallen Angel (Harry Styles Fa...

By Joystlund

17.9K 545 30

This book is a romantic dream that turns into a terrible nightmare... How many times does it happen that your... More

Fallen Angel (Harry Styles fanfic)
To the City!
She is too sweet...
Did they break up?
Pyjamas party!
Kiss me like you wanna be loved!
Why would she like me?
Hey :) It's Harry :)
It's more romantic if you go and get her...
He saves your pictures!
Candy rain!
Do you want to play a game?
Oh no...
Please, come back!
Talking to the moon
Is it you?
I'm sorry!
I just knew
I knew it would work...
You have pictures of me?
Call us!
You're hurting me!
His beautiful eyes....
What the hell are you doing!
Mommy, no!
You're awake
It feels so strange...
Why do they keep making me do things I don't want to do!
Who's them?
I won't leave him for you
Fuck you
It's ok, let me go
She's loosing lots of blood!
In a coma...
a warning!
Chapter 36
oh my god
Sorry! Not an update

We didn't disappear, you did

306 11 3
By Joystlund

Chapter 21

Evelyn: Who is it in the photos in your phone?

Harry: It’s exactly the same person as it is in your photos… You.

 Evelyn: Who did you gave the ring to?

Harry: It was a girl named Evelyn, but there are many girls in Raleigh that have that name!

 Evelyn: What kind of ring was it, and when did you gave her this ring?

 Harry: It was not a propose-ring, it was more like a promise ring to promise that I always would be with her. I gave her that ring in January, four years ago.

 Evelyn: What happened to her?

 Harry: Well, the next day she just disappeared… and so did my family and friends too. Everything that I knew was gone. And I felt as the loneliest person in the world. Until I meet my dad! He was with me all the time. But after 4 years he also disappeared. And I didn’t know where I would go. I was crushed. First did the one I loved the most disappeared, and last my dad who I thought I could trust. But it just cleared my mind and made me think that I couldn’t trust anyone from now. Because they just walk away anyway…

With these words he made me feel so much sorrow.

Evelyn: Hunny…

 Harry: Yes?

 Evelyn: We didn’t disappear, it was you who disappeared…

 Harry: What?

 Evelyn: I know this will hurt you, but you gave me the ring that day before everyone was gone… And the next day it wasn’t we who disappeared, it was you. You died that day in cancer. I don’t know which sort, because you didn’t tell anyone. Your father did also die in cancer when you were 10 years old. And four months after your death I knew that I was pregnant with Eddie. I wished everyday that you would come back. And after four years of wishing, you came back!

We sat there in silence for 15 minutes. I think he cleared his mind and just was trying to take all the information in.

Harry: Please… Can you go home now? I want to be alone for a while…

 Evelyn: No Harry, I’m not going to move even a bug step. And I know that you can’t work this out on your own. I have known you for quite a long time, and I know that you have to have someone to talk to.

He didn’t answer me, but walked to his room. I followed him slowly and saw him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I saw him shaking a bit and heard him sobbing. I walked up to him and sat down beside him. Then I laid my arm around his shoulders and leaned my head against him.

Harry: H-how did… when d-did… Why!

Trevor had so much feelings and sentences he wanted to show and say. But he didn’t have enough words to let it out. So I shushed him and said that everything will be OK now. He wrapped his arms around my body and hugged me back and I felt tears falling down in the crock of my neck. I moved my hands slowly and comfortably up and down on Harry's back and whispered soothingly words. After a while we laid back in the bed, still in a hugging position. Then I looked up at him and wiped the tears on his cheeks away. He had closed eyes when I did it.

Harry: I remember everything now…

Everything in my body wanted to explode of happiness and I wanted to light up in a face breaking smile. But it just wasn’t the right time to smile.

Harry: I didn’t know that I had missed your touch for so long. It feels so great to have your hands in my face again, to hear your soft voice in my ears and being able to actually be with you. I have missed you so much. I just want you to know that I love you more than anything, and your wishes made me come back.

 Evelyn: I’ve missed you too… You have no idea what I’ve been through all this years. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

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