Nentarli [COMPLETE]

By EscapeInFiction

3K 378 40

What if you were suddenly told that everything you'd ever known about yourself was a lie? What if you also fo... More

~ One ~
~ Two ~
~ Three ~
~ Four ~
~ Five ~
~ Six ~
~ Seven ~
~ Eight ~
~ Nine ~
~ Ten ~
~ Eleven ~
~ Twelve ~
~ Thirteen ~
~ Fourteen ~
~ Fifteen ~
~ Sixteen ~
~ Seventeen ~
~ Eighteen ~
~ Nineteen ~
~ Twenty ~
~ Twenty-one ~
~ Twenty-two ~
~ Twenty-three ~
~ Twenty-four ~
~ Twenty-five ~
~ Twenty-six ~
~ Twenty-seven ~
~ Twenty-eight ~
~ Twenty-nine ~
~ Thirty ~
~ Thirty-one ~
~ Thirty-two ~
~ Thirty-three ~
~ Thirty-four ~
~ Thirty-five ~
~ Thirty-six ~
~ Thirty-seven ~
~ Thirty-eight ~
~ Thirty-nine ~
~ Forty-one ~
~ Forty-two ~
~ Forty-three ~
~ Forty-four ~
~ Forty-five ~
~ Forty-six ~
~ Forty-seven ~
~ Forty-eight ~
~ Forty-nine ~
~ Fifty ~
~ Fifty-One ~

~ Forty ~

49 7 15
By EscapeInFiction


Was all I heard when the lights blazed into life and people were surrounding me; my parents, Emy and her parents, the guys, Merkell and practically everyone who lived and worked in the house. There were streamers scattered around the walls and ceiling, strangely shaped but colourful balloons and Emy had what looked like a homemade, very shiny, party hat on her head.

"What's going on?"

I didn't know if it was shock that caused my confusion or the fact that I was still getting over the revelation that nobody was in danger.

"Happy Birthday!"

I couldn't tell who had said it as it was repeated by a few dozen people, along with some strange sayings that I wouldn't grasp until later. I must have looked bewildered because Emy found her way to me and linked her arm in mine.

"You had no idea it was your birthday today, did you?" She asked and grinned widely, she already knew the answer.

"Actually no, I didn't... how could I not know something like that?"

I hadn't been able to keep track of the date while we were here and a birthday didn't seem important in the grand scheme of things. But it still seemed like something I would just know.

"It is probably due to the changes you have gone through. Do not worry, we know how to celebrate birthdays here, or birthing days as most Nentarlians call it." My dad explained before ushering me further into the room.

We moved through the crowds and I noticed we were in what might have been a lounge area, except the room had been redecorated for the party. There were bookcases and leather-like sofas that had been pushed against the walls. I was steered towards a table that had a pile of presents on it. I raised my brow in question at those gathered around me.

There were a few confused faces but Emy was nodding at me, "Yes, they are for you and no, you can't refuse them no matter what you say."

I had been about to open my mouth to say exactly that when she beat me to it.

I rolled my eyes playfully when everyone laughed, "Thank you! All of you! I'm really grateful for all of this, I didn't even realise it was my birthday but you managed to organise this, even in the midst of what's going on?"

The atmosphere in the room died a little and I grimaced as I looked at everyone who had gathered to celebrate.

"Way to kill the mood," Kayle joked, smirking at me. "Less talking, let us show you how Nentarlians throw a party."

He grinned at me and disappeared into the crowd without any explanation.

"What does that mean exactly?" I asked.

"You will see," Kaleb replied cryptically with a wide smile plastered on his face.

I glanced at Emy but she looked as puzzled as I was. She shrugged and urged me to enjoy myself as the people in the room dispersed into smaller groups.

It didn't take long for us to find out what Kayle had meant, I was discussing the day I was born with my parents at the time. It hadn't happened in a hospital as I had originally been told but in that very house. Mal had been my mum's midwife and my dad had cried when he held me for the first time. I was just hearing how quiet I was for a baby when there was a very loud interruption.

I didn't believe what I was hearing at first but as I made my way towards the noise, it was confirmed. Music, very loud and very much live. I stood in front of a small stage that held a few people from the village, all playing instruments. One man had a guitar, a woman was playing a set of drums unlike any I had ever seen before, and another man was playing an instrument I couldn't identify. It looked like a wooden vase with numerous holes and a long neck with pegs sticking out.

The music had a good beat and I would have actually called it party music. People began to dance and I smiled at the happy faces surrounding me. I danced with Emy and let go of my cares for a while. It was nice to let loose and just have some fun, Merkell's test had left me feeling sullen, knowing our real fight with Riltresik was still to come. I managed to push that aside so I could enjoy the party.

The band swapped places with another group and I took that opportunity to get something to eat and drink. There were a row of tables with various foods set out, seeing them laid out like that made me realise how familiar I was with this world now. Roast Triorn, bread rolls, several different types of Bovine cheese on a platter, basted Chicklets, which were similar to chickens but they didn't lay any eggs and had webbed feet.

The sweet treats were numerous; pastries, tortes, pies and a flan that I had never tried because it looked like brown jelly. I made myself a plate of a few things, grabbed a drink and walked over to where my parents were standing with Merkell.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Cassie?" My mum asked and she looked extremely pleased with herself.

"I really am, how did you set this up?"

I couldn't see how they had managed it without my knowledge, especially with Emy around, she couldn't keep anything from me.

"We have our ways, you have been very busy lately... but you did almost catch the preparations in their early stages." My dad said and the look on his face took me back to a particular memory.

"That time Emy and I caught you acting suspicious? This is what you were doing?"

He nodded and gestured around the room, "It was, I thought you might have pursued the matter, I know how inquisitive you are."

"I guess I was a bit distracted, I'm glad I didn't ruin the surprise though."

And I really was glad, I usually didn't like surprises but this one had been exactly what everyone had needed, including myself. I hugged both of my parents tightly and they wished me a quieter, more heartfelt, happy birthday. My dad kissed my head and my mum held my hand a little longer until Emy came barrelling towards us.

"Cass! You have to come and sing with the band, their singer is sick and they don't wanna ruin the music!" She was a little red faced and I raised a brow, side glancing at my parents.

"Have you brought out the alcohol by any chance?"

"We have, we thought it would be nice for you to have some at your party... Why do you ask?"

My mum looked a little worried but I smiled and pointed to Emy, who was bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"I think it's a bit strong for a 'new Nentarlian'," I chuckled when Emy draped herself against my shoulder.

"Come on, Cass, you have to sing. Show them all how awesome you are, pleeeaase?!"

I glanced over at the band who were still playing music regardless.

"I don't think so, just tell them to play something else." I chuckled more when she pouted and walked off, slightly unsteadily. "I hope we're getting the morning off tomorrow because she's gonna be suffering."

Merkell smiled, his expression was relaxed but it didn't quite meet his eyes. "I have seen Emily with a... hangover, is it? Yes, you will have the morning off but I'm afraid the magic lesson will still have to go ahead. We shall start later however, that might be best for all involved."

He gestured towards the crowd and I turned to watch Kayle take a glass of green liquid from Emy, they both downed the drink at the same time. I giggled as Emy coughed and Kayle cheered. They were thoroughly enjoying themselves and I planned to join them, I thanked my parents and excused myself.

I headed for Emy and Kayle, making my way through the crowds when someone purposely moved in front of me. Kaleb was dancing, very well for his size but he wasn't really watching what he was doing and almost knocked me off of my feet. I would have fallen if hands hadn't caught me first. They helped me up and I knew who it was before I looked.

Blaike stood me upright and I smiled up at him. "Thanks... Kaleb can really move, can't he?" I called over the music.

It was louder where we were so I had to lean in close for him to hear me. I couldn't help noticing that he smelled different somehow. Why did I notice that?

Blaike leaned in closer to speak, "He can, but it is a little like a dancing tree. He does not realise his own size when he moves like that."

I giggled and glanced over to where Kayle and Emy were grabbing another drink.

"Are you enjoying the party?" Blaike asked, he suddenly felt much closer as we were jostled by the dancing crowds.

I nodded, "I am, but not as much as those two. I think I need one of those drinks," I pointed over to Kayle and Emy.

Blaike smiled widely and nodded, "They are rather nice but be careful, your head will be sore tomorrow."

"Aren't you coming to have some?" I asked and I could have sworn I saw shock pass over his face.

He was surprised I invited him to have a drink but I couldn't understand why something so simple would shock him.

He peered at the drinks and then back down at me, "I do not think that would be wise."

He didn't elaborate on why however, instead he leaned down, his eyes on mine as though waiting to see if I would lean away from him. When I didn't, he closed the distance to kiss me ever so quickly on the cheek, wished me a 'happy birthing day', then disappeared into the crowd.

My heart had sped up exponentially at the brief contact from the kiss. I walked over to Kayle and Emy in a giddy kind of daze. If Emy had been sober she would have noticed and questioned the blush I must have been sporting. Instead she was incredibly drunk and as soon as she saw me, she was passing drinks over. Kayle hugged me when he realised I was there and cheered every time I downed one of the drinks.

My interaction with Blaike was soon forgotten with the drinks that kept on flowing, they were as strong as everyone claimed. I was drunk after a few and the rest of the night was mostly a blur. I remembered dancing and drinking the night away. I remembered laughing until my cheeks hurt and getting the band to play the birthday song once Kayle explained how it went. But I couldn't remember how the night ended or how I got back to my suite in one piece.

I woke up at some point in the early morning in the same clothes I'd had on the night before, my head was splitting and my throat was dry. I got up wearily and changed into pyjamas, grabbed a drink of water from the bathroom and returned to bed. I was so glad we wouldn't have any training for a few hours, I was in no fit state to train or even move. But I had to say it was one of the best and strangest birthdays I had ever had. Nentarlians did know how to party, although I was paying for it already.

When I woke properly, it was early afternoon and my head was feeling a lot better. I was able to wash and dress without it splitting in two, so that was a good sign. I headed out of the door and realised immediately that the house was much quieter than usual. I smiled at the thought of how many sore heads there would be and decided not to wake Emy so she could sleep as long as possible.

I wandered down the stairs and only passed two people, they smiled and whispered about enjoying the party, I could tell they were hungover. I giggled to myself as I made my way down to the dining room, my stomach had begun to rumble and I needed something very unhealthy to eat. I expected the dining room to be deserted when I entered. But Blaike was sitting at the table with some food and, strangely, a book open in front of him.

He looked up when I walked in and I could see a redness in his cheeks, what did he have to be embarrassed about? He stood up quickly as I moved over to the table and raised a brow at him.

"I did not think anyone would leave their rooms to eat this morning," he said and there was a wavering to his voice that threw me a little.

"I just felt like clearing my head and grabbing something to eat while I'm at it."

I reached for some of the food and began to eat, much more quickly than I usually would, attempting to satisfy my hunger.

"Did you enjoy your party?" He asked, it sounded like he was trying to be casual but I couldn't understand why he needed to try.

"Yes I did, it was amazing! But where did you go last night? I don't remember seeing you after..." I trailed off when I suddenly recalled what happened the last time I saw him.

From the darker blush on Blaike's cheeks, he knew what I was about to say and I realised why he was acting so peculiarly.

"Blaike, I-"

He interrupted me with a wave of his hand, "You do not have to say anything, what I did was inappropriate and should not have happened. I apologise, Cassandra."

He bowed his head and his cheeks had turned scarlet.

"I was actually going to say it was really nice and... I wish you had stuck around."

My heart raced at my own honesty, but more so when he looked straight at me. I saw something in his expression that I had seen several times before, though I still couldn't identify what it was.

"You were? Wait... It was?"

He seemed a little tongue tied and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. It was the first time in ages we'd been alone to talk and I was planning to make the most of it; before someone disturbed us, or he made an excuse to leave.

"Yes and yes, I've been trying to get a chance to speak to you ever since that night when I woke up from being hurt."

I saw him visibly wince and my hopes started to rise, I didn't want to think it in case I was wrong but all the signs were there.

"You were going to tell me something, about feeling connected but you were interrupted."

I just wanted him to come out and say whatever he'd been about to, my mind had run through so many scenarios of what he would have said but I needed the real thing.

He began to fidget, which was unlike him and he glanced to the doorways on more than one occasion.

"I do not think this is the best place to discuss it."

"Well can we go somewhere else and discuss it then." I knew I sounded eager but if I didn't try I might not get another chance for a long time, if ever.

Blaike seemed to think about it and shook his head, "I do not know if it is wise. It is difficult to talk about, and you..." He trailed off as he stared at me and I felt myself blush under the intensity of his gaze.

"I, what? What do I do? Because I'd really like to know before the world ends, Blaike."

The words came out a little more flustered and agitated than I would have liked but he seemed to have that effect me.

"You make me nervous! Alright? I am different around you, I feel drawn to you and I cannot seem to stop it no matter how I try." He blurted out hastily and then sighed deeply, like he'd let out a huge secret and was kicking himself for doing so.

Shock didn't quite cover what I felt at that point, none of my scenarios had taken that outcome into consideration.

"How could I make you nervous? You're confident and smart, you have skills and bravery, nerves shouldn't even exist to someone like you."

I felt some of my own insecurities being bared with my words and I stood up from the table, walking over to the windows. I heard him move as well but I didn't turn around when I realised he hadn't left.

"I am not immune to nerves and when I am around you, when we are not training or in trouble, I do not feel confident or brave or any of those things. Though it is nice to know you think those things about me."

I narrowed my eyes and angled my head to look at him, he was smiling just a fraction.

"Why are you telling me this though? Do you want to stop being around me? I know we have training together and we're supposed to destroy Riltresik but other than that we could keep our distance from one another."

I didn't want to but if it meant he could focus better then I would cope with it, somehow.

"No, I do not want that, not at all... it is just that I wish I knew why I felt this way. That day you were hurt at the dinner, I felt like something was being ripped from me, when you slept for three days I worried for every moment. I have never felt that way before, except when Kaleb was hurt many years ago but it was worry of a different kind."

I had an inkling that I knew what he was feeling but I wouldn't be able to face him again if I said it and I was wrong.

"Maybe it is our connection to the prophecy, I have a strong bond with Emy that has nothing to do with being cousins... we didn't know that part growing up but we still felt close and connected. And I feel close to Kaleb, like we could be best friends..."

"And me?" He asked quietly and I felt my breathing quicken, staring at his face.

His eyes, almost the same colour as my own, I could see myself getting lost in them. However I pulled myself together, I needed to focus if we were ever going to get to the bottom of this.

"You..." I started and unwittingly recalled every encounter we'd had since I first laid eyes on him.

Sure, he had been watching Emy and I long before that but the first time I had locked eyes with him, I had felt fear. Now I was starting to wonder if there was more to it, watching Kaleb hadn't given me the same fear at the time.

Whenever Blaike and I had any kind of interaction, it caused a physical reaction in me that I couldn't explain. Usually to be angry at him or just annoyed at something he did or said. I swallowed hard at the realisation that was slowly becoming all too real.

"You... I feel-"

I made a mental note to punch Kayle and Kaleb for their wretched timing as they both walked into the dining room at that particular moment. Blaike and I sprang apart, I turned to look out of the window to hide my rosy cheeks and calm my speeding pulse.

"Oh, did we interrupt something?" Kayle asked and from the sound of his voice, he knew they had.

"No, we were just... talking about Cassandra's birthing day party." Blaike responded and despite the partial lie, I could detect a hint of frustration in his voice.

He wanted to hear what I had to say, he wanted to confirm what I think we both already knew now. He liked me and I definitely liked him, the trouble was that we didn't know if it was real or fabricated by the prophecy we were bound to. I didn't feel connected to Emy or Kaleb, or Kayle in the same way as I did to Blaike. So was it just us, seeing more to it or was there something truly happening between us?

"It was an excellent party," Kayle said suddenly, bringing me back from my thoughts.

I managed to turn away from the window to face the table. Kayle had his back to me, Blaike was staring a little too hard at his book and Kaleb was looking between the two of us with a knowing smile.

"Yes it was but I am surprised you can remember half of it." Kaleb teased Kayle and they began a discussion about the night and things that had happened.

I finished the rest of my food quickly, making an excuse that I needed to wake Emy so she could eat before we had to be at our magic lesson. I reached the doorway and took a quick glance back at the table to see Blaike watching me intensely. My heart stammered and I made a promise to finish that conversation before the world did end.

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