Ready To Run (FLASH/ARROW/GLE...

Par GoShootMeDead

157K 3.5K 1.3K

Flash/Glee Crossover + Arrow A Barry is Sebastian fic Barry Allen thought he had left his past, as Sebastian... Plus

Running From The Past
Invitations & Panic Attacks
Cat's Outta The Bag
Café Meetings
Arrow's Part
Clearing The Air
Gleefully Surprising - I
Gleefully Surprising- II
Interruptions And Invitations
Dramatics And (Not A) Damsel In Distress

Performances And Sensuality

13K 300 177
Par GoShootMeDead

Oliver Queen wasn't having a good day.

He had had to get out of the bed containing his partner who had been lying on his front, one hand tucked under his pillow while the other had curled in the space that had been occupied by Oliver, the pale expanse of his back adorned with the evidences of their enthusiastic night together, the swell of his backside covered delicately, maddeningly, by a soft sheet that appeared to be in danger of slithering away.

Then, Oliver had to leave Barry in Central City while he left for Starling City, all because Felicity Smoak, that incorrigible woman, had scheduled two board meetings in Queen Consolidated.

After attending the previously mentioned meetings, the board members had been in legitimate danger of getting an arrow through their kneecaps (not that they knew about it, of course). Felicity, atleast, had seemed to understand the situation. She had taken one glance at Oliver's increasingly plastic smile and the carefully hidden murderous intent in his eyes, and declared that she had cleared up his day.

"Felicity," breathed Oliver. "You are an absolute godsend."

Felicity laughed, eyes sparkling.

"Go on, get out of here. Diggle is at the Arrow Cave."

Oliver pressed a grateful kiss to her forehead as he passed by her, in a hurry to get out of the office.

"We're still not calling it the Arrow Cave, Felicity."

Oliver, after working out for a while with Diggle and training Roy, had left Starling City in their capable hands (after being nagged by everyone on his team), and had driven to Central City, very much eager to see his Barry, who had planned to meet up with his old friends.

During the drive to Central, Oliver mused on Barry's past. He was quite glad that Barry had learned to move on from his guilt over his behaviour. But mostly, Oliver's attention kept drifting back to what Jeff had said about the people who had been infatuated with Barry when he had been going by the name of Sebastian Smythe.

Oliver shook his head. He was not actually jealous. Really, he wasn't. Right, if only he sounded believable atleast to himself.

He parked his bike in the empty lot near the address that Barry had texted him. He placed the helmet on the bike and walked over to where he could hear voices and laughter. He did not care if it made him seem like a lovesick teenager, but he couldn't wait to see his Barry.


The moment Oliver walked in, it was like a blanket of silence had fallen over everyone. There were a few exclamations of 'Holy shit, that's Oliver Queen!' Some of the boys and girls sent him appreciative glances, taking in the half-open leather jacket that accentuated his very well-kept physique. There were a few others who glared daggers at him, having realised that he was the reason Sebastian had turned down their offers for a date.

Oliver gave the entire room a cursory glance, cataloguing the exits and threats, as he walked in. His attention was caught when he caught sight of Barry, who was beaming at him from across the room, flanked by Jeff and another guy.

On reaching his partner, Oliver gave a soft, adoring smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Barry leaned in and captured his lips in a chaste yet fervent kiss, letting Oliver know how much he had missed him, without using any words. Closing his eyes, Oliver's hands came up to cup Barry's face on either side as he nipped at Barry's lower lip and soothed it immediately with a languid sweep of his tongue.

Breaking the kiss, with a little laugh, Oliver said, "Hey."

Barry grinned back, eyes soft and loving.

The sound of a throat being cleared brought them to their senses. Barry introduced Oliver to the room at large as, "As was apparent from my rather enthusiastic greeting, this is my partner, Oliver Queen."

After a few minutes of idle talk, during which Barry introduced a select few of his friends, Oliver lifted a questioning eyebrow at Barry and tilted his head towards the outside. Barry nodded.

"So, I'll see you all tomorrow. Just text me the timings and I'll be there. On time. Relatively." Barry gave a sheepish smile as laughter rang out when everyone remembered his atrocious sense of punctuality.

"But, you haven't even performed a song yet!" Thad exclaimed.

A chorus of agreement sounded.

Barry hesitated. "Uh, maybe tomorrow? I haven't actually practised in ages, you know."

Unknown to Barry, Kurt raised an eyebrow at Santana. Santana smirked back, her expression filled with glee. As Kurt went over to the side of the room with the instruments, Santana walked towards Barry and called out, "Come on, Smythe. A duel, for old time's sake."

Barry narrowed his eyes at her. Oliver placed his arm on his shoulder, and when Barry turned to look at him, gave him a reassuring wink. He then stepped back with Jeff and Nick.

It seemed like everyone in the room was holding their breath. Tension ratcheted up as both Santana and Barry locked gazes and held it. It was well known that the both of them had never gotten along while in school. And though they hadn't exactly acted like mortal enemies on meeting each other that day, the others were still wary around them.

Barry snapped his head to the side as the hauntingly familiar tune of Smooth Criminal, on cello, filled the air. Beside the two cello players, Kurt was standing, giving Barry a thumbs-up.

The next thing anyone knew, Barry's smooth voice was ringing out, belting the lyrics, and Santana's voice joined his in perfect harmony. Both their tenors, perfectly complimenting the other, vibrated to every end of the room, mesmerising their listeners, capturing their attention with ease.

Oliver watched, captivated, as both Barry and Santana put on a show, spinning around each other with light steps, coming close to touching the other, close enough to feel the other's breath, but never actually touching. They were like two satellites caught in the other's pull, forever circling the other but never making contact. It was clear to Oliver, on seeing how Barry's face lit up, excitement and joy expressed clearly on his face, just how much Barry enjoyed performing. There was something very real, very raw, in the performance that Oliver felt as though he was in very close proximity to a live wire.

As the song wound to an end, deafening applause sounded, almost threatening to bring the roof down upon them. Barry and Santana grinned at each other, adrenaline buzzing through their veins. A few (most of them, really) of the men shifted uncomfortably, their breathing heavy, heartbeats accelerated and their pupils dilated.

Kurt walked up to them, a wide grin etched on his face.

"I listened to that tape of your duel," he explained preemptively. "I always knew that both of you," he gestured to Barry and Santana, "had amazing talent. But that tape proved just how explosive your chemistry on stage really was."

Barry laughed as Santana smirked. He then turned to look at Oliver who had been quiet. Noticing the look on Oliver's face, Barry's eyes widened and he swallowed around a suddenly dry throat.

"Anyway, you got your performance," Barry announced, catching Oliver by his hand. "Now, we really need to be on our way. Text me the details. Bye!"

Uncaring or not noticing the wolfish smile on Jeff's face and the sly wink that Nick threw at him, Barry dragged a non-resisting Oliver outside, towards Oliver's bike.

Oliver did not speak as he kick-started his bike and accelerated it, Barry sitting behind him, his front moulded to Oliver's back, his arms holding on to the either sides of his leather jacket. Oliver screeched his bike to a halt in an alleyway, a few streets over.

Having barely gotten down from the bike, Barry was pushed roughly so that his back was to the wall, Oliver's hands clutching at the lapels of Barry's coat. Before he could take in a full breath, Oliver's mouth crashed onto his, like a strong wave crashing on the rocks. Barry gasped, his hands coming up to hold Oliver's shoulders tightly. Oliver plundered his mouth, one hand sneaking into Barry's hair, holding his head by the base of his neck.

"Do you," Oliver gasped out, licking into Barry's mouth like a man possessed. "Do you have any idea just how utterly hot you looked?"

Barry looked wrecked, mouth open as he breathed harshly, his lips swollen and shiny, his cheeks flushed a dark red. His pupils were blown wide.

"Oliver," was the only thing Barry appeared to be capable of saying in a voice that broke constantly.

Oliver dragged his mouth over Barry's throat, licking, nipping and sucking marks, all the while whispering praise and appreciation into Barry's skin. Barry got hold of Oliver's hair and dragged his face back up to his, mouth catching mouth, tongues entangling with each other, both breathing into the other's mouth, unable to let go for even a short moment.

"Gods, Barry," whispered Oliver, in a hoarse voice. "You are amazing and I adore you."

Barry's breath hitched. No matter how many times Oliver tells him how he feels about Barry, Barry's heart stuttered every single time.

Holding Oliver's face in his hands, Barry pressed deep, yet gentle, kisses on his mouth, spelling out his own love and adoration in every movement.

"Let's go home, Oliver," Barry said, softly.

Oliver nodded, his gaze locking with Barry's, everything unspoken passing between them like lightning.

Home, then.


A/N: Sorry for the late update. My mind dried up :/

How was the chapter? Was it awkward or cringe-worthy? Should I bury my head in the sand?

If you find any mistakes (including any related to the music-related phrases/words) , please let me know.

Also, Sebastian and Santana's performance of Smooth Criminal in Glee was a major inspiration for me to write this fic. So, naturally, I had to include it in the story.

If there's anything in particular you want to see, let me know and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. I really do need ideas, though. The story doesn't seem to be going anywhere. At least, that's what I feel.

Votes and comments are so much appreciated.

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