Shouldn't Have Dealt - Book II

By Mara19Lyn

347K 11.4K 696

"You fit the bill just fine, Angel. I need a woman as strong as you." "I don't sell myself to anyone anymore... More

Should Have Not Dealt
Preview: Chapter 1 - Moving On
Chapter 1 - Moving On
Preview: Chapter 2 - The Devil's Way
Chapter 2 - The Devil's Way
Preview: Chapter 3 - Goble and Verne
Chapter 3 - Goble and Verne
Preview: Chapter 4 - The Inevitable
Chapter 4 - The Inevitable
Preview: Chapter 5 - Damien
Chapter 5 - Damien
Chapter 6 - Trying
Chapter 7 - The Beast Out For A Hunt
Chapter 8 - An Eye For An Eye
Chapter 9 - Stopwatch
Chapter 10 - About Time
Chapter 11 - Dawn
Chapter 12 - Harm and Protection
Chapter 13 - Wingless Angel
Chapter 14 - Magazine
Chapter 15 - Suddenly
Chapter 16 - Vesuvius
Chapter 17 - Mrs. Stone
Chapter 18 - Grace Under Pressure
Chapter 19 - On Hunter's Defense
Chapter 20 - Catch 22
Chapter 21 - Adverse Effects
Chapter 22 - Intimidation
Chapter 23 - Chained
Chapter 24 - Heaven Sent
Chapter 25 - Another Attempt
Chapter 26 - Unmentioned
Chapter 27 - Tickets to Colombia
Chapter 28 - Ridding Doubts
Chapter 29 - Angel's Resolve
Chapter 30 - Stag and Fawn
Chapter 31 - Stag or Fawn
Chapter 32 - Rage in Silence
Chapter 33 - Just A Scratch
Chapter 34 - Should Have Not Dealt
I Never Expected This!
Want a secret chapter?
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AMOR ETERNO: Last day to get the book free!!
AMOR ETERNO: Ready, set, launch!!
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2.1K 32 2
By Mara19Lyn

How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.

Gotcha! Okay, please don't click away just yet. The joke's not the highlight of this whole thing. I actually have some pretty big news! And before I get run away with feelings, I want to thank you first—every single one of you who have been reading my stories from the very start, and even the ones who've just jumped along the fun with us. If it weren't for you all, my first book would've flunked! I owe this news to all of you guys... So yeah... I'm getting published! AGAIN! The book's coming out on the 2nd of February 2017!!

I know, I can't believe it either! I've been writing since I don't know when and it's already such a success for me to finish a story, what more to have readers who support me like you all do! A second book, can you believe that?

Again, I want to thank all of you! You're all my favourite people in the world! I started writing only as a hobby, but now it's turned out to be something far better than I could've ever imagined. And I am truly grateful that you've all been enjoying that. I want to give you all a big bear hug right this very moment. But because I can't do that, I'm giving you something even better instead! Yup, that's right. Because you all spoiled me with support...

I will be giving away never before seen content, including freebies from the book!!! Are you as excited by this as I am?

And don't worry, guys. I will still be here on Wattpad, how else will we be able to remain in contact? But my publisher has asked me to take down the last few chapters before publishing for copyright issues. But while that may turn your smiles upside down, don't get upset just yet. Pretty please? Because I will be holding a few splendid stuff before then! And I am so thrilled by this... 

My publisher has set me up with a fancy website a few months back. And now, they are going to be holding a cover contest again since you guys did an awesome job with picking the first cover!

Thats right! And you can submit a cover, to become the official cover of the published book. And your name will be put in the book, and on the back of the physical cover of the book! (Your name on the cover of the book. You will be famous!). Here are the guidelines.

Just send the covers to my agent at by January 19. The only requirements are:

Book Cover Guidelines

1. Know that if we choose your cover you will get credit ON the physical cover and inside the book. This can actually help you a lot as a graphic artist and bring you future work from us and other book publishers.

2. You will have to fill out a form that lets us have the cover.

3. You can not use any copyright images. You can use Royalty Free Images.

4. We need a high res format of the cover in JPG and Photoshop format, as well so that we can use it for the paperback version of the book.

5. Cover Image size should be 5.5 by 8.5 inches in 300 Pixels per inch resolution.

6. Hints....

The cover has to look good when Amazon Thumbnail size. The idea is that people WANT to click on it when they see the thumb nail.

The text needs to be readable.

You should use only 1 font.

The cover needs the title AND the authors name

7. The cover needs to have the Title (Shouldn't Have Dealt) and the Author's Name(Mara Lynne) visible.

8. If your covers wins we will do everything we can to use it. If it wins we will WANT to use it because that will give us the most future sales. BUT... You do need to know that there can be odd reasons why we might not be able to. For example we might not be able to use the Photoshop file for some reason or we might find a copyrighted image in the cover design.

9.  Submit your created cover on or before January 19.

By the way this is NOT mandatory. This is simply something to get you guys involved in the launch because you guys have helped me a lot to get here.

I will be giving you updates as it all happens. Now most of the time when people give updates on how a project is going (like getting a book published). They are really boring. BUT I WILL DO BETTER! You can be guaranteed to be LOL'ing on every update. :D

So stay tuned for more updates.

Thank you.

I'll see you in the next post. :)


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