Fire And Ice (The Elemental O...

By xtwistedxemotionzx

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Frost is one of the last water elementals in existence. She's been on her own for as long as she can remember... More

Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.

Chapter One.

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By xtwistedxemotionzx

Present Day...

I hate training with Perry. He may be my best friend, but he always knocks me on my ass. I guess that's the whole point though. He's not supposed to take it easy on me, otherwise I'd never learn to get better.

I hissed in pain as Perry flipped me over his shoulder once again, planting me on my back on the wooden floor. It was the fifth time he'd done that in the past hour and even though I was meant to be learning ways to counter it, I was getting increasingly pissed off.

I lay there on the floor for a moment, catching my breath and waiting for the pain to recede before I got up and grabbed my towel off a bench at the side of the room, wiping the sweat from my face and grimacing at Perry.

He stood a few feet away from me, looking as cute as ever, as if he hadn't been fighting at all.

"I need a break, Perry. Can we finish later?" I asked, praying to god that he'd say yes. I really could not handle another shoulder throw. My muscles ached and my stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't had breakfast before I'd left the apartment this morning.

He strode over to me, grabbing his own towel from the bench beside us and wiping his forehead before placing it over his shoulder.

"I can tell you're hurting, Frosty. Just this once, you can have your time out. I'm not going to let up until you've learned to counter these moves though. You need to be as safe as possible." He said before taking a swig of water from his water bottle.

Perry was the only person in the world I let call me Frosty. We understood each other like no one else, because we were the same. We shared the same element, which meant that we knew each other inside out.

"Thank you, Pez. You are my hero." I said, throwing my arms around his neck in a grateful hug. He didn't seem at all surprised by my impromptu show of affection as he wrapped his arms around my waist, chuckling under his breath.

"Aren't you two supposed to be training?"

I pulled away from Perry, twisting around to face Rowan, surprised to see him as he'd said that he had a meeting this morning so wouldn't make it in until this afternoon.

"We're having a break. What happened to your meeting?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Rowan smiled a small smile, as if he found my curiosity amusing, then he shrugged his shoulders, shoving his hands into the pockets of his dark blue jeans.

"Rescheduled. Have you got the hang of the counter attack for the shoulder throw yet?" He asked, his eyebrows raising inquisitively.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my dishevelled hair.

"Cut me some slack, Row. Perry has planted me on the floor five times in a row. Five freaking times! I need a break or I'm never going to be able to move again." I said, exasperation in every word.

An amused smile crept across Rowan's face, which irked me. I was in pain and he thought it was funny.

"Continue this evening. I want you to have mastered it by your next assignment." He said, before striding away from us, in the direction of his office, which was situated at the far end of the training gym.

I watched him walk away, my eyes unconsciously taking a mental snapshot of him. When he disappeared through the door leading to his office, I turned back to Perry to see that he was staring at me with a teasing smile, his eyes alight with mischief.

"You broadcast your fascination with him so loud that I'm surprised he hasn't picked up on it already." He said, his smile widening.

I groaned as I scraped a hand across my eyes, a frown marring my face.

"Is it really that obvious?" I said, feeling utterly embarrassed.

Perry shrugged his shoulders as he sat down on the bench and I sat down beside him, both of us turning to face each other automatically.

"To everyone except him. I don't know if he's just ignoring it or if he's seriously blind, but it's pretty obvious from the way you stare at him whenever he walks into a room. It was the same the day I found you. You couldn't stop staring at him when you got into the car." He said, his tone playful by the end of his explanation.

I buried my face in my hands with a groan, feeling mortified.

"It's pointless either way. I'm water and he's fire. It's too dangerous to even think about attempting a relationship." I said, my dismay showing clearly in my voice.

Perry wound his fingers with mine, immediately grounding me.

"Don't give up so easily. There might be a way. You won't know unless you try." He said, his tone gentle and comforting.

I leaned against his side with a sigh as he wrapped his arm around me, comforting me without me having to ask.

"For it to even be an option, he'd have to be attracted to me too." I whispered.

Perry chuckled under his breath, the sound making me smile despite the melancholy conversation.

"Trust me, he's attracted to you. He's either hiding it or he just hasn't realised it yet." He said, sounding completely certain, like there was no doubt about it.

I sighed again, hoping that he was right, even though it was completely hopeless either way.


"Bess? Jules? Anyone home?" I called out as I walked into the apartment, shrugging my coat off and hanging it up before making my way into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I almost jumped out of my skin when Bess appeared from the bathroom, a smile on her face.

"Bess, shout to let me know you're here next time. You almost gave me a heart attack." I berated her as I opened the fridge and took out some ham, cheese and margarine. I grabbed some bread and began to make a sandwich as Bess walked over and settled down onto one of the stools at the counter.

"Sorry, Frost. How was training?" She asked as she stole a slice of cheese from the packet and ate it quickly before I could grab it back.

I chuckled under my breath as I shook my head, loving her even when she drove me crazy.

"Absolute torture. Perry planted me on my back five times in a row with that shoulder throw. I'm going to feel like I've been hit by a bus tomorrow, especially since I have to continue training with him later." I said as I finished my sandwich and put the stuff back in the fridge before taking a bite of my sandwich and sighing in bliss. I really shouldn't have missed breakfast this morning, but I'd been in a hurry because I'd slept in later than I'd meant to.

Bess let out a low whistle as she winced, as if she felt my pain.

"I know what a bitch that shoulder throw can be. It took me forever to learn how to counter it. If you don't get anywhere with Perry later, I could try teaching you if you want." She suggested, her voice full of sympathy.

I stopped chewing, staring at her for a moment. Bess was one of the prettiest girls I'd ever seen. She was small and curvy, with tanned skin, complete with freckles covering her arms and her face. Her eyes were light brown, with flecks of amber swirling in the depths, which I'd learned was the case with every fire elemental. They all had some variation of the colour of fire in their eyes. Her hair was curly, a force of nature, which she always complained about and it was the brightest red I'd ever seen. She was always complaining that she hates it, but I knew that she secretly loved it and wouldn't want it any other way despite the state it got in sometimes.

"You are the bestest friend in the world. If Perry completely annihilates me later, which is entirely plausible after the way it went this morning, I would love your help. It would probably help to try it against someone who isn't as strong as Perry." I said, a wide smile spreading across my face as I continued to eat my food.

Bess smiled back at me, two adorable dimples appearing on her cheeks. She was kinda like the little sister I'd never had and one of my best friends all rolled up into one. Plus she was surprisingly wise and gave great advice despite her age.

I was startled once again when Jules walked into the kitchen, her bare feet quiet against the marble floor. Her full name is Juliette, but she hates it, so she kept insisting that everyone call her Jules and it kinda stuck.

I'd been living with Bess and Jules since I joined The Order and we'd become best friends in that short time. I trusted them like I'd thought I'd never be able to trust anyone.

Where Bess was small and curvy, Jules was tall and willowy, her skin halfway between pale and tanned, the odd freckle marring her face and arms. Her eyes were a dazzling shade of emerald green, with specks of brown around the outside, which made them all the more striking. Her hair was a chocolate brown, curly and thick, which she tended to wear down, framing her face. I'd always thought that she looked like some gorgeous model that could wear anything and look beautiful, though I'd never told her that. She was the only earth elemental I'd ever met, but I'd heard that there were more of them all over the world.

"Why do neither of you warn me when you're here?" I asked, a little exasperated as I started on my second sandwich.

Jules smiled, lighting up her whole face, her eyes glittering with mischief and humour.

"Where's the fun in that? Besides, it's funny how it makes you jump when we just appear." She said, her tone playful.

I mock-scowled at them, though it dissolved into a smile almost immediately. I couldn't stay mad at them, no matter what they did. It was completely impossible.

"You two drive me crazy." I mumbled as I swallowed the last of my sandwich, before grabbing a carton of orange juice and gulping down half of it.

"That's what best friends are for." Bess said, her tone just as playful. I couldn't help but laugh, feeling content in this moment, spending time with two of my best friends.

"You talked to Max lately?" I asked Bess, referring to Rowan's best friend and the guy she is secretly in love with.

A dazed smile spread across her face, which told me the answer was yes.

"He told me some stories about when he was a kid the other day. I love that he's opening up to me about personal stuff. Maybe he does feel the same way." She said, her cheeks flushing red as her smile widened.

I couldn't help but smile too, feeling happy for her. Anyone that saw her and Max together knew that they were perfect for each other. They were just one of those couples that you knew would end up together no matter what happened.

"He definitely feels the same, Bess. You haven't seen the way he looks at you. We have." Jules chimed in as she swept her hair back off of her face, before leaning her arms on the counter in front of her.

Bess frowned, looking dubious, chewing her bottom lip nervously.

"I won't entirely believe it until I see a clear sign from him. For now, I'm just going to go with it and see what happens." She said, shrugging her shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal, when me and Jules both knew that it was.

"Whatever you want, Bess." I said before gulping down the remaining half of my orange juice.

"I'll tell you what I want; I want us three to go out tonight. Just us girls. I need a good night out." She said, her expression determined.

I groaned mentally because I could tell that this was one of the occasions where she would not take no for an answer. When she got like this, you had no choice but to give in, or never get any peace.

"I've got training with Perry later. I don't think I'll feel like going out and dancing after that." I said, knowing that I'd be aching all over and the only thing I'd want to do would be go to bed.

Bess pouted, her eyebrows furrowing and making her look adorable. It was torture saying no to her when she looked at you like that.

"That's exactly why I think it would be good for you too, Frost. Drinking and dancing is relaxing, which will help your sore muscles." She said. When she explained it like that, it sounded almost reasonable, but I knew that I'd wake up feeling even worse tomorrow.

"It would only add a hangover to my list of ailments, Bess." I said.

"I really need this, Frost. Please, will you come out tonight? For me?" She asked, making the tone of her voice sickly sweet and batting her big eyes at me while pouting.

I dropped my head into my hands with a groan, knowing that I couldn't say no to her when she looked at me like that. It was an unfair tactic for her to use to get me to do anything she wanted.

"You know I can't resist the sad puppy dog face." I said, my voice holding a hint of resentment.

She squealed in happiness as she blew me a kiss, a huge smile on her face, then she turned her gaze to Jules, who'd been sitting there quietly through the whole of our conversation.

"What about you, Jules? Are you in?" Bess asked, her tone hopeful.

Jules smiled mischievously, making her eyes gleam.

"You know I'm always up for a night out, Bess. You can definitely count me in." She said.

I just sat quietly while the two of them started muttering about where we were going to go and what they were going to wear, hoping that I wouldn't regret this in the morning.


"Perry?" I shouted as I walked into the gym, my muscles still aching from being thrown around like a rag doll earlier.

I dropped my bag onto a bench at the side of the room and pulled my hair up into a ponytail, keeping it off of my face.

"Perry? Where the hell are you?!" I shouted, getting a little annoyed that he seemed to be late to our training session.

"He's not here."

I jumped and spun around at the sound of the familiar voice, my heart in my throat, my stomach suddenly tight with nerves.

Rowan stood a few feet away from me, looking just as breathtaking as he always did, his hands shoved into the pockets of his black jogging bottoms.

When I managed to regain my composure, I scowled, annoyance coursing through me at the realisation that he was late. If I was ever late for our training sessions, he would lecture me for ages about it, yet it was okay for him to be late. The hypocrisy of it pissed me off.

"He said to meet him here at 4." I said, my annoyance showing in my voice.

Rowan walked towards me until he was standing in front of me, a foot of space between us. I could feel the heat radiating from his skin, the aura of a fire elemental. My fingers itched to reach out and touch him, to let his fire soak into me until I was nothing but a pile of ash.

I shoved the disturbing thoughts away and sat down on the bench, resting my elbows on my knees and looking up at him.

"I had to send him on a last minute assignment. I'll be training you this time instead." He said. His words completely caught me off guard. I'd always trained with Perry as we were both water elementals, which meant that our temperatures didn't affect each other. I'd never trained with Rowan before. I didn't know how we'd affect each other.

"Is that safe?" I asked, my voice filled with sceptical worry.

Rowan's expression didn't change. He looked just as emotionally closed off as he always did.

"I trained Perry before he found you. It's perfectly safe as long as there's no prolonged physical contact." He said, sounding completely certain.

I just nodded my head, acknowledging what he'd said. After a moment of silence, he frowned, showing a hint of worry.

"Is there a problem with me training you?" He asked, sounding unsure.

There was no way that I could get out of this without telling him about my doomed fascination with him, so I shook my head and plastered a smile onto my face.

"No problem at all." I said, managing to keep my voice strong and steady. I'd always been good at hiding my emotions, but my fascination with Rowan seemed to break through all of my walls. At least I could hide the depth of my fascination with him.

The thought of training with him, of touching him, made me feel dizzy. I'd always wondered what it would be like to touch his skin, to feel the heat of his power, but I'd never thought that I would actually get the chance. Now, I had no other choice but to touch him to learn the counter move that I needed to learn and the thought both exhilarated me and frightened me to death. I had no idea what my physical reaction to touching him would be. I had no idea the effect he'd have on me. The thought of not knowing terrified me.

"Let's get started. The sooner you learn this move, the sooner you can go home and rest." He said as he turned and walked into the white outline in the middle of the floor that marked it as one of the many training circles. I took a deep breath to prepare myself before following him, standing a couple of feet away and dropping into a defensive position, my hands fisted in front of my face, my feet wide apart.

He took a step towards me and I braced myself for the move I knew he was going to make, unsure of how strong he was because I'd never been on the receiving end of his strength. I would bet that he's at least as strong as Perry, if not stronger.

He suddenly grabbed my upper arm with his hand and before I could react, he flipped me over his shoulder, planting me on my back on the wooden floor behind him.

I hissed, waiting for the pain to ease before I stood up.

Rowan just stared at me for a moment with that unflinching gaze then he shook his head as a frown slipped onto his face.

"You need to focus, Frost. If you lose focus in the field, you're dead." He said, the tone of his voice harsh. I knew that he was right, but I hated being criticised, especially by him.

I nodded my head, knowing that he only needed the acknowledgement that I'd listened to him.

We went through the same thing again and again and again. He managed to plant me six times before I finally managed to counter the move.

He made to grab my upper arm like he did every time, but this time, instead of allowing him to flip me over his shoulder, I twisted to the side, breaking his grip. At the same time, I swept my leg out in front of me, knocking his feet from under him and sending him tumbling to the ground, landing on his back.

For a moment, all I could do was stand there in surprise. I'd actually managed to take him down. I'd finally mastered the counter for that attack.

Rowan sat up after a moment and I saw the hint of a smile cross his face before it turned impassive again.

"That was good." He said, sounding pleased.

My heart stuttered in my chest at his praise.

"Try it a few more times to make sure you have it covered." He said as he stood up.

I nodded and took a deep breath, automatically falling into a defensive position.

After a moment, he moved towards me. He reached out to grab my arm but as I twisted to the side to break his grip, I somehow managed to lose my balance and trip over my own feet. Before I could hit the floor, Rowan broke my fall by wrapping his arms around me. I bit my bottom lip hard to stop a gasp from escaping as I felt the bare skin of his arms press against mine. Every inch of my arms tingled where our skin met, as if an electric shock had passed from him to me.

Before I could think about what I was doing, I lifted my head and my gaze met his, our faces only inches apart, our breaths mingling.

His eyes had darkened to a fiery amber and his breath was hot against my face as we stared at each other, neither of us making a move to break the physical contact that would eventually become dangerous.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice deep and rough, trembling with the slightest hint of concern. I shivered slightly as his fingertips brushed my elbow and I saw him swallow hard, his eyes growing darker.

"I'm fine." I said, surprised when my voice came out steady and sure. My stomach felt like a nest of butterflies had taken flight inside it and my whole body felt as if it were on fire with the heat of his touch.

It surprised me how much his touch affected me. I'd expected it to be like any other fire elementals touch, but that wasn't the case at all. When I'd touched Bess before briefly while hugging, it had felt like warmth spreading through me. It had been a little uncomfortable, but also pleasant. When Rowan touched me, it was completely different. Heat coursed through my body, as if his power were flowing from him into me. Every inch of my skin that was touching his felt like an electric current were running through it, making me feel alive. I'd never felt like this before and it terrified me.

Rowan continued to stare at me for a few agonizingly long seconds, then he seemed to snap out of whatever this was. He blinked, then his eyes widened and he released me suddenly, nearly causing me to lose my balance again before I managed to compose myself.

He stepped away from me, blinking rapidly, as if trying to clear his head.

I struggled to hide how much I'd been affected by what had just happened. My face felt hot, which probably meant that I was blushing, which showed up infinitely more on me than normal people due to my light skin tone. My breathing was also irregular, each breath short and ragged, as if I was struggling to get air into my lungs. I was completely devastated by how Rowan's touch had made me feel.

That wasn't the only thing that was devastating me right now; As I continued to stare at Rowan, I noticed that he looked just as overwhelmed as me. His chest was rising and falling fast with his ragged breaths and he kept running his hands through his hair over and over again, which he did whenever he was nervous. I could also see that he was avoiding looking at me. That was one thing that Rowan never did. He'd always intimidated people with that unflinching stare of his, not breaking eye contact until they cracked, but right now, he was looking at anything besides me.

"I-I need to go. I have a meeting." He said suddenly, his voice rough and uneven, then before I could say a word, he strode away from me, disappearing out the door before I could stop him.

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