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Two years ago...

I used the shadows as a cloak as I tracked the demon down the litter-filled alleyway, taking care to stay out of sight. I was wearing all black so that I blended in to the shadows and I'd shoved my white-blonde hair under a black beanie hat so that the distinctive colour wouldn't give me away.

The demon strode down the alley, as I stalked him, readying myself to attack when he was least expecting it. It appeared as a man, with a muscular build, bright blue hair and vivid green eyes, but I knew that it was just a disguise. He was just hidden behind a shield, the horror of how he truly looked lurking below the surface.

I'd seen my fair share of demons in their true forms and I'd killed my fair share too. Tonight was no different.

The demon abruptly halted by a door set into the wall on one side of the alley and I withdrew my dagger from the sheath hidden underneath my sweatshirt, preparing myself to attack. I was about to step out of the shadows when someone grabbed my arm, halting my movement.

I twisted in the direction of the threat, even as I mentally cursed myself for not being more careful. I pulled my arm from the persons grip as I vaguely noted that it was a boy. He looked around 17 years old, one year my senior. His ice blue eyes were fixed onto my face, wide with surprise and awe and I could see strands of white-blonde hair trailing from his black baseball cap.

I glanced over my shoulder to determine whether I still had time to attack, but the demon had vanished, as if he'd never been in this alleyway. I turned back to the guy, my eyes narrowed, a scowl on my face, rage pumping through my blood, building with every second.

I was about to let rip at him when the aura radiating from him smashed into me like a tidal wave. Like a wave of ice penetrating my senses. I'd never met anyone like me before, but I instinctively knew that this guy shared my element. We were the same.

I stumbled backwards, my eyes wide with surprise, my words caught in my throat.

I'd met other elementals before, but never one that shared my element.

"I thought I was the only one." I whispered, my voice rough with wonder.

The guy blinked at me, his look of awe morphing into a smile.

"That's what I thought too. What's your name?" He asked, speaking for the first time. His voice was deep and had a slightly frosty hint to it, which I knew came from his powers, because my voice held the same frosty hint.

"Frost." I said, instinctively trusting this guy, though I didn't even know him. I'd felt an inexplicable connection with him from the moment I'd sensed his power. I'd thought I was alone in the world and now I knew that I wasn't the only one.

An amused smile flitted across his face, two dimples appearing on his cheeks, fascinating me.

"That figures. I'm Perry." He said.

An unexpected smile spread across my face, completely surprising me. I never smiled at anyone. I always kept my distance, remaining as cold as a glacier, never letting anyone get close. Suddenly, all of my walls were falling because of Perry, because we were the same. I wasn't alone, not any more.

"You cost me that demon." I said, some of the anger I felt leaching into my voice.

He frowned, looking a little confused. After a moment of silence, his gaze landed on the dagger in my hand and a look of realisation lit up his face.

Fire And Ice (The Elemental Order - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now