Bluestar x Oakheart - What Co...

By leopardsky

7.5K 97 133


Chapter One ~ A New Leader Rises
Chapter Two ~ Unsettled
Chapter 4 ~ The Welcoming
Chapter 5 ~ The Prophecy
Chapter 6 ~ Remembering

Chapter 3 ~ Blur

1.7K 12 26
By leopardsky

The next two days went by in a blur.

It was like Bluestar was in a trance - she never really saw or heard or thought properly. Clan life continued to go on around her, but she was stuck in one moment - the first time she properly saw Oakstar.

She'd been out on patrol with Sunstar, Lionheart, One-eye, and Swiftbreeze, which caught some RiverClan warriors sunning themselves on Sunningrocks. Lionheart had yowled a challenge, and Oakstar had come to investigate. He'd padded slowly along the scent markers, glancing at the patrol through the trees. Bluestar had hissed at him. She remembered how she was drawn into his gaze as his eyes gleamed; how his whiskers twitched as she called him a furball. She had no idea that one day, they would fall in love. She didn't know why her brain chose to go back to that moment - maybe because it was the beginning of their story. 

The patrols hunted and scouted, she gave announcements and orders, but she never really lived through any of it.

On the third day, Bluestar was finally jolted back to reality. Waking up that morning was like opening her eyes for the first time - everything looked sharper and brighter than usual. Maybe because I'm going to see him today. She groomed herself thoroughly - she didn't want RiverClan's warriors to think ThunderClan's leader was unkempt. Despite that, there was also a cloud of dread hanging over her head. A cloud that whispered to her, If you show any sign of affection; any sign of a relationship, all of your avoidance will have gone to waste. Everyone will find out the truth about you, and Mistyfoot and Stonefur. She and Oakstar had never spoken to one another since the day she gave him their kits, fearing that some cat might make the connection between Bluestar's lost kits and two strays arriving in RiverClan.  But now they had. A sudden jolt of fear coursed through her body. What if some cat had seen them meeting at Fourtrees?


Bluestar's head snapped up, eyes wide. She forced herself to relax as she saw Redtail standing at the entrance to her den. Great StarClan, what's wrong with me? "Yes?"

"The warriors are in the clearing. They're waiting for you to choose who will accompany you to formally welcome Oakstar as leader."

Bluestar gave a brisk nod and rose to her paws. "Let them know I'll come and choose now."

Redtail nodded, turned, and bounded down the rocks. As Bluestar moved towards the entrance of her den, her legs began shaking slightly. This was important - she needed to choose carefully, because not only would RiverClan's warriors judge her for her choice, Oakstar would, too. If she brought strong warriors, would they think she was preparing for a fight? If she brought warriors who were less likely to pick a fight, would they think ThunderClan was weak?

She moved carefully down the rocks, the feeling of dread in her stomach growing stronger and stronger; seeming to weigh down her every step as she moved from her den to the clearing. The ThunderClan warriors patiently waited as she came to a halt in front of them. "Today, I will take a patrol to formally welcome Oakstar as leader," she announced. Hopefully her voice didn't sound shaky. As she slowly moved her gaze across the cats sitting in front of her, her mind suddenly went back to that fateful patrol.

And she had an idea. A possibly stupid idea, but an idea nonetheless.

"Lionheart and One-eye." Eyes widened and clamours of protest rose from the cats gathered in front of her as she said the last warrior's name.


"Did I just hear you right?"

"You can't ask an elder to join you on a patrol!"

Amongst the clamour of tails and voices, Bluestar stood strong, head raised high. She raised her tail for silence, looking towards the elders who were sitting just outside their den. Shock was etched into One-eye's features. As the she-cat's eyes met, Bluestar desperately tried to communicate to her that she didn't just want her on this patrol - she needed her. After a few heartbeats, One-eye conceded, nodding and rising to her paws. "I'll go," she rasped. As the elderly she-cat padded across the clearing; wincing with every step, the warriors watched in shocked silence. Lionheart warily padded forward. His expression clearly told Bluestar he was confused and shocked, too. Despite this, Bluestar patiently waited for One-eye to join them. Once she had, Bluestar turned to her Clan and called, "We will be back soon," before turning to Lionheart. "Help One-eye through the forest if she needs," she told him softly. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, the four cats began moving towards the camp entrance.

The journey to the border that separated the two Clan's territories was, as expected, longer than usual. None of the cats spoke as they walked through the forest. Lionheart stayed closed to One-eye, making sure she didn't stumble or fall on the way. Bluestar could sense the pale golden tom was confused and annoyed at her, but she didn't mind, so long as the patrol could be the same as it was all those moons ago. Even though two of the members were long-dead, and another an elder.

As they reached and settled themselves at the RiverClan border to wait for a passing patrol, Lionheart hissed quietly, "Bluestar!" She turned her head to look at the tom. He stayed seated between the she-cats, but his fur bristled. "This... is quite possibly the worst way imaginable to formally welcome Oakstar!" Leaning closer to her, he hissed, "You've brought an elder  with you! What's that going to say to RiverClan?"

"RiverClan will say what they like." Bluestar kept her gaze fixed on the enemy Clan's territory, not even realising that the trance was returning as her mind filled with memories of sound and colour and light.

She was jolted back to reality when a scoff filled her ears. "What is this?"

A RiverClan border patrol consisting of Blackclaw, Loudbelly, and Heavypaw strolled up to the ThunderClan cats. Blackclaw's gaze moved over the patrol slowly, lingering the longest on One-eye. Bluestar raised her head defiantly, staring at the enemy warrior. "We are here to welcome Oakstar as leader," she mewed.

Mrrows of laughter rose from the RiverClan cats. Bluestar felt Lionheart stiffen beside her, chest rumbling with a growl. "Alright, alright," Blackclaw mewed, his voice still gurgling with amusement. "We'll take you to Oakstar."

"What was that?" One-eye mewed. "I'm a little hard of hearing these days."

Blackclaw dared to step over the border and leaned close to One-eye's ear. No doubt his fishy breath will repulse her, Bluestar thought, suppressing a mrrow of amusement.

"We're going to take you to formally welcome Oakstar," he mewed into it.

"Well, that is why we came, isn't it?" One-eye rasped. Blackclaw's eyes widened and he stepped back as the elderly she-cat rose to her paws. "Now if I were you, I'd get off our territory before Bluestar lets poor Lionheart over here claw you to shreds."

Blackclaw's narrowed gaze swung to the broad-shouldered tom, whose fur was bristling; lips drawn back in a snarl. Lionheart took one threatening step forward towards the RiverClan tom, who instinctively shrunk and moved backwards onto his own land. Realisation came into Blackclaw's eyes, and he immediately rose up, ears twitching in embarrassment. "We'll take you to Oakstar now," he muttered. His gaze sharpened as he looked to Loudbelly and Heavypaw. "Stay on either side of them."

As the six cats began to move through RiverClan territory, Loudbelly moved to Lionheart's side, while Heavypaw watched One-eye. Bluestar walked behind Blackclaw. As they moved through the territory, she couldn't help remembering when Oakstar had made her pretend she had a thorn in her paw so they could talk.

The night that followed was the best one of her life.

Before she knew it, they were approaching the entrance to the RiverClan camp. Everything became sharp and clear; her breathing became fast. She remembered why she was here. Bluestar realised she should never have asked One-eye to join her on the patrol. She was an elder; much too old to accompany a patrol. Plus, it was disrespectful. It was like she was back to the leader she used to be: young, strong, and capable. Why did I do that? Have I gone mad?

"One-eye." As she spoke, the cats stopped. The elderly cat turned to face her leader expectantly. Bluestar met her Clanmate's eyes. She remembered despite her handicap, it had never deterred her from being a warrior ThunderClan could be proud of. She remembered how she'd kept the older she-cat company while a patrol had gone to take Sunningrocks from RiverClan, and in turn, the older cat had comforted her in the wake of Snowfur's death and guided her in the days she was Mistyfoot and Stonefur's mother. She realised in a way, they had somehow been close over the course of their lives - and asking her to accompany her on the way to welcome her former mate was wrong. "You may go back to camp. I was wrong to bring you."

"She's here now," Blackclaw growled. "We're almost at the RiverClan camp, anyway. She can rest there." With that, the tom turned and continued leading the patrol. Shame clawed at Bluestar, but as the patrol neared the entrance to RiverClan's camp, she immediately pushed the feelings away and made herself look like the leader she knew she was.

As the patrol entered the RiverClan camp, heads turned and whispers sounded in Bluestar's ears. She anxiously began scanning the camp for Oakstar, but he was nowhere that she could see.

The RiverClan deputy, Leopardfur, padded over to the patrol. She looked at Blackclaw and asked, "What is the meaning of this?"

"Apparently, ThunderClan's leader has brought a pathetic patrol to formally welcome Oakstar as leader," Blackclaw mewed, glancing at the ThunderClan cats scornfully.

"That's enough."

Bluestar jumped at the sound of Oakstar's voice. Where did he come from?

The RiverClan leader stood commandingly, eyes narrowed at the black tom. "Go join the other warriors." Leopardfur flicked her tail, and the RiverClan cats trailed away. Oakstar watched them go. "Now," he mewed, turning his brilliant amber gaze to Bluestar, "let us continue."

Us. That word sent shivers running through Bluestar's body. They hadn't been 'us' for many, many moons. She could feel herself beginning to drown in his eyes; allowing her love for him to take over. No. She straightened up, trying to lessen the trembling in her legs, and said, "Welcome, Oakstar. I hope you are able to lead your Clan for many prosperous moons to come."

Oakstar closed his eyes for a brief moment as he nodded. They opened again as he replied, "Thank you. I hope so, too."

A scoff came from one of the warriors watching. Bluestar's gaze rested on Blackclaw as he mewed sarcastically, "ThunderClan's warriors must be so strong if she had to bring an elder to accompany her." 

 Another chimed in, "ThunderClan doesn't have any strong warriors, remember?" Mrrows of amusement rose from the RiverClan warriors. Bluestar's gaze whipped to the side as Lionheart moved forward to stand alongside her. "Say that again!" he snarled as he bared his teeth and dug his claws into the ground.

"Lionheart," Bluestar warned quietly, but her attention was caught by Blackclaw gracefully rising to his paws, a challenge in his eyes. "It's true. ThunderClan warriors are weak. Why else wouldn't you have tried to take back Sunningrocks from us?" He paused, glancing at his audience, before leaning his head forward and hissing triumphantly, "Because you know you'll never win. Never!"

"That's enough!" Oakstar roared, but not before Lionheart had crossed the camp and leapt on top of Blackclaw, scattering the warriors sitting around him. Bluestar watched in shock as the toms tussled, rolling into the middle of the camp. The two toms sprang apart for a moment before Lionheart turned onto his side, slipping under Blackclaw's belly and raking it with his claws before turning on all fours.  Lionheart reared up on his hind legs, ready to crush his weight on the RiverClan tom, but Blackclaw immediately rolled towards the tom's back legs, unbalancing him. Lionheart fell onto his back. As Blackclaw moved to pin him down, the golden tom rolled out of the way, swiftly getting to his paws before leaping at Blackclaw with a screech. The black tom reared up onto his hind paws and slashed at Lionheart's face. In the few moments Lionheart was blinded, Blackclaw knocked him to the ground, pinning him down and raking his belly. Lionheart screeched in pain.

Bluestar could watch no more. "Stop!" She darted across to the two toms, Oakstar on her heels. Oakstar hauled Blackclaw off Lionheart, who groaned and rolled to his side. The RiverClan leader dragged Blackclaw across the ground by his scruff. Oakstar's eyes were filled with rage. "How dare you provoke an enemy warrior on a peaceful patrol!"

Bluestar was just as mad with Lionheart. "You attacked a warrior on a peaceful patrol!" Leaning closer to the golden tom, she hissed in his ear, "What's that going to say to RiverClan?"

Lionheart's voice was husky. "You can't control your warriors."

"Exactly." Stepping back, she turned to Oakstar. "I apologise for this," she mewed. "He will be reprimanded accordingly."

"The same goes to you," Oakstar replied. Bluestar watched as the tom padded closer to her. She was surprised by the hostility in his eyes. "Despite that, I think it's time you get off my territory."

Bluestar couldn't move for a few moments. Was Oakstar angry at her for what had happened? Was he just putting on a show for their warriors to see? She couldn't think of an answer, and she knew she didn't have time to think it over there. She dipped her head respectfully. "As you wish," she mewed pleasantly.

"Leopardfur will guide you to the border." The RiverClan deputy padded forward, dipped her head to Oakstar, and flicked her tail before guiding the ThunderClan warriors out of the camp.

Bluestar leaned close to Lionheart. "Can you walk? You'll need to get Spottedleaf to check your wounds once we get back."

Lionheart grunted. "I'm fine," he mewed. Bluestar didn't miss the pain in the tom's eyes, and she instinctively moved closer to him, allowing him to lean on her shoulder. He didn't protest. Meanwhile, Leopardfur helped One-eye through the forest. As they reached the border, Bluestar asked, "Would it be okay if you came with us to the camp? I can't help Lionheart and One-eye at the same time."

Leopardfur looked surprised at her request, but nodded. "I'm sure Oakstar won't mind."

It wasn't long before they reached the ThunderClan camp. Bluestar helped Lionheart across to the medicine den while Leopardfur helped One-eye to the elders' tree. Spottedleaf met Bluestar and Lionheart halfway. "What happened!?" she meowed, eyes widening with alarm as she saw Lionheart's injuries.

Bluestar mewed, "While we were in the RiverClan camp, Blackclaw provoked Lionheart to the point where he attacked him." Glancing at the tom, she added, "Blackclaw put up quite a fight."

Spottedleaf flicked her tail. "Come and I'll take a look at you." As the cats were about to go, Bluestar mewed, "Lionheart." The tom looked at her wearily. "Don't do that again," she mewed. He swallowed and nodded before turning to follow Spottedleaf. Bluestar turned her attention to Leopardfur, who was padding across the ThunderClan camp towards her. The warriors were giving her suspicious looks and whispering to one another.

"One-eye got there okay," she reported. "You might want to get Spottedleaf to look at her, too."

Irritation flashed through Bluestar. "You don't tell me what to do, fish-breath," she spat. "I'm the leader here, and as leader, I think you should go back to where you came from."

Shock, then annoyance flashed over Leopardfur's face. "That was a great thank you," she mewed, turning to go. She paused and looked over her shoulder at Bluestar. "Don't expect me to help ThunderClan again. Next time, you carry them both." With that, the RiverClan deputy left.

"What happened?" Bluestar groaned inwardly at yet another voice; another cat seeking her attention and care. Redtail padded towards her. 

"I'll hold and Clan meeting and let everyone know," she replied, not letting her irritation and weariness show through her voice. Redtail looked at her quizzically for a moment, then nodded. Bluestar called for a Clan meeting, and then let the warriors know what happened at the RiverClan camp.

"Will he be punished?" Willowpelt mewed.

"He will be punished according to his actions," Bluestar replied. "That is all." As the warriors dispersed, Bluestar padded into her den and flopped onto the bedding. She rested her head on her paws, closing her eyes. She'd gotten a bad feeling from Oakstar's hostility towards her. Should she be worried about that? Despite trying to comfort herself...

Something told her she should.



Sorry for it taking SO LONG to get out... I had writer's block for a really, really long time, but now I know where to take this story! It's gonna get reeeeaaaal interesting ;)

Thank you all so much for your eagerness to read this! It's helping me have motivation to write. As always, leave a vote and comment. If you guys have any suggestions on what you want to see in this story, just comment them down below, and if I use one in the chapters to come, I'll dedicate the chapter to you and give you credit!

Thank you for reading!! xx

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