Easy On My Heart (Pokeshippin...

By 1hr2minsAhead

20.3K 471 239

I felt a stab of something unfamiliar. Was it anger? Hurt? Sorrow? I felt it stab again as I listened to Ash... More

>Chapter 1<
>Chapter 2<
>Chapter 4<
>Chapter 5<
>Chapter 6<
>Chapter 7<
>Chapter 8<
>Chapter 9<
>Chapter 10<
>Chapter 11<
>Chapter 12<
>Chapter 13<
>Chapter 14<
>Chapter 15<
>Chapter 16<
>Chapter 17<
>Chapter 18<
>Chapter 19< (Part 1/2)
>Chapter 19< (Part 2/2)
>Chapter 20<
>Thank You!<

>Chapter 3<

1.1K 23 5
By 1hr2minsAhead

   I stopped short as I saw Korrina at her locker. With Clemont. They were laughing as Korrina pulled out some books.

   My heart froze and teared all over again as Korrina leaned over a gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek. Clemont turned bright red as he gave the same treatment back to her.

   Misty looked at where I looked. She slowly took out her hammer.

   "It's him, isn't it?" She growled. I tore my gaze away, a tear slowly trailing down my cheek. She saw my answer, and without waiting to say anything, she charged down the halls. I gasped as she headed towards Clemont and Korrina.

   I hurried after her, sliding down the hallway floors. "Misty! Wait! Don't do it!" I called out to her, trying to catch up to her. She stopped short, and turned slowly to me, confusion written on her face.

   Clemont and Korrina was gaping at me as well, trying to put two to two together. Clemont was holding Korrina's hand protectively.

   "Why Serena? Why did you stop her, even though I deserved it, breaking your heart a third time," Clemont asked. Korrina gasped as processed this information.

   "A third time?" Korrina whispered, sympathy easily showed through her bright blue eyes. I nodded stiffly at her. I turned my eyes to Clemont, and tore it away as I turned around.

   "Maybe it's because I still love you Clemont. And when you love somebody, you want them to be happy," I took a deep breath. "I... just wasn't the one to give you the happiness you deserved."

   I squeezed my ocean blue eyes as I pushed forward, running away from my problems as I always do.

   "Serena! Wait!" Misty yelled after me. I didn't stop as I pulled the main entrance door, running to my freedom and away from my heart.

   I heard Misty yelling insults at Clemont about how he never deserved me in the first place. Korrina was defending for him as Misty ran after me.

   I ran on the sidewalk, my my red skirt brushing past my legs as I picked up the pace. I tried my best to run as fast as I could, but I could never outrun Misty. She's always motivated to be compete and win.

   Just like Iris, only Iris is more wild and always speaks what's on her mind, even if it insults someone. Misty is a little more cautious, but not as cautious as me.

   I'm always the coward. The scaredy-cat. The crybaby. Ash use to stick up for me, before he left me for Gary. The rivals of the school, as everyone calls them.

   I would have called them traitors, but I've always been soft. Too forgivable. Give out too many chances. I couldn't be mad at Ash, no matter how much he betrayed and hurt me.

I've been bullied twice as hard every since they found out. Then, Misty moved into town, stepped into my battle, and saved me. We were best friends ever since.

We know everything about each other. During an exchange school program, Misty and I got the same school. At Flair and Style Academy (FSA), we met Dawn and May. Well, more like I met and befriended them first.

At their school, you learned to style animals to their best beauty. It was all so interesting, while Misty befriend Iris from the Unova Junior High. Iris was just like Misty at FSA, bored, not interested, and feeling contained against their will.

   I met Meitte too, she was the Beauty Queen at FSA, until I had beaten her in a performance of style. We became friends, as well as rivals. The sweet and fun, blue-haired girl that Calem had loved and broke my heart for.

   My heart tightened, as my legs began to wear down. I glance behind me and saw Misty's bright red hair and ocean blue eyes just an inch from my pale blue eyes.

"Arceus, Misty!" I yelped. She backed up and grabbed my thin, tan arm with her pale hand. She led me to a nearby bench. We stayed in silence for a moment.

"You know, what Dawn said yesterday was right," Misty quietly spoke to me. My mind was fogged up from the wave crash of memories from Calem, Red, and Clemont.

"What... what did she say again?" I mumbled, my eyes staring at the green grass beneath my black sneakers.

   "Dawn said that you will find someone one day. All you need is patience."
   I lean back, now staring at the cloudless blue sky.

"My heart is broken. Only love can stitch it back together, but I cannot feel it anymore."

782 words

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