A New Start

By MistyC06

493 24 17

-Sailor Moon and Supernatural (TV show) fanfiction crossover story- This Sailor Moon story takes place after... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 10

16 1 1
By MistyC06

Melody sighed, and explained, "Because last time we try to have a normal day in practice, we didn't. Suddenly, you had to go save Serena and her family. I was so mad, but not at her. You see, Serena and I had become best friends. The reason I became furious was...I couldn't help fighting to protect my-our second home."

Melody peered at Serena and implied. "If you have ever wondered, you meet him through me. You two were the cutest couple. Still are," Miss. Charleston corrected herself.

In future action, Melody faced Darien.

"You promised when you got back that we would continue to train, but sadly you didn't come back!" Melody drifted off and later confessed. "I do say it was refreshing, but scary." She admitted, taken back to the previous action. Due to this it made her giggle.

The guardians had a dumbfounded expression.

"Mel, I'm sorry! I really didn't know? Um-Why was it dire?" Darien posed calmly.

"After ALL these years-You would still call me by the name you picked out. It wasn't supposed to be frightening," Melody concluded and grinned.

"Ah. Are you guys witches, or something?" Darien questioned.

At that moment, he perceived her serious demeanor.

"Yes we are. I can assure you we are the good ones. Somehow, you're not a- Don't have any-Never could figure that out-Never mind." Melody riposted, while Darien was confused, but shrugged it off.

"So, what's the plan for defeating this evil scum?" Raye asked.

"Number one, it's not the evil scum you're thinking of. Number two, this is nothing you came across before," Fancy specified.

"Number three?" Raye taunted.

"Number three is we stick together!" Melody put forward.

"But how can we defeat this new enemy?" Amy implored, interested.

"Don't worry Amy, we will find a way. This Neconda creature will know the Sailor Scouts!" Lita exclaimed, confidently.

"He needs to be stopped, that's for sure!" Willow commented.

The girls headed on home, but the warriors linger by. Thereupon, Serena quizzed the following.

"Hey Melody! Would you come with us? Please? I have some more questions to ask?"

"Sure." Melody put forth, and nodded to the other two women to go on without her.

Subsequently, the three arrived at Darien's apartment. After they entered inside, Darien detected the answer machine flashing. He went over and pushed the play button, it voiced out:

"Hey, Mr. Shields-Darien! This is Richard Netter from the hospital. Could you give me a call back when you get this?!"

Soon after, the machine beeped off indicating that was the end of the message.

"Girls, make yourself at home. I need to make a phone call." Darien announced, while he searched for the number in his cell phone.

Directly, Darien punched the number into the home phone. He turned and went into another room and shut the door.

"Okay," they spoke in unison.

Serena in a way felt bummed. She didn't know if it was where she couldn't defeat this new enemy. Or the fact she promised she wouldn't stay at Darien's, until they were wed. Actually, Lita had already told her mom that Serena would be staying with her. Lita was right, after fighting any evil scum, it had left her drained. If she tried to make an extra few blocks to her house, it wouldn't work. For starters she passed out from exhaustion on the sidewalk. This she knows too well, because she tried one night and did exactly that. If Darien took her home, that might not work either. Because it wasn't that long ago, they had almost got caught. Serena shook her head and reflected on how exciting it was to meet a wonderful group of fighters.

Melody examined how the kitchen and dining room was smaller than the living room. As she approached Serena, who had made herself at home. She surveyed the white walls and little amount of decorating. The kitchen had the usual appliances such as a stove, microwave, and a fridge. The dining room had a small wooden table with two chairs facing one another underneath the long green cloth-material tablecloth. Melody proceeded to the living room. It had a couch, a love seat, and a big entertainment center with a huge TV.

Serena sighed, which brought Melody back to earth. She witnessed that Serena was in deep deliberation. In doing so, Melody cleared her throat.

"Sorry, I spaced out like that. I guess it's me settling down from the fight."

"That's okay. What were you wanting to talk to me about?" Melody probed.

"Well...Um...Let's, see?" Serena imparted, with one finger up to her lips as she began to think. "How about-"

Serena was interrupted by Darien who also cleared his throat and verbalized.

"Girls, I'm sorry, but I have to go to the hospital. Dennis called in, because one of his family members was hurt and needed to leave. They can't find anyone else, and they are swapped.

"Are you sure you will be alright? You didn't sleep any?" Serena beseeched, worried.

"I'll be fine, Serena. Don't worry! It's just a few hours," Darien stated.

Next, he bent down and kissed her lips, followed by a goodbye. She returned the kiss and uttered a "Goodbye."

"Melody, you're welcome to stay if you want to?!" Darien mentioned.

"That's okay, Darien. I understand. Thank you for the invite, but I too will have to leave." Melody acknowledged.

Darien nodded and went out the door.

"So, Serena, I see Darien and you are leaving together?" Melody pointed out, as she peeked at Serena's things in the apartment.

"Well, kinda. It's a long story!" Serena noted.

"Oh, I got time." Melody remarked, excitedly.

"But- I thought you-" Serena declared, bewildered. At that point, she saw Melody was motioning her to go on.

"Well, it's like this...Darien is my-and the girl's tutor. And sometimes after we battled a monster, I would stay here. Mom and Dad don't know about it, or me being Sailor Moon. I think for right now it's better that way." Serena expressed honestly.

"I agree, but you know sooner, or later you have to tell them that you guys are the future King and Queen!" Melody ordained.

"Yeah, I know. I'm slowly working on that. So, let me get this straight. You're Darien's younger sister and a princess?!" Serena replied, as she verified.

"Yes, I am his sister, but not a princess. I refuse that title." Melody undisputed and changed the subject. "How did Darien and you meet in this lifetime?"

"Oh! Let's just say when we first met, he was a jerk, and I was an immature girl. I'm glad it's not like that now. Darien is more protective than ever! I love him so much and I know in my heart he loves me too!" Serena responded, cheerfully.

"WOW! That's good! I am so happy for you guys! I'm surprised, because Darien really hasn't changed since that many years ago." Melody observed.

"Why didn't his memories of you return when the rest did?" Serena requested, curiously.

"I really don't know. Unless, where he was searching for the moon princess-well you. That the rest was lost to him and you," Melody suggested.

"Must have. Yeah. I suppose." Serena shrugged and pressed. "So, we hung out? When the Moon Kingdom was thriving?"

"Yes, we did. We had become close friends. That's how you meet Eny. Your kingdom was having a ball and I helped you put all the decorations up. When he came to pick me up. I nudged you to ask him to go to it and of course he said yes. And you know the rest," Melody indicated.

"I don't remember that?!" Serena pronounced sadly and added with befuddled, "Endy?"

"It's okay. Everything happened so fast on that dreadful day. Oh that was his nickname back then, but he is known as Darien. I guess I just call him Dar," Melody affirmed.

"He won't mind. I have a question?" Serena catechized.

"What's that?" Melody inquisitioned.

"Well, don't take this the wrong way. With what resulted on the moon a long time ago-And being revitalized in all. Well, how come you remember? How is it possible?" Serena exhorted, in a struggle with the right words.

"Why I look like I do? How do I resemble so young you mean?" Melody impugned.

"Yes?" Serena whispered.

"Silly, I was reborn too. See, back at Moon Kingdom, I only had my fighting skills. However, I guess the witch in me helped recover those memories." Melody submitted.

"I guess," Serena proclaimed and both girls shrugged at one another.

Melody and Serena talked for hours about anything and everything that had happened to them. Their reactions, shocked as they both realized their future outcome. Melody had found out a lot about her brother. That he wanted to be a doctor. Melody was ecstatic of this fact provided. It was nice to know that her brother was the same as he was in his previous life.

Serena comprehended how close the siblings had been, and hoped in this life they would remain that way. Melody had specified that she didn't mind it, but at times it annoyed her. For instance, he would finish her sentences, before she could get it out of her mouth. Serena smiled at that information.

Serena peeked at the clock, it read two minutes after three in the morning, she alluded.

"No wonder, I'm yawning like crazy. It's after THREE AM!"

"Is it?!" Melody inquired, shocked.

Serena nodded that it was accurate.

"I think I will take Darien's offer, about staying overnight. If you don't mind?" Melody commended.

"No, I don't mind. Just make yourself at home," Serena alleged, drowsy.

"Could I please use the shower?" Melody proffered.

"Sure." Serena answered, as she got up to show Melody the way to the bathroom.

Serena wheeled around and went into the bedroom. Shortly, she came back and had a soft pink robe in her hands.

"I hate to ask. Where I don't have any clean clothes with me. May I borrow your washer? I do apologize." Melody queried, troubled.

"Yes, you can. Here." Serena vocalized and handed her the house gown.

"Oh, I can't. It's yours-"

"I insist," Serena encouraged.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." Melody maintained, in appreciation.

"Just place your clothes outside of the bedroom, and I will throw them in the wash. I will get the dryer ready where you can just push the button."

"There's no need. I can do that!"

"You are our guest." Serena conveyed, as she brushed her words off.

"Okay. Thanks, by the way." Melody rejoined, as she went into the bathroom and closed the door. She began to undress herself. From there on, she opened the door one fourth of the way. Afterwards, she slid her clothes out and dropped them onto the floor. Where Serena scooped them up and headed into the utility room.

"No problem," Serena murmured, sluggish.

Serena proceeded into the washroom. Where she placed Melody's clothes in the machine and poured a cup of washing powders, before starting it. Followed by Serena fixed the settings on the dryer. That way, Melody could just simply hit the flashing button that read, 'Start.'

Serena walked slowly into the bedroom and flopped down. She snuggled closely on the soft, comfortable mattress, and soon fell asleep.

Melody noticed the huge bathroom. It had a shower, a garden tub, commode, and two sinks. The floor was varnished in white marvel with red roses in each square. The walls an off cream white color. The shower stall was big enough to fit two or three people in. She turned on the water. Melody double check for her towel and washcloth. Lastly, she headed into the shower and shut the door.

The water felt nice, the pressure and temperature hit the right spots on Melody's back. She closed her eyes and let the water wash away her troubles.

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