Star Crossed No More (Sequel...

By Kerry_Belchambers

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Fourteen months ago, Jesse said goodbye to the two women she'd met and fallen in love with in the small town... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

11.3K 403 156
By Kerry_Belchambers

Jesse was feeling restless because it was Sunday and she had nothing to do. No amount of reading could fill the empty space within her. She was tempted to call Lana to find out if she had any plans for the day so that they could pass the time together.

When she heard a knock on the door, she almost bolted in eagerness, hoping it was Lana or Fred or anyone who could somehow manage to distract her.

The last person she expected to find when she opened the door was Billy and when she did, her heart sunk and her hands shook. She had been so desperate for company she almost thought she was hallucinating.

“Jesse,” Billy said, stating her name in a breathless whimper.

Jesse was so overwhelmed by her presence, she found it hard to talk. After getting used to seeing Billy everyday then going days without seeing her, it felt like her sight had been lacking and the only way she could quench that thirst was by staring back at Billy.

“May I come in?” she asked.

Jesse took a couple of steps back, letting Billy in. She didn’t know what Billy was doing there because their last encounter had been difficult and she had thought she would never see Billy again. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her palms were sweaty. Billy had always had many different types of effects on Jesse, but seeing her at her doorstep made her extremely nervous.

“What… what are you doing here?” she stuttered.

“I love you Jesse,” Billy said.

The words were as unexpected as the loud thud of her beating heart. She must have heard wrong because last she’d seen her, Billy had hated her guts.

“I’m in love with you.”

It was taking some time for Jesse to fully absorb and understand Billy’s words but Billy’s impatience burnt through her and in a split second, her eyes shone with limitless depth, drowning Jesse in a pool of unspoken emotions.

She touched Jesse’s face, and gazed into her eyes, making words unimportant because everything she needed to say, Jesse could clearly see in her eyes; those beautiful eyes that had always had a breathless effect on her.

Billy drew her closer and her mouth softly covered Jesse’s. The kiss started off gently, but Jesse’s recent realization and everything she felt that she’d always held back or hidden from Billy came awake. She was no longer frightened. She wanted everything Billy had ever made her feel incinerate her, even if it would reduce her into ashes.

Billy’s hands moved from her face to her shoulders as their kiss deepened. Jesse had rejected her so many times in their past encounters she was afraid her mind might have been playing tricks on her. How was all this possible? How was Billy there? How could she kiss Jesse with such passion after the pain she’d caused? The questions harassed her until she pulled away.

“Billy, wait, what’s going on?” she asked.

Billy did not let her go. She continued holding her in her arms and something about it comforted Jesse. Did she still truly love her even after the damage she had caused? The pain she had inflicted?

“Do you really want me to stop?” Billy asked, leaning closer to recapture her lips in a kiss.

“Oh Billy, I don’t want you to stop. I don’t ever want you to stop. But I’m scared I’m going to open my eyes and all this will be a dream,” she said, speaking her heart for the very first time in a long time.

“Why are you scared?” Billy asked.

“Because I’ve hurt you so much and turned you away so many times; how can I just open the door and see you there so ready and willing to take me in your arms and tell me you love me?”

“I never really stopped fighting for you. I knew, even though I thought I had lost you, that I would always love you. And now I need to know how you feel, I need to know if you love me back,” Billy said.

“I do, Billy. I always loved you. But I didn’t know how much until I thought I had lost you. I’m deeply and hopelessly in love with you.”

Billy crushed her lips.

The overwhelming need to want everything Jesse had ever denied herself consumed her entire being as Billy’s arms moved around her body, free to finally embrace and explore her. A savage need to want to feel Billy’s hands against every inch of her flesh had Jesse snapping the buttons of her shirt apart, sending them flying around the room.

Billy took off the shirt and her fingers skimmed over Jesse’s naked flesh, exciting her further. This was what she had really hungered for; this raw passion, this savage torturous need and that throbbing ache between her legs, ready for the one touch that would heal her forever.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she said against Billy’s lips.

“It can’t possibly be as much as I’ve missed you,” Billy said.

Jesse slightly pulled away to meet her gaze. Billy’s eyes were naked with feral passion and desire. This was the woman she had fallen in love with; the woman who had driven her insane from their very first night together.

She lowered her mouth to Billy’s and a rush of pleasure overcame her. Billy’s mouth grew demanding and Jesse met her with the same intensity, the same greed, the same torrid yearning and still, she could not get enough.

Billy yanked her clothes off, tearing them away when they did not come off as quickly as their matched desire demanded and her hands traced Jesse’s flesh, branding her once again with her love. She was passionate and possessive, just as Jesse fondly remembered. The level of their sexual excitement would have set the house ablaze had a lighter been lit at that very moment.

She took Jesse to her bedroom and quickly removed their last garments of clothing. They feasted on one another, quenching their visual lust for each other like vultures in a desert, then they attacked and both got in the bed.

Pleasure glistened all over Jesse’s skin, covering her with invisible sensations of unimaginable need as Billy began a savoring journey with her lips, showing Jesse just how much she had missed her. It felt like it was too much too soon and Jesse could hardly contain herself as all those sensations went to concentrate on that part of her being that most desired Billy’s touch.

“More?” Billy murmured.

“Yes, give me more,” Jesse begged.

And Billy gave her more. She devoured her flesh like a starved cannibal and Jesse thought she would combust into a ball of flames as she moaned uncontrollably. She had forgotten how much fire Billy could actually awaken in her.

The scorching, overwhelming increase of tormenting delight was going to destroy Jesse as Billy’s mouth, teeth and tongue explored her, driving her closer and closer to a peak she was unprepared for because of the destruction her release would create at the mercy of Billy’s roaring fervor.

She gripped her own hair, holding fast as her body built up, heat pumped through her flesh, pain fused with pleasure in a vicious cycle of unending orgasmic bliss. She arched her hips, as Billy’s mouth devoured her and she released a cry, unable to control her body anymore as it took on a mind of its own.

At that point, Billy must have thought she was ready because she held her in place and without missing a beat, slid inside her. Jesse’s eyes flew open as her lips trembled and her muscles quivered. She could not take the torture anymore; it would destroy her.

“Please,” she begged for release. “Please let me come, Billy.”

Jesse’s vision blurred as Billy plunged deep inside her. Unable to hold on, unable to let go, Jesse screamed as her body tore apart, giving way to the most powerful orgasm her body had ever experienced. Then Billy released her, collapsing on top of her.

Jesse’s mind was trapped in that burst of pleasure as her body experienced intense orgasmic aftershocks. Her entire body continued to spasm as though stuck in the rhythmic dance of release and she continued to lay there until her body would go numb.

It scared her to know that this woman had the power to drive such needs through her. She had power over her heart and body.

“Are you okay?” Billy asked softly, reaching for her lips for a kiss.

It took her a while to come back, but eventually, she did. She felt like she had been lost in limbo and been stuck there for all eternity and for the first time in forever, she could breathe again.

“I love you, Billy. I love you with every fragment of my being,” she said.

“I love you, Jesse.”

Jesse met her gaze and smiled. She found such comfort in her eyes, her fear disappeared. If this was how she felt with Billy, then it only went to prove that she had never been supposed to be with Alex.

“I don’t feel the same way about Alex. I need you to understand that. You are everything I’ve ever wanted. It just took me a while to see it,” she said.

“She told me that we have her blessing to be together. We made up yesterday. I wanted to come straight here and tell you, but I needed to be in a clear state of mind when I saw you again. I needed to be able to make you feel this way.”

Jesse pulled her closer and kissed her lips. “I can’t believe how much time I wasted. I should have just followed my heart.”

“No, don’t do that. This is better. This way we’re not hurting anyone. There’s no guilt, no resentment and finally, no heartache. We can be together, openly and happily, the way it always should have been,” Billy said.

Jesse was happy to hear her say that but she was still afraid and reluctant. “What about what happened between me and Alex? Can you ever forgive me for that?” she asked.

Billy’s expression changed to a sullen sadness then slowly lit up in a bright beautiful smile. “When I fell in love with you, I knew how you felt about Alex and I knew something like that might happen. I wasn’t prepared for how much it would hurt me, but I guess it needed to happen in order for us to be together. So yes, I forgive you. We can now put it all behind us and move on.”

Jesse wrapped her arms around Billy’s neck when she moved on top of her, letting the friction of their naked bodies excite her.

“You’re my heart, Jesse and I’m not ever going to let you go.”

“And you’re mine,” she whispered softly against Billy’s lips.

The rest of the day was spent in the warm cocoon of Jesse’s bedroom and there was no dull moment in between.


“I don’t know how I feel about this,” Jesse said.

“Come on, Jesse. You’ve already met everyone, you shouldn’t be nervous,” Billy said.

It had been a week since they had gotten back together and Jesse couldn’t remember ever having been so happy in her life. She smiled and laughed more, which essentially made her feel free to be herself. Every morning she woke up next to Billy, her dreams were renewed and she felt like she had a new leash on life.

When Jesse looked at Billy, her heart would swell in love, at times even experiencing panic attacks because of how intense, fulfilling and exciting that emotion could be. It comforted her to know that just looking at Billy, she could everything she felt reflecting back on her. So she was not alone.

She had mentioned in passing that her birthday was coming up, and Billy had suggested a small intimate party, which Jesse had not been supportive of, but Billy was eager to reacquaint her with the group of friends. Lana had been ecstatic to learn they had gotten back together and Jesse was glad to know there was at least one person in the group that still liked her.

She took a deep breath and walked in with Billy by her side. She instantly remembered Max and Jade, who were kind enough to approach her and warmly greet her, though she got a bit of a negative vibe from Max.

Jesse didn’t blame her because she had hurt the two people Max loved the most, but she knew in time she would win her over. Lana gave her a big hug shortly after scolding her for not mentioning the birthday to her earlier.

There was no sign of Alex, but Jesse forced herself to understand that this whole thing couldn’t have been easy on her. There were several other people present that Jesse did not know, but were friends of the group, so she was glad that there wasn’t that much attention on her.

There was a surprise guest in the crowd, the last person it seemed, even Billy had expected, Kim. Jesse did not know who had invited her, but after their history, she prayed there would not be any drama.

“Did you know she was coming?” she asked Billy when they got a minute alone.

“No, someone in the group must have invited her. But you should know, you have nothing to worry about.”

She wasn’t worried, which was a relief because it meant that she was confident in Billy’s feelings for her. She just didn’t want to be involved in any uncomfortable situations.

They had a couple of drinks, which made it easy for them to relax and at some point Lana came and took her aside to catch up.

“Guess what?” Lana said.

She was beaming and Jesse was pleased to see her so happy.

“What?” she asked.

“It finally happened,” Lana said.

Jesse wasn’t sure what she was talking about at first, but when Lana’s grin did not waver, she got a bit of an idea. “You finally got laid,” she said.

Lana nodded and Jesse held in a laugh.

“Are you two officially back together? Or are you still working things out?”

“I had forgotten how good Jade is in bed, so at this point, the line is severely blurred.”

Jesse broke into laughter, and Lana joined her. She didn’t realize how much fun she was having until that moment. How could she have been so lucky that not only had she gotten the woman she truly loved and wanted; she had also managed to form a close and intimate friendship with Lana.

“Incoming,” Lana warned.

Jesse thought it was Billy coming to join them.

“See you later,” Lana pecked her cheek and almost practically ran off.

Jesse turned around, and her heart started pounding almost immediately when her gaze met Alex’s. They had not seen or spoken to each other since their last interaction a week earlier. As nervous as Jesse was, she realized her feelings for Alex were those of warm affection now.

“Hey birthday girl,” Alex said.

“Hey Alex,” she said.

“You look surprised to see me.”

“I didn’t think you’d come.”

“I couldn’t miss it.”

“Thank you for coming and for being cool with this whole thing. I know it can’t be easy on you.”

“It’s actually easier than I thought it would be. I guess seeing two people I care deeply about being so happy and having played a role in making it happen gives one a great sense of fulfillment,” Alex said.

Jesse smiled.

“I hope this will be the beginning of a beautiful long friendship.”

After all that had happened, it was good to see Alex back to being her old herself. “I hope so too,” she said.

Alex took a step forward and pecked Jesse on the cheek. “Happy birthday, Jesse,” she said.

As she walked back to their friends, Jesse saw Billy approaching and felt a magnetic pull towards her. They met halfway to each other and Billy gently took Jesse in her arms. Billy had made up with Alex and it was nice to see them back to being good friends again.

“Thank you for this. I thought it would be tense and uncomfortable but I am glad I was wrong.”

“You are welcome.”

Billy kissed her softly and Jesse responded, loving how perfectly she fit in her arms.

“We should join our friends before this sudden urge to get you out of here consumes me,” Billy said against her lips.

“It would be rude to leave my own party,” Jesse said in between kisses as her body temperature rose.

Billy’s hands skimmed over her body. “Maybe we could come back later,” she said.

“Let’s go,” Jesse said and Billy took her hand and they left the bar, heading to Billy’s car. It was foolish to think their love and lust for one another would give them a chance to drive away because soon as they managed to make it to the car, their fate was sealed, from that point on to eternity.

Jesse had gotten a rare chance to experience love and pain at the hands of two different but lovable women and that chance had forced her to search deep down within herself, and the face she had found had been Billy’s.

Seeing Alex again that evening only went on to prove that what she felt for Billy was beyond herself. It was beyond her heart, her mind, her choice. Billy had chosen her, and at the end, it was all that mattered and Jesse was grateful for that because she was going to spend the rest of her life in the arms of the one person who would never give up on fighting for her.



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