Thanatos: The Blue Dawn

Devita33 द्वारा

1.2M 65.8K 19.9K

*COMPLETED* (Book #2 in the DAWN series) #19 in Fantasy Aurora Venerelli, the new goddess-to-be in Olympus... अधिक

(2)Cyan Flavoured Desire
(3)Stirred and Viridian-filled
(4)Trickery in Teal
(5)With Navy Nuance
(6)Drowning Deeper in Blue
(7)Sapphire Surrealism
(8)Thoughts as Deep as the Aegean
(8.2)Thoughts as Deep as the Aegean
(9)Olympian Blue
(10)A Mask of Cobalt
(11)Indigo Heat
(12)Blueberry Clouds
(13)Turquoise Family Tapestry
(14)Spindrift Blue Barracades
(15)Azure Nights
(16)Even-handed Aqua
(17)Breaking the Ice
(18)Steely and Arctic Tactics
(19)Deep Sea Dreaming
(20)Amidst Blue Flames
(21)Lapis Lazuli Souls
(22)Powder Blue Blaze
(23)A Sea of Lavender and Ash
(24)Aquamarine Haven
(25)Zaffre Dagger
(26)Aurora Borealis
(27)My Tavernier Diamond
(28)Opal Pardon
(29)Whole Cerulean Hearts
(30)Bleu de France (Part 1)
(30)Bleu de France (Part 2)
(31)Path of Midnight-Blue
(32)Hell is a Forgotten Blue
(33)Moonstone Delights
(34)Denim, Deities and Departures
(36)Under a Navy sky
(37)Periwinkle with Serendipity (Part 1)
(37)Periwinkle with Serendipity (Part 2)
(38)The Royal Blue Treatment
(39)Capri Bonds
(40)Blue-bathed Revelations
(41)The Glaucous Corrosion
(42)Hyacintho Daemonium
(43)A Tanzanite Throne for my legacy
(44)Confessions of the Night sky
(45)Blue dusk
Azurian Threads- The Tales Book
Book Three
White Dawn

(1)Slipping into Cerulean

33.5K 1.7K 759
Devita33 द्वारा

'Never really ready to be the first one to break the addictive trance...'

Slipping into Cerulean

"And so, after sharing her yummy basket full of goodies, little red and the wolf popped open a vintage bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and-"

"Okay! Woah... You do know that's not how the story goes at all, right?" I shot him a pointed look, but Thanatos' smirk didn't falter.

"I'm well aware, angel, but my version is better."

"Your version sounds like the beginning of a low-budget porno."

Thanatos scoffed; "Is there any other kind of porno?"

I sighed with exaggeration and smacked the hand away that was trying to pinch my cheek; "Every fairytale has a 'moral to the story', so what's your angle with this one? Share wine with your murderer and hopefully get them drunk enough so you can escape?"

"Close," Thanatos said as he leaned further down into the thick pillows of the big bed, "...but not quite."

I crossed my arms and shot him a snarky smile as he lifted his eyes to mine. A tremor flew through me at a colossal speed leaving me fixated and hanging on his every movement.

"The moral of the story is to give the wolf a chance before you hack him to pieces."

I froze, but my heart didn't bother to follow as it began to race.

Good gods, why was he looking at me like that?

Why was I looking at him like this?
With so much... hope.

"Oh... That's...actually pretty nice."

Thanatos' tender eyes skimmed over my face. They landed on a stray lock of hair and he gently tucked it behind my ear, his fingers lingering for longer than necessary, but I couldn't bring myself to complain. Feeling the cold want as they left my skin, I shuddered.

What's been happening lately? Was this feeling of unease brewing in my stomach still from yesterday's incident?

I remember only bits and pieces, and the rest Thanatos and Conrad had filled me in on at the local hospital.

Samaria and I were attacked yesterday morning, by an assassin sent to kill me, and it wasn't your average, run-of-the-mill assassin- it was an Erinys.

Or more commonly known as a Fury.

Furies are spirits who pursue and torment the doers of unavenged crimes. Thanatos had also mentioned that they're extremely stead-fast in the old ways of thinking- never really coming to terms with the new order of Olympus. They used to fly down onto the wounded and dying men on the battlefields in Greece during war times and feasted on their screams and flesh.

I shudder now just thinking about the creature that had stood so close to me; those leathery wings long and sharp and its glowing eyes hungry and full of anger- unlike the pair of calculating, crimson eyes looking up at me right now through thick, black lashes.

Thanatos had swooped in and saved the day- like a knight on a white horse, except he'd ripped the heart from the Fury with one clean pull and proceeded to cover most of the study in black blood.

Afterwards, Conrad wasn't exactly happy, but at the time, all that mattered was getting me and Samaria to the hospital.

I'd passed out, but woke up moments later in strong arms carrying me to the rushing ambulance. Thanatos had made sure to keep me awake, and focused.
For the first time since I'd known him- he looked scared.

It was frightening to see.

The drive went by fast- mainly because I kept giggling and trying to hug everyone on board, but as soon as we entered the hospital, I realised the gravity of the situation, and that's when the headache started. I threw up in one of the bins, but luckily Thanatos was being too much of a gentleman to comment on it. He didn't need to- I certainly felt the embarrassment all the way into the emergency room.

Conrad split up to stay with Samaria- who'd suffered a harder knock to the head than me.

All in all the hospital was a nightmare.

Luckily, nothing too bad was wrong with me- just a moderate concussion; nothing some rest and painkillers couldn't solve. And, due to the fact that I'd used so much of my magic yesterday trying to burn the Fury to a crisp, my body was weak and fatigued.

Samaria wasn't as lucky though. She'd suffered a slightly worse concussion, some of her ribs were broken and her back was hit pretty hard when she'd slammed against the desk, but fortunately nothing dire. She is, however, bed-ridden for a couple of weeks.

Last night, after finally leaving the hospital, Thanatos had agreed with Conrad to book me off for the rest of the week, and he rushed me back to his palace so I could rest.

Which is where I find myself this morning- in the Greek god of death's bed with him staring expectantly at me.

My mouth dried up.

"Aurora, I-"

The partially closed door swung open and in came a familiar scowl, flinging the tension out the window; "You're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

Alexus strolled in- her long, lilac, flowing dress gliding on the dark floor. Her hands were folded and she eyed Thanatos with an annoyed glower. He didn't look too happy about the interruption and didn't waste any time to shoot her an irritated glare as he got up from the bed.

I wanted to pull him back as the heat from his body left my side.

Snap out of it!

"Better, thank you. I just needed some sleep."

"And quiet." Thanatos said as he shot a pointed look at Alexus, indicating for her to leave us in peace.

Alexus lifted her chin and pursed her lips; ignoring Thanatos' remark with grace- I expected nothing less. With a soft smile, I tried to make her feel more wanted, even though the only thing I really wanted was to go back to sleep and just forget about everything for a while longer.

"I'm just glad you're safe. You look better than you did last night; you were so pale." Alexus came to sit next to me on the edge of the bed; her hazel eyes full of concern. I patted the back of her hand and smile reassuringly; "It'll take more than a Fury to scare me off."

I could see the muscles in Thanatos' jaw tighten and contract.

Alexus narrowed her eyes in a calculating manner; "Yes, well we need to be extra careful from now on. I'll speak to the other Archmages so we can put up a force field around the academy and the grounds to prevent this from happening again."

I nodded. Alexus wasn't a very emotionally-expressive person, much like Thanatos and I, but she took it to a whole other level. This was her way of saying 'I'll try and keep you safe' and 'I care for you, friend'.

"Thank you, I appreciate the effort."

"Here." Thanatos said as he pushed a glass of orange liquid in front of my face. I raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't try to push it away- he already looked pissed enough. Sighing, I took the glass in my hand as Alexus scrutinized the strange, bubbling concoction. I tried to explain, stalling;

"It's an immune booster- yesterday drained my magic and I need to build it up again." I sniffed the vile potion. Alexus nodded and shot a glance to Thanatos, who was eyeing me with the look of a stern parent.

The honey-haired mage twisted her face at the smell; "You'll build a resistance to over-usage over time- you've only had your magic for a short while now, so it will get better."

I opened my mouth to ask her more questions, but Thanatos saw straight through my plan to delay the inevitable...

"Drink, Aurora." His voice was dictatorial, but I knew he only meant well.

Alexus glared at Thanatos from over her shoulder; her protective nature kicking into overdrive. I gritted my teeth as I brought the glass to my lips; "Don't mind him- he's been on the warpath ever since yesterday."

Thanatos scoffed and clenched his jaw. Since the incident he'd become tense and would get this murderous look in his eyes at the mere mention of a Fury.

I drained the glass with one big gulp, trying not to cringe as the foul taste slid down my throat. Alexus took the glass from my hand and placed it on the table next to the bed; "I hope Conrad gave you the rest of the week off?"

"He did, yes. Besides, I don't think I'd be able to do much- I can barely lift the feather anymore."

"It'll all rush back quicker than you think. Just wait- this time tomorrow you'll be right as rain." Alexus smiled softly at me, but then suddenly my view was blocked off by another glass- this time filled with water.

"Drink. You need to stay hydrated."

"Stop trying to shove things down my throat!"

Thanatos glared threateningly; "If you don't drink this, I'll shove something you definitely don't want down your throat."

"Thanatos!" Alexus and I both shouted in unison as we gaped up at the darkly dressed figure.

He merely rolled his eyes; "Calm down, you dirty-minded nuns! I was talking about your medicine."

I glowered at the god of death and took a sip from the cold glass. Alexus shook her head and turned her eyes back to mine.

"I can see you've got your work cut out for you, so I'll leave you to try and rest."

"Thanks, I look forward to being nursed by 'Jack the ripper'."

A small snicker erupted from Alexus' mouth. Thanatos leaned against the desk and smiled at her with fake friendliness; "Leaving so soon- such a shame."

Alexus opened her mouth to explain, but Thanatos spoke up before she had the chance.

"Okay, buh-bye now..."

With a small wave of his fingers he dismissed her from his room. Alexus gave me a sympathetic look, but I only shook my head in defeat and shrugged. She stood up from the bed and gracefully walked over to the double doors, but before she left, she shot Thanatos one last stony look- he beamed at her with hauteur.

As soon as the door clicked shut, I sunk back into the pillows and snuggled into the softness. Thanatos had refused my wishes to go and recuperate in my own bed- he'd said that as my guardian, he couldn't possibly allow me to go unattended. I of course argued, but he won when he lifted me over his shoulder and literally carried me to his room like a caveman.

And it's not like I was in any state to fight him on it.

But now, as I rested my head against his plush pillows and pulled the duvet that smelt like him over my shoulders, I couldn't be more content.
Well... There was one thing...

I wouldn't mind his arms around me either.

Thanatos was leaning against his desk, a packet of pills in his hand. His forehead was creased and his other hand rested on his hip. He looked so good today- with his black, loose-fitting, renaissance shirt and pants. He looked like he'd just stepped off the cover pages of a medieval fantasy novel.

I might've begun to drool a bit as he raked a hand through his thick, black hair.

Get it together, girl!

I quickly closed my eyes as he looked up.

Ooh, I think he heard that thought! I think I practically screamed it in my head...

I kept my eyes closed and pretended to sleep as the room grew quiet. Maybe he'd left? I doubt that, but hey- it's better than thinking about him staring at me with that intense gaze.

I just wobble into jelly at the thought.

Suddenly, the bed dipped.

My breathing stopped.

That same pulsing electricity was back.

A large hand pushed a few stray strands of hair from my face. I silently shuddered from his touch; my body betraying me.

"Are you going to fake-sleep the whole day?"

I sighed; "What do you want now?"

"How about I tell you another story?"

"Oh, great..." I said as I turned around to face the devil. He was sitting with his back against the headboard and his legs crossed over the duvet. I propped my head up with my hand and shot him a sardonic smile.

"Is it Snow white and the seven alcoholics?"

Thanatos chuckled; "No, but I'd be happy to tell you that one later."

I grinned.

Why is he so delectable?

"This, my angel, is the tale of the Frog Prince."

I snickered.

Thanatos lifted his brow; his amused grin directed at my unlady-like snort. "You're adorable."

I blushed and averted my eyes to the black sheets; a small bashful smile still playing on my lips. Since when did compliments from guys make me go all weak in the knees?

I mean, sure- I was used to it, not to be arrogant, but they never effected me like this.

What would Trita and Sonya, my two best friends, think?

I've grown soft...

"So the story?" I tried to steer Thanatos back to our previous conversation, but I could feel his powerful gaze watching me from above. I gulped softly and gathered courage to look up.

A smouldering look filled his eyes and he quickly laid down on his side to face me. He propped up his head with his hand like mine; a confident smile on his lips.

"I'm sure you know how it goes- let's skip to the part where the princess is about to kiss the frog..."

Thanatos leaned into me, but my burst of laughter caught him off guard and threw him completely off his game.

"Did you just compare yourself to a frog?"

"Shut up, woman! I'm the princess here!"

I doubled over in laughter as Thanatos shot me a serious look, but the smile on his face was far from matching.

"Oh, so sorry your majesty! 'Ribbit'..."

I tried to croak like a frog, but it was a poor attempt, even if I do say so myself. Thanatos tried not to laugh as he leaned in and pouted his lips. I rolled my eyes as he came closer; his eyes closed and a goofy grin on his face.

I loved this- when he let his guard down. Lately, we acted so differently with one another than we did with the rest of the world. It made me feel special to him, which, in turn, made me wonder why that meant so much to me...

Before his lips could catch mine, I turned my face and his soft, plump lips landed on my cheek with considerable force.

Upon realising that it wasn't my lips that he was kissing, Thanatos growled and shot his head back a bit to glare at me. My smile was wide and cheeky;

"You can't go around kissing frogs, my lady. You don't know what diseases we carry... Honestly didn't your parents teach you anything?"

He grinned and suddenly I was on my back.

Thanatos was on top of me, his hands at my sides, ticking my bare skin as he lifted my top. I smacked his arms repeatedly with the palm of my hand and shouted for him to stop, pleading with my squeals. I was extremely ticklish and I'd wanted to keep it a secret from him as long as I possibly could.

That clearly didn't go as planned.

"Thanatos!" I shouted; my breathing hard and coming out in puffs of giggles and laughs.

He was grinning down at me like a mad fool. An angelic laugh escaped his mouth and I was momentarily dazed by how beautiful it sounded.
He should laugh more often...

"Okay, okay! You win!" I laughed as I attempted to kick him off, but he grabbed my legs and trapped them under his heavy frame.

"What do I win?"

His heavy breathing matched mine as he brought his head closer. Thanatos grabbed both my hands as I tried one last time to struggle free from under him.

This was definitely not what the doctor meant by 'no strain or physical activity'.

It didn't matter much- we were both smiling at each other; our eyes matching looks of smitten lovers.

"You can have my frozen yogurt rewards card?"

Thanatos chuckled; hot, minty air fanning my face; "I'm more of an ice-cream man."

I pursed my lips and closed one eye- pretending to really think hard about his prize.

"How about I polish your Scythe for a week?"

"And let you have the power of a thousand grim reapers in your hands? No, thanks."

I laughed softly as he scoffed.

"Well, then I'm out of ideas..."

Thanatos chuckled and leaned in; his smile sly and big; "I might have a solution..."

Tenderly, his lips landed on mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I could taste his minty tongue begging for entrance and my hammering heart shot up. Thanatos sucked in a breath as he moved his hungry mouth against mine; his hands on either side of my face, gently stroking my cheeks.

He tried again to push his tongue into my mouth, and I couldn't even pretend to resist him anymore. I let him enter; a shallow moan escaping from my throat.

We kissed for long; never really ready to be the first one to break the addictive trance. Thanatos' lips never left mine; so tender and hot to the touch. This was unlike our previous kisses- this was soft and gentle, but still deeply passionate.

Finally, he broke the spell...

Thanatos moved his lips up to my nose; kissing all along the bridge until the centre of my forehead. He planted a series of tender and loving pecks just above my brow as I lay under him, gripping onto his shirt, wanting him closer than humanly possible.

"Don't ever do that to me again..."

At first I thought I'd misheard him, but then he spoke again; "If you ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you call me, immediately."

I nodded my head as he brushed back pieces of hair from my cheeks. Thanatos' eyes were deadly serious- all traces of his previous playful mood evaporated.

Of course I had noticed yesterday how the blood had drained from his face as he saw me there on the cold floor.
He'd looked terrified and so enraged.

"You don't exactly have a cell phone, you know..." I tried to lighten the mood, but his eyes remained stern.

"That's why I'm giving you this."

He picked up a small round object from the nightstand and held it up to my face so I could have a good look at it. It was old, and god-like.

"It's a portal-summoner. Last night I linked it to my portal, so if ever you feel the need to use it, it will open a gateway wherever I am to alert me to your destination."

I took the small device in my two fingers. It was light and slim, the gold faded.

"How does it work?"

"You turn it. It's just two thin plates magically woven together. It's like a dial."

I examined the small golden object closer.

This was undeniably sweet of him- to think of my safety like this.

I looked up at him, my eyes shimmering. "Thank you, again. For everything. I know I've probably said it about a thousand times, but thank you for sav-"

"Aurora..." His firm tone set my body on fire; "You're mine."

He brought his face closer; his red eyes like two burning coals.

"If anyone dares touch you, they will perish."

Now if this chapter isn't an indicator for lots of Thanaura-goodness to come, I don't know what is :D

NEXT UPDATE- Friday the 20th Xx

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