Sink or Swim

By vintageirwin_

264 23 9

*Sequel to the story Night & Day* In life you can either sink, or fight to swim. More

Chapter one.
Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Chapter seven.

Chapter eight.

25 2 0
By vintageirwin_

Song of the chapter: Little Things - One Direction.

Layla's p.o.v

"Crap, I forgot the garage door opener on the counter. Just pull up on the curb." I instructed Liam as we approached the house.

"Will do. Why did you have the garage door opener in the kitchen anyways? Isn't the point to have it in your car so you can, you know, open the garage." He chuckled as he pulled the car to a stop and pushed the gear shift into park.

"Yes." I laughed, playfully punching him in the shoulder. "That's the thing with technology though, it eventually needs a fresh set of batteries, and I forgot to bring it back to the car." We were just returning from my birthday weekend, feeling extremely refreshed, relaxed, and both sporting a noticeable tan, which was a huge accomplishment for me.

"I know you were wanting to shower, so if you want to head on in I'll get our bags." Liam said, gesturing me towards the house.

"You're amazing." I grinned, poking him in the cheek slightly.

"I know I am." He shot back, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

"You're too cocky for your own good." I scoffed, tugging myself out of the car.

"You would know." He said, taking me by surprise.

"Liam!" I shouted, tossing my wallet at him, which he easily dodged, before leaning down to scoop it up off the ground.

"What can I say?" He shrugged, moving to the trunk of the car.

I couldn't help but laugh as I walked into the house, carrying only the key to the front door. I unlocked it swiftly, placing the key on the entry table, and kicking my shoes off beside the rug. I took the stairs as quickly as my legs would allow, needing to feel the warm shower water pelting down onto my exhausted body.

I passed Reese's door, feeling the familiar sting that struck me seemingly every time I did so. I paused briefly, sighing as I continued into my own room, shutting the door behind me. I sifted through my dresser pulling out a pair of pajama shorts, a long sleeve tee, a pair of underwear, and a sports bra. I was going for maximum comfort after the decently long car ride, I was fatigued, to say the least.

I carried the clothes into the bathroom, sitting them on the sink before pulling out a towel and wash cloth, I turned on the water, waiting for it to heat up as I discarded the clothes from my body. I stepped inside, the light from the small bathroom window glinted off of my ring. It was a gift from Liam, the surprise for my birthday. I twirled it around my finger admiring the pattern of the intricate silver band, the tiny diamonds glistening as I did so. I smiled, remembering the moment he gave it to me.


It was our last night in Santa Barbara, we were spending it star gazing at the beach. It was desolate, not a soul in sight, which I really hadn't minded. It was so open on the beach, listening to the waves crash against the shore was a sound I would never get tired of. The quiet calm night luring me into a place of serenity, a perfect way to end a perfect trip.

"Layla." Liam smiled, grabbing my attention.

"Yeah?" I questioned, pulling my eyes away from the stars to look at him, admiring the way his eyes glinted in reflection of the moon. He was looking at me funny, I cocked my head to the side waiting for him to continue.

"I have a proposition." He continued, turning onto his side, facing me, propping himself up on his elbow.

"Okay, tell me." I smiled softly, adjusting my body so I was facing him, but remaining the way I was sitting.

"So, I am going to try and keep this as cheeseless as possible." He laughed slightly.

"Cheeseless?" I questioned.

"Yes, you know, not cheesy." He said, a 'duh' expression crossing his face.

"Okay goofball, please continue." I giggled, waiting for him to go on.

"I don't even know how to put into words how I feel about you Layla, like I love you doesn't even begin to cover it. From the very first day I met you, there was something that instantly clicked for me, and I know it did for you too, and I know that the decision to make you mine was the best one that I have ever made, and I am not just saying that. You are the strongest, most determined, and most intelligent person that I have ever met. You are so goofy, you make me laugh more than I ever have in my entire laugh, and you're so gullible, It is truly one of my favorite things to jump out and scare you, and watch the reactions on your face. I love how cute you are when you're mad, and the fact that you can't stay mad at me no matter how hard you try."

He paused. I smiled, listening to him as slow tears started to fall down my face. His voice rang softer when he spoke again.

"I love how you talk in your sleep, and that when you ask me how my day was you actually care to hear the answer. I literally ask myself every day how on earth I got so blessed, you are so talented, kind hearted, caring, selfless, and beautiful. Gosh, you're so beautiful, everything about you is so perfect, especially that smile." He winked, noticing the ever present grin on my face. "But more than any of that, I love how much you love me, the way you look at me makes me feel as if my heart is going to explode, in the best possible way. I don't know what made you decide to be with me Layla, but I am so ecstatic that you did.

"Liam-" I started, feeling breathless as he stopped me.

"Just a minute love, I have something for you." He smiled, rummaging in his pocket and pulling out a box, my eyes darted to it, feeling confused as he opened it, the ring inside catching a glint as he did so. "It's a promise ring, if you will accept it that is. I want to be with you more than I've wanted anything else in my life, and while I don't want to rush it, I do want you to know that I am serious about us, I want us together, engaged, even married one day. Until then, I want you to have this promise from me, a promise of our future." He paused, pulling the ring from its felt cushion.

"Liam, I have no idea what to say." I struggled to breath, the happy tears still in a steady stream down my face.

"Say you'll accept my promise to you." He smiled warily, as if afraid I was going to turn him down.

"Oh, oh my gosh. Of course I do." I all but shouted, wiping the tears off of my cheeks as he placed the ring on my finger, barely allowing him to finish before I jumped onto him, hugging him as close as I possibly could, and knocking us both over into the sand. "I love you so much Liam." I spoke, raising my head up so I could see his face.

"I love you more." He assured, as he leaned up, connecting our lips once again.


I turned off the shower, wiping the grin off my face as I dried off, throwing my clothes on soon after. I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I called out.

"Hey Lay, can you come to the garage, I have something you're gonna want to see." Liam hollered back through the door.

"Okay, it's not another present is it? If so take it back, you've done more than enough."

"No, it's not a present. I'm not sure what it is." He called back. I shrugged, slightly confused, I threw my dirty laundry into the hamper before joining Liam in the room. I followed him as he exited and took the stairs to the bottom floor. I peered around him as he opened the garage door, my heart stopped as I took in what was in front of me.

"Is that... Reese's car?" I asked, looking back at Liam.

"Yeah, I think so."

"So, that means she's here?" I asked again, slightly dumbfounded. Liam shrugged.

I raced around him, taking the stairs two at a time, coming to an abrupt halt when I reached her door. Was she in there? Was I ready to see her? Would she answer my questions?

"Open it." Liam urged, placing his hand reassuringly on my back.

I eased open the door, the darkness of the room pouring into the hall. My heart pounded as I took notice of the person sleeping in the bed. I looked at Liam, he nodded as if telling me to go on. I walked in the room, making my way to the bed before looking at the person in the bed. It was Reese alright, I gently swiped my hand across her shoulder, pulling her from her sleep.

"Reese?" I called, just above a whisper, her eyes flick open, meeting mine instantly. She sits up quickly, and the next thing I feel is her pulling me in for a hug. I felt tears come to my eyes as I the familiar scent of her hair invaded my senses. I squeezed tighter, refusing to let go of this moment, knowing there was a lot to come.


Hello everyone :) Happy 2017, I hope it's been a good one so far. So one, Reese is back so it's about to get interesting around here. Two, I SHIP LIAYLA (LIAM + LAYLA) SO HARD THAT I MIGHT PASS OUT. That is all, until next time friends.

-Paige x

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