Heat {Victuuri Two-shot}

Per Vantae-san

27.3K 455 263

One: After Yuuri bought a pair of golden rings for him and Victor as their lucky charm, they went back home... Més

Heat (1)

Heat (2)

8.4K 181 130
Per Vantae-san

Omegaverse. Yaoi. Smut. Fluff.

Yuuri and Victor already had their first child, who is now 11 months old. Nobody knows about it, except for Minako, Yuuri's family and the Nishigori's.

Now, they are holding a Morning practice along with the Grand Prix Finalists skating on the rink. It's Yuuri's second season with Victor, as a coach and as a rival.


"Yuuri!~ Good luck later!" Phitchit tapped the older latter's shoulder, then smiling like usual.

Yuuri felt nervous, for the reason it's the first time he's competing with Victor as his coach and as his rival on the ice.

"Ahh, thank you Phitchit-kun. Good luck to you too." The thailander flashed him a smile, then moving onto his practice.

"Whaaa.. what should I do? I'm nervouss"

Yuuri thought while skating, and felt like he's gonna fail. But he shrugged the thought so he could concentrate on his piece.

A few more skating rounds, Yuuri felt a familiar feeling he had experienced before. He felt his body temperature getting hot, his shaft erecting without his will, his face burning crimson red.

His heat has come again.

"Oyy piggy! Quit slacking around! Don't tell me you'll win another silver this year!" Yuri Plisetsky, or who they call Yurio, yelled from the other side of the rink who just sip a drink from his water tumbler.

Yuuri felt weak, his sweating, his eyes were fuzzy and blurry. His knees knelt down on the cold ice while tightly clenching his chest.

Yurio noticed what is happening to the older, and he went to him out of worry. But as the tsundere type he was, he did not make it obvious.

"Oy piggy, what are you doing? Get up!" As Yurio gets nearer and nearer, he smelled a very pleasant and powerful yet Totally amazing scent that he can't seem to resist.

The rest of the skaters, Chris, JJ, and Phitchit went to the weak Yuuri because they have smelled the same scent that Yurio's been sniffing.

All of them were allured.

"Oh shit, all of them are alphas!"

Yuuri panickingly thought while forcing himself to stand up, but only failed to do so. He feels like his gonna come anytime, but he half felt like it will be very humiliating if that ever happens in front of everyone, it'll be a total story in history.

"Yuuri... You smell so good~" Chris said while sniffing the wonderful smell.

"What did you wear Yuuri? Is it an expensive gift from Victor? Still, it's smells so amazing..." Phitchit said and knelt down on his knees, just to sniff Yuuri closer.

"I don't know what this is, but heck, it's enchanting." JJ said while sniffing the air around him.

"Yahh piggy, why do you smell so good?" Yurio mumbled, but loud enough for Yuuri to hear.

All of them were about to touch the japanese skater, when suddenly, a yell from the other side was heard.

"OKAY!! Stop with the sexual harrassment guys. You know that I can sue you with that! I'll take Yuuri for now."

They saw Victor, smiling like an airhead as always who just arrived from the restroom.

"IT'S NOT SEXUAL HARRASSMENT! We barely even done anything." Yurio yelled, crossing his arms in the process.

"So you plan on doing something then?" Victor said looking at them intensely. All of them flinched, and shook their heads in surprise.

The russian airhead sighed.

Victor went closely and all of them backed away, "Come on Yuuri, let's go discuss your piece first. Can you stand?" The russian silver-haired skater knelt down and gently held Yuuri's hand and asked him.

They heard Yuuri catching his breath, "...I c-can't stand up...Victor.." When Yuuri drifted his gaze to Victor, the rest of the skaters were shocked how vulnerable and dazzling the japanese skater's face was.

They wanted him.

All of them wants to fuck him.

Victor, as the gentleman as he can be, lifted Yuuri bridal style and left the other skaters behind, dumbfounded.

"I'll take Yuuri for now!!" Victor yelled cheerfully, but then looked at them from behind and smirked.

The rest of the skaters were totally awestruck.

"Just what the fuck was that!?" Yurio yelled out, making the other skaters flinch.

"I admit, I wanted to do something to Yuuri at that moment." Chris confessed, and then sighed.

"Yuuri was so cute!!! Well, he's always cute anyway." Phitchit beamed, then skating across the rink, and coming back again.

"Fuck, I already have my fiançe, but why the hell did I just want to fuck a man!?" JJ asked himself, confused.

All of them sighed and mumbled this line in chorus,

"Ahh.. he's an omega."

"An omega."

"Omega all right."

Then they looked at themselves, and skated across the rink round and round like mad men. Yelling out "Omega".


Victor brought Yuuri inside the infirmary, since it's the only place where there's a bed.

"V-Victor... I forgot my suppresants again." Yuuri muttered, helplessly laying on the bed.

Victor locked the door, because he doesn't want anyone disturbing them. Luckily, there weren't any nurse present at the time. And luckily, the higher-ups entrusted the key to Victor.

The thought made him smile.

"Yuuri, you're so reckless. You smell so fucking good you know? The smell reached to the restroom."

"I'm sorry Victor... I was preoccupied." Yuuri mumbled, almost like a whisper.

"They almost got you there. But I won't let them. You're my Omega. You're mine."

Victor whispered the last part, intentionally seductive, making Yuuri flinch.

"V-Victor.... I can't take it anymore..."

"Me neither, Yuuri."

Victor who already have taken control of his lust towards the japanese, quickly but passionately kissed the younger latter.

Victor inserted his tongue into the younger's mouth, discovering the hot yet sweet cavern, making his own shaft hard. Yuuri rapidly removed Victor's jacket and tried to lift his shirt up, Victor also doing the same to Yuuri.

Both pulled away, panting for air.

Yuuri wrapped his arms around Victor's neck, went to his ear, and whispered seductively, "Satisfy me."

Victor's face burned hot. He aggressively pushed Yuuri onto the bed, slamming his body on top of it.

"My gosh Yuuri, why are you doing this to me?"

Yuuri smiled.

Victor scoffed quite happily, then grinned. "Geez!!"

The russian latter smashed his lips against the japanese katsudon once again, as his long, slender hands travel down through Yuuri's smooth, porcelain skin.

He quickly removed Yuuri's pants and underwear off, and getting a hold of his shaft, pumping it with his hands,Yuuri came faster than ever.


Victor, as agitated as he can be for the reason he wants to fuck Yuuri now, quickly grabbed a bottle of lube and smoothed it over to his own manhood, and positioning himself through Yuuri's beggging hole throughout the process.

Without a warning, he entered Yuuri's warm, tight hole making sure that he gets his shaft fully inside.

Yuuri flinched in surprise, but then got used to it right after. Victor slowly thrusted in and out. Then when he feels like Yuuri is good to go, he moved back and forth, fast enough to hear Yuuri's sexy moans.

"Ah~ ah... Nghhh..."

"V-Victor, deeper..."


Yuuri's voice triggered Victor's pace. He didn't stop thrusting until he hits a certain spot that'll make Yuuri yell in heaven.

"There!!! Nghhhh... Ah.... Ah....."

"Y-Yuuri... I'm coming...."

"M-Me too..."

Together, they yelped in pleasure as both released their hot, sticky liquids, panting for air.

"Ahh..... I still need more.." Yuuri begged, mumbling to Victor.

"Then I'll give you more.." Victor whispered seductively to Yuuri's reddish ear.


"Yuuri, are you alright now?" Phitchit asked the japanese latter worriedly, but Yuuri beamed a smile at him.

"I'm alright! No problem at all." Yuuri responded, and Phitchit sighed in relief.

"Glad you are."

"I didn't know you're an omega, Yuuri. Well I think, Victor has done his job, didn't he?" Chris tapped Yuuri's shoulder, making the younger flinch in surprise.

"Ahh..hahaha.. eh.. uhm..yes?" Yuuri scratched the nape of his neck, not sure of what to reply, making the swiss skater chuckle.

"Oyy piglet, where's Victor? The competition will start soon. I don't want that old geezer doing nothing." Yurio said, his eyes searching for Victor.

Not to mention it, Victor really isn't around.

Yuuri then felt worried. He must've got a toll from satisfying Yuuri so much. Yuuri then blushed at the thought.

"Okay, I'll search for him." Yuuri decided, and went to search for Victor.

He was about to go outside when a voice called out from behind his back,


He immediately recognized the voice and turned around, to see an elated Victor waving at him, carrying their baby boy on his right hand.

His face beamed with so much happiness and ran quickly to them.

"Waaahhhhhh!!!! Victor, when did Sho-chan got here?" Yuuri asked in delight, pinching his son's soft cheeks.

"Your whole family brought him here. They say that Sho-chan wants to watch us! He missed us, Yuuri.. Waaahhhhhhhh Yuuri I'm so happy~"

Victor quickly grabbed Yuuri and hugged him tight in so much happiness. He feels like it's a wonderful sight that he wasn't expecting to see.

Yuuri's nervousness turned into happiness and confidence. Now that his whole family is watching, along with Victor and his baby boy, he feels like he has to win a gold medal.


Yuuri and Victor were suprised by the sudden word. It's Sho-chan's very first word that came out of his mouth. It's Yuuri's name!

"Oh my gosh! Victor!! Did he just..did he just.. he.. he mentioned my name! Omg I'm sooooo happy right now!! Come e're you." Yuuri grabbed Sho-chan and carried him, kissing his fluffy cheeks.

"You're such a cute boy! You're a good boy aren't you Sho-chan?" Yuuri said, playing with his son.

Victor quickly grabbed his phone and captured a photo of them.

"Wahhh, you guys are so cute... I'll cherish this picture forever!" Victor beamed while grinning happily.

"Victor!! Delete it! I might be ugly in it!" Yuuri tried to grab Victor's phone, but the russian kept playing and capturing a lot of their photos.

"You will never be ugly Yuuri. You'll always be beautiful to me." Victor hugged Yuuri and smiled.

Yuuri's face burned hot once again. While smiling, they hear the baby's cute laugh.

"Come on Sho-chan, come to papa. Mama must be tired right now. We have to bring you to your grandparents mkay?"

Victor grabbed his cute 11 month old baby boy, and they saw how his smiling face turned into a sad one.

Both of them were awestruck.

"OMG soooo cute!!!! Yuuri, capture a photo, now!" Victor went excited, and Yuuri quickly captured a photo of their baby boy.


Sho-chan called out the second word that came out of his mouth, Victor's name! Sho-chan feels like he was about to cry.

Victor, on the other hand, cried.

"WAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH OMG OMG YUUURRRIIII HE JUST.. HE JUST SAID MY NAME!!! Waaaa you're making papa cry now baby... Huhuhu"

Yuuri and the baby were laughing.

This sight, is the most beautiful thing that Victor has seen. He doesn't want to forget this for all of his life.

He smiled warmly and kissed Sho-chan's reddish, soft, fluffy face.

"Sho-chan, mama and papa will be skating. You should watch us okay? You will see how good papa skates, you know? And I promise that I'll show you that mama skates better than papa." Yuuri said, pinching the baby's cheeks.

Sho-chan laughed cutely, and then Victor was surprised, "Hahaha make sure that Sho-chan will see that you skate better than me, Yuuri."

Yuuri giggled and smiled so warm.

"Come on, let's go back inside."

As they were walking inside, Victor was lifting Sho-chan while playing with his fingers. A lot of fans have noticed that their idol is holding a baby identical to Katsuki Yuuri.

All of them were shocked, but took pictures of them anyway.

Some even went near them and asked who owns the baby.

Victor, as the proud father as he can be, finally and publicly told them that it's His and Yuuri's baby, making all of them scream in surprise.

Yuuri only blushed, trying to hide behind Victor. But the fans didn't actually hate them. They even supported them.

They kept asking a lot of questions, some even captured a lot of their photos and Shō-chan's as well. Some even had posted it online, making it viral.

As they proceed to the rink, the skaters already found out about their baby, and approaching them as fast as they can.

"Victor! Yuuri! So it's true that you have a baby!?" Chris asked in surprise, while showing them the picture from instagram.

"Yes. His name's Shō-chan! Real name is Shōri, which means victory in Japanese!~ Doesn't he look like me? Hahaha!"

"No, he resembles Yuuri."

"Really? I thought he only got his mom's hair."

"Geez, are you that old Victor? He looks so much alike with Yuuri you know!"

"Alright alright!"

"Yuuri, I never thought that I'll say this but..... OMG!!! VICTUURI'S GOT A BABY LIKE WTF. He's so cute!!! He resembles you a lot. His eyes, hair... Wowww so cute!" Phitchit went fanboying, then suddenly taking selcas of the whole family, quickly posting it online.

"Wow, I never thought that an airhead and a piglet can make a baby."

"Hey, I heard that!" Victor yelled out.

Yurio scoffed, but then approached the baby and held his small hands.

"You're quite..cute." He mumbled, enough for Yuuri and Victor to hear. Both of them looked at each other, but then silently laughed.

"Perhaps if I call on Otabek, you won't be sad anymore ehhh, Yurio?" Victor said, making fun of the younger russian skater.

"S-Shut it, geezer!" Then he went away. He heard Sho-chan's cute laugh, and smiled secretly.

A lot of flashes of camera were focused on Victor and his cute family. The issue have been posted online, and it quickly went viral. It started trending in twitter, and a lot of shares from Facebook.

"Come on, Sho-chan. Our competition will start very very soon. You have to stay with your oba-chan for now okay?"

Sho-chan pouted, but then Victor kissed the baby's cheek, "Don't worry. When it's over, let's go sight-seeing with mama okay?"

"Ah ha~"

Sho-chan cheerfully clapped his hands and cutely laughed out loud.

Victor and Yuuri gave Sho-chan back to Yuuri's mother.

"Yuu-chan, how'd you feel seeing your son?" Hiroko, Yuuri's mother asked while carrying Sho-chan on her hands.

"I'm totally happy mom. Victor here can't resist his happiness too. Thanks for bringing him here."

"You guys, good luck okay? Make sure that Sho-chan will be happy after seeing you guys skate." Yuuri's father beamed and both skaters smiled in delight.



Sports Spain:

Katsuki Yuuri won Gold for the first time!


Viktor Nikiforov has publicly announced his and Katsuki Yuuri's marriage date!

•Katsuki Yuuri's instagram post about his cute son and his soon-to-be-husband, Viktor Nikiforov went viral!



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