Here's One From the Heart

By hckyhlka

7.5K 145 41

As much as he loved her, he wanted what was best for her... And what was best for her, wasn't him. More

author's note


424 9 0
By hckyhlka

Life does go on, though.

I continued to play a few games with the Capitals - three of which were away, while tonight's game was at home against the Rangers - and in that two-or-so weeks, I hadn't had the opportunity to talk to Rayne at all.

For all I knew, she was trying to avoid me. Rightfully so.

I had made so many stupid mistakes, that I wish I could take back; or even simply just forget.

But I probably didn't deserve even that.

What I did to Rayne was something that tiny, little meaningless words couldn't make up for. And even if I tried to show her what she meant to me, I was inevitably shot down at ever opportunity.

She hated me now. And I couldn't blame her.

And today, I have no one; no Sydney, and most importantly, no Rayne. My family was thousands of miles away, and I was usually too busy to talk to them on a regular basis. The closest thing I had to a best friend in America was Vítek, but he was still with the Bears in Hershey.

All I needed was someone to talk to, but I didn't even have that.

I hadn't managed to get a wink of sleep last night; instead, I spent those hours writing some words down, that I had wanted to say to Rayne for oh so long.

Arriving at the Arena for morning skate, I parked out front, nearest the Capitals Store; instead of my usual spot behind the arena. Taking a deep breath in, I pulled open the front doors, and made my way to the store. I was welcomed by Blayze almost immediately.

"Don't even think about it, Jakub," he pressed, walking towards me and practically forcing me out, "She doesn't want you here."

I looked over his shoulder and locked eyes with her. Immediately after, she turned back to the shelf she was stocking.

"Well, good thing I brought a note then, hm?" I chuckled, stuffing a folded piece of white paper into his chest pocket. "Just make sure she gets it."


Without another word from either of us, I turned on my heels and headed to the dressing room with my head down. I hadn't turned the corner fast enough, and managed to catch a glimpse of Blayze handing over the paper.

Rayne's POV

"I have no idea what this is," Blayze shrugged, "He just begged I give it to you... So, here."

I grabbed the paper gently, locking eyes with Jakub one last time before he swiftly turned the corner.

"Do you mind covering for me while I-"

"Consider yourself covered, ma'am," Blayze chuckled, heading off to give a customer a hand.

I headed to the break room, where I unfolded the sheet labelled with my name, twice.

Dear Rayne,

I know what happened - or, better yet, what I did - was completely wrong. I know it. With all my heart. I wish I could take it all back. Sydney was never the one I truly wanted; it was always you. The girl in my dreams was always you. Dating your best friend is something unforgivable, and I know the wounds won't heal overnight. Just please. Hear me out. I want to show you how sorry I am. In person. If you're willing, meet me in the player's parking lot after the game tonight.

Just, think about it?


I had read it over and over, analyzing each and every word; letting my brain absorb every letter as it was read over.

"No," I muttered to myself, shaking my head. I stood up in a huff, tipping the chair underneath me completely over. Once reaching the garbage can, I tossed the little sheet amongst banana peels and other food wrappers.

"Not this time, Jakub. You won't get off this easily."

Almost as if he was waiting for me to emerge from the little room around the corner - which, on second thought, I'm sure he was. Nosey bastard - Blayze greeted me at the entrance back into the shop.

"Sooo," he cooed, "What'd it say?"

Following me as I grabbed the bucket full of Ovechkin plush dolls, I headed to the shelves to resume stocking.

"What?" I snapped, playing dumb.

"What did it say, hunny?" He cooed once more.

I turned to him, brows furrowed.

"You really are the gossip king, aren't you?"

He nodded his head vigorously.

"Tell me!"

"You know, I'd rather not talk about it," I sighed, heading for the game-used pucks.

"Are you sure?" He pressed, furrowing his eyebrows sincerely.

I rolled my eyes, letting out a deep breath, putting down the container of pucks on the empty shelves beside me.

"Blayze, did you say you and Oliver are going out tonight?"

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