The Mistress [nalu]

By AxNutellaxTurtle

99.6K 3.6K 985

(UNDER EDITING! Time skips are off) Lucy wasn't always so cold and heartless, but only Natsu remembers her ol... More

The Cell
Out At Last
Hidden Keys
Sudden Tears
People Of The Past
Old Friend, Unfortunately
Cracked Spell
Unanswered Questions
Really Sorry!! AN
Journey Begins
Well... Thats new.
An, long time waiting

The Mistress

26.6K 375 173
By AxNutellaxTurtle

AN: This story was inspired by RMFireFairy - The Gambling Man & prettykitty280 - Just A Prize
I hope you guys like it. If you like to comment telling me to continue. If you don't like it comment what you think I could to better. THANK YOU!



"Dad are you sure you can beat him?" Natsu asked his father. They were seated in the back of a black car driving to the Heartfilias' house.

"He'll be a easy win," Igneel ruffled his sons hair with a wide grin on his face. Igneel was always a nice caring father. Natsu's mother left when he was very young, so he has lived with only his father for the most of his life.

Igneel was a risk taker. He would always gamble the best. And only the best. That's how they earned a lot of there money besides his company. Igneel's trick was reading people emotion by there eyes.

Natsu was always very confident in his dad, but today worried him. The head of the Heartfilia family was Jude. He was extremely rich man and a intense gambler. He was the best gambler there ever was, but Natsu believed his father would beat him. He had to.

Natsu hadn't been to the Heartfilia mansion in a long time. Natsu's father used to be friends with the Heartfilia family. Natsu remembered the sweet blond girl he used to play with. Unfortunately, His father got in a fight with Jude when Natsu was 10 and hadn't talked since.

Natsu was excited to see Lucy agian. He remembered her being the nicest girl he ever met. He couldn't wait to see her sweet smile and caring eyes.

The quiet ride soon ended, as they arrived at the Heartfilia mansion. Natsu and his father made their way in. A maid showed them to where they were to play.

"Master Jude will be present soon Mr. Dragneel," the maid bowed her head then walked away.

Igneel sat down while Natsu stood behind him on his right side. Silence filled the air for a few moments before a door few open. A man with blond hair walked in and seated himself on the other side of Igneel.

"Welcome Mr. Dragneel," Jude greeted. That's when Natsu noticed a figure standing next to Jude. It was her. Lucy. Natsu gazed at Lucy and how much her appearance had changed. He noticed she still had her blond hair and brown eyes and of course her large chest. Something seemed different though. Her eyes didn't look as caring. They were filled with...hurt, and hatred as she looked at the back of her father. Natsu had learned from his father how to read the emotion in peoples eyes. Helps to know what is really happening with them.

Lucy noticed his gaze and looked up at him. He say her eyes change. They changed to pity, confidence, and cocky ness. She smirked at him.

"Let's have our kids leave so we can get serious. Lucy show Nastu around the mansion," Jude waved his hand toward the door dismissing them.

"Yes, father," Lucy headed toward the door behind Natsu. He was quick to follow.

After they left Lucy continued down the hall. Natsu feeling awkward as he followed. He wanted to talk to her, to see the girl he met beck then. He decided to break the silence.

"Hey Lucy? Do you remember me?" All she did was nod a bit. Natsu looked up noticing security cameras watching them. Everywhere.

"We used to play all the time. Your mother would watch us in the garden. Layla was so kind," Lucy stopped walking and so did Natsu, but he continued talking.

"My father and Jude always used-" Lucy spun around and slapped Natsu with the back of her hand. Natsu snapped his face back at Lucy, as he held his face. She had angry look on her face but he could see tears gathering in her eyes.

"Do not talk so un-formally to me or about my family!" She yelled, "I understand our family's used to be quite close, but that time has come and gone!" A tear ran down her face. Lucy yelled at his for using her fathers first name, but she was crying because he didn't know what happened to her mother. He saw her eyes glance to the security camera near us them slightly worried.

'I hope father won't see that," she's thought to herself

"I'm sorry Luc- Miss Hearfilia. I-I just..." He looked up at Lucy. He read her perfectly. Sorrow, worry, and hatred.

A maid walked up from behind Lucy and said, "excuse me, master Jude and Mr. Dragoneel are finished. You are to go back immediately," she then walked away.

"There finished already?!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Your father lost," Lucy said with no emotion.

"How do you know?" Natsu said with a bit of anger.

"My father can't be beaten so quickly, but he can beat someone is one hand," she said walking back. Nastu followed her back. All he thought about was that his father couldn't have lost. He couldn't have.

They made to the doors and walked in. There was one mad standing up straight and one man still sitting holding his head.

Lucy was right.

His father lost.

"I'm sorry Natsu, I lost everything. Including you," Igneel whispered.

Natsu rushed over to the table to see the last hand.

Igneel had a straight flush...but Jude had a royal flush.

Before Natsu could protest Igneel was taken out of the room. Natsu started walking toward the door to leave but was stopped.

"Your not going anywhere," a bodyguard stood I front of him.

"What?" Natsu looked around confused and worried.

"Your mine," Jude smiled. Then turned to his daughter.

"Lucy it's your birthday in a few weeks, right? I have no use for him so I'll give his to you as a gift. He is yours do what you want,"

Natsu took a while to think of everything that justed happend. His father gambled him... And lost him. Natsu fell to the floor on his knees. He couldn't believe his father would do that.

Natsu was spoked from his thoughts when a shadow covered him. He looked up to see Lucy with a wicked smile.

"Looks like you're mine now," she kicked him hard in the stomach. He yelped in pain only to be kicked again in the shoulder.


No lucy.


That was all Natsu thought while he was beaten. The whole time. Jude laughed behind her.

'This is the Lucy I knew?' Was the last thing he thought before getting knocked out.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Soooooo? Did you like it? In the Gambling man & Just A Prize Natsu was the bad guy that won Lucy. I changed it up a bit. Don't worry! It will be 100% nalu!

Don't forget to




Love you guys!


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