Thug Twins (Urban)

De Thug_Paradise

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"I am the King, My brother is Prince. The streets of Oakland our signed to me, And whom I owe my life. I am m... Mais

Thug Twins *Urban Love*
Oakland Streets
Guilty Conscious
You Never Gave Me Your Name
Feel The Tention?
Why you so stuborn?
Im Not like Everybody Else Khalob?
Strictly Business
A Different Feeling.
Love? Impossible.
Love & War
I'm Not ready
Making it Official......
I Don't Know What To Do, Who Do I Turn To?
Tired of all these secrets.
Everything Get's better.
I forgive you
Close Again?
The Truth *Last Chapter*

Realizing The Truth

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De Thug_Paradise

          I just realized that im so glad that i wrote a Two-Sided book, rather then just one story about one couple. Well because when you write about one couple you lose interest in what to write about cause you used all your topics. So two couples can give you more of a urban reality show feel.

                                Chapter  12

                   Realizing The Truth

           Writing by: Thug_Paradise


khalob, Like i said if i wanted to take your virginity i could. I want you to know that. 

Aaleece POV 

What he was saying an what we were doing finally got to me. Do i really wanna lose my virginity right now. Or am i just in the moment. Because at the looks of it it seems as if i don't know what I'm doing. I really do love khalob an its took me a minute to realize i,t no matter how annoying he can get because he always ignoring me, its like somehow threw the silence we speak. 

i just looked up at him. hoping he read my words.

Khalob, You don't wanna do this?

i looked away from him hiding my expression.

Khalob, I asked you a question?

i still didn't say anything hoping that he just dropped the whole thing. 

But he grabbed my face an made me look at him. (notice that I'm still pinned down an he's on top of me) 

he simply smirked an got closer to my face.

" I don't like repeating myself" He said.

I don't wanna do this right now. I simply answered.

he smiled. 

I knew you weren't ready for this dick. Its too much to handle. " he laughed an got off of me walking to the bathroom"

The hell does that suppose to mean? I just awkwardly sat on his bed with my legs pulled to my chest it was cold as hell.  I didn't know how to react when he came out the bathroom nor did i know how he would react. Will he even tell me how he feels about me. Im just tired of not knowing. Am i just wasting my time?

All my thought's were erased as the bathroom door opened an he was in regular sleeping clothes. He walked pass me turning off the light an getting in the bed. He didn't speak at all. You know im just quite over these mind games an silent shit. 

I grabbed my keys an heels an walked towards the door. As i was opening the door a pair of arms wrapped around me.

What?! I semi-yelled

Why are you leaving? " He said" 

You know i just don't understand why you're doing this to me? YOU pull me out the club like your jealous or some shit an you take me in here an you make me feel like you actually cared somewhat about me but now its this silent treatment shit. Im just so tired of waiting for what's going to happen next. Why do you keep playing with me? If you don't like me J-just leave me alone then. " I broke out of his hold rushing toward the door" 

I didn't give him a chance to speak I didn't even wanna hear it. I got in my car an drove off. 

As i arrived home i realized, How the hell was i gonna get in my room? Dammit!! 

I knew if i went through the front door surely enough i would get caught by my sneaky ass father. i sighed. I thought this night would actually be fun. The hell am i suppose to do climb a tree? 

I had no other choice.

I took off my heels, Took my keys outta of ignition an prepared myself to climb a huge ass tree to get inside my room.

I started climbing up the branches an i was really scared because it was so late at night an i couldn't even see the ground to even say i was scared of heights.

as i got close enough to put my feet on my patio i grabbed one of my poles to pull myself completely on the patio. The tree branch swung back in place. 

I opened my window an crawled in. 

I sighed noticing that my light was still off so that means no one came in here.

"Had fun tonight" someone cut on my light.

It was my DAD.

i shook in disbelief that he was actually in here.

I thought i told you not to go out tonight Aaleece. " he said looking angry" 

Im sorry da(gco) 

I dont even wanna hear it. Im taking your car for a whole month an you phone, along with you computer. 

But dad!!! 

Be quite before you wake up your mama!! I dont care what you have to say i told your hard- headed ass not to go out didnt i!!

I rolled my eyes. 

Exactly what i thought.

How am i gonna get to school? You cant take my car that's not fair its mine an i just got it!! 

If you dont lower your voice im gonna take off my shoe an beat the shit outta you. You WILL take the bus home an be back in the house by 4:30 each day untill i say so. Do you read me little girl dont think your to old to get your ass beat. 

I gave him the most angered look. 

I dont have nothing left. Not a damn thing. " i said not caring if i cussed" 

Watch your mouth an take you bad ass to bed. "he said walking outta my room" 

I wanted to scream so loud, i wanted to break every fucking thing in my room. Now i don't have a car, a phone, a computer  And last but not least no one to love. 

i balled up my fist as i ripped every picture of my dad an me off the wall. Now i had a curfew after school i was just a prisoner living in a house controlled by money.  I wish it was back to the old days when money was tight but we had hope. When my mother wasn't a wanna be rich bitch. When me an my dad didn't argue as much an life without knowing khalob existed was okay, 

Tears rolled down my eyes. I have nothing at all. 

I got under my covers an started to cry harder. Its only so much that i can do to help an care for people that dont even care for me. 

"I know how it feels to think you have nothing." i heard someone say.

I looked from under my covers an saw khalob.

i wiped my eyes. As i sat up in my bed.

I know how it feels to go to bed at night having no one by your side an no one to think about. But you don't have to cry. Now i know how it feels to love someone. I tried to deny this feeling for so long because i think to myself how do i know if she ever really cared about me? (he looked away) How do i know you love me Aaleece. I've been hurt so much that i felt like i had no feelings at all anymore. Like nothing anyone said even mattered. But you changed me Aaleece you really did. I didn't say anything to you back at the house because i didn't know what to say all of this is new to me. But what i do know is that ill be there for you as long as you're their for me. 

i looked up at him not knowing what to say. 

He walked up to me an embraced me in a hug. It felt so good to have someone be their for me at this moment. I cried on his shoulder.

Can you stay over? 

If you want me to? 

i nodded as i opened the covers for him. He slid in an his muscular body wrapped around me. I smiled as i put my arms around him as well. This was the highlight of my whole week.

He kissed me on my cheek an pulled me closer to him. 

"I love you". he whispered

My eyes opened as i stared at him.

"I love you to".  I said smiling getting comfortable an simply falling a sleep with him embracing me.

Onika POV

I was getting tired an at this point i just wanted to go home. 

I tapped kory.

"Yeah wassup". He said

Im about to slide im tired.

"Ohh alright". He said not looking at me

i looked at him for a minute an sighed. Wow was the last thing i said before leaving the club.

Really that's how he gone do me? It was already 2:00 an he act like he couldn't walk me to my car or nothing. 

I got in my car an headed home.

i was so angry. Kory piss me off sometimes.

I waited for a while to see if he'd call.

2 hours later~ 

Damn its 4:00 in the morning an i didn't get not a text or a call or anything. Is he still at the club?

I texted chris on Kik.

CrownNiqTheQueenBarb:  Ay yo u still at the club?

BigBallinIsMyHobbie:   Naw i been left. Well an hour after you. What's happening?

CrownNiqTheQueenBarb: Umm Did Kory leave with you?

BigBallinIsMyHobbie: Naw me an isaiah did he stayed. 

CrownNiqTheQueenBarb: Sooo he's still there?

BigBallinIsMyHobbie: Yeah why u so worried, not like y'all go out or he gotta curfew or some shit. Lmfao.

CrownNiqTheQueenBarb: Haha! I know I'm just asking cause his mom said for him to get his ass home cause we got school tomorrow.

BigBallinIsMyHobbie: Ohh. Well nigga on his own about that you already know Mrs. Greyson bout to whoop some ass. School tomorrow i gotta get some sleep. Night niq. Forever the illest ex. :)

CrownNiqTheQueenBarb: LMFAO! Good night fool! Forever the illest ex :)

End Of Conversation

 Me an chris always call eachother the illest ex because its funny how were still close friends an we use to go out.  That's some real nigga shit tho to be able to talk to your ex after you an him dated

I was still mad that kory was STILL at the club at this time a night? What the hell is he doing? He better not come my way tomorrow.

i sighed an just went to bed. 


Khalob POV

i woke up with Aaleece in my arms. She's so damn cute when she sleep. I smiled an got up trying not to wake her,

I had to get home an get dressed for school. 

I kissed her on the cheek .

Gotta get ready for school. I'll see you there boo. "i whispered in her ear"

I knew hew ass didn't hear me cause he was lightly snoring. I smiled an snook out her room an out the door.

I got in my car an drove home.

When i got there Kory was passed out on the couch.

Damn nigga what he do last night.

I tapped him.

He groaned.

Better get yo ass up nigga an get ready for school?

he nodded as i walked up the stairs an took a shower.

After i got out i put on some khaki shorts an black fitted tee an a navy blue cardigan along with my navy blue converse. Ugh these basic ass uniforms. I picked up my weed book bag an put one notebook an 2 mechanical pencils in it. Shit all my school books was in my locker. Who finna carry them? Not me.

 I grabbed my phone an walked down the stairs. I was actually in a kinda good mood. I mean i got Aaleece an hopefully no annoying ass teacher fuck with me today.

I Grabbed a bowl. An got my Cinnamon Toast Crunch outta the cabinet. Along with the milk an cereal.

I started to eat when my mom walked out her room prepared for work.

Good Morning Ma. "i said" 

Good Morning Khalob. You ready to go to school?

i laugh. 

Only to see one person. 

An who's that?

I smiled. 

Somebody special.

My moms eye widened.

This is the happiest I've seen you khalob in a loooooong time. An I'm glad you got someone there for you. 

I smiled an hugged my mom.

Go to work ma for you be late.

 She laughed

Ohh i forgot about that place. Annoying ass bitches an one fat ass boss that think he run shit. She said 

I laughed. Mom you is to live.

She smiled. Tell your brother i said good morning an that if he don't get his ass to school on time that ass is mine.

Alright. I said laughing as my mom left.

That women right there man. 

Kory walked downstairs. 

" Ayy you got football practice today?" 

Yep, but i ain't going shit I'm tired as hell.

"Ohh mom said(gco)

I heard her ass all the way up there. 

he said laughing.

Ohh well lets go. 

We walked outside an got in my Black porche panorama.

Kory POV

Mann i was too faded last night. My head hurting like a motherfucker. But i turned up to the max last night, no regrets at all. I aint do nothing stupid now i just was drinking an dancing. 

Arriving to school~

i got out the car an walked in the entrance me an my brother going different ways.

i spotted Onika by her locker.

i smiled as i walked up to her.

Hey bae. I attempted to hug her but she pushed me back an walked away.

What'd i do now?? Its always something. 

Chris & Isaiah walked up to me.

Chris, waddup doe

Nothing much. ' I Said"

Ayy i bet Mrs. greyson beat that ass last night cause you got home so late. (he laughed)

I looked confused.

What you talking about?

He gave me a strange look.

You ain't get in trouble last night?

No, the hell you talking about?

But that's what onika said.

The fuck?

i sighed.

Whatever man lets get to class we probably got a new teacher or something.

He nodded still looking confused.

1st Period~~ 

Mr. hendrix, Well , Well Kory greyson we meet again. You thought i actually quit? (laughs) Naw i thought id actually stick it out to see you end the year off Khalob Greyson. If you do.

Fine with me Sir. But if You don't respect me i wont respect you. " i walked to my seat" 

I saw onika roll her eyes at me.

What the fuck is wrong with her man. damn i ain't even do nothing.,

After Class~

i was the first one to get up i walked by onika desk an she just got up an passed right by me.

I was sick of this silent treatment shit.

I grabbed her arm snatching her back.

Man what the fuck is wrong with you an this attitude! " i said" 

You know what shut the fuck up Kory!! You always act like nothing you ever do could be wrong! Tell me why you were at the club so late last night! 

Man why you assuming shit! I didn't do nothing if that's what your asking!! All i did was chill i wanted to get out for once an then yo ass wanna be like my momma an shit i can do what the fuck i want when i want so stop acting like you tell me when to do shit an when to not!!

I'm not dumb-ass!!! I'm mad cause you didn't even look at me before i left the club. Like i was some random hoe. You didn't walk me to my car you didn't even hug me so get the fuck out my face thinking you're right all the time. And if you think i tell you what to do so much then why we together?

i don't know you tell me. " he mumbled"

Well how about this were over, I'm done wit you. Go back with your bitch Mariah cause i promise you i don't give a fuck. Don't walk around like you irreplaceable Kory cause i can replace you in 2 minutes whether we been homies since we 7 or not. " i walked pass him going to my next class"

Author POV

OH shit. Who think that Onika an Kory was just going a little to fast an just be best-friends for now?  Aaleece & Khalob cute or nahh?? Was this chapter good?


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