A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 3...

By MystoganSeven

39.9K 888 170

(sequel to A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2) In his last skirmish with Vilgax, Ben Tennyson unlocked a darkness... More

The Coming Doom
Out of Earth and Into The Universe.
The Pirates that Don't Do Anything.......Except Spit.
In the Depths of the Pirate's Den
The Monster That Will Not Die
Nuns In Space
Fear the Freak
Misaka Mikoto Get's Competition
Duel to The Death Between Two Lovers
Argit's Gamble
A Moment in An Alien's Shoes
The Inner Omniverse of Ben Tennyson
A Plan to Escape
Darkness In The Omniverse
Vreedles Go Boom
Welcome To Ghost Town
It's Luna Lobo, Of Course there are Werewolves.
The Ancient Ones
Anur Phaetos, World of Utter Darkness
Ascalon, Bane Of Diagon.
GhostFreaked Out
Alien X, The Form That Transcends All Forms

Epilogue: World War X Begins

1.8K 36 4
By MystoganSeven

"So.....he's finally done it.......he has finally awoken the form that trancends all others.."

Aleister Crowley was floating in his tank absolutely pleased at the turnout of these events. Standing in the windowless building before Aleister was none other then Argit.

"That's right." said Argit. "I have to say, it sounded like a whole bunch Vulpimancer crap to me, but after I heard about it while stuck in that stupid Tetrax's ship, I can gauruntee they've unlocked an actual Celestialsapien* form. Supposedly it's got a catch or something to it, but other then that, it's completely omnipotent.

"Alien X. An interesting name." Said Aleister. " Obviously, the X part of the name is an allusion to the number 10, and the fact that the boy used to only posses 10 alien forms. Quite fitting I must say."

"So what's the deal man?" asked Argit. "I know my whole resume says I'm the kind of guy who just takes the money and doesn't ask questions, but I have to admit, I am getting seriously curious here!"

"Why it's rather simple." said Aleister. "Now that Alien X has been unlocked, if the world were to somehow find out about it, many a country would see it as.........potential. It would be much like the arms race.......only with Alien X's power in the balance, a lot more deadly."

"Don't tell me." said Argit. "You're trying to start a war over Ben. And what the heck is that supposed to accomplish?"

"You will see..." said Aleister. "The entire Universe will soon see......"

"Riiiight......"Said Argit. "So are you going to tell me where Azmuth's lab is now, or what? I've got paying clients actually asking me for at least a scrap of those Omnitrix plans."

"Why, you'll actually find it right under one of the schools in the Learning Garden on District Seven." Said Aleister. "Besides that.....I couldn't tell you much."

"I thought you knew and saw everything in this place!!"

"Yes..." said Aleister. "But Azmuth is quite.......Exceptional."

Argit rolled his eyes. "Makes sense..........Well, I'm glad me getting captured and let go later gave me an edge on this stuff."

Aleister smiled broadly. "As valuable as I do believe Azmuth's research for the Omnitrix is, I do not think it would be wise for you to remain on this planet for long............the war will be quite brutal.."

"Trust me." said Argit. "I never planned to stay long to begin with, not with the psycho electric Railgun around. She's still sore about that last incident a month ago when I tried to con her."

"Yes........Railgun." said Aleister. "I believe her part in all of this will prove most interesting as well......very, very interesting."

3 days later, after a UN conference.

"Is this true?" The President of the United States asked as he talked to a computer screen attatched to the seat of his car.

A man in a suit who was on the screen spoke back. "Yes sir, it appears that many of the other countries in the world also now know of Alien X. There are some reports from our undercover agents that some of these countries, such as Russia and France, are already thinking of ways to possibly weaponize Alien X should they get their hands on it."

"Any reports on how they knew about Alien X in the first place?" asked the President.

"They're all the same as us sir." said the man. "They recieved an anonymous report along with very convincing hard evidence that proves Alien X's existance. And the information on that alien is all the same. Omnipotence, complete control over reality itself.........it's all very troubling."

"Strange how Alien X wasn't even mentioned once back at the UN conference today..." muttered the President.

President Arthur Talmage, was never one who liked to get involved with sticky situations. Ever since he heard of the actions of his predecessor who had been deeply involved in the fight against the fight against a terror organization called Gremlin (Hawaii invasion arc of A Certain Magical Index New Testament), He had vowed that when he took office, the states would never have to go through something as crazy as that again. But now that this whole Alien X thing was starting to surface..........

The President sighed. It had already been a crazy thing when people discovered Ben Tennyson and his Omnitrix, but with the development of that supposed all powerful form of his, things were going get even more crazy. And considering none of the representatives at the UN conference today had bothered to even speak up, that meant they all had their eyes on Alien X as well, and they didn't want anyone else getting in their way.

An even worse scenario was if a terrorist organization like Alquaeda or that recently emerging Forever Night's group managed to get their hands on this. It could spell doom for all the countries free from radical tyrannical rule.

It looked like it was about to turn into a full blown war over just one boy. And it also looked like the President himself was going to have to join that war as well.

"Is White Knight available?" Asked the President.

"In about a few hours." said the man. "Providence is currently doing an investigation of recent supernatural sightings in Brazil. What do you need from him?"

"Tell him that we might need his human weapon for this.....you know, the one that builds machines out of his body."

"You want to send in Rex?" said the man in surprise. "But you heard the reports, he's a loose cannon!!"

"I heard Ben Tennyson was pretty much same mold in that regard." said the President. "Sometimes it takes a loose cannon to catch a loose cannon."

Back in Academy City, Ben's dorm.

"Aw come on!! Pleaaaasssseee!!!!" Ben begged Mikoto as he looked at the add on TV for the premeire for the new Sumo Slammers movie. "The premiere is like tommorow!!"

Mikoto sighed. "Ben, I appreciate that you want to go on a date with me, but does it really have to be that movie? I mean, I haven't even watched Sumo Slammers before......."

"That's what I said when we went to that Gekota convention yesterday."

"Okay, you have a point there..........."

As Ben and Mikoto talked and made plans for tommorow, Shirai Kuroko sat at the dining table a distance away biting a pillow furiously, growling: "My Sissy..........and that oaf......going out..............My Sissy........and that oaf........together..........AAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!"

"Ummm.....should I be worried?" asked Ben pointing back at Kuroko with his thumb. "I think she might tear my head off in my sleep."

"Her?" said Mikoto. "Don't worry about it, I'll keep an eye on Kuroko........though you might want to go Swampfire before you go to bed tonight....just in case you need to regenerate a limb or something."

As it turned out, Ben didn't go to sleep that night. Instead, he stayed up flicking through Television channels till he was bored to tears. He didn't know why he bothered watching TV here anymore, there was nothing on but japanese stuff with no subtitles. Mikoto had been teaching him japanese, but he just wasn't yet at the level where he could understand what the heck they were saying on all those anime.

"Well....." said Ben. "At least I've finally caught a break......no one trying to kill me, take over my body, or cut the Omnitrix off my wrist.."

"I wouldn't say that."

Standing in the dark living room behind the couch was Tsuchimikado Motoharu, a double agent for both Necessarius and Academy City and a student at Touma's school.

"How the heck did you get in here!?" Ben exclaimed falling off the couch in shock.

"Your back balcony door was unlocked." said Tsuchimikado with his usual sly grin.

"We're on the third floor!!" Ben exclaimed. "I shouldn't have to lock the balcony!!"

"Well what I have to tell you is urgent." said Tsuchimikado as his shades glinted a little of the television's light.

"Okay...." said Ben standing up. "Don't leave me hanging."

"Ben.....the world knows about Alien X."

Ben opened his mouth, and then closed it. He had not seen this coming. "H-how can anyone know about that!? I've never told anybody about Alien X, plus it's only been 3 days!!"

"Not even I'm sure how anyone found out so quickly on such little information." said Tsuchimikado. "Though I do have my suspicions......My point is, that you need to leave Academy City now!"

"Now!? Why!?"

"Well isn't it obvious Monster Kid?" said Tsuchimikado. "Alien X is even more powerful and controversal then the whole nuclear arms race. Right now........every single country, organization, and terrorist group is going to be coming after you.....and that includes Academy City and Necessarius.....Unless you want one of them to capture you and take you to some weaponization lab somewhere, I suggest you hoof it......and now would be a good time to do so, because the U.S. and Academy City are about to send some serious hunters to your dorm within the next 4 hours."

Ben just stood there feeling extremely shocked. Never in his entire life had he thought anything would come to this. He knew that having a power as big as the Omnitrix would definitely put some eyes on him......but this was ridiculous.

"Where do I go.....?" Ben muttered to himself.

"Anywhere." said Tsuchimikado. "As long as it isn't anywhere people can find you..... I would suggest leaving the planet for a while....but it seems that Providence, the organization that deals with supernatural catastrophes and stuff, has sent some of their shuttles to make sure nothing get's in or out."

Ben nodded. "I'll pack right away then.....I guess I had better leave a note for Mikoto and Kuroko too...."

"You're not taking anybody else with you?" asked Tsuchimikado.

"I've already got all my friends into enough danger." said Ben. "I don't need the entire world coming after them too."

Tsuchimikado grinned again. "I thought you might say that......."

Mikoto walked out of her room, dressed in a coat and warm jeans and dragging a large suitcase with her. "Trying to run off without me?"

Ben looked at Tsuchimikado increduously. "Just how long were you in here?!"

"Thing is Benjy." said Tsuchimikado. "In this kind of situation, you'll need all the help you can get. And I've already called Helen, she'll meet you at the airport with the fake passports I commissioned for you."

"You've what!?'

"Oh, isn't Helen Wheels that weird part alien girl your parents adopted when you were twelve?" asked Mikoto. "Can't wait to meet her."

"You actually called my Sis?" Ben said shocked. "Are you insane-?"

"And I do believe Kevin and Gwen will be waiting when you get off your first connected flight." continued Tsuchimikado as if nothing had happened. "And Kamy (Tsuchimikado's nickname for Touma) will be waiting at the airport with Helen.........And I think that's all the info I need to tell ya."

Ben just stared at Tsuchimikado with his jaw open.

Tsuchimikado, still grinning, walked to the door and opened it. "Later Sparky and Monster Kid, hope you kiddies enjoy the fugitive's life."

Tsuchimikado walked off closing the door behind him.

Ben continued to stare in shock for a moment before he finally shook himself. "I-I can't believe this is happening......the entire world is after me now."

"Yeah..." said Mikoto. "But look on the bright side."


Mikoto smiled. "We'll still be together. And you won't have to write any more 50 page reports for that horrid teacher of yours...."

Ben thought about it for a moment. "You know what...........That's actually a pretty fair exchange.......at least it will be till we actually start roughing it."

"As long as we're on the lam together." said Mikoto. "I'll be just fine."

Ben grinned. "I feel better already."


Hey guys!! It's me, MystoganSeven. Your friendly neighborhood crazy crossover writer, as well as the utmost biggest Ben 10 and Railgun fanatic out there. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to finish this book to move on to the fourth one....but when I saw the readers skyrocket, I was just so happy....because I actually really enjoy writing this Ben 10 and Railgun crossover.

As you can see, while the Timeline from the A Certain Magical Index side of the crossover remained precise, the Ben 10 part of the timeline was changed. I wondered myself why I had done that. It would have been easier to stick to the original Ben10 timeline and just change the Index timeline right? Wrong. Turns out, if you look at behind the scenes stuff from Ben 10, such as the alien species, the planet histories, character backgrounds...etc, both Index and Ben 10 have equally complicated plots. The difference being that Ben 10 was orriginally meant for kid and teenage audiences, while Index was meant for teenage and adult audiences.

The reason I chose to change the Ben 10 timeline stuff, such as when he unlocked some of his aliens like Shocksquatch and Humungousaur, and what happened during the Highbreed war, was because of the episode in Ben 10 Ultimate Alien called Ben 10,000 returns. For those of you who haven't watched it yet, I won't reveal too much. But basically the episode reveals that there are multiple different alternate timelines of Ben's world in alternate dimensions. Such as a world where Gwen found the Omnitrix, a world where Ben remained with the prototype Omnitrix, a world where Albedo turned into Alien X and was stuck motionless for a year, and etc. The alternate realities are supposedly infinite. So therefore, it would make sense to the normal Ben 10 fanatic that this fanfiction crossover universe is another alternate reality.

Well this is the the end of the third book, Be on the lookout for A Certain Powerful Omnitrix: World War X! MystoganSeven, up up and away!!!

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