Another Set of Guardians

By Yunikon-chan

9.2K 296 73

Jack thought it was going to be a great year. Pitch is no where to be found and the kids believe in him. But... More

There's Another World?!
Did a Dragon Just Flew by Us?
That's Right! I'm a Messenger!
A Princess?
You're Just Like Me!
Listening to Gossip
Can I Join Your Girl Talk
Glad to Have Met All of You

Do You Wanna Make a Dragon?

690 31 8
By Yunikon-chan

"So... I don't know... maybe you could make a dragon?" 

Elsa and Jack just looked at each other somewhat skeptical of what Hiccup suggested.

"I'm not sure if I can make something like that, Hiccup. All my creations are made out of snow. I've only made two so far, Olaf and the Snow Golem who guards this palace." She said as she clutched her hands tightly.

"A dragon?" Jack gave him an annoyed glance. "Does it really have to be a dragon? It can be a Phoenix or maybe even a Pegasus!"

The brunette chuckled. "Come on, Jack. I know you didn't have a good experience when you met dragons but think about it this way. They're more faster, stronger, and they breathe fire."

"You do realize we both have ice powers. Fire melts ice," He retorted as he paced around them. The girls just watched their exchange in amusement.

Anna looked at them back and forth, deciding to step in. "Aww, come on guys! This will be fun! Elsa," she turned to her sister. "Do you wanna make a dragon?"

Her older sister rolled her eyes playfully. "I... we can try."

Jack was still unsure as he continued his worry walk. Merida sighed impatiently, stopping him. "Just do it. There's no harm in trying."


 "No buts, Jack." 

"Fine! What do we do, hold hands or something?" Hiccup smirked and turned to Merida who gave him a sly grin. "Well.." Hiccup started, "I was going to say just stand close and aim together but if you think holding hands will make you comfortable, you're free to do that."

"Yeah, Jackie. It's not like you want to hold Elsa's hand..." Merida teased. 

Jack glared at her while Elsa looked away shyly. 

Elsa then reached out her hand to him and he took it. "Fine. Whenever you're ready, your majesty." She nodded and together, they lifted their entwined hands. Jack was focusing on giving all if his magic rather than Elsa's soft hand and how it fitted perfectly with his.... Focus, Jack. If this dragon ended up looking like Elsa... well that would be embarrassing.

They watched as their magic combined and snowflakes started appearing, whirling around in circles until a small tornado was formed. From within, they could see something take shape and all of a sudden,  their snowflakes glowed into a blinding white light.  They all turned, not being able to watch any longer. A strong gust of wind erupted from within the tornado, causing them to topple on one another. Anna fell on to Toothless who protected her with his wings while Merida landed on top of Hiccup. Jack, held Elsa close as they fell, acting as her cushion once they landed on floor.

"Are you alright?" Jack asked as he inspected Elsa to see if she was hurt. She shook her head and Jack breathed out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear." He then noticed the position they were in and turned beet red.

Elsa immediately stood up, lending him her hand. "Here." Once Jack was up on his feet, they looked around to survey the damage. 

Everywhere the looked, it was filled with snow. The palace was still standing but had a gaping hole at one of the walls, letting wind in, scattering the snow around them. Elsa's gaze landed on Anna who was helping Toothless navigate the broken shards and she finally relaxed. Right next to them was Merida, nudging Hiccup to stand up. "I could always fix the palace. Everyone's safety is more important," she reasoned as they headed towards Hiccup and Merida.

"You guys alright?" Jack asked, floating above them. His eyes scanned them for any injury but only found Hiccup groaning in pain. "Is he okay?"

Merida shrugged as she helped him up. "He's just being dramatic."

"Wow, I just provided you a soft way to land. You're welcome." Hiccup sarcastically retorted as he stretched his back.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Soft? Ha! It felt like I landed on a pile of sticks."

Jack snickered, earning a glare from both of them. "Aw, come on guys. That was funny."

Elsa and Anna watched from the sidelines. "Aw, they're like a big happy family." Elsa turned to her sister, "Are you sure? They seem like they're fighting a lot."

Their short fun was disturbed when Hiccup noticed Toothless growling at something. "Hey buddy! You alright?" Once he reached him, he followed his line of sight. He stood still. "Oh. Uh, guys?"

Jack flew towards Hiccup but not before sticking out his tongue at Merida who returned the same gesture. "What is it, Hiccs?"

Hiccup pointed to where Toothless was growling. The three of them looked and Elsa let out a gasp. "It... it worked!" In front of them stood a dragon, the same size as Toothless, who was white as snow. It was a good thing the dragon had black eyes, claws, and horns or else it would've blended right in with their white surroundings. The dragon sat up elegantly, and stared at them.  "Glad it got its manners from Elsa than Jack," Merida commented as they all stared at the new born dragon.

To everyone, it was the most beautiful thing they've ever seen. Its best feature was its wings. Despite being folded, they could see that it was made entirely out of ice shards. It looked so majestic that none of them could move, afraid it was going to startle the dragon, and cause it to attack them.

Toothless had other plans though. He walked towards the dragon slowly as the dragon watched him. As he got closer, the dragon started imitating him. When Toothless walked to the left, so did the dragon. The two of them continued to mimicked each other making it seem like they were reflections of one another.. Finally, Toothless nudged towards the dragon and pointed towards Jack and Elsa. 

The dragon nodded and walked towards the two of them. Jack started to move backwards and the dragon followed, thinking it was a game. When it finally caught up to Jack, it licked his face and flew on top of him, giving him, what it thought, was a hug. Jack groaned under the dragon. "Well, at least he likes.." The dragon growled. "Oh. Sorry didn't noticed that. At least she likes me."

As Jack stood up and dusted the snow from his clothes, Elsa started to pet the dragon. "She's so beautiful, Jack! Who would've thought we could create something like this?" She smiled and Jack found himself smiling as well. Elsa and the dragon looked perfect together. He then agreed with Merida, glad that it got most of its personality from Elsa rather than him.

Anna went to look at the three and cooed, "Aww. You two look like you just had a child! You look like one big happy family!" The rest of them watched in amusement as the couple blushed. 

Hiccup laughed. "No need to be embarrassed. It's sort of true. This dragon is your 'child' now. You two made it and I think she sees you two as her mother and father." The dragon purred and curled up in the middle of Jack and Elsa making Hiccup's statement true. "See. Now give it a name, unless you want to name her 'nameless'." 

Jack frowned, "That wasn't a clever joke." He then turned to Elsa, "So, your majesty. What do you want to name her?"

Elsa looked at the dragon and tilted her head as she went to think about names. She noticed the dragon copying her and then she looked at Jack happily. "I know what we're going to name her. We can call her Mirror since when you look at her, she mirrors what you do." Elsa said as she patted Mirror's head affectionately. Jack nodded, "Mirror it is!"

Hiccup kneeled in front of Mirror and rubbed her chin, deep in thought. "Well, it's obvious that Mirror's an ice dragon. Does that also mean she can breathe ice?"

"Well, only one way to find out. Hey, Mirror..." Mirror looked up at Jack. "Can you shoot.. er.. that?" He pointed at a tree on the other side of the wall. Mirror nodded and stood up. She flew up in the air and breathe out ice. The tree froze and just when everyone expected her to be finished, Mirror suddenly flew even more higher than charged at the tree, pulling back her wings, then gave a final flap. Some of her ice shards flew like spikes and perfectly hit the tree, which cracked and fell into a thousand pieces.

Mirror then landed in front of them and awaited their praises.

Hiccup clapped his hands in appreciation. "Nice."


"Alright, everyone! Make sure you have everything you need!" Jack yelled as he flew around checking if everything's ready. 

They where back at castle in the village, preparing to leave. Merida was making sure they had enough rations of food and water for several nights. Hiccup was chasing Toothless and Mirror to adjust their saddles but they keep evading him. Lastly Elsa, who was now wearing a white furred poncho, brown pants, and black boots, stood by the castle doors, saying goodbye to Anna, Olaf, and another guy they didn't know.

"I'm gonna miss you!" Anna cried as she hugged Elsa tighter.

 "Silly, I'll miss you more! But Elsa! Are you sure I can't go?" Anna pleaded, making puppy eyes at her sister. Next to her, the blonde guy chuckled. "Come on, Anna. I'm sure Elsa can handle this by herself." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Kristoff! You're supposed to be on my side!"

Elsa laughed turning to Kristoff, "I leave her in your hands, Kristoff. Keep her safe and keep her in check." Kristoff looked confused and Elsa turned to Anna, removing her crown to place on her sister's head. "Rule wisely, temporary Queen of Arendelle." Anna let out a shriek of surprise. "I don't know when I'll be back so I'm sure the people would feel more secure with you as their queen." She kneeled so she could talk to Olaf. "Help her out. Okay, Olaf?" Olaf nodded as they hugged.

She stood up, noticing a nervous Kristoff. "Are you sure about this, Elsa? Anna tends to be... unpredictable." She smiled at him, "Yes. Don't worry. I trust her, besides, you'll be with her so I know she's in good hands." 

"Oh, Elsa!" Anna suddenly yanked all of them into a group hug as they said their farewells. After one last hug from Anna, she then decided it was time to leave. She waved at them one more time before heading towards her dragon. 

Mirror, who was wearing a new saddle, lowered herself so that she would be able to climb on top with ease. "Mirror, it's my first time to ride a dragon so be gentle okay?" The dragon just gave her a happy grin, which Elsa thought was a good sign.

Jack flew around one last time to check if everyone was ready. Satisfied that all was into place, he was about to head towards Elsa when he saw Anna motioning him over. He landed in front of her, "Uh, do you need anything?"

Anna gave him a threatening glare, a look Jack wasn't used seeing on the usually easy-going princess. "Look here, Jack. I love my sister and you better bring her back alive and happy!" 

Jack smiled at how protective they were of one another. "Don't worry. I promise I'll keep her safe. You don't need to tell me twice. I know Elsa might be more powerful than me but that won't stop me from protecting her. She'll be back before you know it."

Anna breathed out a sigh of relief, all anger gone. She hugged Jack, "Thank you, Jack." She pulled back, an impish grin on her face. "Could you perhaps promise me one more thing?"


She moved away from him. "Just promise me you'll marry her once you get back. I really like you and I'd gladly have you as my brother-in-law." Jack stared at her, mouth wide open. She giggled. "Well, goodbye and good luck!" She walked back to Kristoff as Jack continued to processed what she had just suggested.


Jack fell, face-first, in the snow. He rubbed his head and found his staff beside him. He looked up and saw Hiccup and Merida, already riding Toothless. Hiccup grinned, "You ready? Or do we need Toothless to hit you again?" Jack rolled his eyes, "I'm coming." He flew to Mirror and Elsa, who scooted back to give him room to sit in the front. "You ready, your majesty?" Elsa laughed, wrapping her hands around his waist. "Yes."

Jack smiled. "Alright. Let's go, Mirror!" Mirror let out a roar before taking off to fly side by side with Toothless in the night sky.

"To Southern Isles!" Hiccup shouted while Merida let out a whoop.

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