The Mobster Little Girl

By TheTallBlonde

616 5 0

Phoenix is a normal girl, if you ignore the fact that her father is one of the most powerful men in the mafia... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

The Mobster Little Girl

290 3 0
By TheTallBlonde

I lived good, always had. We had a three story house, six bed, four bath, one office, one living room, one kitchen, one dinning room, one meeting room, and a pool room. We had a huge backyard with a pool and hot tub, lemon tree. And lots of grass. The front yard had grass, rose bushes and a big old oak tree. This all makes sense, considering my dad is very high up in the mafia.

            I woke up and looked around my room, the violet walls met with the cream colored carpet, my queen sized bed was covered with bed spread that matched the walls. I slipped out of my bed and went to my cream colored make-up table. I sat down in the matching chair and started on my make up. First foundation, then blush, eye liner, eye shadow and then mascara. I have olive colored skin, straight black laired hair and light blue eyes. I pulled a brush threw my hair and pulled it into a bun with one lock out on the right side.

            I swung around and headed to my closet, it was a big walk in. I pulled a gray scoop top dress that went about 6 inches above my knees. I pulled a wide black belt around my waist. Slid my feet into black fabric boots. And for the final touch I clasped my silver charm bracelet around my wrist. This was my morning.

            I opened the door and walked down the stairs. My room was on the second floor and the kitchen was on the first along with the living room, dining room and one bathroom. Second floor had my bedroom, my parents master bed room, my two older brothers rooms, and two bathrooms. Third floor held  the guest rooms, the meeting room, another bathroom, Daddy’s office and the pool room.

            I entered the kitchen, Mom and Daddy were eating at the island. Mom had brown hair and green eyes, and was, well white. Daddy on the other hand had the olive skin, black hair and hazel eyes. My two brothers were younger versions of Daddy. Dragon had long shaggy hair, but River had short spiky hair; they were twins, and always had some prank planed.

“Morning Phoenix.” Daddy said as he got up, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I know what your thinking, weird names. Dragon, River and Phoenix. When Dragon and River were born Daddy was drunk and named them, and when he realized it the next day he thought it was original and quite funny, so he kept them. When I was born he was sober but chose to keep the tradition of odd names. “how did you sleep?”

“Fine, how about you?’

“Fine fine. There’s toast and eggs on a plate for you on the counter.”

“Thank you” I walked slowly passed Mom, but as usual she didn’t even glance at me. I grabbed the plate and walked to the table to sit with my brothers. “Morning, Tweedle-Dee, Tweedle-Dumb.”

“Good morning Trivial Pursuit.” These were names that we called each other often. They got mine from the fact that I spew random facts. We sat there in silence until Dragon looked up and said “How many drops of bleach does it take to purify water, Phoenix?”

            I thought for a minute and took a sip of my orange juice “Eight drops per gallon” I replied matter of fact like. I wondered why they needed to know that for…… or who they needed for was always more of the question. I reached for my own water and took a small sip.

“You might want to put some bleach in that” River said, as Dragon laughed.

            The facts slowly clicked in to place in my head “What did you two do to my water?!” Mom walked out with out with out word. Dragon and River were cracking up. Daddy looked up from the paper. I grabbed my water and threw the liquid at River, then did the same with the orange juice to Dragon. “Answer me!” I snapped.

“We just put some bacteria into it! Just enough to make it like pond water.” Dragon said coolly, considering the fact that River was in hysterics. Daddy even laughed, but my jaw just dropped. I scooped up the soft butter from the table and messed it into Dragons hair he froze as I did it; which sent River into more laughter. When I walked over to him I took his water dumped it into his hair, then took the sugar bowl and worked that in to his short hair. They both stared at me as I smiled and turned. The next thing I knew was that Dragon smudged jam on my dress while River rubbed egg into my bun.

“River, Dragon, Phoenix STOP IT NOW!” Daddy’s voice boomed through the kitchen. We all turned around, all laughing. “Look at you guys. Covered in food, its disgraceful, I have guest today. This is how you choose to behave? It is unacceptable!”

“Daddy,” I said “your guest is Tony and Rob, they’ve seen the pool room covered in flower. And we can be cleaned up by the time they get here; also Lucy is a great maid, the kitchen well be clean too.”

“I suppose your right, all of you throw out those clothes and clean up. Now.”

“Yes sir” We all walked up stairs together, Dragon on my left and River on my right, they were two years older than me, they were seventeen.

“Nice touch with the water and sugar” River started as we came to a stop in the middle of the second floor. “Its hardened now. Very cleaver Trivial Pursuit”

            I smiled and nodded “Thank you Tweedle-Dee, these eggs well take a while to get out of my hair.” Dragon looked at me waiting to be praised “nice touch with the jam, caught me off guard there Tweedle-Dumb.”

            Dragon smiled very proud “Very smart idea with the butter, you shouldn’t be complaining abut the eggs. I have butter in my hair this shit is like water repellent.” We all laughed, Dragon turned to go upstairs to the third floor bathrooms as River went to one of the second floor ones. I stood there for a second and thought to my self ‘I must get a little better revenge on them for making me drink pond water.’ I turned on the heel and headed to the bathroom for my shower.

            Standing in the shower with the hot water beating on my skin, I started to work the egg out of my hair. What could I do to get them back they got me pretty good. This was a job for Charlene, my best friend. She was Latina with brown hair and green eyes.

            I hopped out of the shower and dried put my hair and realized I had forgot to grab new clothes. ‘well shit’ I thought my self. I snatched my towel wrapped it around my self and started for my room. I was about three steps away when I heard Dragon’s voice “Phoenix! Put some god damn clothes on!” I slowly turned around, he was standing there with no shirt on. “what if someone else was here, and you were running around naked?”

“Dragon! Put a shirt on!” I said in the same tone. “what if someone else was here?” I turned and headed to my room to get a new outfit on. I put on a pair of black leggings, a grey sweater and a pair of uggs. I heard the door bell ring down stairs. I started to run to my bed room door to greet Tony and Rob. I pulled my door and ran straight into my mom. She glared down on me as if a was some homeless person who was grabbing her on the street; I opened and closed my mouth a few times before saying “S-S-S-Sorry mom”

“mmmhm” she pursed her lips, she barley said a word to me ever. “stay out of my way… go away now.” I wasn’t her biological daughter and I knew that but she raised me. And for some reason when I turned eleven she started hating me. Glaring at me and just not talking to me most of the time. She still fussed over River and Dragon, who weren’t her real kids either. But she continued to love them. Our real mother left daddy when I was born. But mom, she scared me it was like she was only one word away from hitting me “GO!” She screeched, and that was the one word. Her hand was raised then it hit me across the face, really hard. I ran away fast as I could. I started walking when I was half way down the stairs. My face stung so much.

            I saw Tony and rob in the living room with daddy. They were daddy’s right hand men, and best friends. I walked into the living room and smiled. There was another guy who I didn’t know. He looked my age and was Italian. He had black hair that was down to his chin and a face that he could be a model with. He had this intense stare that really caught me. This stranger was a looker all right. Rob stood up and said hello, he was short and fat. With beady black eyes, he was all about business. Tony hoped up after, he was the opposite, tall and skinny, and a complete joker. “Alas” he said in some fake British accent “Phoenix my dear you look even prettier than the last time I saw you” He put one hand over his heart.

“Tony,” I said back “you saw me like two days ago.”

He smiled shrugged and sat back down. I took a place next to daddy. I leaned over and whispered “Who’s that kid in the corner”

“Adalberto he is Tony’s nephew. I would like you to make him convertible, we well be seeing him more often. He is living with Tony.”

“Why is he living with Tony?” I whispered to Daddy

“Parents had issues…. With being quiet.” Daddy said back, he rarely kept the business hidden from us. I had being hearing Daddy talking about traitors all my life.

“Rats?” Daddy gave a slight nod. “Rats deserve to go, everyone knows that.”

Daddy gave a slight smile “You are my daughter” He whispered before his voice boomed “Phoenix why don’t you show Adalberto around.”

“Yes Daddy. Come on” I said with a smile. He got up and walked next to me. “Soooooooooo tell me about yourself.”

He looked down at me he was a good half foot taller than me, his eyes were this chocolate brown. “I am Adalberto, I am full Italian, and both my parents are dead and I am currently living with my uncle Tony. Although you must already know that.”

“How were your parents killed? I know what they did.”

            He let out a small laugh “Your father doesn’t keep much from you does he?” he shook his head “I don’t think people should be exposed to this… life when young, it just isn’t fair, watching people you know just disappear.”

“Unless you know where they go and why.” I said softly “Then-“

“Then you can put reasoning to a death, even at a young age” Dragon’s voice made me jump.

“Then death, no matter the cause, is acceptable.” River’s voice continued the phrase. Daddy had taught use that phrase from a young age. River had on a pair of jeans with a white button up shirt. Dragon was in jeans a blue dress shirt and a black blazer. “Anyway,” River continued “I’m River, you must be Tony’s nephew.”

“Um yes, my name is Adalb-”

“We know your name.” Dragon snapped, he could change personalities fast. “My name is Dragon I understand your situation.” Boy was Dragon going to be good when he took over for Daddy. We all knew Dragon was going to take over the position, ever River. “I hope you don’t follow their footsteps. People might wonder where the family is going.” You could clearly tell Dragon looked down on Adalberto. River was staring absently at the ceiling, hands shoved into his pockets, slowly rocking back and forth.

“So what cha doing?” I said trying to ignore Dragon’s threat.

“Going to town, we’ll be home by lunch. Do you need anything Trivial?” Dragon said to me, but his glare never left Adalberto.

“No, except ice cream, I like ice cream…” Looking over at River I realized that he was in the same position he was in earlier. “Hey Tweedle-Dee! If you’re planning to put something up there don’t. I will kill you; literally kill you.” River let out a small laugh and smiled, a bad smile. It said you better watch your back. Great.

            As Dragon and River passed by us on the way to the door River mouthed “I don’t trust him.” Dragon put one hand on my shoulder and whispered “Don’t trust him, don’t spill anything, Phoenix.  His parents were rats, he might carry the gene. Don’t forget that.” I slightly nodded my head.

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