
By Jadegirl224

856 31 15

An Undertale AU where monsters are still currently trapped underground. It's been 6 months since Frisk has be... More

Fallen Down
The Ruins
Old Home
Into the Snow
Caves and Discussions
The Capital
Secret Lab
Secrets Out
Training in the Snow
My Fault
A Loving Family
To the Void Again
Blueprints and Golden Petals
Science Stuff
Little Brother
Hopes and Dreams
Broken Barrier


33 2 0
By Jadegirl224

 Darkness. I could hear voices but they sounded distant and muffled. I couldn't move... my eyes were closed... or were they? I couldn't tell, everything was just black. I tilted my head trying to figure out where I was, what was happening. I felt someone holding my hand. It was cold and smooth. I opened my eyes, a familiar figure stood there, placing a hand against my burning forehead. 

    "Do not worry, you will be alright. I taught Alphys everything she knows, you'll wake up soon." He smiled down at me, the cracks almost seeming to shift slightly with the smile. 

        "W...... D......" I muttered before going to sleep again. 


  I rolled over, pulling the blankets closer to me. Something fought against my hand as I moved and I cracked my eyes open slightly to see what it was. An IV?...... 

      I bolted up. A poor choice to make as my back was filled with burning pain. I gasped, slowly laying back down as I began to remember what had happened. I was in the underground, looking for frisk..... I had gotten into a fight and ran off with frisk.... we talked to everyone else and.... and I had blacked out. They was becoming common. I sighed, taking in my surroundings. The entire room was white, from the walls, to the ceiling and blinding lights, to the covers on the bed I was now laying in. Turning up to the screen to my left I glossed over my vitals. 

        Well, I was alive. That was good. I took a deep breath sitting up again, this time a bit slower. I felt my head. My temperature had definitely gone down and looking at the bandages they seemed new and more expertly wrapped.  I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

       "How long was I out..." I muttered to myself.

    "5 days!" A cheerful, squeaky voice answered. I leaned forward, looking over the edge of the spotless bed. Flowey smiled up at me. 

       "5 days huh...." I said putting my head in my hands. "Have you been staying out of trouble flower boy?"

    "Aw, you worried about me? How sweet... and stupid." Flowery smirked. "I don't have to tell you anything."

         "Hm, guess not..... by why did you come to in here if you don't plan to answer my questions?"

    "Heh, I was wondering if you were finally dead or not. Sadly the Doc says you're gonna live. It's a real shame too, I was planning on using your soul to become more powerful, too bad you're stuck like this... at least for now. "

         "I'm surprised you haven't just taken my soul.... what's stopping you?" I asked tilting my head.

     "At the moment, that annoying comedian. He keeps coming in here to 'check on you' or something. I think he's curious about why your soul is different." Flowey sighed annoyed. "Oh well, I'll let you rest. After all you're going to need it for when I get to fight you. Toodles!" He winked before popping into the ground. I sat up straight on the bed, looking at the IV again as I thought. I couldn't tell if that weed was planning something or just trying to mess with me... either way I didn't like it. 

     "Hey there sunshine, looks like you finally woke up." sans said, sending a shiver now my spine from surprise. I looked up at the skeleton. He was significantly shorter than his excitable brother but still at least half a foot taller than me. "I was beginnin' to think you were lazier than me." He huffed sitting down on the edge of the bed. 

           "Sorry if I worried you." I said quickly looking at my hands in my lap. If Flowey was right then sans was here to ask about my soul....

     "Heh, don't sweat it kid, it takes a bit more than that to rattle my bones." sans winked. I paused, looking back up at him and couldn't help burst out laughing. "Well I'm glad to find someone else who thinks my jokes are humerus." 

         "Well, it certainly seems like you got a... skele-ton of them." I replied before laughing again. He seemed surprised by the pun before he started laughing with me. We laughed for what seemed like forever and I fell onto my back on the hospital like bed, barely being able to breath through the laughs. 

      "Careful there kiddo, doc says you're still healing up." sans said though he had fallen back too. 

              "Aw, come on. Laughter's the best medicine, I feel better already!" It was true, the jokes had taken my mind off the pain. It was nice to have a calm moment. It seemed like since the moment I had come down here I had been running, running to find my sister, running to escape monsters, running because I was scared of what this timeline would bring but now... now it felt nice to have of moment of laughter and happiness. 

        "I agree with ya on that." sans winked. 

            "SANS!! YOU HAVE BEEN CHECKING ON HER FOR SOME TIME IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT!?" Papyrus said rushing in concerned. 

      "yep, we're all good here." sans said as I sat up. 

          "Human! Oh I'm so glad you're awake!" Papyrus smiled, scooping me up into a careful hug. "SANS!! Why didn't you tell me she was awake!?" 

         "Thought she needed a bit of time to rest still." sans shrugged. "She's probably been bone-tired considering she's been asleep 5-days." 

              "Ugh, please don't start sans, I was in such a good mood." Papyrus grumbled, setting me back down on the bed. "I certainly hope you didn't have to endure too many of my brothers horrible puns."

        "It's ok." I assured Papyrus. "...I was really out for a long time huh...." I glanced back down at my hands.

              "Yes, you had us very worried human!" Papyrus said before kneeling down. "But do not worry, the Great Papyrus is here to make sure you stay safe from now on."

           "Thanks Paps." I said hugging him suddenly. He quickly hugged back with a Nyeh Heh Heh and picked me up. 

              "We must go inform the other's you are awake!" Papyrus declared, gently taking out my IV. "Come brother!" He said racing out of the room with me in his arms. I glanced over his shoulder and saw sans give a lazy salute before heading in the opposite direction....

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