In love with my geeky step br...

By Seager99

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(1) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(2) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(3) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(4) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(5) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(6) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(7) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(8) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(10) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(11) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(12) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(13) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(14) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(15) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(16) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(17) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(18) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(19) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(20) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(21) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(22) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(23) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(24) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(25) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(26) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(27) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(28) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(29) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(30) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(31) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(32) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(33) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(34) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(35) In love with my geeky step brother!?
(1) A perfect love (Sequel to In love with my geeky step brother!?)
(2) A perfect love (Sequel to In love with my geeky step brother!?)
(3) A perfect love (Sequel to In love with my geeky step brother!?)
(4) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(5) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(6) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(7) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(8) A perfect love (Sequel to in love with my geeky step brother!?)
(9) A perfect love
(10) A perfect love
(11) A perfect love
(12) A perfect love
(13) A perfect love
(14) A perfect love
(15) A perfect love

(9) In love with my geeky step brother!?

10.8K 112 5
By Seager99

In love with my geeky step brother!?

Chapter 9

After a few minutes standing like that in his arms crying I pulled away feeling embarrassed by my actions.

"I should go fetch your car before you mom wakes up and realizes something's wrong" Daniel said taking a step back.

"Just one thing before you go"


"Where did you get that gun?" I asked.

"Oh that, I've had it since I was eight" Daniel replied with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked confused by his answer.

"It's not real, it's a BB gun" Daniel laughed disappearing out of my room.

When he was gone I started freaking out again not quite over what happened. I changed into a pajama short and tank top and got into bed. I switched on my I pod and turned the volume full blast and pushed the headphones into my ears trying to wash out the visions that were playing over in my head.

I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried so I just laid on my bed listening to music until the sun came up and my alarm clock told me that it was time to get out of bed. I got up, took a long hot shower and got dressed in a denim and T shirt not worried about how I looked for the first time since I can remember.

Daniel had already left for school and Robert for work. I found my mom in the kitchen getting ready to leave for work as well.

"Hi mom" I said sitting down at the table. I wanted to apologize for everything that I've done.

"Hi" she said turning around and looking at me suspiciously

"Can we talk for a second?" I asked.

"Ok" she replied sitting down at the table next to me.

"I've thought about everything that I've done and about my behavior lately and I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry" I blurted out before I could change my mind.

"Wow, I didn't expect that Chloe, I'm very proud of you for apologizing and I'm willing to except your apology if you promise not to do anything like that ever again" My mom said smiling at me.

"I'll try, I really want to get my life in order".

"That's good but you're still grounded and you still have to go for your therapy sessions, I think it could really help you to talk to somebody about your problems".

"I know mom, you don't have to worr. I'm done with all the bad things." I said trying to convince her to trust me again and knowing that it was going to take a lot more then that before she would.

My mom left for work leaving me alone at home. I tried studying but didn't get very far, not because I didn't try but because I really didn't understand a word I was reading. I've never spent a whole day at home and it was starting to work on my nerves but I didn't go out.

After a while I went upstairs and laid down on my bed. I was extremely tired so it didn't take long before I fell asleep. I woke up to a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled feeling too tired to bother getting up from my bed.

"Hi" Daniel said peeking around my door and entering after he made sure I was fully dressed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked keeping a distance between us.

"I'm ok, thanks to you. I'm just tired, I couldn't sleep last night" I said looking at him and seeing him in a whole new light. He was still captain of the chess and math club and still a straight A student, he still wore his khaki pants and button up shirt but somehow he just wasn't a geek to me anymore, he was my hero.

"Me neither but you should really get going. Your mom asked me to make sure that you go see Dr. Smith and I don't think you want to be late". Daniel replied and then left my room without another word.

I felt like I could just turn around and sleep further but I didn't want to disappoint my mom after I promised her that I would try to get my life straight so I got up. I fixed my hair quickly and headed to my therapy session without bothering to change into sexy clothes or putting on makeup like I would have usually.

Dr. Smith turned out to be really cool. She didn't force me to talk about anything I didn't want to. She just started up a conversation and asked me questions as the conversation went on. We talked about my mom getting married to Robert and how I felt about that and we talked about Daniel and school and all the trouble I got in lately. She spoke to me like somebody who understood and not somebody who was judging me.

I actually felt better after talking to her and was feeling hopeful that I could really turn my life around as I headed home.

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