To Be Continued

By Satan665

31 0 3

Different people. Different stories. Different settings. Read if you dare. (These are NOT one shots). More

I Am Petrified
I Can C
I See A Colorless World

I Won't Back Down

9 0 2
By Satan665

"Even when I fall down, I might stay down.
'Cause if I stay down no one can kick me back down again."

"Damn it, no service." I mumbled to myself as I fumbled with my phone. My boyfriend had just dumped me, and this is how my phone reacts? "Damn it!" I shouted while throwing my phone down on my bed. I guess all he needed was a play toy to help him get through life and then move on to the next one.

I tiredly sat down on my bed with my hands covering my face and my messy baby hairs that where sticking out. Why couldn't I just have one regular boyfriend for once? Don't take it the wrong way, im not a slut. I guess I just thought that I was a brave emotionless warrior who could just get over the first one, and try to heal myself with another one. Which I am not afraid to admit, it is my fault for getting myself stuck with boys like crazy glue. Im just happy that I could at least understand my own wrongs, unlike some girls out there in the world.

I just don't understand. What happened to the strong, and bold person I was. When did the walls to my inner life become so thin? To others, my walls still look as thick as can be, but inside I keep getting trapped with boys that somehow steal my heart within a second, what is wrong with me?

I need to take a walk, I need to make my mind more clear about this situation, and I need to stop handing over my trust like a piece of candy.
I get up and put on my jacket, and head outside.

As im walking down the street, I notice a particular man that stood out to me. No, I wasn't attracted to another man already, its just that the town that I live in is pretty small, so the news about a new person would have came quickly. But I have never seen him around. Maybe he just moved in today?
The man had short brown hair with hazel eyes that could have enchanted many other women he also had some freckles that reminded me of constellations that was sprinkled across his cheeks and up to the bridge of his nose.
I must have been staring for too long, because I noticed he was looking at me with a confused state. Shit! What is wrong with me? Staring off into space like that?

I continued going on my walk with some music playing till I ended up near the community park.

"I could use a seat..." I said to myself while taking a seat on the swing, and rocking slowly back and forth. I couldn't help but notice the same guy from earlier was here at the park as well.

Wasn't he near the bus stop before? How did he get here so fast?

I shook my head, I just have a foggy mind, who cares how he came here? I certainly don't. I then got up and walked back to my house, I just really wasn't in the mood right now.

It was the next day and I still feel like a pile of horse shit. Yes, including the flies surrounding it. Maybe I need another walk? Yeah, it seemed to work a little bit last time, im sure it'll work this time! I quickly get ready for the day and headed outside for yet another walk to clear my mind.

As I began to walk around, I still saw the freckled faced guy.
Seriously, what the fuck? I just don't think im getting it, maybe he isn't new? Wait, is he a tourist? Fuck tourists.

Ugh, whatever just keep walking, walking will help you calm the fuck down, you got this Amara.

I kept walking till I realised that it was turning dark outside.

Shit! I've walked for the whole day?!

On cue, my stomach started talking by itself.


shit, im starving...

I quickly looked around my current area, and spotted a bar nearby.

If im lucky they'll have something nice.

Deciding that I had no one else to go to for food, I went into the bar. Unknowingly, I sat by the nearest bar stool.

"Two shots, fireball..." I said without thinking.

"Rough night?" someone had said beside me. I was confused at first, who would want to talk to me? I looked beside me and nearly feel out of the stool.
Yup, none other than freckle face.

Answer!!!!!! Answer him!!!!!!

"U-u-uhhh, y-yes." fuck you studders.

"Aww, no need to be nervous, it's a bar!" he gave a light chuckle and a slight reassuring smile. "So what happened to you to make you feel so down in the dumps?" he asked curiously.

Should I tell him? Its not any of his business but.......I really need to get this off of my chest......

I gave out a loud sigh, and decided to tell him everything. Luckily, I decided not to drink. I thought that maybe drinking wasn't the solution, but maybe talking was. So I did, I told him everything. How my boyfriend left me, and how I felt betrayed.

"I think I know a way to make you forget about all of it." he said with a warm yet cocky smile.

"...really? What is it?" I asked.

"Well, how about we go to your house and melt away all of your problems?"

"Uhhh, im not to sure....." I was a bit hesitant.

"Come on, wouldn't you like to forget about all of your problems, even for just one day?"

He did it, he had finally tempted me into saying yes. We where now at my house, and I was ready to get rid of all the stress that has been pouring over me recently, even for just one day.

He kissed me passionately, and I clung to his neck desperate for more.

"Patience is key." he said teasingly. "If you want more......beg."

".........please........." I whispered.

"What is it you're trying to say?" he asked.

"Please." I sounded more demanding this time.

"Please......what?" I knew he was having fun now.

"Please, take my problems away from me......" I now sounded helpless.

"I guess I'll take it." he said as he slammed his lips onto mine. Somehow, he slithered his tounge into my mouth. After a couple minutes of a hot make out secession, I could tell he wanted more, I could tell he needed more.
He then started to play with my breasts.

"Mmmm~ " I bit my lip to try to conceal my moans.

"Don't hide it. I wanna hear your music~ besides why don't we take this a bit further~?"

He then started to glide down my clit.

"Aahh~! N-no! N-n-no! S-stop!" I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled it away.
"Im sorry? What's the matter?" he asked.

"Im sorry, I just can't do this..."

His expression then changed into a one of caring, into one that looked more demonic.
"What? I thought you wanted this?"

"Please understand I-"

"No, I understand completely, im afraid that you just don't."

He then morphed into what used to be a human, into a demonic shadow that gave off the most scariest vibe I have ever seen.
I jumped off of my bed and stumbled backwards.

"You're a monster!!!!!"

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