The Mission

By Rheanna777

7.3K 131 6

Jerome was ordered by the Bacca king to burn down a nearby village. What happens when he meets a human? Will... More

The Mission
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14- Smut
Chapter 15-Smut
Chapter 16
Chapter 17- Smut
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20- Smut
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24- Last Chapter

Chapter 23- Smut

213 2 0
By Rheanna777

-Chapter 23-

*1 week later

I looked in the mirror at the white and black tuxedo I was wearing. I still couldn't believe that I was getting married to Jerome today. On the way here, I saw the chapel. Our sisters really outdid themselves. It looked like a dream. Well, it matches how I feel. It feels like a dream. It feels like I'll just wake up any second now.

I turned my head to the door opening. Ty walked in, holding a bundle of bouquets. "Here." He handed me a large bouquet of roses.

"What's this for?" I asked while searching the room for a vase.

"It's to hold while going down the isle." He replied while opening a cabinet and pulling out a cup. "I found the flowers in the forest. Here's a cup to keep them in for now." He put a cup of water on the side table and I put the beautiful bouquet in it. "Need help with anything?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm nervous." I truthfully said.

Ty sat in a chair in the corner of the room. "Why?"

"I don't know. I just feel like everything will go downhill." I sighed and leaned against the wall.

Ty yanked a rose out of one of the bouquets in his hand and sniffed it. "Jerome loves you." He said after a minute or two. "Nothing is going to go wrong."

"I hope." Was the last thing I said before the room went silent. I heard music in the room next to mine which was the chapel.

Ty grabbed the rose bouquet from the vase and dried off the ends. "Ready?" Ty asked, standing up from the chair and handing me the bouquet.

I nodded and we walked to the chapel. I could hear 'Cat' by C418 through the closed door. As soon as the door was opened, the music changed and the few people stood up. I gave the room a speedy look-over; creamy white walls, spruce wood chairs, glowstone lights, and a small, forest green stage-like platform. Standing on the platform was Jerome, my soon-to-be husband. He was dressed in a black and white suit, contrast to mine, with a rose clipped to the front pocket. He seemed to be just as nervous as I was.

The music changed as I started walking towards Jerome. It changed to a song I've never heard before, but now like.

"Heart beats fast,

Colors and promises,

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

But watching you stand alone,

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer,

I have died everyday waiting for you,

Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you,

For a thousand years,

I'll love you for a thousand more." The singer sang.

The music was cut off when I got to the platform. Jerome grabbed my hands after carefully placing the bouquet on the floor. "Glad you came." He whispered to me.

"Wouldn't miss this for the world." I whispered back.

A man walked up in the platform with a book and began to speak. Without meaning to, I zoned out for the first part of his 'speech'. I zoned back in when he asked me a question. "Do you, Mitchell, take Jerome to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I replied.

The man spoke again. "And do you, Jerome, take Mitchell to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Jerome squeezed my hand as he replied with, "I do."

The man recited a quote out of the book and closed it. "You may now kiss." He said.

Jerome pulled me to him and connected our lips, forming our first kiss in marriage. We had to pull away after a minute for air and when we did, Jerome lifted me up, bridal style. Everyone, which was only a small handful of people, clapped and cheered as we walked out of the room. Before the wedding, our sisters told us that they bought us a hotel room for a few days. They also did the same for Sky and Ty. Since the hotel was the building next to the chapel, Jerome denied the minecart ride and walked there, me in his arms.

"Hello!! How may I help you?" A woman greeted without looking away from a computer screen.

Jerome set me back down. "We have a reservation under the name 'Jerome'."

The woman typed a few things into the computer and nodded. "The 'Lover's Suite'." She handed him two keys and smiled. "Enjoy your stay!!"

Jerome held my hand as we walked to the elevator. "What's our room number?" I asked him.

He read the number on the key. "Room 357. Does that mean our room is on the third floor?"

I nodded and pressed the '3' button on the panel. The elevator rose and Jerome pulled me into him. "Don't like elevators?" I asked when the doors opened and we stepped out.

"No. They scare me a bit." He mumbled, looking down at the ground.

I laughed a little. "Did they have elevators in the Bacca village?" I asked.

Jerome thought for a second. "Yeah. They didn't work that well though. Mostly made of wood and dried vines."

"Sounds dangerous." I said. We stopped in front of the room and Jerome opened it with one of the keys. The walls were red, matched with a king-size bed and a dark wood dresser. Next to the bed was a closet and hung on the wall across from the bed was a TV. In the middle of the floor was a large suitcase.

"They really did go all out, didn't they?" Jerome laughed, walking to the suitcase. We began to unpack it and finished in a few minutes.

I nodded and sat on the bed. I felt an unexpected tear slide down from my eye. I quickly wiped it away. "I love you, Jerome." I smiled at him as he looked around the room. "What are you looking for?"

Opening a drawer on one of the bedside tables, Jerome replied with, "I always look in drawers when I go somewhere."

I giggled. "Why?"

"To see if anything is there." He closed the drawer and held up a wrapped box. "Says it's for me."

"Open it."

*Jerome's POV

"Open it." Mitch smiled.

I read the tag on the box. 'To Jerome, From ---' it said. I shrugged and tore off the colorful paper. Lifting the lid, I found a note. 'Don't show Mitch the gift yet. Show him at night. Have fun. ;)' was written in black ink, but I didn't recognize the hand writing. "It says to not show you the gift." I quoted the note to Mitch.

"Ok. I'm going to go find a snack. Want anything?"

I shook my head and kissed him goodbye before he left. I turned my attention back to the box and removed a fabric divider. Under it laid a black blindfold, two pairs of handcuffs, the handcuff keys, and a small tube of lube. I immediately knew what the stuff was for. I hid it at the bottom of the closet after closing the box.

Not even a minute after I hid the box, Mitch walked back in the room. "I got some apples from the front desk. They gave me free food." He held up a bag of 3 apples. "I already had one. Want one?"

I nodded and he tossed me a red apple. "Do you know where everyone else is staying?" I asked.

Mitch nodded and lazily fell on the bed. "Sky and Ty are in the room next to ours. The girls each have their own rooms on the main floor."

I sat next to him and happily sighed. "I love you." I repeated for the fiftieth time today. "I feel like I can't say it enough."

"I love you too." He closed his eyes and yawned. "I'm tired."

I nodded and yawned too. "Want to take a nap?" I asked and he curled up into a ball in response. "Don't you want to go under the blankets?" I giggled.

Mitch mumbled something along the lines of, "I'm too tired" and shuffled to a more comfortable position.

After pulling back the blankets on the bed and changing into comfier clothes, I picked up the now sleeping Mitch and tucked him under the blankets before getting in bed next to him. "Sleep well." I murmured and drifted off.

* * *

*Mitch's POV

I woke up an hour later next to Jerome. He was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him up so I carefully climbed out of bed and tiptoed to the dresser. I opened the drawer where we put our comfortable clothes and grabbed a set. Thinking that Jerome was still asleep, I started removing my tuxedo.

"Oh? A private strip show?" I heard Jerome chuckle from the bed.

I blushed and turned around. "I thought you were asleep." I sheepishly giggled.

Jerome moved to the edge of the bed. "There's no need to be embarrassed. I've seen you without any clothes on."

That comment made me blush more, but I continued to change. "What time is it?" I asked.

Jerome looked at the wall clock. "I think it's around 5."

"What do you want to do?" I asked. Jerome looked at me with lust-filled eyes and I understood what he wanted. I smirked and walked to him. I sat on his lap and we started kissing. I licked Jerome's bottom lip even though I knew he would gain dominance. He let me in, allowing me to explore a bit before beginning the fight.

Like I said, he won and broke the kiss to take of my shirt and I took off his. "How far would you like to go?" He whispered in my ear before kissing along my neck.

"All the way." I whispered back, stifling a moan when he found my sweet spot.

Jerome laid me down on the bed, without breaking the kiss, and began to remove my pants. As he did that, I tried to get his off, but didn't do so well because I was on the bottom. "Stay here and close your eyes." Jerome's voice tickled my neck. I felt him stand up and heard his footsteps walk away. I contemplated on opening my eyes when I felt something cover them and heard metal rattle, but decided against it. I felt something cold lock on my wrists and flashbacks to Christmas Day stormed my mind.


Waking up, I felt cold. It felt like something- someone- was missing. That someone was Jerome. I felt something especially cold on my wrists. Opening my eyes, I realized that I was in my old bedroom and I was chained to a chair. I tried to free my hands, but the metal was locked tightly.

-Flashback Ended-

"You can open your eyes now." Jerome's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I opened my eyes to discover that I was blindfolded and attempted to hug Jerome only to find that he handcuffed my hands to the bedpost. "Why?" I asked.

Jerome slithered his way down my torso without answering my one-word question. He kissed my stomach and teased my waist before finally rubbing me through my thin underwear.

"J-Jerome..." I moaned and closed my eyes even though I couldn't see anything. After what felt like a few seconds, my underwear was taken off and Jerome pleasured my now bare member. He sucked and pumped until I hit my climax. I had a feeling he wasn't done yet.

Jerome kissed back up to my neck. "Be right back."

Cold air surrounded me as he stood back up. I heard shuffling before he came back to me. Something cold entered me and I gasped.

"Just lube." Jerome informed. I felt him lay on top of me and kiss my neck. "Ready?" He whispered.

I quickly nodded and he slowly entered. "Oww..." I gasped. He paused once he was all the way in. I slightly squirmed, adjusting to the painful discomfort. I nodded again and he began to thrust, first going slow. As he sped up, the pain was replaced by pleasure. It only took a few minutes for both of us to climax.

Jerome laid down next to me after unlocking the handcuffs on my wrists. I untied the blindfold and left it on the side-table. I cuddled into him, all my energy drained. He wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep to the beat of his heart.

*Next Day

*Adam's POV

I stood at the chapel, nervousness kicking in. "Jerome, what if he changed his mind?" I asked.

Jerome patted my shoulder. "I highly doubt he will. He loves you. Just calm down. Everything will be fine."

I repeated that in my head over and over. To get my mind off my nervousness, I looked around the chapel. Everything was the same as it was yesterday except one thing: the chapel. Instead of being forest green, it was emerald green. I requested it to match Ty's headphones.

The music started- Far by C418. I remembered it as Ty's favorite song. The doors at the other end of the room opened up and Ty started walking to me. His tuxedo was white like Mitch's was yesterday. He carried a beautiful bouquet of roses. Like always, Ty was wearing his headphones.

Looking down at my black tuxedo, I made sure I looked ok. Why was I so nervous all of a sudden?

The music changed to 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri. Ty stood in front of me, holding the bouquet. I took it from him and carefully laid it on the floor. The priest walked up to the microphone and began to speak. I zoned out until he began reading out the vows.

"Do you, Tyler, take Adam as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked.

Ty looked to me and smiled. "I do."

The priest turned his attention to me. "Do you, Adam, take Tyler as your lawfully wedded husband?"

I squeezed Ty's hand and smiled. "I do."

"You may now kiss." The priest said, closing the book he had.

I pulled Ty to me and pressed my lips against his. Our first kiss as a wedded couple was short, but overfilled with nothing but love. We walked back towards the doors and I made the quick decision to surprise Ty by carrying him bridal-style. He giggled as we walked the short distance to the hotel.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear before I put him down in a chair and walked to the front counter. I had to wait a few minutes because the person was on the phone.

"Hello." A woman, possibly in her late 40's or early 50's, greeted as she hung up the phone. "How may I help you?"

"I have a room reservation under the name of 'Sky'." I stated with a smile.

The woman, whose name tag read 'Christy', typed something into the computer. "Hmm.." She hummed. "Ah!! Here it is. 'Lover's Suite'. Correct?"

When I nodded, she grabbed two hotel keys from under the desk and handed them to me. "Thanks." I gave a smile and walked back to Ty who had his eyes locked on a window. I followed his gaze to see... Nothing. It was the plain, cobblestone wall of the Village.

"Ty?" I spoke, nudging his shoulder. "Are you ok?"

Ty jumped a bit, but nodded. "Just... Thinking."

"About what?" I questioned, taking a seat next to him. I slung my arm around him and he snuggled into me.

Ty sighed. "About what life was like before I met you, when I fell in love with you, and how much it has changed since then."

I nodded and pulled him into a hug. "Let's go to our room. I got the keys."

We agreed and we stood up. We had to separate from our hug so we could easily walk to the elevator. "Where is it?" Ty asked.

Once we got into the elevator, I took a look at the number on the keys. "Room 358. Isn't that the room next to Mitch and Jerome? Isn't their room number 357?"

Ty shrugged. "I think so."

I nodded to myself and tried to remember how long the girls told us we would be here. A week? If my memory is correct, the four of us are going back to the forest in a week. Focusing back on reality, I realized that Ty had taken a room key from my hand and entered the room, leaving the door open for me. I stepped inside and took a look around. King-size bed, a dark wood dresser, and a TV was engulfed in ruby red walls and contrasting dark brown carpet. Laying in the center of the room was a black suitcase.

Ty walked to the suitcase and opened it, revealing a bunch of clothes. He started to put everything away in the drawers of the the dresser and I helped. Eventually, everything was organized and put away, including the suitcase itself which we decided to store in the unused closet. All of our clothes fit in the huge dresser.

Ty and I laid on the bed, slightly tired. So far, the day has flown by, but now there isn't anything to do. "Have you checked all the drawers?" I randomly asked Ty, mostly to break the silence.

Ty shook his head. "Did I need to?"

"No." I sat up and opened a drawer on the bedside table next to me and closed it when I saw nothing. "I just want to see if there's anything hidden in them." I said as I bent down to reach the second drawer. Wrapped in shiny yellow paper was a somewhat small box. On the tag, it read, 'To: Sky, From: ---'. "Found something." I chirped to the half-awake Ty.

When he saw the box in my hand, he sat up and sat with his legs crossed. "Who's it from?"

"No one." I shrugged and showed him the tag. I sat next to Ty. I started to rip the yellow paper off the box and opened the lid. On top of a black piece of fabric was a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it, careful not to tear it.

'Don't show Ty the gift yet. Show him at night. Have fun. ;)' I read the note in my head. "The note told me not to show you the gift."

I showed Ty the note and he nodded. "It's ok. I'm gonna' take a short nap. I didn't sleep well last night." He said as he snuggled into the blankets.

I planted a kiss on his forehead. "Sleep well, baby." I turned my attention back to the gift and lifted the smooth black fabric. Under it, folded neatly, was another black piece of fabric, but this one wasn't a plain piece of fabric. It was a blindfold. I stored it in the lid for now and looked at the next gift: handcuffs and keys. Next to those was a small tube of lube. Getting the hint, I replaced the blindfold, cover fabric, and lid before storing it back in the side-table. I stretched and looked around the room, suddenly hungry. "No food." My mind stated the obvious. "Maybe there's food in the lobby." I scribbled a quick message on a piece of paper and laid it on the bed next to Ty. Exiting the room, I went down the elevator and to the front desk.

"Hello!!" The same woman from earlier greeted. "How may I help you?"

"Is there a café or something here?" I asked, trying to form the sentence correctly.

The woman nodded. "There is one over there," she pointed across the room, "but it's closed right now. However, there is a small diner across the street."

I thanked her and walked across the street. It was a small diner with huge windows and a glass door. Inside, the floor was checkered black and white and the walls were a solid reddish-pink. It wasn't very busy and it didn't seem like many people were working here. I sat down at a booth next to a window and a waitress handed me a menu.

"Hi!! I'm Tiffany and I'll be your waitress for today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" She greeted with a smile.

"I'll just take a water, thank you." I replied. She scribbled something on the notepad she was holding and walked off. I looked down at the menu she gave me. I easily decided on getting a simple BLT sandwich. Since I had a few minutes before she would come back, I looked to see what I should bring back to the hotel for Ty. I choose to bring him a BLT like I'm having.

The waitress, Tiffany, set the cup of water on the table and got ready to write on the notepad. "Are you ready to order?"

I nodded. "I'll have two of the BLT's. Can you make one of them to-go please?"

She nodded, scribbled more, and left. After a few minutes, she returned with one plate and one box. "Here you go. Enjoy."

I ate the tasty sandwich in the near-silence. Well, if you count people talking and plates clattering silent. I finished the sandwich and motioned for the waitress to come back with the receipt. $8.00. Not bad. I left the money, along with a tip, on the table and walked back to the hotel with the box of food. I pressed and '3' button on the panel and waited as the elevator took me up. Hearing the 'ding' and seeing the doors open, I stepped out and strolled to our room. 356...357...358. I unlocked the door and entered, silently closing it behind me. Ty was still asleep. I set the sandwich on the dresser for now and laid back on the bed. I closed my eyes, resting, but eventually fell asleep.

* * *

I opened my eyes and sat up to see Ty sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me. To say the truth, it was a bit creepy.

"Ty?" I waved my hand in front of his face, trying to get his attention.

He blinked multiple times and shook his head. "S-sorry... You just- never mind." He blushed and looked down at the bed.

I made him look at me. "What were you gonna' say?" I asked him.

"I-I was going to say that, um, you look pretty when you sleep." His blush deepened from pink to red.

I giggled. "I do?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Sorry I was watching you sleep."

"It's ok." I pulled him into my arms for a hug. "I love you."

He lightly hugged me back. "I love you too."

"What do you want to do today?" I asked him when we pulled apart.

Ty shrugged. "I don't know." He looked down at his hands again and slightly blushed. "What do you wanna' do?"

I remembered the gift that was hidden in the drawer. "I don't know." I lied. I mentally threw together a quick plan for later. "What time is it?"

Ty looked at a wall clock which I didn't know was there. "Almost 5:30." He looked back at me after a second or two. "I have an idea!! Lets to out to dinner!!"

It was dinner time. "Sure. I know what restaurant we should go to." I smiled.

"Which one?" He questioned while getting a better change of clothes from the drawer.

I shook my head. "Not gonna' tell ya'. It's a surprise."

He rolled his eyes, smiling. "You should change your clothes. I'm sure we don't need to wear wedding clothes to eat at a restaurant. I don't want to spill something on the tux."

I agreed with him and stood up to find a change of clothes. I decided on wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt. Once we were ready to go, we left and I led the way to the restaurant I had in mind.

* * *

"That was good." Ty commented as a waiter took our empty plates and left the bill. Ty reached for the slip of paper, but I quickly stopped him.

"I'm paying." I smiled and looked at the bill. I left the correct amount of money on the paper and handed it to the waiter when he came back. "Ready?" I asked Ty.

He nodded and we headed out of the fancy restaurant. Hand in hand, we walked back to our hotel. The sun was setting and the temperature was dropping. Gladly, before either of us could get cold, we arrived at the hotel. After a few more minutes of walking, we entered our room.

Ty lazily laid down on the bed. "Thanks." He spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence.

I sat next to him. "For what?"

"Everything." He closed his eyes and sighed.

I took the opportunity to kiss him. It surprised him, but he kissed back and sat up. We wrapped out arms around each-other as we fought for dominance. As a turn of events, he won and pushed me back on the bed. He moved his lips to my neck, leaving light kisses. My body reflexively shifted when his lips brushed over my sweet-spot. Ty noticed my small movement and nipped which caused me to gasp. He broke away to take off my shirt. The lust in his eyes seemed to sparkle as he slowly removed my pants and underwear. He kissed up my leg and around my member, teasing me. My body tensed as he continued to tease. After about a minute, his hand wrapped around my erect member and began to quickly pump. I arched my back when he replaced his hand with his mouth. I tangled my hands in the blankets as I felt my climax near. When Ty noticed, which didn't take long, he picked up speed. My body relaxed after my climax passed. Ty swallowed and sat up to look at me. I pressed my lips against his and turned the tables around by taking dominance. Instead of Ty being a above me, I was above him. I broke the kiss for a second to take off his shirt, but quickly went back to kissing him. Like he did to me, I lowered the kisses to his neck. Instead of finding his sweet-spot though, I decided to change it up a bit by going past it. Once I got to his pants, I slowly unzipped them and undid the button, teasing. Getting impatient myself, I quickly yanked them off, along with his underwear, and went straight to deep throating.

"A-Adam..." Ty moaned and bucked his hips. I held his hips down with my hands as I picked up speed. Sweet, salty liquid filled my mouth and Ty's body relaxed.

I swallowed and moved my way up to Ty's lips. "Shall we go further?" I whispered in his ear. When he lightly nodded, I asked, "How do you want to lay?"

"How I'm laying." He answered, slightly blushing. He was laying on his back.

I slightly smiled and got up to retrieve the gift box from the side table. Quickly grabbing the lube and closing the drawer, I twisted off the cap and squirted a bit in my hand. After lubing myself, I got a small squirt on my fingers and lubed Ty. I climbed back on the bed, positioning myself above Ty, waiting for his approval to enter. Before nodding in approval, he gripped my hand. I slowly pushed in and Ty whimpered. When he nodded for me to keep going, I began to slowly thrust. As I picked up speed and power, Ty's moans became more and more frequent. After a few minutes, both of us had hit our climaxes again. We were cuddling, exhausted and happy, as we neared sleep.

"I love you Ty." I murmured and lightly kissed him.

He returned the kiss. "I love you too, Adam."

It surprised me being called my real name by someone I know. It's been years since he's called me that. I let the thought slide to the back of my mind though so I could fall asleep.

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