Telky (Charles Xavier Love St...

By artificial_avian

171K 5K 1.1K

Seraphina Fischer was one among thousands. She had a simple life, a simple job, and a common flat. Nothing wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

2.9K 114 32
By artificial_avian

Lol I mislabeled the last chapter sorry for any confusion.

Also, I apologize for not updating on what was going on three weeks I think?...Hehe...don't kill me...

Thank you for all the votes and reads! 

Seraphina listened from her position in the plane as they said their goodbyes to Peter. Logan's was rather endearing, even if he wanted to come off gruff and unfriendly. The men finally walked aboard, and Hank took the plane off the ground into the sky. Soon after, Erik questioned where Logan had come from. Truth be told she did too, since his memories were so confusing. She could see him in the Civil War, but he didn't remember that. It was like there were two Logans, or...

"You're gonna find this hard to believe, but you sent me. You and Charles, fifty years from now," Logan said.

Time-travel. That would explain the feeling of two, but not why Future Logan didn't have Past Logan's memories. Seraphina shook her head lightly. Now was not to time to sympathize for others.

She saw Erik tilt his head in surprise, then sit in a chair in the middle of the plane. Logan sat nearest the exit, and Charles was close to the cockpit where Hank was flying the plane. The five of them were silent until Erik spoke up again.

"How did you lose them?" Oh, she could tell him all about that.

"The treatment for my spine affects my DNA," Charles mumbled. Seraphina could sense the storm about to take place. She decided to check out the bathroom. Locking the door, she used her powers to repair some of the larger holes in her clothes. She could hear harsh words being exchanged. All of a sudden, the plane caved in when Erik recited the names of dead mutants.

With her powers, she countered his but it would reveal her presence to him. 

"Emma. Banshee," Erik said forcefully. Seraphina eyes watered at the mention of Sean. He had been too young. "Mutant brothers and sisters! All dead!"

"Where were you, Charles? We were supposed to protect them! Where were you when your own people needed you? Hiding! You and Hank and Seraphina! Pretending to be something you're not."

"Don't bring her into this."

"Why? Why shouldn't I? She stayed with you, hiding with you!"

"No she did not!" Seraphina slid down the wall the the ground, tears escaping her eyes. She could hear the pain and desperation in Charles' voice. She knew what Erik was doing, but it hurt that he said it anyways. Even if she didn't love Charles the way she had anymore, she hated hearing him in pain. "She left years ago. Hank knew where she was up until a year ago. I suppose...I suppose she stopped caring."

Charles had lost his anger and retreated to the cockpit, shutting the door.

Seraphina finally emerged from the little airplane toilet and hour later, when everyone was asleep. Almost everyone.

Taking the seat across from Erik, she let go of her powers bringing enormous relief to flood through her limbs. She hadn't realized how much of her thoughts the barrier took to maintain. Even though she knew he was aware of her presence, she still saw shock ripple through his still face. 

"You look. . ." 

"Different?" Seraphina cut him off, her tone rather harsh. He chuckled. "I would have said awful, but I suppose you are not wrong," He said. Seraphina snorted lightly. He was always so blunt. 

"Why doesn't Charles know you're here? I would've thought he would be the first to know, given that you are each other's lover," Erik started again. Seraphina cut him off yet again. 

"You seem to be misinformed. That was years ago. Charles has since made it hard to be in the same room, much less love him." Seraphina said quickly, feeling the occupants stir. She dropped her voice lower and sent low waves from her brain forcing them to sleep.

"Then why, of all places, are you here?"

"I need your help, despite my capabilities." Erik raised one brow. It threatened to disappear in his curly hair, which seemed to be the color of rust. It was longer since she had last seen him. Of course, prison does do that to a person.

"Pray tell," he said sarcastically. Seraphina rolled her eyes. "I have two problems." She paused. "Actually, three. I can't leave you lot now, I'm involved in this whole Raven affair." 

"To understand I must start from the beginning. Years ago, when I left the mansion, I came upon a man who gave me a new start. I moved to Washington D.C. into the basement apartment below my new friend, and the other renter. His name was Roderick. Fischer." Seraphina could see Erik knew who Roderick was immediately, but he didn't interrupt.

"For the next few years the five of us--our mutual friend was married--lived comfortably, and I had a job, at Trask Industries. Things went south after I quit when the facility was searched for mutants. I fled home, informed my friends and brother that I had to flee but he refused to let me leave so we both ran. I don't know how our friends are faring, in fact, I'm not sure where Roderick is. 

"We were stopped at a gas station by agents and he was taken before I could get us out. I need your help, Erik. You tracked Shaw, who was much smarter than these new monsters, which brings me to my second problem."

She paused for breath, and partially to let him soak in the amount of information she had just provided. 

"You cannot help me with this one, unfortunately, but you must know of its danger." Erik's face had been blank for the majority of her account, but when she lifted her right arm and rolled up the large jacket's sleeve, complete confusion and concern took over his features. His brows knitted together and even without her telepathy she could she his brain working.

You see, her entire hand was laced with black veins, and the trails continued up and stopped at her elbow. Stopped, but not ended. Even though she felt powerful, more aware, Seraphina could guess at what would happen if the black reached her heart. 

It was like a galactic disease.

"What is it?" Erik asked quietly. 

"A force beyond comprehension. If I am taken over, you must do one thing for me."

"What would that be?"

"Kill me. I would rather die than have whatever is in me turn malicious and hurt others."

Both of them were startled out of their bubble when a larger, rougher hand grabbed hers. She looked up to see the man called Logan inspecting the trails of black. He grunted before replying. 

"You know what's causing it, don't you?" Logan stated. He phrased it like a question, but it was rhetorical. 

"Yes. I need the extra power to find my brother," Seraphina said after a moment. She couldn't-- wouldn't-- lose Roderick again. 

"Excuse me, but extra power? How, may I ask?" Erik said, confused. Both Logan and Seraphina ignored him. 

"You can't stand in the doorway with this, you know. I knew someone, like you, who died because of it." Seraphina heard the quiet pain in Logan's voice. She caught the slight raise in pitch when he said 'it'.

"It wasn't your fault," She offered him. Logan sighed, sitting down. "I know that now. It was up to her, not me."

"Hello? Mind filling me in?" Erik spoke up again. He didn't appreciate being ignored when he had been part of the topic before. Seraphina put a hand up, shutting him up quickly. Erik looked at with new eyes, seeing a little of how much she had changed. The Seraphina he knew was kind, and did her best to stay positive. This new woman before him was immersed in a sea of darkness, and probably death.

"What was her name?" Logan stared into the red-head's grey eyes. "Jean Grey."

"If we stop this we can change her fate," Seraphina told him. The the name clicked in some tucked away memory. Her eyebrows drew together, and the two men stared at her quizzically. 

"I think I had a cousin with that name. He moved to America years ago, when he was small," She said aloud. While she was thinking, Logan's thoughts were confirmed.

Erik's became more muddled. 

I like Erik at the end. What a confused little bean.

 I can just see his expression in my mind 

How was my first chapter of 2017?

Sorry for the wait, but I hope the extra length satisfied you all :)

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