Let Her Be Your Strength (Sta...

By mrsxpratt

13.6K 488 50

"Her hair was brown, with a hint of red, and reached all the way down to her lower back. I could still rememb... More

Chapter II - Sandstorm
Chapter III - A slave's life
Chapter IV - You're free
Chapter V - Pleased to meet you
Chapter VI - Drawn
Chapter VII - Pure she is
Chapter VIII - Naboo
Chapter IX - Going to war
Chapter X - Let the Force guide you
Chapter XI - She will be your strength
Chapter XII - Sunset

Chapter I - Tatooine

1.8K 59 2
By mrsxpratt

"There's not enough power to get us to Coruscant. The hyperdrive is leaking." said Ric Oile, the Queen's private pilot.

"We'll have to land somewhere to refuel and repair the ship." The Jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn said calmly, compared to the pilot.

He studied the star chart on a monitor.
"Here, Master. Tatooine...
It's small, out of the way, poor..
The Trade Federation has no presence there." His young padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi said pointing at a planet on the star chart.

"How can you be sure?" The captain asked worried.

"It's controlled by the Hutts." Qui-Gon answered calmly.

"The Hutts??" The captain said in disbelief.

"It's risky. But there's no alternative." Obi-Wan argued calmly.

"You can't take Her Royal Highness there! The Hutts are gangsters..
If they discovered her..." The captain trailed off, clearly shocked by the idea.

"It would be no different than if we landed on a system controlled by the Federation. Except the Hutts aren't looking for her, which gives us an advantage." Qui-Gon interupted, making Captain Panaka take a deep breath in frustration.

The Naboo spacecraft landed in the desert of Tatooine, in a swirl of dust.

After they checked the ship and got an overview of the damages, the Jedi master made his way through the dessert, followed by the droid R2-D2 and the Naboo native Jar Jar Binks.

"Dis sun doen murder tada skin." Jar Jar complained walking in the hot sun of Tatooine.

"Wait!" The captain yelled from behind, as he and the Queen's handmaiden, Padme, ran towards the small group.

Qui-gon stopped and waited for them to catch up.

"Her Highness commands you to take her handmaiden with you. She wishes for her to observe the local." The captain explained panting from the running through the heavy sand.

"No more commands from Her Highness today, Captain. This spaceport is not going to be pleasant." Qui-Gon answered calmly with a stern look.

"The Queen wishes it. She is curious about this planet." The Captain continued.

"I've been trained in defense. I can take care of myself." The handmaiden added confidently.

"Don't make me go back and tell her you refuse." Panaka said exhausted.

"I don't have time to argue. But this is not a good idea." The Jedi answered reluctantly.

His eyes turned to Padme.
"Stay close to me." He continued, giving her a stern look.

The small group walked onto the main street of city, Mos Espa.
As they walked down the street, they passed citizens of all different types.

Padme looked around in awe, while
Jar Jar was seemingly nervous about the situation.

"Dissen berry berry bad." He mumbled nervously.

They headed for a little junk shop to find the missing parts for their ship.
The shop had a huge pile of broken spaceships stacked up behind it. It looked like the right place to look.

As they walked in, they are greeted by Watto, a blue alien with wings.

"Hi chuba da naga?" The strange creature asked. (What do you want?)

"I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian." Qui-Gon answered in his usual calm voice.

"Ah yes, ah yes. Nubian. We have lots of that. What kinda junk?" Watto asked before calling out at someone.

"My droid here has a readout of what I need." Qui-Gon answered gesturing towards the droid, R2-D2.

A young boy, about 9 years old, came running into the shop, from outside the junk yard.

Watto raises a hand at him, making the young boy flinch.

"Coona tee-tocky malia?" (What took you so long?) Watto said angrily.

"Mel tassa cho-passa...
(I was cleaning the bin like you...)" The boy answered, but was cut off.

"Chut-Chut! Ganda doe wallya. (Never mind! Watch the store)
Me dwana no bata. (I've got some selling to do here)" Watto ordered, still annoyed, before turning back to Qui-Gon with a fake smile.

"Soooo, let me take- a thee out back. Ni you'll find what you need." Watto continued.

Jar Jar walked around the shop and picked up a gizmo, trying to figure out its purpose.
Qui-Gon snatched the part out of his hand and put it back in its place.

"Don't touch anything." Qui-Gon said with a  warning look.

After he turned away, Jar Jar gave him a rude face and stuck his long tongue out after him.

Just as Qui-Gon and R2 followed Watto towards the junk yard, a young girl slowly and shyly walked into the shop, immediatly catching the attention of the Jedi master.

She was about 8 years older than the boy, but like him, she was dirty and dressed in raggs.
The Jedi gestured her with a small bow, which she returned with a nod and a shy, but warm smile, before she quickly continued carrying parts into the shop.

Jar Jar and Padme was left at the shop together with the young boy.

The boy climbed on the counter, and pretended to clean a part, while staring intensly at Padme.
His stare made her a bit nervous and uncomfortable, but she finally mustered a smile at him, giving him the courage to speak.

"Are you an angel?" He asked her curiously.

"What?" Padme said, looking confused at him.

"An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the Moons of Iego I think. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They are good and kind, and so pretty they make even the most hardened spice pirate cry." The boy explained to her.

Padme looked at him, not sure what to say.

"I've never heard of angels." She finally answered.

"You must be one... Maybe you just don't know it." He trailed off.

"Anakin! Stop bothering the customers!" The older girl hissed at him, from the back of the shop.

"I'm not bothering anyone, Ziera!" Anakin yelled at her, while shooting her an angry look.

They were both interupted by Jar Jar pushing the nose of a small droid, making it march around, knocking everything over.

"Hit the nose!" Anakin yelled at him.

Jar Jar hit the nose, and the droid went back into its original state.
The three young people couldn't help but laugh at the incident.

Still waiting for Qui-Gon and Watto to return, Jar Jar fumbled around, talking a part out, of a stack of parts to inspect it, and they all came tumblimg down. He struggled trying to catch them, but he only managed to knock more down.

Anakin and Padme were still talking, making them oblivious to what he was doing.

"I wouldn't have lasted long if I weren't so good at fixing things. I'm making my own droid..." Anakin said proudly as Qui-Gon rushed into the shop, with R2 on his heels.

"We're leaving." Qui-Gon said coldly.
Jar Jar quickly followed behind, while Padme gave Anakin a loving look.

"I'm glad I met you,....ah..." Padme stopped, not knowing his name.

"Anakin." The boy quickly reminded her.

"Anakin." Padme repeated after him, with another smile.

"Anakin Skywalker." He continued proudly.

"Padme Naberrie." Padme said, finally revealing her name. Her eyes turned to the girl.

"And what's your name?" She asked sweetly.

The young girl, about the same age as Padme, took a step forward before answering.

"Ziera Skywalker." (Zi-e-ra)

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