Courtney Oliver: Back to acti...

By ChelseaElliott1

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After her adventures in blue bay harbour Courtney Oliver wants a quiet normal life. Well as normal as you can... More

Chapter 1: Day of the dino part 2
Chapter 2: Day of the dino part 2
Chapter 3: Wave goodbye
Chapter 4: Legacy of power
Chapter 5: Back in black
Chapter 6: Diva in distress
Chapter 8: White thunder part 1
Chapter 9: White thunder part 2
Chapter 10: White thunder part 3
Chapter 11: Truth and consequences
Chapter 12: Leader of the whack
Chapter 13: Burning at both ends
Chapter 14: Copy that
Chapter 15: Triassic triumph
Chapter 16: A star is torn
Chapter 17: Wormhole
Chapter 18: Fighting spirit
Chapter 19: Thunderstorm part 1
Chapter 20: Thunderstorm part 2
Chapter 21: House of cards
Chapter 22: A test of trust
Chapter 23: Thunderstruck part 1
Chapter 24: Thunderstruck part 2
Chapter 25: History

Chapter 7: Golden boy

1.5K 39 4
By ChelseaElliott1

Chapter 7: Golden boy


I am posting this chapter and the next one and then I am going to update my other story.

*Back to action*

Courtney's POV:

Conner, Kira, Leanne, Ethan and I are running through the streets of reefside.

''Come on guys,'' I told them.

We arrive to see a huge monster attacking the city.

''He's destroying the city,'' Conner commented.

''OK it's zord time,'' Conner said. He punched the air with his fist.

The Brachio appeared and the four others took to the megazord while I stayed on the ground until I was needed.

''What are you looking at?'' The monster said and It began to electrocute the megazord. ''How about a little vacation? See Ya!''

I felt like screaming when the monster sent the others too another dimension.

A few minutes later and the megazord reappeared. So did the monster but it was sparking.

''Spoil sport,'' The monster said to the other four.

''Tricera fist,'' Ethan said. They used the Tricera zord to punch the monster which stumbled backwards. They then whacked it with the Dino drill.

They finally blasted the monster with a huge fireball.

''Oh yeah,'' Ethan spoke happily.

''Good one,'' Kira exclaimed.

''Let's do this,'' Leanne told all three of them.

''Dino drill,'' Conner called.

The monster disappeared but the drill managed to go through it as soon as it reappeared. The monster blew up and the others cheered happily and so did I from the ground.

*Back to action*

Me and Trent are both serving at Hayley's today, we were a great team. We split into two teams and we both took one side of the café each to serve customers. As we walked past each other we smiled and high fived.

After a bit we began to struggle a little at how busy it was getting.

''Aw man,'' Trent commented.

We were running around backwards and forwards trying to keep everything in check.

''Trent,'' I heard Ethan say. ''I've gotta go home soon, you going to be able to scrounge a few minutes for our government project?''

''I'm really sorry Ethan,'' Trent told him sadly. ''We just got slammed all of a sudden.''

''Trust me if I could handle it alone,'' I told Ethan carrying some stuff to the counter. ''I would but even I cant do all of this on my own.''

Ethan nodded and I could hear a voice.

''Waiter order up. Hello?'' I looked around to see Cassidy sitting looking a little angry. ''Waiter!''

I wanted to go over there and give her a piece of my mind but after Ethan told him it's fine Trent stopped me.

''Woah, let's not do something we will regret later,'' he said smiling at me. ''I'll take Cassidy.''

I smiled and walked to clear another of my tables.

I could hear Cassidy in the background clicking her fingers and it was really starting to annoy me so I walked over to her.

''Can you have a little patience Cassidy,'' I told her and she glared at me. ''Trent's just getting your order now.''

At that moment Trent appeared with her drink. ''See,'' I pointed out to her.

''There you go,'' Trent told her. ''One decaf latte.''

I smiled and he approached me.

''Well done for not loosing it,'' he said and I had to suppress giggles as he walked away to sort other things out.

''You know doing this government project has let me totally parched,'' she began talking to me and I listened only out of politeness.

''That's nice,'' I told her. I began to walk away but Devin addressed me.

''Hey look Courtney,'' he said grabbing my arm to stop me. ''Look I hate to be a real drag, but you know...'' he said whistling and making drinking motions.

''Aw boy your smoothie,'' I realised what he meant.

''Got it,'' he said smiling at me.

''Sorry Devon,'' I told him feeling a little guilty. ''I'll be right back.''

''Thanks Courtney,'' he said and Trent looked to me.

''I'll get it don't worry,'' he told me and I nodded and silently thanked him.

I turned as Anton Mercer walked in and approached Trent. I nodded to him and why he went to speak to his dad I started covering his side as well as mine to make it easier for him.

I walked over to Trent after his dad left.

''Everything ok,'' I asked and he nodded.

''Yeah,'' he told me before his eyes went wide.

I turned to see what he was staring at to see Devon behind the counter with the smoothie machine and we both approached him cautiously.

''Uh Dev?'' Trent asked him.

''Oh hey Trent, hey Courtney,'' I waved a little at him wondering what is he trying to do. ''Look I uh, just figured I would make my own. Is that ok?''

Me and Trent smirked a little at him.

''Why not?'' We both replied.

We both turned away to carry on with our work.

*Back to action*

Dad came to work to pick me up and offered Trent a ride home as well.

''Thanks for the ride home Dr O,'' he told my dad as we walked out of the cyberspace. ''Dad would have freaked I got home late again.''

''That's fathers,'' I said smiling at my own and he mock glared.

''No problem I had to pick Courtney up anyway,'' he said to him. ''Hey speaking of your dad, there's something I've been wondering. All those years working with your father, and uh he never mentioned he had a son.''

''He didn't,'' Trent said shrugging his shoulders. ''You know, have one that is. Him and my real parents, worked together on a dig a few years ago. There was a cave-in, my parents never got out.''

''Trent that's terrible,'' I say patting his shoulder.

''I'm sorry to hear that,'' dad said to him.

''Yeah he's been great though,'' Trent informed us as we walked towards my dads vehicle. ''He's taken me in given me everything, you know a home, a life. Not a lot of people would have done that.''

''Yeah,'' I said to him. ''Not everyone has enough kindness in their hearts to take on someone else's kid,'' I smiled at my dad and he smiled back.

''Yeah,'' my dad said hugging me. ''But some people don't know what they're missing.''

I smiled wider. I get in the back seat and let Trent ride up front with my dad. We start the journey home.

A few minutes later and we are all riding in silence. I noticed dad frown when he looks in the rear-view mirror.

''What the...?'' He said and I wondered what was wrong.

I turn to see a golden blur chasing after us. 'What is that thing?' I wonder.

''Trent, Courtney look, do you two see a...'' he began and Trent looked around at the same time as I did again trying to figure out what I am looking at.

''A big gold guy,'' Trent began.

''That is running, like 50 miles an hour right behind us?'' I asked. ''Is that what you mean?''

Dad nodded. He slammed his foot down on the breaks and we all go lunging forward as the monster hits the back of the truck and falls to the ground.

''Whoa,'' Trent says as we all undo our seatbelts and begin to get out of the car.

''Oh man,'' my dad said trying to look surprised. ''My insurance company's never going to buy this.''

All of a sudden the monster was back on it's feet.

We all flinch backwards a little.

''Which one of you is Dr O?'' The monster asked and Trent looked confused.

''That'd be me,'' dad said stepping forwards a little. I move to cover him.

''Then prepare for your demise,'' the monster said.

I shot a worried glance at my dad. I couldn't morph or use my powers were Trent was. 'What were we going to do?'

''You're mine,'' the monster said running forward. Dad pushed Trent out of the way and the both of us moved to fight this golden monster.

Dad kicked him but it had no effect. I punched him but got the same result as my dad. The monster blocked every move we threw at him. He grabbed both of my dads hands and pushed him away. I ducked under a punch from him aimed a high kick which he blocked and threw me to the ground where I held my aching wrist in pain.

The monster then went after my dad again. I struggled to get back to my feet as my dad kept trying to get a kick in that would actually effect the monster. He sent my dad flying to the ground.

''Dad!'' I shouted getting to my feet and running forwards again.

I was pushed aside and seen my dad gripping is morpher probably calling for the others.

''You must be destroyed,'' the monster told my dad.

He went for the final strike. I ran forwards at the same time as Trent.

''Ah! NO!'' Trent said.

Together me and Trent grabbed the monster and managed to flip him to the ground. We both stood protectively in front of my father.

''No Trent, stay back,'' my dad told Trent. I nodded at him but he didn't seem to notice.

''I can help!'' He said and I couldn't stop him as he ran forwards again to intercept the monster that was still trying to get to my father.

He ran forward and kicked the monster. I managed to try and get the monster backwards but it shrugged me off and began to fight the both of us. He kicked Trent and grabbed his arm. He stuck him on his shoulders.

''Trent,'' my dad called as the monster threw him off.

He landed on the ground hard. I managed to duck under a punch and kick him in the back before he grabbed me twisted my arm and threw me high into the air before kicking me in the stomach. I landed hard on the ground winded.

''COURTNEY!'' My dad yelled real loud.

Trent got back to his feet and before I could stop him he managed to get the monster to fight him again with the same ending him on his back on the ground.

Dad was trying to get back to his feet just like me.

As the monster stepped towards the three of us bright blue, yellow, red and purple blasts hit the ground in front of him, sending him to the ground. I turned to see the other rangers had finally arrived on their raptor cycles. They yelled out as they jumped towards the monster.

They stopped their bikes and got off of them to come towards all of us.

Conner approached dad.

''Are you ok?'' He asked.

''Yeah,'' he answered.

Leanne walked over to me and I just nodded my head as to not rouse suspicion in Trent.

Kira approached Trent.

''Trent?'' As she spoke I stared wide eyed at her. ''Are you all right?''

''Yeah what...'' he stopped when he looked up to see the yellow ranger. ''Hey, how do you know my name?'' He asked confused. I felt like face-palming.

''Uh...'' Kira began realising her mistake.

Conner, Ethan and Leanne began to fight the golden monster. They were punching and kicking him but just like with us it was doing very little damage. They finally managed to down the monster by kicking him all at once. An invisiportal appeared and Zeltrax dropped down in front of the golden being facing us.

''I was wondering when you would show up,'' Conner spoke pointing at Zeltrax.

''Huh,'' Zeltrax said looking at all of the ranger. ''You- return with me at once.'' He told the golden monster which now I thought about it was very similar to Zeltrax.

''But father,'' the monster said confirming my suspicions. ''My mission is not complete.''

''Now,'' Zeltrax snapped. ''Do as your told.''

''Yes father,'' Gold Zeltrax said bowing. They both disappeared.

''Father?'' Leanne and Ethan asked in confusion.

''Did he just call him father?'' Conner asked looking around at the other two.

''I think so,'' Leanne said.

*Back to action*

I am back at the cyberspace nursing a few bruises when I see Hayley approaching looking really upset.

''I don't believe it,'' she says sighing and I look over at my new boss at the same time as my dad, Ethan and Leanne.

''Junk mail?'' Dad asked.

''I wish,'' Hayley said. ''Check this out.''

She passes the letter to my dad and I read from beside him. I am appalled at what I see.

''What's it say?'' Leanne asked.

''Nothing good,'' I tell him as I finish reading.

''A letter from the city,'' Hayley tells her and Ethan. ''Seems as of tomorrow, I have a new landlord.''

''Not just any landlord,'' Tommy tells them.

''Anton Mercer!" I tell them disgusted.

''He's going to rebuild the whole café,'' Hayley says and I sigh. ''And he's going to replace me.''

I notice Trent approaching looking very unhappy and I can tell that this wasn't his idea.

''With who?'' Ethan wonders.

Hayley glanced around at Trent who shrugged his shoulder unhappily.

''So you've heard?'' He asked the five of us. I nodded.

''So what's the deal?'' Leanne asked him in a casual tone.

''One rough day at the office,'' Ethan says accusingly. ''So your rich daddy buys it for you.''

''Ethan,'' I scold him. ''You know Trent's not like that, he enjoys working here.'' I defended my friend.

''Anyway It's not like that,'' Trent said to both of them. ''I had nothing to do with this.''

''Look I've got a friend at city hall,'' dad says to us. ''I mean maybe we can check out the deal, and see if Mercer missed anything.''

I nodded. ''That's a good idea.''

''Look you've known my dad long enough,'' Trent said shaking his head. ''To know he doesn't make mistakes.''

''No,'' dad says. ''I've known your dad long enough to know he does.''

''Come on,'' I say. ''Ethan, Leanne.''

''Well wait,'' Trent said and we all turned to him. ''I'm coming with you. This is because of me, I'll do whatever it takes to fix this.''

''City hall,'' Ethan says rising to his feet. ''Here we come.''

We all get up and prepare to leave.

*Back to action*

We arrive at City hall in dad's car. We all pile out.

''Man,'' Trent began as we approached the building. ''I hope there's something we can do.''

''Me too,'' my dad says and I nod my head. An official looking woman approaches us smiling.

''Dr Oliver,'' she said shaking my dads hand. ''My office said you were coming down.''

''Councilwoman Sanchez,'' my dad says smiling at the lady. ''Thanks for taking the time to talk to us.''

The councilwoman nods her head glancing around at all of us. We all stepped forward infront of her as an invisiportal appeared and Zeltrax and his son appear.

''Whoa,'' all of us say and Sanchez gasps.

''There,'' Zeltrax says staring around at all of us.

''I see them,'' the golden monster assures.

All of us rangers flip one way and Trent moves Sanchez out of the way as the golden boy blasts us.

''I will make you proud father,'' he tells Zeltrax. He goes to blast us and Trent helps Sanchez.

''Trent,'' dad calls to him. ''Take councilwoman Sanchez where it's safe!''

''You got it,'' Trent tells my dad. ''Come on,'' he tells the woman helping her to safety.

We hear a voice and we all see Cassidy and Devon appear in between us and Zeltrax.

''Huh,'' Cassidy says. They both turn around and gasp when they see the two monsters standing directly behind them.

The golden monster blasts the ground around them and they both go flying. I watch as they go flying over the railing and as they can't see me I raise my hand and slow down their fall with my telekinesis.

We all drop into fighting stances as the monster faces us. The golden monster begins to run at us and we all move forward to meet him. As we begin to fight him together my dad aims a high kick which he ducks under. I hit the ground to sweep his feet out from underneath him but he jumps over and I have to roll out of the way to avoid being jumped on. Ethan then goes to punch him but is blocked by the monster and so is Leanne as she goes to punch him right after. He forces us all back with kicks and punches.

''Your son got a lot stronger,'' dad told Zeltrax who was still standing behind his son watching as the scene unfold.

''They grow up so fast don't they?'' Zeltrax retaliated pointing his sword at all of us.

All of a sudden Conner and Kira appear behind us out of breath.

''We heard you guys were here to fight city hall,'' Conner said as we all glanced at him and Kira.

''They must have meant fight in front of it,'' Kira said sarcastically.

''This was definitely not the agenda for today guys, trust me,'' I tell them both.

''You guys ready?'' Dad asks.

''Ready!'' We all reply.

We raise our arms and our morphers appear on our wrists.


We all morph into our respected colours.

We all pull out or weapons.

''Tyrannodrones attack,'' Zeltrax spoke as the dinosaur minions appeared. ''Destroy them.''

The Tyrannodrones and Zeltrax's son all run forward to attack us and we run to meet them.

''Thundermax sabre,'' Conner says.

I run forward and begin to fight my own batch of Tyrannodrones. I punch one and kick another. One tries to sneak up and attack me but I spin around and strike it across the chest with my sabre. I turn around and spot Golden boy running towards me and Conner who was right next to me. I met him halfway and me Conner and the monster clashed swords. We exchange a few blows and Then I step out of the way as Conner jumps at the monster and slashes it with his sabre causing sparks to fly out of the monsters chest. The monster than kicks Conner and I run forward again to help out.

I jump into the air and block the monster sword. After a few blows we both jump into the air and I have to raise my sword to block him as he raises his own weapon at me. I then back flip away and land beside Conner. We all run forward to fight each other. While trying to free our swords from the monsters grip, Zeltrax speaks up.

''Golden rod,'' he addresses his son. ''Attack the city.''

I look up at the black monster.

''Dude,'' I say. ''You couldn't have come up with a better name than that.''

All of a sudden golden rod shoves me aside as he speaks.

''Yes father,'' he says succeeding in sending Conner away from him with one swift blow.

He raises his staff to the air and disappears. When he reappears he is 30ft high and standing over us.

''I'm larger than life,'' he yells out.

We all regroup. ''Whoa,'' Leanne speaks.

''He's big,'' Conner says and I look around to see some Tyrannodrones left and dad fighting Zeltrax.

''I'm gonna rock this city, YEAH!'' The monster yells and I turn to the others.

''You guys take the big fella,'' I tell them. ''I'll stay here and finish the Tyrannodrones.''

They all nod and dad speaks.

''That's our cue,'' he says raising his morpher. ''Brachio, do your thing.''

The Brachio zord appears and four doors open to release the Tyranno, Tricera, Ptera and cephla zords. As the others prepared to take to those zords I ran to help fight the Tyrannodrones.

I pull out my Ankylo mace. I throw my mace at any Tyrannodrones that come near me and start to fight them off as the others face golden rod. As I finish the Tyrannodrones I look over and see my dad still fighting Zeltrax. I run over and plant a solid kick to Zeltrax's chest sending him stumbling backwards.

We both race forward and clash swords with Zeltrax and hold his sword away from the both of us. We force him backwards.

''Give it up Zeltrax!'' Dad says.

''You'll never win!'' I tell the monster.

''Never!'' Zeltrax yells at us.

We both flip over his head and land on our feet. Turning to face him we both raise our weapons again. We send him spinning as we slash at him when he comes running at us.

''That's not my only trick,'' dad tells him.

We both race forwards to fight him again. Zeltrax manages to send my dad to the ground but I manage to stay on my feet as he slashes us both in the stomach.

We jump back up and dad moves forwards and they both send sparks flying as they manage to land a hit on each other. They then send a kick to each others chest and they both land on the ground.

''DAD!'' I yell running forwards.

As Zeltrax runs forward I meet him sword against sword to keep him away from my dad who he addresses.

''Vengeance shall be mine at last!'' He says and I wonder what he is on about.

''You keep talking about vengeance,'' dad says in confusion. ''You sure you got the right guy?''

''I know that you are my sworn enemy for life!'' Zeltrax exclaims still trying to get me out of the way to get to my dad.

''I seriously don't know what you you're talking about,'' dad informs him.

''Then I will explain it to you,'' Zeltrax says. ''After I make you watch my son destroy your beloved students and then we will both destroy your daughter.'' He tells him still trying to shift me aside.

''That will never happen Zeltrax,'' I tell the black monster.

I flip away from him and land besides my dad again.

Dad jumps into the air, kicks off of a building and strikes Zeltrax sending him to the ground. As Zeltrax gets back to his feet he is covered in red lightning.

''Nobody messes with my students,'' dad tells him. ''Or my daughters.''

Zeltrax falls back to the ground with an explosion.

''Later days Zeltrax!'' I say and I smile turning to my dad. ''Great team work!'' I tell him and he nods smiling.

''Wait ahh!'' Zeltrax says holding his hand out.

We run to see how the rest of our team are holding up against the golden rod monster. Not good he is managing to strike them too much.

''It's Dr O and Courtney!'' Conner said.

Golden rod ran over and aimed his boot at us. Dad rolls out of the way and I raise a shield which sends him stumbling back.

''RUDE!'' I yell. ''Didn't your father ever teach you any manners?''

My dad rolled his eyes at my theatrics.

Dad then turns a dial on his staff and begins to speak.

''BRACHIO STAFF! WIND STRIKE!'' He says and he strikes the ground. Purple energy surrounds him. Wind appears and hits golden rod sending him flying,

''EARTHQUAKE!'' Dad continues turning the dial again. ''STRIKE NOW!''

An earthquake causes an crater which the golden rod monster gets trapped in.

''WHOO HOO GO DAD!'' I tell him punching the air. All the others offer their praises as well.

''Team work?'' I ask and he nods turning the dial one more time and I do a ninja pose in the air.

''FIRE STRIKE!'' Dad yells.


He stabs his sabre into the whole and I throw my hand out aiming for the whole and fire raises up inside aiming for the monster.

''FULL POWER!'' We yell out.

The monster goes flying into the air encased in flames, he then blows up.

''Yeah!'' The others all say from inside the megazord.

*Back to action*

I am working back at the Cyber café when Anton Mercer appears and I turn to see what he is doing.

''OK.'' he says to a bunch of carpenters who had followed him in. ''Let's get these walls torn out. We can save the computers.''

''Hang on,'' Hayley says as we both step forward to address Mercer. ''You don't own the place yet.''

''Which means you have no right to take charge yet,'' I tell him and he looks over at the both of us.

''Hayley, and you must be Courtney Oliver,'' he says and I nod with a glare in his direction. ''You know, as much as I hate to say this, you really can't fight City hall.''

I shake my head. ''Something tells me you actually loved saying that.'' I whisper under my breath.

''I wouldn't be so sure of that Dr Mercer.'' Councilwoman Sanchez said from where she was sitting at the bar.

Mercer clears his throat when he notices who is speaking.

''My name is Eleanor Sanchez,'' she tells the man rising from her seat and approaching the three of us. ''Councilwoman for the 33rd district. It is with great pleasure I inform you that the city council has voted to put your purchase on this land on hold.'' She tells him as my dad appears behind the three of us.

''You're apart of this?'' He demanded glancing at my father. My dad nods as the councilwoman begins to speak again.

''Actually,'' she informs him. ''We have your son to thank.''

Mercer groans when he hears this. Everyone starts to gather around the four of us as Sanchez continues to speak to show their support.

''He made me realise,'' Sanchez continues. ''That a place like this, a safe haven for learning and interaction for the youth of our community, is something that shouldn't be disturbed or changed in any way.''

''I was only trying to do whats best for my son,'' Mercer told her. ''Well... I'll just be going then.''

We all cheer as Mercer and his people walk out.

*Back to action*


Good chapter. I have also decided to go the White thunder from here. I cant wait to write about Courtney's reaction to an evil ranger and then about what he did to her father.


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