BLSC #2 : His Secret Admirer

By beyondlocks

3.2M 118K 7.8K

BLSC #2 Aiden Locason The number one heartbreaker , even with that title girls still chasing him and follow h... More

Chapter 1 - Curious
Chapter 2 - Bleeding Heart
Chapter 3 - Find Someone Else
Chapter 4 - Table Might Turn
Chapter 5 - See In Her
Chapter 6 - Goodluck
Chapter 7 - Get in Your Sense
Chapter 8 - a Dream?
Chapter 9 - Her Behavior
Chapter 10 - Stop Dreaming
Chapter 11 - Why Still Hoping?
Chapter 13 - Hoping
Chapter 14 - Limit
Chapter 15 - Realise
Chapter 16 - In The Middle Of The Street
Chapter 17 - Elmo
Chapter 18 - Why?
Chapter 19 - Are you?
Chapter 20 - Promise , Swear
Chapter 21 - Again Again and Again
Chapter 22 - Grumpy
Chapter 23 - Oh Boy
Chapter 24 - Break Up
Chapter 25 - Sweet Aiden
Aiden Locason - Elena Colton
Capturing Locason ( BLSC #3 )

Chapter 12 - Photography

97.5K 4.2K 138
By beyondlocks

Elena Colton

"You stupid idiot Elena" Kelly my bestfriend just got back from her concert and now she is currently looking at me with her killer looks

"Why me?"

"Why did you decide to help him?" She asked and sighed big time

"That's the only way for me to spend time with him before I decide to stop Kelly" I said and she looked at me sadly

"Elena.. it will hurt you more"

"After spent time with Aiden 2 days ago photo hunting make me realise that he really likes Cynthia"

"See stop spending time with him"

"Maybe after helping him with Cynthia , I will stop. Maybe.. I just don't know" I threw my body to my bed

"Why are you doing this? Just because you want to be close to him but the fact is that you can't reach him Elena!" Kelly bursted angrily and I turned my head looking at her

"8 months I've seen you like this.. like a fool , stupid fool Elena. Writing a message everyday , putting it into his locker , waking up in the morning just to make him breakfast , buy him a lot of things that I don't even know if he still has it or he already throw it out" Kelly added and she has point for that

"I know Kelly , I know" Taking a really deep breath

"Stop Elena.. don't help him. Stop"

"One las-"

"No! I'm going to introduce you to my friend Marco , he's my cousin's friend and he's cute" Kelly smiled widely and I rolled my eyes

"I'm not interest-" Kelly took her phone and dial someone

"Hello Marco" My eyes widen as she said that , she put the call into loudspeaker

"Hey Kelly" She smirked

"Are you free today?"

"You have luck today , yes I'm free. Why?" Kelly squealed silently and I can't help but facepalm myself

"Let's meet up"

"Why sudden?"

"I'll send you the address of the cafe okay?" She said excited

"Okay" After she ended the call , she looked at me smirking. I looked at him disbelief

"You're crazy"

"Yes because I hate seeing my bestfriend acting like an idiot" Kelly got off the bed and she pulled my feet so I will get up and get dress

"I'm lazy.. you two meet each other" I whined

"I'm going to dress you up today"

"I'm not a barbie!" I hissed and she just chuckled

"Go take a shower" Kelly said

"I don't want to!"

"Oh.. I want to use my gold card for this" She smirked and I cursed under my breath

"Are you shitting me Kelly?"

"No.. I'm using my gold card this time so you have to as I say" She pulled my hand making me stand up and pushed me to the bathroom.

We made a bet about 1 month ago and I lose so she has a chance to make me do anything she wants. She used it now.. well that shit

Walking out from the bathroom and find Kelly put the clothes that I will wear to meet her friend Marco. I sighed big time when I see what clothes that she picked

"We're going to a cafe.. not to club you bitch" I glared at her and she smirked

"What's wrong with shorts and croptops?" She asked innocently

"I'm wearing a jacket on th-"

"Don't even think about it" Kelly glared at me

I walked to the mirror and start wearing my makeup , putting on my clothes and slipped into my black vans. I looked myself at the mirror and sighed big time.

"Let's go" I turned to Kelly who already stand in the door waiting for me. Following her down and walked into her car. She drives to the cafe and park her car.

"He's a cool guy , you will like him"

"What is this cafe?" I looked at it because I've never seen it before

"The most famous cafe these days , it just opened 2 weeks ago" She squealed excited and gestured me to go inside

"Marco" I walked lazy not wanting to see the guy's face. I hate this-

"Elena?" I turned to him as he said my name , how does he know?

"Huh?" I looked at him weirdly

"You don't remember me?"

"You know her?" Kelly asked confuse

"Elena , it's me Marcelino. Your favorite buddy" My eyes widen as I realise it. I smiled widely and he hugged me

"Okay.. explain" Kelly said looking at us confuse

"When I was 12 , he used to be my neighbour until he and his family had to move to Swiss" I told Kelly and she smiled to me

"Nice.. I'll leave you two" She patted the both of us and I looked at her disbelief , she left just like that..

"How are you?" Marco asked hugging me again

"I'm great.. you?"

"Cool.. I move here for good now Elena , we should hangout often" He's the guy who introduced me to photography and the fact that my mom was a photographer too

"I will hangout if you buy me a lot of ice cream" I smirked and he ruffled my hair

"Anything for my Ena" He always calls me Ena , I met him when I was 12 and he's 14 at that time. We met at the park when I saw him taking pictures with a pocket camera. I looked at the camera everytime until he realised that I was looking at it all the time..

He walked to me and gave it to me , I looked at him completely confuse. He smiled at me and started to teach me how to use it. I learned his name is Marcelino Quantin and after that day.. we became friends for almost a year until he had to go to Swiss

"I can't believe I will see you again after.. what.."

"7 almost 8 years" He smiled and stroked my hair looking at me happily

"Elmo?" I turned my head and find Aiden standing there with a hateful look plastered on his face

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