
By Shayzo

346 109 52

From the book 'Grayscale' comes a new story. A new way of seeing. And a new Elliot. After the death of Cassid... More

xxx Author's Note xxx
Chapter 1-Its Been a Rough Year
Chapter 2-High School Drama
Chapter 3-The Ham and Cheese Story
Chapter 4-How to Comfort a Crying Girl
Chapter 5-The Failed First Attempt
Chapter 7-Bailey Meets Jax
Chapter 8-I Think I'm Allergic to Bailey
Chapter 9-Three Voices, One Song
Chapter 10-Take the Stage
Chapter 11-Running Right into Cupid
Chapter 12-Playing Cupid at a Girly Sleepover
Chapter 13-Seeing the Sad Side of Jax
Chapter 14-Thinking About Life
Chapter 14-The Origin of the Bank Cheque
Chapter 15-Teddy Bear Hunter
Chapter 16-Teddy Bear Memories
Chapter 17-Jax's Entertaining Proposal
Chapter 18-Party Photos
Chapter 19-How One Moment Can Change Things
Chapter 20-1 Sandwich, 2 Sandwich, 3 Sandwich, 4
Chapter 21-Bringing Slight Smiles Back
Chapter 22-A Golden Opportunity
xxx Author's Note xxx

Chapter 6-The Creation of a Bright Idea

16 4 1
By Shayzo

I was still completely clueless as to how I could help Bailey and it was beginning to drive me absolutely crazy.

It wasn't until a few days later that I finally came up with a good idea and by good idea I mean much better than the last one.

So my first attempt was kinda a fail but this one sure won't be. I hope...

I took Bailey to go get some ice-cream and we went to the park. Bailey had to babysit her little cousin, Charlie, that day so he came along with us as well. Bailey and I were sitting on a park bench as we watched Charlie on the swings.

With a hop and a skip, little Charlie came running back over to us.

"Bailey, I have a song stuck in my head," Charlie pouted, placing his little hands on Bailey's knee.

"Well then lets sing another song," Bailey replied as she hoisted him up onto her knee.

The moment next is what made my head explode. I could feel that metaphorical light bulb above my head flash on as I took in what was happening.

Bailey began singing. She smiled and she became immersed in the music. Her clear passion for singing quickly overtook her. She has a unique voice. Different but in a nice way. A really nice way.

As I listened to Bailey singing, 'I want to break free' by Queen, I started conjuring up a plan. If I was going to turn Bailey's grayscale world into a burst of colour, I was going to use music.

Its just a shame I don't have one musical bone in my body. One the bright side, its a good thing I know a guy who owes me a big favour for helping him...actually I'd rather not reminisce that particular memory.

I am going to make an extremely important phone call the instant I get home today.


Don't you just hate it when you get a song stuck in your head? It happens to me all the time. One day I asked my friend if he knew how to get a song out of your head and he said think about pineapples. It surprisingly worked.

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