Heat Against Lust

By Jadiegirl21

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Damned with no option or separate path Riley is faced with the supernatural again over. Her everything has b... More

Winter family

Chapter 1

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By Jadiegirl21

    "Riley! Riley I'm coming!" Alex's sweet little voice yelled as I hide behind the tree.

"Riley I found youuuu!" Laughing the little four year old jumps on my leg causing me to fall.

"Ahhh! Oh my, you are quite the little seeker, huh?"  I laugh sitting up tickling her chubby little tummy.

"Rie! Rie stop et! Reweee!" She kicked laughing and her eyes turning a bright green showing happiness.

"Nope! Never!" As I tickle her little body becomes limp and scrawny as if she was starved. I could feel myself starting to tear up as I quickly pulled her motionless body into my arms. Her eyelids open revealing grey lifeless orbs.

"Alex! Alex baby wake up!" I shake her body trying to get her back to me."Alex! Wake up now!"  I felt myself begin to hyperventilate. Laying Alex's cold body down my hands came into focus and blood covered them. Looking back up Eli stood over her body covered head to toe in blood.

Sitting up, Alex sat smiling completely naked also covered in blood. Her eyes glowing red, standing up a knife dug into her neck. Eli grabs her shoulder with one hand and the knife with the other. I try to get up but I can't move or scream. His hand tugged the knife slicing through her neck till it came out the side. My throat was suddenly leaking blood into my hands. Looking up at Eli he stands before me now. His hand draws back then swings the bloody knife towards my face.

    Opening my eyes I sit up screaming. My hands find my head gripping fistfuls of hair.

"Shut up." A low feminine voice demands suddenly causing me to look up. Examining the surrounding I am in the center of a Queen sized bed with dark purple silk covers over my legs. A pale woman stands next to a closed door. Her body tall and slender, long orange straight hair reaching her calfs. The walls and ceiling a medium grey with a tall  white dresser to the left of me.

"Where am I?" I hiss getting out of the bed instantly falling onto the dark stained wood floor.

"Oh hush. You will speak when spoken to." She ordered as she pulled at her long black flowy dress.

"Where is Alex?!" I yell pulling my weak body from the ground using the bed for support. Looking at my thighs a pink night gown falls over them covering the pale skin.

Suddenly I was pushed onto the bed as the woman held her finger up putting it back at her side.

"Serentha! You stop being horrid right now!" Another woman yelled walking into the door scowling at the woman.

Bowing her head,"Yes m'lady." Glancing over to me before disappearing into thin air.

"I'm sorry dear. That was serentha, witches tend to be very, unreasonable." The lady explained walking to the side of the bed. She also had pale skin. Her blonde hair reached the top of her butt, she appeared to be about 30. Her silver eyes stared at me as she sat on the bed next to me.

"Your just perfect." She smiled revealing her fangs.

"What the hell! Who are you? Perfect for what?" I interrogate getting off the bed the opposite side in which she sits.

"Dear, I am queen Eris." She grinned playing with the black lace on to top of her long red dress.

"Where am I?" I questioned looking into a large mirror.

Standing up Eris walked swiftly to the door grabbing the knob before stopping to look at me,"In a moment a few maids will come to get you ready."

"Ready for what? Where's Alex?" Turning towards the door it shut and I stood alone in the big room. As the door closed the sound of it closing made a click. At the sound I sprint to the window trying to pry it open. Looking at the window I realize the clasp is locked soon as I reach for it the door opens. I turn quickly and stare as three maids step in and chuckle as they see me.

"When will she stop getting these little human pets for him?" One of the maids said tying her brown shoulder length wavy hair into a sloppy bun. Her skin a perfect caramel color and her eyes glowing sky blue. The annoyance in her low voice sending a shiver up my spine.

"I have no idea." Another maid said braiding her bright red curly shoulder length hair. Her eyes also glowed sky blue, her skin a pasty white with freckles showing all over her exposed skin.

"I like to play dress up though." A small voice squeaked. A short pale maid stepped up to me examining my dark brown hair that smacked against my back as she played with it. A grin appeared on her face exposing fangs.

"Ughhh I hate vampires. Dawn if you like dress up so much why do you need us here," The maid with the red hair questioned rolling her eyes.

Before Dawn could answer I butt into the conversation,"yeah um hi I'm Riley, may I ask what I'm getting ready for." At this Dawn laughed as she pulled me into the hall followed by the two other maids.

"Your masters new toy, your so lucky!" She giggled as she skipped into a bathroom tugging me along gripping my wrist tightly. As we entered the bathroom a tiny gasp escaped my lips at the sight of the huge room.

Breaking away from the dream bathroom," I am not a toy! I need to find Alex!" Snatching out her grip I go to run out the bathroom bumping right into the two other maids. As I hit the floor the two annoyed girls shut and block the door with their bodies.

"You own him your life! He saved you after all." She reasoned starting to run water into a huge tub."he even saved the tiny vamp that was in horrible condition. Oh! Is that what an, Alex is?"

"He... he saved us?" I questioned getting off the floor. "Vamp? Alex isn't a vampire. She has no fangs and last time I checked she loves regular people food!" I inform feeling myself get angry.

Standing up off the side of the tub Dawn walks towards me playing with her red ringlets, "Silly girl, she hasn't matured and I know you've seen her eyes change colors." A fit of squeaky laugher burst from her mouth making my blood boil. "Strip cutie pie."

At her words a confusion strikes me. "Cutie pie? Your like 10, I should be calling you that. And I'm not taking my clothes off I'm going to find Alex."

"Hey! I am not 10 I'm 2,004 years old!"
She yelled as her green eyes turned a fiery red.

"Ew, so your an old hag huh?" I giggled bending over a bit so my face was at her level.

"No! I was changed at 13! So technically I'm young." She said stomping her foot on the white tiled floor, sounding a low click of her heel.

"Technically your an old hag in a little kids body." I smiled obviously getting her blood to boil.

Before she could speak again the maid with brown hair ripped off the night gown exposing my naked body.

"Get in the damn tub now!" She  growled at me.

"Calm down Katrina, don't go all Wolfy. It's gross watching you change." Dawn giggled pulling me towards the huge bath tub. My gown was suddenly ripped from my body as Katrina picked me up and threw me in the tub.

  Sitting there I hear a knock on the door,"girls he will be here in an hour so do what you can." A feminine voice informed through the door. With that info Dawn looked at me with a panicked expression and rushed towards me.

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