Mystic Falls

By alicexwade

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Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert Salvatore finally got married. Though both vampires, Elena and Stefan some... More

The Return (Stefan POV)
Chapter 2 The Unexpected News (Elena POV)
First Christmas with the girls (Stefan POV)
Fast Forward To The Teenage Years (Jamilla POV)
The first date (Jamilla POV)
Here's to growing up (Alyssa)
A day with the young sister (Jamilla POV)
Prom, and boys
Another Day, Another Death
Turning point
Starting Over
Coming back.
Back To Normal
The best I got
Graduation Day
Going away
I do.
Into the future
"Nothing bad ever happens in Mystic Falls"
New Addition
The Plan
The surprise
Sorry, not sorry.
Love Conquers All
One last time

Double The Date, and Double The Dirty

43 1 0
By alicexwade


I woke up that morning to the smell of dads cooking. I got up in a flash, because I was hungry and he makes amazing food. When I got into the kitchen I smelled it even better. Dad had made Pancakes. Oh I could feel them going down my throat. I grabbed a plate and said to my dad, "Good morning Daddy!" He looked at me, smiling, "Good morning! You're in a good mood!" I smiled big. "I had an amazing night at prom dad. Tyler is such a sweet guy." I told him, noticing how well he was listening. "I'm glad you feel that way. You remember Caroline Forbes?" He asked me, raising an eyebrow. "You mean the crazy, selfish, control freak bitch?" I asked, even though I never met her, I heard many stories about her. "Watch your language. But yes, her. She and Tyler were a thing a while back." I couldn't believe what my dad just told me. "She dated Tyler?" I asked, disgusted. I felt like I did when I walked in on mom and dad kissing. I almost threw up in my own mouth. "Yep. Then she slept with Tyler's enemy, Klaus." Oh my god, Klaus! I heard about him. Klaus was Kol's older brother, Kol promised Jamilla and I we could meet him someday, we just had to stay near Kol. Supposedly, Klaus has anger issues, just like Uncle Damon! "Dad. Is Klaus scary looking?" I asked, I knew his reputation around here. "No. He's just a normal guy. He's kind of funny if you get to know him." I felt relieved. I stuffed a pancake in my mouth. And made my way onto two more. I was about half way through my fourth pancake when Jamilla came into the kitchen. "Good morning daddy, good morning Alyssa." She said, smiling and reaching for a pancake. "Good morning sweet heart." My father said, kissing her forehead. "What were you two talking about?" She asked. I smiled. "We were talking about Caroline and how I hate her for being mean to my daddy." I said, as dad slid out of the kitchen. He probably went to kiss his beautiful wife. "Oh, I hate that bitch. Seriously, Caroline is a hoe, I hope somebody tells her that." Jamilla said, eating a pancakes. Jamilla and I heard dad laugh, I still forget he has super hearing. We laughed too. By now I had finished six pancakes. I cleaned my plate off and sat at the table with Jamilla. "So sissy, what are we doing today?" I asked her with an exciting tone in my voice. "Well, I had made plans for a double date. Me and Kol, you and Tyler. Tyler said he can go, so it's your choice." I smiled when she said Tyler's name. "I think I'll go." I said, in agreement with her. "Good. What are you gonna wear?" Jamilla asked, in her hinting voice, she wanted to help me pick out my outfit. "I plan on wearing my robe." I said, joking around with her. She laughed and then said, "Wear that short pink dress we bought last time we went shopping." I forgot I had that dress. "Okay, and you wear the short blue dress we bought last time we shopped." I said back to her. We got the same exact dresses, just different colors. We agreed together to wear those dresses. After a while, I began to question going. Did I really want to go? Tyler would be there. Just thinking of his name made me smile. Of course I want to go, it's Tyler. It was time to start getting ready, so I got into my dress. I knew Jamilla was already halfway done. I thought about going how I was. Sneakers, the gorgeous dress, my hair in a messy bun. No, I needed to be hot. I grabbed the curling iron and began to curl my hair. Afterwords, I applied some make up, not too much. Then I put my flats on. There is no way in hell I'm wearing heels. Jamilla knocked on my door."Alyssa, it's almost time to go. Can I come in?" She hollered through the door. I hesitated. "Yeah, come in I guess." She turned the knob and walked in, her heels clicking when she stepped. "Damn sis, you look smoking hot. If I was Kol I'd bang you right here." I said, laughing as Jamilla laughed too. "You look good too, sis." Jamilla said, making me blush. "We have to get going, the guys are probably there already." Jamilla said, signalling toward the door. "We're royalty, make them wait!" I said, jokingly as we headed out into the car.


When we got into the restaurant, some grouchy old man escorted us to our table. When Kol saw us approaching, he got up and pulled my chair out for me. I watched as Tyler did the same for Alyssa. I gave Kol a kiss on his cheek, and he returned one to me. Tyler and Alyssa started talking about stuff I didn't care to listen to. Instead, I talked to Kol, and he talked to me. When the waitress came to our table, she noticed Tyler and Kol, giving them a wink. Neither of them smiled. Then Alyssa looked at the waitress and said, "Excuse me. Bitch, is your name Caroline?" The waitress looked up at Alyssa, confused. "No ma'am, my name is Heather." Alyssa looked at me, and I gave her a look with my eyes, trying to get her to shut up. It didn't work, Alyssa looked right back at the waitress and then said "Well, you seem like a Caroline because only a bitch would do shit like that. So lady, don't ever wink at Tyler, or even Kol, again. He doesn't want your flat ass anywhere next to his, in fact, if you could back up about twelve feet, that'd be perfect." The waitress looked like she was going to cry. Suddenly, Alyssa realized what she just said. She looked at Tyler, who was pretty embarrassed, Kol, who seemed irritated, and Me, who wanted to strangle her. "I'm sorry." She whispered with her head toward the ground. She got out of her chair and walked out the door, not even turning back. The three of us just sat as we watched her leave. "Should I go see if she's alright?" Tyler asked me, with a very worried look on his face. I thought about it for a moment. "No, she should be alright." I said, looking at Tyler's face. She would be okay, right? As we sat at the table quietly, a lady, dressed professionally, walked up to us. "Excuse me. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you folks to leave." The middle aged woman said. "Alright, thanks for having us here anyway. I'm sorry for the girl, she's having a bad day." I said to the very upset waitress. "It's alright." She said, then looking at Tyler she said, "I'm sorry sir." Tyler just sighed. "Don't worry about it." He said, getting up from the table, and walking out before us. Kol and I just got up silently and followed Tyler. When we got out of the restaurant, we saw Tyler running behind the restaurant. "Where's Alyssa?" I said, running after him, Kol following. "I have no idea. She wasn't out here when I came out. You said she'd be okay." Tyler said, shouting Alyssa's name. Holy Shit. What if my sister just got kidnapped. I was the one who said she'd be okay, now she's gone. We stopped running and we stood at the front of the restaurant, eyeing the other side of the street. No sign of her anywhere. "What have I done?" I said. "It's not your fault. Why would she run away?" Kol said, giving me assurance, and a hug. "She doesn't. She never runs, she just goes outside, cools herself off, and comes back in. I need to call my parents." I said, reaching for the phone in my pocket. "Wait," Kol said. Tyler and I looked at him, puzzled. "I can track her. So can Tyler." Kol said, looking at Tyler. Tyler nodded his head yes. "I'll help." He said, looking toward me. "We'll find her. Don't worry love." Kol said, then him and Tyler poofed off.  I was alone. I decided I wasn't going to wait in public alone, so I got in my car. I texted Kol to let him know. "Kol, I can't go home without Alyssa." I texted him. I waited for that quiet jingle, and grabbed my phone faster than a blink of an eye. I opened the text and read "Tyler said go to his house, we'll find her and bring her there." I put my phone down, and headed to Tyler's house.

I had only been to Tyler's a few times, and I forgot how big this place was, and how he had the place all to himself. I parked the car in the long driveway outside the Lockwood mansion. I decided to get out and walk around, Tyler wouldn't care. I didn't get too far, though, when Kol appeared. "Did you find her? Please tell me you did." I said, not even bothered by the fact that he scared the daylight out of me. "See for yourself," he said, pointing behind me. I turned around and saw Tyler holding her, she looked dead. "Is-Is she dead?" I said, my voice dropping. "No. She's fine. We found her with some freaks, so we beat them up and took her." Kol said, laughing at the part about beating the freaks up. I ran to Tyler. "Oh my god, she's gonna be okay, right?" I said, reaching out to grab my sisters hand. "She's fine, she fell asleep in the car, I figured I'd bring her inside." Tyler said, walking up the stairs to the mansion. "Oh." I said, sighing with relief. "You both can come inside." Tyler said. Kol and I headed inside the large doors to the big mansion. Tyler set her on a couch in a room. "I guess we can let her sleep." Tyler said, coming back out to Kol and I. "What do you guys want to do?" He asked, excitedly. Both Kol and I looked at him awkwardly, and then at each other. For a moment Tyler just stood around watching us stare, then he decided things got weird, "Do you guys want anything to drink or eat?" he asked, trying to break the silence. Kol and I were about to reply, when we were interrupted. "I sure as hell want something to eat. What do you got?" A familiar voice asked. Tyler turned around and saw it was Alyssa. "I got all kinds of junk food, I don't really cook much, so there are frozen pizzas. Other than that, not much." Tyler said, directing her into the kitchen, we followed closely behind. When we entered the kitchen, I looked at the clock and noticed the time. "Oh shit, we probably need to leave soon." I said, everyone was looking right at me. Tyler opened a cabinet and pulled out an entire box full of snacks. I looked at Alyssa's face, watching it light up with joy. "Help yourselves, I'll go get some drinks." He said, smiling as he passed Alyssa. Alyssa didn't hesitate. If someone said, "help yourself," to Alyssa, she would. She reached in, and grabbed one cookie. I guess today she wasn't being greedy. Kol and I each got a cookie too. A few moments after finishing the cookie, Tyler came back, with a bottle of beer. "Let's drink!" He said, pouring us each a glass. "Why the hell not!" I said, reaching for the cup. "To friends!" Kol said, raising the glass. We drank rather fast, then had another glass. After about four or five glasses, we were done. Not enough for me, Tyler, or Kol to be drunk, we all sat around and laughed and had a good time. Alyssa, however, was drunk. Very drunk. She was running all around Tyler's mansion screaming stupid things. We all laughed, except her. "I should try to calm her down, before she breaks something." Tyler said, exiting the room. It was just Kol and I, we matched eyes and held them that way for a little while. Kol raised his hand toward my face, and stroked my cheek. "We finally are alone, love." He said, with a very calm and quiet voice. "I know, it feels nice." I said, resting my head on him. We were sitting on the couch together, except now I was laying down, with my head against his chest. "You are so damn beautiful, Jamilla." Kol said to me, kissing my cheek. "I love you Kol." I replied back. "I love you more." He answered, kissing my cheek again. I could see where this conversation was headed, but Tyler's couch was not the place I wanted to do it. Slowly, and very fragile, Kol kissed my neck, over and over again. It felt good, very good. "Kol, I have to get home, you know." I said to him, trying to clue him in. "Mhmm, I know sweet heart." Kol said, whispering into my ear. "Why don't we leave your sister here, and sneak off somewhere private." He said, very romantically. "I, I guess so." I said, agreeing with him. We walked out of the living room, and into the hallway. Kol and I were almost out the door, when we saw Alyssa and Tyler, on the couch, making out. They had gotten pretty far, because the both of them were shirtless. My cheeks turned red, and Kol and I hurried out the door. "Where are we going?" I asked Kol, now that we had made it outside. "Private, but not far." He said, escorting me to his car. He opened the back seat, and held out his arm, allowing me to get in first. "We're doing it, in your car?" I asked, fine by that idea. "Yes." He said, very calmly. Kol closed the door, and then he stroked my cheek. Next thing you know, I was in his hold, our lips together. His hands were wrapped around my waist and I had my hands around the back of his head. We kissed. And kissed. Kol managed to push me down, onto the seat of the car. He took his shirt off, still on top of me. He then made his way back to me. Kissing my stomach, and making his way up, he got to my neck, and spent several minutes there, giving me soft, gentle kisses. I let out a gentle moan as he did this. After several minutes, the two of us were completely naked, and continuing with our fun time. The two of us, switching every now and then, I mostly let him be in control. He was so gentle with me. His kisses, were so soft, everything was perfect. I loved the feeling he gave my body, when he kissed, or stroked me.  It was like, every single nerve and bone in my body, was being touched.


I was sitting on Tyler's lap, he was sitting in a tiny chair. The two of us were shirtless, I still had my bra on, though. He sucked on my neck, and let him. It felt too good to stop. But I wanted to fight back, so I did, eventually I won, I kissed and sucked on his neck, giving him a love bite, while he gently tried to fight me back. He fought harder to be dominant. I guess it makes sense, he's a werewolf after all. I decided to give in, and he was now back on my neck. I felt him rising to his feet, his hands around my waist, carrying me. He had pushed me against the wall and started to kiss my stomach, I had put my hands against the wall, allowing him to kiss me. I felt him release, and wondered if he chickened out. I opened my eyes, and saw him taking off his pants. I smiled, attacking him with kisses. Unfortunately, he got his pants off, and pinned me down. Straight down, onto the floor, I tumbled. But him, being fast, reach and grabbed a pillow that was sitting on the chair we were in. He placed it under my head, before I landed all the way down. He was a lot stronger than me, I may have been able to fight back earlier, but now I lost. He got me pinned. He made his way around my body, and pulled my dress off completely. I was now in front of Tyler, with only my undergarments. He began kissing every inch of my body, as I let out gentle moans. After several minutes of this, we were soon completely naked. I mean, nothing on us. My stomach started to growl. I then began to think of food. Tyler was kissing me, and I was thinking about food. He must have realized I was pretty bored and unfocused on him, because he got him, and began to put his clothing back on. Not taking his eyes off my naked body, he put his pants on, watching me just lay there. It was sexy, watching him get dressed. Eventually, I realized I was naked. I grabbed my bra and began to put it on. He laughed, as he got his shirt on. "Where are Kol and Jamilla at?" Tyler asked, he was shouting from the room they had been in. "I don't know Tyler, I was too busy getting sucked on, remember?" I heard him chuckle. By now, I had been completely dressed. I got up, and found Tyler looking out the window. "I found them," he said, staring at Kols car. We saw Jamilla's hand against the door. I instantly felt uncomfortable, watching my sister. I punched Tyler's shoulder, and walked to the kitchen. He followed right behind me, and we ended up spending a good amount of time eating food and chatting. "Alyssa, it's time to go." I heard Jamilla say, as she came rushing into the house. When her and Kol got into the kitchen, Tyler and I exchanged looks and we both laughed. "Done making love already?" I said, getting punched in the shoulder by Jamilla. "Yes, I am. We need to go home, dad just texted me." Jamilla said, pulling me up from the table. I gave Tyler a kiss on the cheek, and walked out the door. I assumed Tyler and Kol were pretty good friends, because they both were still inside, when we pulled out of the long driveway. We were silent. Not a single peep came from either of our mouths. It was about five-thirty, when we pulled into the driveway. I got out, Jamilla following behind. When we got inside the house, mom and dad were there to meet us. "Time to eat, girls!" Dad said, as we walked in. "Oh good, I love food!" I said, running into the kitchen. I sat down, and began to place loads of mashed potatoes onto my plate. Everyone gathered in, and we ate very quietly. When I finished, I looked at dad. "Thanks, Dad." I said, making a smile reach his face. Heading upstairs, I decided to take a shower. So I did. While I was in the shower, I thought about earlier. I had been in the shower for a while, thinking about every kiss Tyler gave me. Then I got out, and went to get dressed. I made sure he didn't give me a love bite anywhere noticeable. He didn't. I sighed in relief and planted myself on my bed. What a long ass day it had been. I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't. So, instead, I grabbed the bag of food I had from prom, and began munching until about 10 o'clock. Then I passed out.

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