The Wolf Girl

By Kitae_Enanome

6.4K 178 35

(I do not own Princess Mononoke. I wish I did, but sadly I don't. My oc(s) do belong to me. Plz vote and rev... More

The Wolf Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Author Notes

Chapter 6

563 16 2
By Kitae_Enanome

    In my dream I am in Iron town. I look around trying to see if I can find anyone, but all I see is the darkness of the night and the light from the iron mill. I listen to see if I could hear anything and all I hear is silence. I walk to the entrance of the town and find the entrance wide open and no guards. I walk to the outside and keep walking. During the time of walking through those mountains to the forest it felt as if time had slowed and that I was walking for hours. I finally reach to where me and San and taken Ashitaka to be healed by the Forest Spirit. I climb upon the small island and shake the water out of my hair. After getting dry I look around. I find nothing except trees. All of a sudden I hear deep growling behind me and I spin around still sitting on the ground. I find my mother who seemed massive from my visual point. She was hunched over me, half her body still hidden by the forest. Her golden eyes were glaring into my soul it seemed like and her jaws where ready to tear into my throat.

    "Mother." I gasp in fright.

    "Luka, you must choose. Either to be with your family and the forest, or be with the human and the forest killers." she snarled at me. I shake my head at her trying to understand where she was coming from.

    "Mother! Why must I choose? It is not as I am burning the forest, no, that is the people of Iron Town's job not mine. I respect the forest and the creatures that live in it, but I will not kill innocent human lives that do not deserve to be killed." I snarl back at her. To my right something comes out of the woods. This time it's Ashitaka.

    "You must choose Luka. The gods of the forest will not live long and neither will Iron Town. You must choose which one to fight for." In frustration tears coming to my eyes.

    "You must choose." the voices of my sister, my brothers, my mother, Ashitaka, and all the people I had met over the journey I have begun with Ashitaka. I closed my eyes and shake my head and all of a sudden, I am shaken awake. I look up. I see it is my sister with of worry upon her face.

    "What's wrong Luka?" she asks me. I feel something wet run down my face and I bring my hand up to it. It was tears that had fallen from my eyes which were running down my face. I sigh and wipe the fallen tears and gently push San off me.

    "Nothing." I grumble to her. I look down and see that the furs that I had covered Ashitaka with were on me.

    "He's safe. We must go." San tells me and I look next to me. Ashitaka was still sleeping. I nodded and grabbed my furs. I followed San as we both followed my mother. We got to a safe spot until she stopped.

    "You two, go on ahead, I must show the human back to the town." she tells us.

    "May I come with you mother?" I ask her. She looks down at me and with how her eyes glared at me in my dream I slightly cower. She nods to me as she turns. I quickly jump onto her back and we take off back to the cave. By the time we get there it's about noon. We stop a little away from the cave. After a few minutes of waiting Ashitaka rolls down the hill to where he finds his Elk. Mother and I watch as he looks at us and jumps upon Yakul. We guide him to the river. He looks back at us and begins to yell.

    "Please take this Luka!" he throws the dagger which his sister Kana gave him. I quickly grab it and look at it with wonder. The dagger was beautiful.

    "Thank you Ashitaka!" I yell back at him. As I catch it mother with me still on her back runs to where the clearing was to watch the Town. As we got there I climb off her back and sit so I was able to see through the hole in the leaves. Mother laid and we waited for San and my siblings to meet up with us. It was about an hour until they finally got there. All we could see was the brownish smoke and with it came the reek. It burned my eyes as well as my sister voiced it to mother.

    "It stinks, and it burns my eyes."

    "That's what they want. They're trying to kill our sense of smell." I cringe and rub at my eyes from the burn.

    "It's that damn woman again." We watched as Lady Eboshi come closer and looked straight at us. "She knows we're out here."

    "It's a trap, and a stupid one." I nodded in agreement.

    "What?" my sister asked stupidly.

    "They're trying to lure the boars out of the forest." my mother explained.

    "No." my sister gasped.

    "The humans are planning something."

    "Then we have to find Okkoto while there is still time to stop them or else they'll all be killed." I ignored my sister. If the pig wanted to die then let him die fighting.

    "Okkoto is too stubborn. He won't listen. None of them will. They may even know it's a trap; the boars are a proud race. The last one left will still be charging blindly forward." I could already hear the squeals of the boars. I shiver with the thought of all of the deaths that would occur in there tribe.

    "Why chop all the trees down?"

    "To make them angry which makes them stupid." I watched as my sister rubbed on mother's face. I could only hear some, but what I could hear wasn't good. She wanted to try and stop Okkoto. All of a sudden San begins to yell about how she hated all humans. That brought me to think of Ashitaka. I look down and play with the dagger around my chest and touch it. I sigh. "Go with her." I look up at mother in confusion. "You may die, but that boy wanted to share his life with you. Maybe you could protect and maybe even save him." I nod slightly confused. I run after San and was able to catch up to them. I jump onto my youngest brother. As I do the cannons went off. All could see was boars dying everywhere and fire everywhere. Then all I could see was darkness.

    I laid there in darkness for what it seemed like centuries. I kept thinking what would happen to my family. Mother who had a iron bullet inside her chest, my sister who was just like me, but without anybody to love other than our siblings, my siblings who would be killed by the humans, Ashitaka who would be killed by my siblings, and the Forest Spirit who could be killed by Lady Eboshi. I feel something squirming next to me and I slowly open my eyes. I find myself under a boar. I look to where the squirming was coming from. My poor brother was also under the boar.

    "I am sorry brother. I have failed you." I tried to sigh, but I was crushed. I watched as my brother got his head free. I tried to move, but still I couldn't. I couldn't see my brother's head, but I could hear his snarling. All of a sudden I could hear Ashitaka's voice. "Ashitaka?!" I gasp. Slowly the weight began to lift off. The weight left my head first, and then my arms where freed. I watched as one of the guys shot darts and the weight returned. I watched through squinted eyes as the other men from on top of the hill helped free me and my brother. I slowly dragged myself out, trying to figure out how I was alive.  

    "Luka?" Ashitaka helps me to my feet. He grabs me from under my legs as I fall to the ground. He holds me in bridle style as he talks to the man. He helps me upon my brother and I hang on as we take off to find my sister. As we quickly move I gasp in pain and try to keep quiet. It felt as if all my ribs and bones from the waist down where broken. I looked forward trying to stay awake. As we run I heard the cries of the apes and mice.

    "Something isn't right." I think to myself. "We must hurry!" I yell to Ashitaka and he nods.

    "To slow. Hop on." my brother tells him and as he does we leap off a cliff. We dodge many warriors until we find Lady Eboshi.

    "Eboshi." Ashitaka gasps. They shoot at us. Brother leaps over them. "You keep going!" Ashitaka yells to my brother as we jump off. "Eboshi! I have something to say!" Ashitaka yells to the Lady. Her men hold their fire.

    "What is it you want?" she yells back.

    "Lord Asano's samurai have attacked Iron town! The women are outnumbered! They can't hold them off for long! Forget about the Forest Spirit! Your men are already heading back to Iron town, but they need you to lead them!"

    "What proof is there this isn't a lie?"

    "Lie? Don't be ridiculous! What reason do I have to lie?"

    "So its don't kill the forest gods. Now you want us to kill samurai instead." I snarl at her with that comment.

    "At least the gods act more civilized than the humans you call men." I yell at her. She scowls at me, but Ashitaka quickly distracts her.

    "No! What I want is for the humans and the forest to live in peace!" He turns and quickly runs as I follow after him. I hope we can get to my sister before something bad happens. We run through the water and get to across the island. We run and the sight I meet makes me cry out.

    "Mother!" I cry as I run to my mother. I shed tears for my dying mother. "Please don't take her." I quietly beg. I look up and watch the now demon lord Okkoto.

    "San!" I cry with Ashitaka. I get up and dodge all the fake boars and jump into the red tentacles.

    "San!" I cry out as I reach for her. I find her, but then I am slowly swallowed along with her. Ashitaka finds us and tries to help us, but he is launched away. "Ashitaka!" I cry.

    "Luka." San whispers. I look at her and see a look of peace upon her face. "I am sorry my sister, but I cannot make it." I shake my head at her. All of a sudden I see mother's head smash into the demon.   

    "Mother!" I cry.

    "Ashitaka. Can you save the girl you love?" I hear mother whisper. I whimper at her. I look over at San and see her eyes had closed and that I couldn't see her breathing. Slowly mother pulls us out of the muck of the demon and I and my sister are carried into the water. I open my eyes, still conscious. I hope mother is ok. Slowly we are brought to the surface and I look up as the Forest Spirit changes.

    "No! Stop!" Ashitaka yells and throws his sword. The woman still shoots with the plants growing on it and takes the Forest Spirit head off.

    "No!" I scream as I watch this happen. A giant glob of energy comes out. I whimper and we dodge as it comes toward us. I look down at my sister and try to find a pulse. I found nothing, but silence. I hold onto my sister's body as Ashitaka runs off to help Lady Eboshi and Gonza. My brothers stand over us bleeding. I sob into my sister's cold body for her death, the Forest Spirit's decapitation, and the death of my beautiful mother. I cry and cry until I heard the noise of something being dragged upon the shore of the island. I take a deep breath to calm myself and look to where I heard the noise. I see as Ashitaka brings the Lady upon the shore. I snarl and quickly crawl over to them. "Give her to me I'll cut her throat!" I yell.

    "Your claim has been avenged. Your mother saw to that." I shake my head.

    "She must pay for both the death of my mother and my sister!" he looks up at me and shakes his head. I snarl, but I don't attack.

    "Don't waste your sympathy. Ow." I watch the women to see where mother had bit her. I realized mother had severed Eboshi's arm clean from her body.

    "I promised Toki that I'd bring you back to Iron town." We watch as the Night walker flips a tree. "He's searching for his head. We can't stay here." Ashitaka turns and looks at me. "Luka, you have got to help us." I snarl at him.

    "No! You're on their side! You let them kill San and Mother! Take that damn woman and just go away!"


    "Never! I hate all of you humans!"

    "Yes, I'm human, so is San, and so are you." I shake my head at him.

    "Stop it! I'm a wolf, so was my sister, my siblings and my mother. I'm not human!" I scream.

    "Luka?" he grabs a hold of me as I cry into his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I tried to stop it." I sob even harder and clench my fists into his shoulders.

    "It's over. Everything's over. The forest is dead." he clenches harder into me. He pulls away from me, but still has his hands on me. He looks into my eyes.

    "Nothing is over. The two of us are still alive. Now, will you help me, Luka?" I look back at my siblings and nod at them. They grab onto San's body and gently carry it away. I wipe my tears and look back up at Ashitaka. I nod in agreement. As we head for Iron town my brother's come back.

    "What are you doing?" I ask them.

    "We will help you sister. That would be what mother and San would want us to do." I nod and hop onto my eldest brother as Ashitaka hops onto my youngest brother. We head off to Iron town dodging all the black slime and as the sun rises we finally get there. We ran against the shore like almost getting caught by the slime. We stop and as we do Ashitaka leaps off.

    "Get everyone out. The Great Spirit's head's been cut off, and he wants it back! If that black ooze touches you, you're dead! Run for the lake! The water will slow it down! Lady Eboshi and the men are on their way from the other side. I'm gonna try to return his head before he kills us all. Hurry!" as he finishes the ooze begins to overflow and we had to run away from it. Ashitaka follows us. We run and run for what it seemed like forever. Up the mountains until we finally see them.

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