The Gun Wants Me *currently w...

By Exy1996

940K 25.4K 1.5K

Kira Abate has always lived by two rules 1) Never turn you back on family and 2) Never get involved with the... More

Chapter 1 / Disclaimer
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 23

18.9K 466 14
By Exy1996

Copyrights 2014 © Elena Sgro

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 23:


"Mmh" I groaned.

Squeezing my eyes shut I tired turned over and ignore the voice that had whispered my name. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to move. I just wanted to lay in what felt and smelt like my bed and stay there forever.

"Amore, you need to get up" the voice murmured softly, hot breath brushing against my ear making me shiver.

Warmth swarmed me as I became more aware of everything around me. The thick musk of D'Angelo's cologne enveloped my nose and I sighed in content. The immediate sense of security made my heart pound.

I turned in his arms and snuggled against his chest, I couldn't stand not facing him any longer. His arms tightened around me and I sighed instinctively. I loved the feeling of being in his arms, his warm skin against mine, his hard ropes of muscles under soft hairless skin was what my body craved. Just the feel of him against me was amazing, like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.

"Have you noticed that somehow just holding you like this, it just, it just feels.."

"Right" I finished for him with a smile on my lips.

I found it cute how he struggled to find the rights words and that I was able to supply them for him.

"Such a smooth talker" I grinned into his chest.

D'Angelo laughed as his hold tightened around me. His warmth seeping into me through my nightgown.

"Only when it comes to you" he murmured.

Just as his lips brushed against my hair realisation hit me. It was morning, it was morning and I was snuggled up in my bed with D'Angelo again. That meant he had spent two nights in a row in my bed and nothing had happened. My breathing hitched at the awareness. I was wrapped up in this undeniably sexy man's arms, in my bed, and nothing had happened between us.

My body instantly tensed as I became well aware of every inch of D'Angelo pressed up against me. His morning glory pressed against my lower belly. My skin heated with need. It had been so long, so long since I had given my body to a man and devilled in the beautiful pleasure that was sex. The worst part was that I practically had the opportunity to feel such bliss because of the man right beside me, and yet I couldn't bring myself to give into D'Angelo.

I wanted it so badly and yet I wanted to I know that he truly felt something for me before I gave myself to him. I remembered everything he said to me, how he cared for me, the sweet gestures he made towards me, I could even see this look in his eyes from time to time but I still couldn't bring myself to fully give into him.

"You tense anymore and you'll give yourself an aneurysm il mio amore" he whispered against my neck.

My body instantly relaxed as he chuckled against my skin. There was just something about his laugh that calmed me. The deep rumbled of protruding from his chest washed over me in a delicious wave that made me shiver against him.

I laid in D'Angelo's arms a few minutes longer. His heartbeat gently against my ear, the rhythm so hypnotic I found myself closing my eyes. Sleep was calling me but I couldn't bring myself to submit to it.

D'Angelo's hand caressed my back, the material of nightgown riding up every so slightly that there was no way I could fall asleep. His touch was so gentle yet it electrified my body, sending shock waves through my nerve endings. The need to be closer to him and kiss him was suddenly so strong that I willingly gave in when his hand tilted my face up to his. His emerald greens eyes locking with mine, deep and lustfully before he brought his lips down onto mine.

The kiss was slow and sensual heating my body up entirely and I moaned against his mouth wanting more. Usually, when he kissed me it was hot and heady like he couldn't get enough and was afraid I would be snatched out of his arms, but this kiss. This kiss was different, it was like D'Angelo was talking his time, and I couldn't have been happier.

"You go and have a bath, I'll make us breakfast" D'Angelo murmured as he broke the kiss.

"Okay" I replied, my voice was soft and breathless.

My heart clenched as he pulled away from me, taking his body heat with him. Part of me was thankful that we hadn't gotten further than kissing. It showed that D'Angelo was willing to take things slow, especially since he was the one that had pulled away from me. But another part of me wished he hadn't wished that we had just gotten lost in the throes of passion and that he had ravished me until I screamed his name. This was so different from when we had first met and so unexpected.

Of course, I might have felt bad about it after but, something inside me was screaming to forget about the consequences and just give in to the passion, the feelings that I was trying to hold back.

I watched silently as D'Angelo pulled his suit pants on over his briefs. He was about to reach for his shirt but refrained when he caught me watching him. His green eyes sparkled with mischief as he threw his shirt back on the decorative chair I had in my room and winked at me. I narrowed my eyes at him instantly. I knew exactly what he was doing, and his plan only proceeded to torture me.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you were checking me out Miss Abate" he said naughtily as he leaned over the bed towards me.

His lips connected with mine before I could deny the accusation and I laughed as he kissed me deeply. The bed dipping from his sudden weight as he leaned over me, his hands tangled in my crazy mess of hair. His lips consuming mine in a tortuous kiss that left me panting and moaning.

"Always knew you were a moaner" he said wickedly as he pulled away.

I gasped mockingly and slapped his arm as he laughed. The nerve of this man would be the death of me.

"Though I'm sure I can turn you into a screamer" he said as he bent back down and nipped my ear lobe.

Heat flushed my cheeks as I decided now was the time to get up. D'Angelo sensed my movement and leaned away from me, he was still close. I could feel the heat radiating off his body but I had enough room to sit up now to breathe.

"Are you always this cocky?" I asked as I slipped out from under the covers.

As I stood my nightgown fell to its full length just above my knee, and I blushed as I felt D'Angelo's heated gaze on me. Obviously, I hadn't noticed that my nightgown had ridden up in the middle of the night.

Normally that wouldn't have been a big deal. It happens all the time, but with D'Angelo in my bed, it would have given him easy access and that made my mind wander to a very dirty place.

I cleared my throat jolting D'Angelo out of his trance. He swallowed thickly as his eyes met mine, his adams apple bobbing as he stammered to talk. My stomach fluttered as my cheeks heated up. To get that reaction out of him just because my nightgown had ridden up was quite amazing to me. Never had I had that kind of reaction from a man before from such a simple thing. Hell, it took a lot more than my nightgown riding up to turn on my past boyfriends.

"I'll, ah-" he stammered clearing his throat as he got off the bed.

I couldn't help the giggle that past my lips because of his awkwardness. My cheeks grew warm as I mentally scolded myself. A giggle! Seriously?! I'm 24 years old and I was giggling like a little school girl.

D'Angelo smirked before running a hand through his hair. The muscle in his arm bulging and flexing. It was like he was practically tempting me to jump him. Biting my lip I turned away and headed for my bathroom.

As the door closed I heard D'Angelo's deep chuckle before he said he would be downstairs if I needed him. Locking the bathroom door, I headed for the mirror to see my reflection. The after-effects of endless crying wore heavy on my face. My eyes were puffy and red, my cheeks blotchy from the tears that had been shed and my nose was slightly runny.

Unease knotted in my stomach. How the hell could D'Angelo find me attractive when I was like this. There was nothing remotely alluring about my face and yet I had seen the heated lustful look in D'Angelo's eyes when our gazes had met. Then again they guy could have been so horny that even when I did look unattractive he still wanted me.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I decided I didn't want to gaze upon myself any longer and needed a shower. Turning on the taps I let the water get hot and didn't step in until steam blanketed the room. The steam filled my pores as I stepped under the hot water. I sighed in relief as the water oozed over my muscles, relaxing them.

It wasn't until I was halfway through washing my hair that tears started running down my cheeks. Yesterday's events rushed back to me and my heart clenched in pain at the reminder of my brother catty words. Pushing my soapy hair back and out of my face, a broken sob left my lips. At that moment my body felt weak, not being able to hold myself up any longer I sunk to the floor.

I mentally cursed D'Angelo. Of course, what had happened between Santo and I wasn't really his fault. The fight had to do with him, yes, but it was my fault that Santo's anger had been taken so far. I was cursing D'Angelo because he had made me forget about everything that had happened.

It was only for a little while, but he had made me forget and now I had to deal with the crushing reality of the pain I felt at my brother's heartless words.


My head snapped up at the sound of D'Angelo's muffled voice. My heartbeat quickening in panic. I didn't want him to know I was sobbing again. It was embarrassing enough that he had found me on the kitchen floor last night, and had carried me to bed as I cried.

Only once had he asked me what was wrong, and after my failed attempt at answering he had left it alone and decided to comfort me instead. I was mortified that D'Angelo had seen me cry. The guy barely knew me and yet here he was sleeping in my bed, taking care of me when I was at one of the lowest points I had ever experienced in my life.

"Kira everything okay? Breakfast is ready"

Wiping my nose and sniffling I stood up on shaky legs and tried to compose myself before I spoke.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I'll be out in a minute"

When I heard D'Angelo's retreating footsteps I rinsed my hair out, conditioned it quickly before rising it again and turning off the shoulder.

Wrapping the towel around me I calmed my still frazzled nerves and wiped my nose again. Never in my life had I thought that such words could be directed at me, and from my own brother none the less.

Not wanting to waste any more time in the bathroom, I quickly dried myself off and went into my bedroom to get clothes. I didn't want to see myself in the mirror, I didn't want to dry my hair and even attempt to look pretty for D'Angelo. I just wanted to get into my favourite pair of trackies and watch t.v. all day.

Just as I reached the last step on the staircase, my nose was hit with the most amazing aroma. Following the scent into the kitchen, I found D'Angelo, still shirtless, and dishing up breakfast.

The sight of french toast, mixed berries and bacon made my mouth water. God, this man was going to be the death of me. He already had my favourite breakfast down pack and we hadn't even spent two full days together.

"Hope you're hungry" D'Angelo said. His back was still to me, making me wonder how he had even realised I was in the kitchen.

"Starved" I said as I sat down.

D'Angelo chuckled and placed the plate of the kitchen island in front of me. His eyes watching my every move as I took a knife and fork out of his hand a dug in.

On any other given day, I would have been polite and wait for D'Angelo to sit down before I dug in, but today was different. Today I didn't care and I wanted to drown my sorrows in food.

Taking some of the french toasted he had made into my mouth, I moaned instantly. It was the best french toast I had ever tasted. It blew mine completely out of the water and I was envious, I wanted to know how he got the texture so light and fluffy.

"Good?" he chuckled.

I nodded as I swallowed and cut another piece.

"Better than mine" I said as I shoved a strip of bacon in my mouth. I knew I was being a pig but I didn't care, his food was just too good.

"No I liked yours much better, but I wanted to return the favour and make you something nice. Especially after last night"

I swallowed thickly when he said that, my stomach churned with unease and I hoped he wouldn't bring it up again.

I watched as D'Angelo came around the island with his own plate of food and sat next to me. He gave me a tight smile as he sat down and my heart tugged at the worry I saw in his eyes.

"I won't push you to talk Kira, I just worry. When I found you on the floor last night, I- God Kira, I almost broke seeing you like that."

Tears threatened to spill as my eyes watered. The tone of his voice was what hurt the most. Never had I heard so much worry and sadness in D'Angelo and it broke my heart. We barely knew each other and yet here was this man, worrying over me, trying to comfort me when my past boyfriends never would have batted an eyelash if they found me like D'Angelo had last night. I really had some shitty taste in men, huh.

My eyes dropped down to my plate as I fought off more tears. I jumped when I felt a slight touch under my chin but then relaxed when I realised it was D'Angelo. He held my chin gently in his grasp and turned my head towards him so that I was forced to look at him.

"Shh, forget I mentioned anything. Just relax and eat amore, today is about you. We'll do anything you want to take your mind off everything okay?" he asked looking deeply into my eyes.

I nodded softly before he smiled and kissed my lips. His kiss was tender before he pulled away and went back to his food. Heat flushed my cheeks as he gently nudged my knee with his own and encouraged me to continue eating.


Hey guys

I know I know, not much action in this chapter.

This was more of a filler chapter with a cute little D'Angelo and Kira seen that I thought you guys might like

Next chapter will be more jam packed I promise

if you liked this chapter please vote

comment and let me know what you guys think

love you guys


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