On The Run [Werewolf Romance]...

By PrincessOfStories

523 13 2


On The Run [Werewolf Romance]
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter One

88 3 0
By PrincessOfStories

Chapter One:

I stand on the sidewalk with a small backpack resting my back, looking at the hotels that line this street in longing. I would love to actually sleep in a bed but I don’t have much cash on me and I don’t want to risk using my credit card again, don’t want a repeat of last time. With a shudder I move my sore feet and head towards the mall to look for a job, maybe I could make some money and sleep properly. As I get closer to my destination the sounds of parents with small children and other teenagers fill my ears, leaving me feeling calm and relaxed. Closing my eyes for a few seconds I let the happy images of the past come forward, giving me hope that maybe one day I could find a way to live like that again.

Opening my eyes I slowly stroll towards the mall entrance carefully watching my surroundings. Just because I’m relaxed I won’t let my guard down, they could be anywhere…… Shaking my head to rid myself of the thought, I reach out and open the door. Cool air envelops my whole body making me sigh in content. Looking around I choose a random toy store and head towards it, laughing as little kids inside the store run around dragging parents or older siblings around. Reaching the door I rush back quickly to avoid being crashed into by a 5 year old with tears in his eyes. However because I moved, he flies face first into the doorframe before falling to the floor, bawling his eyes out. My motherly instincts switch on with a vengeance and I hold him gently in my arms, murmuring softly.

Five minutes the boy is holding my hand and showing me around the store, informing me about all the great toys on the shelves. As we pass the Spider-man section he stops short and pulls me towards a shelf with boxes of a figure named Thomas. “Look! He has the same name as me Laney! Isn’t that cool?” he asks me with big eyes and mile wide grin. Smiling at him softly I look at the figure and back at him, “Hmmmm…” I say looking back and forth between the two. “He even looks like you!” And with that his eyes grow wide and he stares at me motionless. Suddenly he breaks out of his spell and picks up a box, and hugs it to his chest with his remaining hand. “Maybe mommy will buy it for me if she knows how special I am.” He mutters while staring intently at the figure. Raising my hand I ruffle his hair with a soft smile. “How bout we go look for your mom? I bet she’s worried sick looking for you.”I tell him softly, my eyes searching nearby aisles in search of a woman who might be his mother. “I don’t want to. Mommy was angry at me because I couldn’t pick out a toy, s-sh- she said I made her late and her boss is going to be angry at her…” Quickly my head swivels back in his direction from the sound of him sniffling, his eyes filling with tears threatening to spill over. I kneel on the ground and engulfing him in a tight hug, rubbing his back softly. A firm hand on my shoulder captures my attention and a short woman with cropped blonde hair is staring at me, eyes ablaze with anger.

  “What do you think you’re doing with my son yo-yo-you- pedophile!?” she screams at me catching the attention of other customers. As what she said registers in my mind, my blood boils and I stand up staring at her like she’s lost her mind. “I’m the one who comforted your son when he went face first into the doorframe! I’m the one who calmed him down! I’m the one who was going to help him find you! I’m not some pedophile! Why don’t you ask before making assumptions?” I yell back fiercely, desperately holding my wolf back so she wouldn’t kill the woman…even if I agreed with her fully. “Lies! There all lies!” she shouts glowering at me. “Oh really?” I reply sarcastically. “If you had even looked to see what your son was doing you would notice he was crying, that I was trying to calm him down! Want to know why he was crying?!” I yell at her fiercely hugging Thomas tighter to my body. “Because of you! Just because you were going to be late because he couldn’t pick out a toy fast enough! Does he really mean that little to you that you weigh your job over him?! You could easily find a new job! He’s your son; you bought him into this world! You could have just come back in the afternoon when you had more time! Just because your boss might be a jackas* to you doesn’t mean you take it out on your child!” I yell overcome with rage. A soft tugging on my jacket grabs my attention and I look down at Thomas, my face softening instantly. “Laney, are you angry at me?” he asks softly with bug eyes. With a sigh, I pat him head with a fake smile on my face. “Not at all Thomas, not all.” I reply before looking his mother straight in the eye. “Don’t take out your problems on your child; you never know when he’ll be gone.” And with that I give Thomas one last squeeze before walking out of the store feeling eyes on my back.

Minutes later I’m halfway across the mall trying to rein in my anger and so far so good. Looking around I head towards the food court and mull over my choices, after five minutes I decide on Oriental Paradise and order chicken chow mien. Handing over the money I wait for the server to print my receipt so I can sit down at a table and rest my feet. With a smile she gives me the receipt and says. “Your number is 298. Thank you for choosing Oriental Paradise!” with a bubbly voice and cheerful grin. Blinking at her over-cheerfulness, I nod my thanks and head towards an empty table. A soft sigh leaves my lips as my feet lift off the ground. ‘Now this is so much better….’ I think to myself in content. Slouching in my chair I look around the food court, taking in all the different types of people sitting at tables and standing in lines. The sound of screaming shatters my concentration and my body goes on full alert, ready to attack. Locating the source my eyes widen in shock before my body slowly begins to relax. Off to my right sands a guy my age with a girl hoisted over his left shoulder, the guy is laughing while the girl hits his back with a red face. The muffled sound of profanities hit my ears and I chuckle softly, a feeling of happiness spreading over me.

“Number 298! Order of chicken chow mien!” a voice calls and I dash off to retrieve my order so I won’t lose my spot.  Smiling at the over-bubbly girl I quickly head towards my table, stomach grumbling loudly. Plopping down into my chair I grin like a child as I take my food out of its plastic bag. Fifteen minutes later I let out a satisfied moan, my stomach jam-packed with salty noodle-y goodness. Suddenly my senses go into overdrive and I bolt up into a sitting position. Glancing around I spot the reason why, not even two feet away stands Jerry Turner, a friend of my ex-alpha. Without a second though I clear up my mess and throw it in a waste bin before heading out of the mall, hoping and praying he didn’t catch my scent. 

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