The Origins of Dipper Pines.

By pinkpandadubstep

134K 3.8K 1.4K

After Being abused since the beginning of toddlerhood by his uncle and twin sister Mabel pines. Dipper is tak... More

Meeting bill (Finished) :)
My hero
little boy demon
Fireflies (Finished)
Questions and Demon Forms
When The Garden Calls
Calls Of Distress
A Monster Mishap and Meeting Will
i will never abandon you
Tag You're It
A little love can solve a big problem
A Get Well Lullaby
Questions About The Story
A/N Deleting
Big Announcement
Healing with time
Victois finds a new apprentice

A New Danger

6.8K 205 55
By pinkpandadubstep

*Meanwhile in gravity falls two days after Dipper's escape*

"Soos! Get up here and fix the lightbulb!" Stanley shouted angrily as he walked into the darkened room where the twins slept. He grabbed Dipper's filthy cot and wrinkled blood stained pillow. "I swear if that boy ever comes back here I won't hesitate to kill him, my brother was stupid to ever bring him here" Stan growled out as he walked to the dumpster to dispose of Dipper's bedding. He watched as Mabel played around with her friends in the back yard. "At least I got one good thing out of this" Stanley muttered to himself as a small smile stretched across his face. "Mr.pines! This weird dude is here to talk to you!" Soos called from the front door. Stan raised an eyebrow and headed towards the shack. His confusion grew a little as he was met at the door by what soos described right, 'A strange looking guy'. "Why Mr.Pines I'm glad to see you" The man greeted him with a wide smile on his face. He had on a velvet suit with matching gloves and shoes. He had a dark red eye patch over his left eye and long red hair. "Is there a problem of some sort mister..."stanley asked, "Oh no no this is mostly just business" The man responded "And call me Victois". Stan gave a nod and Victois smiled, "So may we go to your office and discuss my little deal?". Stan gave another nod and led Victois through the mystery shack. "Nice Decor mister Pines I see why tourists come so much"  Victois said, smiling amusedly at the strange fake artifacts. Stanley didn't bother to reply as unlocked the door of his office. "Alright let's get this over with" Stanley muttered as he sat down in his brown office chair. Victois smiled again and closed the door. "I came here because I heard you had a certain unwanted Nephew on your hands and I just thought well I could take him off your hands" Victois said, "Sorry to burst your bubble but that little runt isn't worth anything and he's not here at the moment" Stanley replied, "Oh do you know where he is? I'd love to offer quite a bit of money for him". Stanley leaned forward with a con man's smile, "Go on" He said, greed laced in his voice. Victois almost had the same smile, "I'll offer you millions if I can have that little problem of yours but I need to know where he is". Stan groaned and rubbed the back of his neck "He ran off a couple day ago I dont know where he went from there the only thing I know is he was heading to the woods last time I saw him" Stan replied ( Thank you Bill and your mind trickery). Victois sighed and nodded, "Thank you for a clue but I think I'll take my offer elsewh-"  "Wait Wait I think we can work this out!" Stan yelled, "mm no there's no clues and nothing here I want" Victois replied. Stan thought for a moment as he watched Victois slowly open the door. "What if I gave you...My soul", Victois froze and a smile formed on his face, "I know what you are". Victois smirked and ignited his hand in velvet flames, "So we have a deal?" Stan nodded and shook his hand. "Excellent!" Victois shouted and watched as Stan squeeze his chest in agony, "Oh don't worry it won't hurt too bad" Victois chuckled as a ball of grey light came to him. He snapped his fingers and the ball disappeared, "I'll be back tomorrow and we'll go searching for your puny runt... as for the riches" Victois snapped his fingers and a chest full of jewels and gold appeared "Take it".  Stan looked hazily as Victois closed the door and left swiftly. "This is the best deal I've ever made" Stan muttered as he rose and walked over to the chest, "Hey Mabel! Get ready we're going to the bank!".

Victois smiled to himself as he watched the old man running with his arms full of gold. "I'm only one step closer...."

Hey guys! I just want to say I decided to do a plot twist and add some extra characters and tweaks along with putting it all in on the base of gravity falls. So vote and tell me what you think of it and I will keep updating. Thank you for the support guys! Love ya!

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