My Rebel Boy [Tmnt Street...

By KillerWriter09

26.7K 467 202

It was a normal day in New York City, Y/N was heading to her high school, also known as hell. All the student... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

8.4K 112 52
By KillerWriter09

( A/N: The ninja turtles will be in the story as well but as human okay to the story)

Word Count:2939

Warnings: Violence and mild swearing 

Word Key:

(H/P/C)= Headphone color

(H/L)= Hair Length

(H/C)=Hair Color


Y/N's P.O.V


"Hold on Y/N!" shouted a man I could not see his face. I didn't even know where I was at, I could hear explosions all around me, everything was fading in and out, it was so blurry. I began to feel myself slipping from the man's grip, I began to panic. Tears began to stream down my face as fear took over me."Swift don't let me go!" I shouted to him, how the heck did I even know his name? I began to slip out of his grip, I was looked down and saw fire and destroyed buildings, I guess we were in the air. I looked up at him with fear in my eyes. I then felt myself slip more out of his grip then I began to fall down. "Y/N!!"Swift shouted, with tears streaming down his face. "Swift!!" I shouted, reaching out for him.

(End of Dream)

I immediately woke up from the nightmare I just had.I looked around, gripping my sheets. I looked at the time and it was 5 am, around the time I get up normally. I let out a sigh and got out of my bed. Lately I have been having the same dream for the past week. I never figured out who this Swift person is or what it meant. I just got used to it at this point but the one thing I could never figure out was how I knew his name but never met him in real life. I let out another sigh, this time longer. I walked over to my closet and picked out my outfit. (The image above is your outfit) I brushed out my (H/L), (H/C), brushed my teeth and got dressed. I grabbed my backpack, phone and headphones and left the house. My mom was never home and my older brother lived in LA and never visited us but he would text me sometimes.I put on my (H/P/C) and began to play Three Days Grace: Never To Late. I had to wake up early each day so I can get to school, a.k.a hell, so I didn't have to worry about all the kids bullying me when I showed up at school. I reached school after a couple of minutes of walking and listening to my music.

I thought it was going to be empty but I was wrong, everyone was walking into school. I let out a sigh, remembering that there is going to be a school concert at the end of the day. That meant we had to get to school early. I walked slowly to the entrance to the school, kids threw paper balls at me, others pushed and shoved me. Some put papers on my back, others called me names but I couldn't hear them. I turned up the music more and kept walking to my first class, which was boring math. I sat in the very back, the teachers always kept me away from other students to keep me safe from the other students, but it would make me look more like an outcast, causing me to get more bullied. The teacher didn't arrive yet, so everyone in the class began to throw notes at me saying to die and kill yourself. I just shrugged, it wasn't new to me until one kid threw a note at me and it said 'The name is Leonardo, but you can call me Leo. Anyways don't listen to them they have nothing better to do. I see you at lunch all alone, come and hang out with me and brothers. Don't worry we won't bully you and we won't let anyone be rude to you. -Leo.' For the first time in a long time I smiled but inside, if I smiled on the outside, people would notice and beat me up. The teacher walked inside and began her lesson. I would tune in and out, at one point, I put my headphones on and listened to music while she taught the lesson.

(Mini Time Skip cause I'm lazy)

I walked to the cafeteria and got some food, wasn't much but whatever. I didn't know what this Leo guy looked like so I walked to the back table that was my table. The other outcast in the school either didn't come to school, ate outside under the bleachers or in the bathroom. I was about to put on my headphones when a guy walked up to my table with a tray. At first I thought it was a jock about to smash my face into my food or onto the table. I looked up and saw a guy with light brown hair, a white and black, unzipped jacket with a blue shirt and jeans. He had a kind smile and kind, light blue eyes. "Hey Y/N."the guy greeted me politely. "Um..hey?"I said as I put my headphones onto the table."My name is Leo, I'm the guy who tossed you a note during math."Leo said, still standing holding his tray. "Oh it's nice to meet you. You can sit down if you would like, but I'm going to warn you, people come over here to beat me up." I told him. "It's alright I don't mind and thank you."Leo said as he sat down across from me. As I was about to eat, 3 more guys walked over. One of them was taller than the other two. He head dark brown hair, he wore a purple sweater, jeans, he also had a pair of glasses tucked into his shirt. His eyes were also kind and he had a kind, small smile.The other one had no smile and his eyes looked like he was frustrated. He wore a black and red hat with black jeans, a long-sleeved red shirt with a gun on it. The last one was the shortest out of the three, he had sunglasses on, a gray-and-orange-stripped beanie. He had a orange jersey, with the number 10 on it. He had jean shorts on, he was smirking at me. "Um Leo..who are they?"I asked pointing behind him. He turned around then looked at me."Those are my brothers."Leo told me smiling. "Hi my name is Donatello but you can call me Donnie.This is Raphael, also called Raph."Donnie said pointing at the guy with the red-shirt."Hey." He said looking at the people around us. Some were watching, some weren't. "That's Michelangelo also known as Mikey." Donnie said pointing to the other one.He slid right next to me and put his arm around me."Hey girl, how are you doing? Do you have a boyfriend?"Mikey asked me."Mikey let go of her."Leo told him. Donnie and sat next to me and Raph sat next to Leo.

We talked for a little bit, everything was going well until..."Hey why are you four talking to this loser?"Said a Jock, standing at the edge of the table."We can hang out with anyone we want."Leo told him off. "Really, you guys must be new here. You see girls like Y/N, don't get to have friends." The Jock said as he walked over to me. I looked down at my hands, waiting for him to punch me."You see, we have a tradition to bully the losers.Like so."The Jock said as he grabbed my hair and pulled me back, causing me to hit the wall, hard. He then punched me in the face, hard. "Hey leave her alone!"Leo shouted as he stood up and punched the Jock right in the face.The Jock stumbled backwards then glared at Leo. Before they could start fighting, everyone heard gunshots and began to panic. Everyone began to run, trying to find the exit. The Jock ran off, Leo quickly walked over to me, worried. "Y/N are you alright?!"Leo asked me as Donnie, Mikey and Raph ran toward us. "Yeah I'm fine, let's get out of here."I told them. They nodded, Donnie, Mikey and Raph grabbed me and Leo's backpacks while Leo picked me up, bridal style and carried me out of the cafeteria." We need to get out of the school!"Leo shouted to all of us. We all stopped in our tracks when we saw the guy holding a gun and shooting a teacher right in the head. He looked at us with an evil smile and had murderous eyes.The guys all backed up and began to run away. He began to chase after us, shouting for us to stop. I looked up at Leo then back at the guy. "Leo let me go, I can stall him so you and your brothers can escape."I told him. He looked at me like I was crazy. "No way, we'll be fine."Leo told me. I shook my head 'no.' "Leo please, trust me."I told him.He let out a worried sigh and let me down gently then kept running. I stood in place and the guy stopped a few feet in-front of me. "Are you ready to die?"He asked me as he pointed the gun at me.

As I was about to answer, I heard cops running inside and looking around for him. "Shit."He growled, he quickly grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him, pointing the gun at me as we walked. We reached the theater stage where we were supposed to have the school concert. I saw other scared and terrified students who bullied me. The guy threw me onto the stage with the others. "All of you stay the fuck down or I will kill all of you!"the guy shouted at us, pointing the gun at us. A few seconds later we hear the intercom begin to speak. "Daniel Prescott, let go of the hostages and come out with your hands up!"shouted a cop over the intercom. "Shit!Fuck!" He told himself, pacing back and forth still pointing the gun at us. He was nervous, he never done this before. Everyone knew Daniel Prescott as being a good student, good with the teacher, good with the girls. Everyone thought he was going to be successful, guess not. "All of you get in a god damn line!"He shouted at us as he pointed the gun at us. We all scrambled and formed a line, I was at the end of the line. He pointed the gun at the first person at the beginning of the line and shot him right in the head. He then moved to the next girl and shot her in the head as well. Oh my god, he was going to kill us all, one by one!

???'s P.O.V

Me and my brothers were running through the damn disgusting sewers of New York, towards a high school that was under attack from a student who had gotten crazy. We finally reached the school, we got out of the fucking sewer, thank god. We walked through the back of the school, we had to stay clear from the cops, we all got our weapons out. Ghost had his guns at the ready, I had my huge ass sword in my hand. M.C had his bat armed and Rebel had his hand blades ready for attack. We looked in each room quickly until we reached the theater stage. We saw him yelling at the hostages to line up in a line. We quietly got into the room and walked slowly to the back of the stage.Ghost walked to the lights area, M.C and Rebel moved, silently to the one side of the stage in the back. I quickly and quietly climbed to the top of the stage, right above the hostages. I saw him shooting each hostage at once, 8 were already dead, only 2 left. He shot the second to last then pointed the gun at the last girl. "Ghost now!!"I shouted out-loud. The armed student and the hostage looked up at me. Ghost shut down the lights, leaving all of us in the dark. That didn't matter to me and my brothers, we put on our night vision goggles (Their goggles right?) then we all attacked the armed guy. Ghost, M.C and Rebel took care of the guy, while I grabbed the girl. I heard gunshots go off, I jumped into the theater seats, holding her tightly against my chest. With the night vision goggles on, I could see how pretty she was. Her (H/L), (H/C) hair was so beautiful, some of her hair were covering her face. Her eyes looked up at me, with a mix of fear, happiness and relief. Her expression was shocked from what just had happened to her. She was so beautiful, I knew she had to be mine.

"Don't worry babe, your going to be alright."I told her, still holding her in my arms. She nodded her head at me, I couldn't tell if she could see me or not. We both hear the theater door, bust open, about 5 cops barge in with their guns and their flashlights. "Swift we need to leave!"Rebel shouted at me. I looked over at him and nodded. I looked down at her and put her in the chair, gently then kissed her forehead. I just had to, I needed to do it before I leave, I may never see her again but that was a stupid thing to say. I was going to see her again and she was going to be mine, no doubt about that. I jumped over the theater chairs and back onto the stage. We all ran out of the theater through the vents. We reached the roof of the theater, we snuck off of the roof and down to the ground. We went back into the theaters, again, great and disappeared, heading back to our crib.

Y/N's P.O.V

The lights turned back on, I looked up at the stage, Daniel was dead, he looked like 3 dogs teared him to bits, I could barley see him, the only way I knew it was him because I saw his gun in his dead, lifeless hand. I saw three cops go up to the stage and saw his ripped up body in disgust. I bet it smelled real gross with all the blood from the other students dead body's and his body. The other 2 cops came up to me, they were talking to me but I wasn't listening to them. I was thinking about the guys that saved me and thinking about the guys name, Swift. The cops picked me up and carried me out as I was still thinking about what just happened. It was the guy who was in my dreams for past few nights. At first I thought it was just a by accident that his name was Swift but it would make sense, I couldn't see his face in my dreams and I didn't see this guy 'Swift's face. I began to think about the dream more and more, trying to remember the events that happened in the dream. I was disturbed from my thoughts when a flash of sunlight hit my eyes. It was surprisingly bright out today. I looked around and saw cops everywhere, parents and students all looking at me. I saw Leo, Donnie, Mikey and Raph all letting out a sigh of relief, seeing that I was alright. They carried me to an ambulance and the paramedics began to take care what ever they needed to take of.

Leo and his brothers ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "Guys I can barely breath."I said as they continued to hug me. They all then let go of me and looked at me. "Y/N your crazy."Leo told me. "You could have died."Donnie told me. Raph didn't say anything, but lightly smile at me. "You saved us Y/N, thank you."Mikey told me, smiling at me like crazy. "No problem Mikey, I rather you all stay alive. At least you guys have something to stay around for..."I mumbled the last part, thinking they would not hear but Raph did. "Y/N you may not think that you don't have anything to stay alive for but you do, you need to stay alive for us." Raph told me, crossing his arms over his chest. I looked up at him and lightly smiled at him. "Thanks for that Raph." I told him. "Wow Raph we never thought you were so caring."Mikey said looking up at him. "Shut up Mikey!"Raph shouted at him, lightly blushing. They guys were talking with each other, I watched them lightly smiling then I thought about what happened. What if Swift and whoever was with him didn't reach me in time. I wouldn't have been here, with Leo and his brothers. I would be dead, my mother wouldn't even known, my brother may not either. I had to find whoever this Swift guy so I can thank him for saving me and also tell him about my dreams I've been having of him. Maybe I can get a answer to my weird dreams, but first things first, I have to find him.

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