quixotic//l.s. au

By PhanxLarry

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(adj.) preoccupied with an unrealistically optimistic or chivalrous approach to life; impractically idealisti... More

five.//it just kind of happened.
seven.//someone's in love.
nine.//cheeky and possessive louis vs. drunk cunt.


232 4 1
By PhanxLarry

Harry truly, truly, truly did not want to storm down his stairs, did not want to march into Louis house, and did not want to listen his conscience when he came face to face with a drunken boy, who was a danger to himself, as well as everyone around him.

But, Louis' house's volume had reached a new extent of inconsiderate, and he just couldn't deal with it anymore.

"Fuck off, thanks," Harry scoffed at the first boy who decided to drape himself over Harry, practically spilling the entirety of his beverage on himself in the unwarranted grinding attempt.

"You're that quiet bender from year eleven, aren't you?" the boy slurred, completely ignoring Harry's disgusted request.

"Where's Louis?" Harry sighed, rolling his eyes at the reputation he must have around campus.

"Oh, no way does a sophomore like you have any chance," the teen laughed, shaking his head in amusement. "Try not to get your hopes too high, yeah?"

"Try not to get your dick up so quickly on a boy who finds you repulsive," Harry shot back, shoving the stumbling boy off of him, hardly aware of the few glances now glued to him.

"And I don't want Louis, I want to tell Louis to stop being such a selfish prick-"

"Oi, what's this I'm hearing?" Louis slurred, suddenly in between the pair. "Some kid has decided to come to my fooking party, loudly deny that I'm basically a living sex god, and starts trash tal-"

Louis halted his public appearance mid sentence, pausing in order to let out a loud, disgusting, drunken belch.

He earned a laugh from almost everyone surrounding, but Harry was one of the few who scrunched up their noses in preparation of vomiting.

Their attention was quickly shifted towards the sound of a fist slamming into another boy's face, the victim falling against a framed picture of Louis and his mother, shattering on the floor, barely audible over the sounds of everyone cheering.

Louis drowned another shot he had found on top of a nearby bookcase, rather than scream and stress about how his parents would react upon returning home tomorrow.

"Can I talk to you?" Harry yelled over the music, gulping involuntarily at the sight of an angry, confused Louis spinning on his heel at the sounds of Harry's voice.

Louis physically felt a heavy twinge of guilt fall into his stomach at the sight of the innocent boy.

"Fuck, Harry, you shouldn't even be here," Louis complained, pulling the younger boy by the wrist to a quieter corner, "You're too innocent, I-I can't have fun knowing you're being exposed to-"

"To your burnout posse?" Harry laughed, motioning towards an intimidating, tanned boy with black ink covering his visible bicep, coughing as he pulled a blunt away from his lips.

"Yeah," Louis nodded, shaking his head at the sight of one of his closest friends. "My fucking burnout group of so-called friends, who would practically jizz in their skinnies at the thought of ruining someone as innocent as-"

Harry was beginning to feel slightly offended.

"You don't even know me, Louis," Harry argued, irritated, "I'm not a fuckin child-"

"Harry, you were in here for what I'm guessing was an entire thirty seconds before you had a nineteen year old practically humping you-"

"I wouldn't have even needed to be here if you could just keep your fucking music at a reasonable-" Harry glared at the obviously annoyed boy, who was exhaling smoke rings directly into Harry's face as he spoke.

"Unbelievable, Louis. You're such a fucking prick."

"I'm betting you've never tried one of these, have you?" Louis grinned, eyes seemingly increasingly bloodshot with each blink.

"I just want to revise for my fucking exams-"

"Answer the question," Louis demanded, holding his weight up by placing his palm on the wall directly beside Harry's head, the younger boy cautiously side-eying the toned forearm.

Harry was unsure how to respond, feeling as though his his throat had suddenly misplaced its' memory of how to properly form comprehensible phrases.

Instead, Harry slowly shook his head at the smirking boy, unable to meet his dilated pupils as he silently answered.

"Would you like one, then?" Louis offered, blowing yet another ring into Harry's face as he paused. "Not as dangerous as your pastor daddy likes to scare you into believing, really."

"I-I don't have any cash on me-"

"S'okay, Harry," Louis assured him, rolling his eyes, "It's just a joint, I'm sure your mommy's next allowance can cover it."

"I have a job, Lou-"

"I'm teasing, Harry," Louis groaned, rubbing the ashy joint against the tin of his container, dropping it next to the other half used ones, "Learn to take a joke if you want to show up at my parties, yeah?"

"I-I'm not a very big fan of these kinds of parties, honest," Harry tried, nervously accepting the joint from a stoned Louis. "You don't have to worry about my attendance in the future."

"That's a shame, Harry," Louis mumbled, biting his lip in await of the inevitable cough from the curly haired boy cowering in front of him. "Despite what my conscience originally forced me to argue, I wouldn't mind seeing you walk through that front door weekly.

"It's not that easy to tell if you're teasing or not when your sarcasm sounds so much like your normal voice," Harry pointed out, stalling.

"Not teasing," Louis shrugged, "You seem like a boy who could easily learn how to have a really fun time."

"You're quite flamboyant when you're high," Harry dared, raising his eyebrows at the stereotypically-homosexual tone of Louis voice, "Bit cute, as well."

Harry could have sworn he saw Louis physically morph back into his usual self, but that was probably just based on the hesitation followed by the quickly shifting facial expression.

"Take a drag before I come to my sense and beat the shit out of you for those two conclusions, yeah?" Louis shot back, eyes flicking up to Harry's nervous stare.

Harry nervously nodded, throat suddenly tasting like cotton balls in fear of Louis threat.

"So, I-I just-"

Harry was incredibly inexperienced when it came to the definition of the term, "Take a drag."

"It's like a cigarette, Styles," Louis grinned, amused at Harry's confusion. "Like a blowjob, as well, except you're required to actually blow back on this, not just suck."

Harry continued to stare at Louis in blatant confusion, unsure why he was expected to know how to smoke a cigarette.

"Oh, Jesus, Harry," Louis sighed, shaking his head in irritation. "You've never done either of those, as well?"

"I've only sucked off two guys-"

Louis expression was suddenly much perkier, as he cocked his head at Harry, teasing, "Have you, then? A bit sluttier than your pastor daddy is aware of, are we?"

Gosh, Louis would tease him either way, wouldn't he?

Harry didn't know why his pants felt tighter each time Louis used the word, "daddy."

He had never thought about that kink turning him on before.

"I-I'm not very proud of my sins," Harry tried, still stalling. "I've only told a few close friends, and you, now. I haven't even told my priest, obviously, which is horrid - I'm shit at repenting."

Louis had to admit, the thought of Harry "repenting" from his sins made him sweat a bit more than he was proud of.

His kinks were horridly fucked sometimes.

"Yeah, well, before you repent for your sins, maybe you should find out just how fun disappointing the bearded man in the sky can really be," Louis grinned, casually shrugging at the cautious boy.

"I-I'm really scared of embarrassing myself in front of-"

"Give me one of your forefingers, Harry," Louis laughed, rolling his eyes again at the inexperienced, socially-awkward virgin cowering before him.

He didn't have any idea that Louis was truly incapable of physically hurting him.

Harry nervously raised his right hand in front of Louis face, unsure of what the older boy was planning on doing.

Louis said nothing else, not feeling any need to give Harry a warning before he slid the younger boy's forefinger between his lips, hollowing his cheekbones around him, eyelashes softly falling against each other atop those cheekbones, gently sucking before slowly blowing the boy's finger out of his mouth.

Louis had been sure to squeeze his eyes shut, just incase Harry was planning on being to innocent to understand Louis was insinuating giving him a blowjob.

"Like that, yeah?" Louis smirked, wetting his lips as he dropped Harry's wrist, amused as it fell against Harry's thigh, as the boy was too shocked to keep himself tense and cautious. "Except, when you blow at the end, this really neat smoke can form in whatever shape your lips are making."

"I-I've gotta go," Harry gulped, holding the unused joint out to Louis with an obvious expression of sorrow.

Louis was only able to reposition his semi in his skinnies, drop the rolled paper back into his Altoids tin, mumble a few swears under his breath, and chase after the innocent boy who had gone sprinting from his party.

"Damn it, Styles," Louis called, the younger, startled boy tripping on his feet as he whipped around, hard on obvious in his own skinnies. "How are you even running with a boner that hard?"

"What the hell was that, Louis?" Harry questioned, running his clean hand through his unruly curls, ignoring Louis statement, "H-How are you so experienced in that-"

"How are you so inexperienced in knowing how to respond to guy's throwing themselves at you?" Louis shot back, amazed, "Harry, do you not understand that you're practically every man gay man's wet dream?"

"That sounds an awful lot like teasing, considering you know exactly how many boys I've ever brought up to my room," Harry whined, taking a few steps closer towards Louis.

"It's not teasing, honest," Louis panted, still trying to catch his breath from the sprint, "How could I possibly know how many guys you've been with?"

"Gee, Louis, I don't know," Harry started, crossing his arms, pausing in his footsteps, "Maybe because today most likely wasn't the first time you peeped into my window!"

"Oh, Jesus Christ, Harry!" Louis groaned, feeling as though it was now his own turn to take angry steps towards the opposite boy, "Are we really still on this?"

"I guess so, Louis, since you're still trying so hard to see me getting off again," Harry dared, clenching his fists at the intoxicated boy.

"As if you don't fucking like it," Louis scoffed, gesturing towards the bulge visible with the excessive amount of street lamps surrounding their cul-de-sac, "Pastor Daddy wouldn't be very happy that his son wanted to be a slut so badly, would he?"

"Can you please stop bringing my dad into this?" Harry pleaded, desperate, "We're two entirely different people."

Louis had to bite back a laugh at his own joke before he even opened his mouth for Harry to hear it.

"Is that solely because you like it up the ass, or am I missing something here?" Louis questioned, shrugging casually.

"You don't have any boundaries, do you?" Harry sighed, too angry to even meet Louis eyes, staring off into the distance, as if he was pissed at the trees.

"Always have struggled to bite my tongue," Louis grinned, seemingly unaffected by Harry's irritated demeanor.

Harry sighed, decided Louis wouldn't be able to hold a mature conversation.

"Right, okay then. Can you just keep down the music? Because I really need to get back home and-"

"Rid of that boner straining against your boxers, yeah?" Louis teased, delighted at the way Harry was barely able to hold back a smile.

Harry really did almost grin at that joke.

Louis may think of him as a religious prude, but he truly did still contain a sense of humour.

"Revise," Harry lied, crossing his arms at the immature asshole, "Just keep the music down, please?"

Louis shrugged, casually taking a few steps closer, before questioning, "Depends, really. If I keep the music down, won't I be ensuring you have no reason to march back through my front door?"

Harry slowly nodded, unsure whether Louis was leading this to an insult or a compliment.

"Then, I guess I'll just have to ignore your plead," Louis decided, earning a desperate frown from Harry.

Harry was almost positive he would've preferred an insult.

"Sorry Haz, but I kinda need a pretty virgin-boy like you showing up. Keeps the atmosphere full of sexually frustrated burnouts, y'know?"

With that, Louis was calmly walking back down the hill to his walkway, wondering if he had left Harry confused enough to follow.

"I'll call in an anonymous noise complaint," Harry dared, desperate for Louis to give in, knowing there would be no other way for him to study, for the music was much louder than any headphones he had tried.

Louis quickly turned on his heel, and was all but snorting at Harry's weak attempt.

"We both know every cop in this city hates my step-dad after the shit he pulled last year," Louis reminded him, arrogant as ever. "I'll have them bonding with me over mutual hatred, a drag in their mouth, and be leading them up to my room within less than an hour. But sure, Haz, try to be a snitch, see how much your popularity can continue to decrease."

That last part stung a bit too much, but Harry didn't want to admit that.

"Why are you so sure everyone wants to sleep with you?" Harry called, admittedly curious for Louis response. "Not everyone in this city likes boys, you know?'

"I'm blessed with curves to die for and my eye contact basically screams slut," Louis shrugged, running his fingers through his hair, casually. "Plus, I have more than enough experience to make any boy throbbing within minutes, whether I'm touching them or not. I'm kinda a living God, y'know?"

"You're an arrogant cunt," Harry scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief at the excessive size of Louis ego.

"At least I can say I've made the boy who hates me most practically jizz in his pants," Louis shrugged, knowing that would piss Harry off to a new extent.

Harry was practically pouting at the undeniable fact.

Louis was so frustrating.

"Fuck you," Harry shot back, unable to process any greater insult with all his anger building up, "You don't see anyone as anything more than a meaningless fuck, do you?"

Louis only shrugged, at first, biting his lip as he internally questioned whether or not he should say something as harsh as what he wanted to.

He decided nothing really mattered, and Harry couldn't possibly hate him any more than he already did.

"Contrary to the popular belief preached by your brainwashed daddy, love is just a chemical in-balance, and generally only temporary," Louis grinned, Harry's expression quickly shifting from disbelief, to immense anger.

"So, you're magical-bearded-sky-man is wrong, two supposed souls are truly only meant to standby as the bodies they harbor fuck another until they're bored of each other. Tell me more about your religion when you've finally grown up, yeah?"

"Save me, Lord, from lying lips, and from deceitful tongues," Harry sighed, not caring that the verse would only make Louis blood boil more.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me," Louis groaned, tugging at his hair in irritation, "Is that fucking Psalms 71? You're absolutely fucking pathetic, Harry."

Harry was shocked, truthfully.

"Why do you even know so much about the bible if you're so against people believing in religion?" Harry prodded, earning yet another eye roll from Louis.

"When your parents find you balls deep in a tattooed, overage, male stripper's ass on a Sunday morning, - just weeks after your sixteenth birthday, might I add - they're pretty desperate for scripture to brainwash you into believing fun will have you damned to a fire-y pit for eternity," Louis explained.

Harry was barely able to stifle laughter at Louis word choice, despite the actions stated in the explicit answer.

"Alright, I'm curious," Harry admitted, taking a few steps closer, ignoring all his conscience's pleads to halt, "How long did it take before they realized you were hopeless?"

"I actually was just attacked with Galatians five-nineteen through twenty-one a few days ago in front of the entire church," Louis laughed, not even slightly embarrassed. "My parents are pretty desperate to cling onto the belief that there's still hope for me. But I'm seventeen now, y'know? So, spoiler alert; there's not hope."

"So, it would be useless to recite Proverbs ten-twelve in this moment?" Harry grinned, noticing a hint of amusement in Louis eyes.

"You could try, but I would just say that hatred also stirs up aggressive sex, so you're verse would be pretty invalid," Louis shrugged, earning a genuine giggle from Harry that time.

"John four-eight?" Harry questioned, amused.

"Ah, but how could I know either of those things if the bearded man does not exist?"

Louis and Harry went back and forth like that for a while.

They were both apparently exceptionally talented at scripture memorization, but Louis was slightly more skilled in debunking each piece

Harry was almost disappointed when one of the drunken burnouts came to drag Louis back into his own party.

Louis was almost able to tear his eyes away from Harry before the staring became creepy.

Harry almost lost all his dignity and said yes to Louis' invitation back into the party.

Louis was almost able to hide the disappointment on his face at the declining of his offer.

Harry almost fought a smile when Louis spun on his heel and tossed him the joint he had practically sprinted away in fear of earlier.

Louis almost genuinely grinned when Harry said he would think about his offer to come back over within the next week to learn all the ins and outs of smoking - but he didn't.

Louis may have found Harry insanely cute, but that was nothing new.

Louis was still Louis, and Louis had a reputation to uphold.

Feelings never led anywhere but humiliation and temporary, distracting infatuation, and that's the last thing the captain of the footie team needed.

Still, Louis found himself thinking about that dorky smile through every game of beer pong for the rest of that night.

He also found himself glancing out the window too many times to be considered casual, always hoping he'd catch Harry doing the same, but no one ever had to know that.

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