Loving The Sociopath (Johnloc...

By caitlin_evansxx

160K 6.6K 3.9K

A book of Johnlock One-Shots. None of these stories follow on from each other, that's why they're called one... More

Poor Poor Wall...
No Strings Attached
The Weeping Tree
Bullet for My Valentine
The Return
Author's Note
Johnlock Texts
A Chemical Defect
The Fall
The Withering Rose
Baker Street
Dear John - Letters for Lovers Part 1
Dear Sherlock - Letters for Lovers Part 2
Authors Note
Take Me To Church
Johnlock Texts 2
Author's Note...

His Last Chance

7.6K 322 281
By caitlin_evansxx

"My brother...is a murderer."


Sherlock patiently stood beside his disappointed brother as they waited for one of Mycroft's cars to pull up in front of the readied private jet. Angst and pain welled up inside the Consulting Detective as the men waited for his best friend to arrive. After a few more minutes, a slick black car rolled up beside the plane. Once the car had safely stopped, John and Mary Watson jumped out. Mary closed her side-of-the-car door shut and hurriedly scuttled over to the detective.

"You will take care of him for me won't you?" Sherlock smiled, making the doctor's wife smile back.

Mary laced her arms around his neck and he kissed her cheek. She kissed his cheek back and said "Don't worry; I'll keep him in trouble." The detective smiled at this suggestion and let go of her. "That's my girl."

Mary smiled back at Sherlock and walked over to join her husband, who then smiled and nodded at his best friend. Sherlock then turned towards his brother. "Since this is likely to be the last conversation I'll have with John Watson, would you mind if we took a moment?" Mycroft Holmes looked at his brother suspiciously, but raised his eyebrows after realising what he was about to do. Everyone, other than John and Sherlock, joined together beside the plane - out of ears reach.

John wandered over to his best friend, looked up at him and smiled. "So, here we are." The ex-army doctor cleared his throat as sadness flooded through his body. It felt as though he'd only just got him back, which really was the case.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes"

"Sorry?" Sherlock's sudden quote took John by surprise.

"That's the whole of it...if you were looking for baby names."

John laughed at the detective's suggestion and decided to tell him the news. "No, we've had a scan. We're pretty sure it's a girl."

"Oh...ok" Sherlock smiled at the news but chose not to say anything else.

The two men looked away from each other and began to take in that, yet again, they may never see each other again.

All Sherlock felt was guilt and pain. Guilt that he had again ruined his friendship with John for the billionth time; and pain as he would be leaving the man he loved again - but this time... it would be for good.

John then interrupted the silence.

"Yeah...you know, I can't think of anything to say..."

"No, neither can I..." Liar.

"The game is over." Sherlock was taken aback by his friend's statement.

"The game is never over, John. There may be some new players now, but that's okay. The East Wind takes us all in the end. "

John looked up at the detective, confused. "What's that?"

"It's a story my brother told me when we were kids" Sherlock reminisced. "The East Wind is a terrifying force that lays waste all in its path. Seeks out the unworthy and plucks them from the Earth - that was generally me."


"He was a rubbish big brother."

Another awkward silence came upon to two as they strained to think of something to say.

John cleared his throat before finally saying, "So what about you then? Where you actually going now?"

Sherlock inhaled sharply.

"Ohhh, some undercover work in Eastern-Europe."

"For how long?"

"6 moths, my brother estimates. He's never wrong."

"And then what?"

Sherlock bit his lip to stop tears slipping out his eyes. "Who knows."

Suddenly, awareness came over the detective. Should he tell him now? Would it ruin everything?

"John...there's something I should say...I-I meant to say it always but I never have..." This is it. "Since it's likely we'll ever see each other again I might as well say it now." Nearly there!

As the words were about to come slipping out of his mouth, Sherlock bit them back and decided to change his idea.

"Sherlock's actually a girl's name." Damn.

"It's not."

"It was worth a try," John giggled at this.

"We're not naming our daughter after you."

"Hm...I think it's could work!"

Sherlock looked down and smiled. After a moment, John decided to speak his mind.


The detective looked up. "Hm?"

"That...wasn't what you were going to say, was it."

Sherlock gaped at his friend. He was getting better at deducing every time he saw him.

"What do you mean?"

"You've suddenly become timid; and Sherlock Holmes doesn't get 'timid'."

Sherlock swallowed and tried to avoid eye contact with John.

"Well, I-I"

"Sherlock, I know." That seemed to catch the detective's attention.

"How do you-"

"When we got drunk on my stag night...after we got thrown in the Police cell...you started talking about something."


"...are you aware that your wife is currently on her way to France with your son?"

"Get in and SHUT UP!"

As the cell door slammed shut behind them, Sherlock and John fell to the floor giggling.

"John... John! Did you say to that nursey-clienty...thing that I was cluing for looks?"

"Pfft...I think so..."

"You're funny!"

"I know."

"And you're smart. And nice. And yes, you are pretty (in a manly way). And you're lovable. Did you know that I love you John? I thought...it was obvious...but it obviously...wasn't..."

Sherlock collapsed on the cell bed and fell fast asleep. John stumbled over to his best friend and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm sorry Sherlock. If counts, I loved...you...too..."

And with that, both men fell fast asleep.


"You remembered..."

"I'm sorr-"

"No, don't be-"

"No Sherlock. I am sorry. Because not only did I know and remember...I also lied to you."

Sherlock stared at John with a puzzled look plastering across his face. "What?"

"I didn't tell you that I knew because, well, it hurt too much to know. So I pushed it aside-"


"No, shut up and let me finish. It's always about you isn't it! 'I'm Sherlock Holmes and everything is always about me! Me, me, me, me, me!' You never even thought for one sodding second how I might have felt! For God's sake Sherlock! Before I met Mary and before you decided it would be fun to pitch yourself off St Bart's, I. Loved. You. I was bloody in love with you."

The detective felt like someone had just slapped him 3 times in the face with a wet fish. The man he had always loved and once loved him back. Stupid! He was so, so stupid! He could see it all now! Erratic breathing when they spoke, pupils dilated when they glanced or smiled at each other. It all made so much sense...and now it was all too late.

Sherlock looked down at John and raised a hand to wipe the tear that was trickling down the doctor's cheek. Now was the time to say it. Goodbye, dignity.

"John, I have loved you since the day you shot that idiotic cabby to save my life. I have never meant to cause you pain or anything other than happiness. But now you have Mary, and trust me - she's better for you than I would have ever been." John chuckled which made Sherlock smile.

"I'll miss you Sherlock Holmes." The two had tears spilling out of their eyes, but they couldn't care less. "I'll miss you too John Watson."

Gradually, Sherlock whipped off his glove and held out his hand.

"To the very best of times, John."

John took the detective's hand in his and shook it firmly. Whilst the doctor's hand was still laced in his own, Sherlock took the opportunity and pulled John into a tight hug. John nestled his head into his best friends shoulder and unwillingly sobbed.

As Sherlock pulled away, he turned around to seek attention from Mary; who had been watching the entire time. Her face lit up for a peculiar reason and she ran over to the detective. She then stood on tip-toes and whispered in the detective's ear.

"Just do it!" She pulled back and beamed.

"I-I'm sorry?"

"Sherlock, you know bloody well what I'm referring too. Just do it already!"

Sherlock looked at the lady in front of him with great confusion.

"But he's your..."

"I know. Therefore, I am giving you permission."

Mary Watson, I O U.

Mary ran over to join Mycroft, and Sherlock turned to face his weeping blogger.

Carefully, Sherlock placed a finger under John's chin and raised his head so he can stare into his never-ending eyes. The detective smiled and grazed his hand over the doctor's cheek and cupped his face. He then did something Mycroft thought was he was incapable of doing; he showed John love.

John's brained went completely dead and his whole body stiffened as Sherlock's cupid-bow lips brushed against his own. After relaxing, he almost-automatically snaked his arms round the detective's neck and kissed his sweet lips back. Those moments were pure bliss for both the men.

In the distance they could hear the other Holmes brother tut - sounding disgusted that his little brother could show such foolishness - and Mary squeal out of excitement.

What felt like hours, which were really mere seconds, passed and finally the two broke apart. John grinned from ear to ear; as did Sherlock.

"I hope little Sherlock takes after her godfather..."

"Sherlock, we've told you. We are not naming our daughter after you. And who mentioned Godfather-ing?!"

Sherlock chuckled.

"Oh come on John, it wasn't that difficult to deduce."

With that, Sherlock winked at his friend and strolled over to the door of the plane. Before stepping in, he mouthed a quick thank you to Mrs Watson, who blew him a kiss in return.


"Who wants me this time?"


"Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Did you miss me?..."



Sorry for the delay - writers block.

I had some serious issues writing this chapter, so I'm sorry if you hated it!

So excited as I got 300+ reads and 20+ votes!

I'm setting you and myself a challenge:

If I get 500+ reads and 100+ votes, I might write a smutty Johnlock chapter for the entertainment of myself and others. Apparently - and I quote - I have been 'Too light and innocent for a typical teenage girl' ! Rude.

But anyways, lets aim high!

Love you all,

~Rosie x

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