For Thomas

By SanaFatima914

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To love means "Loving the unlovable. To forgive means Pardoning the unpardonable. Faith m... More



592 11 4
By SanaFatima914

  This is set after chapter 62 of Scorch trials, in the hovercraft, after the fight that takes place on 'safe heaven'

"Love is hard to find,
        hard to keep and
    even harder to forget."

Thomas was sitting down on the floor, with Newt and Minho in one of the spare rooms of the hovercraft, his back leaned against one of the white walls of the small room. He just sat there, hugging his knees, chin resting on the top of them. With one look at Newt and Minho and the concerned look on their faces, Thomas realized that they knew something was bothering him and they wanted to ask him about it but they weren't, instead they were just looking at him worriedly. Maybe they were just waiting for him to open up to them but Thomas was in no way ready to tell them what had happened, what Teresa had done to him. Just thinking about her made Thomas want to cry.

When Thomas didn't tell them anything, Newt finally asked, "Tommy?" Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, he continued, "What's wrong? Please tell us, maybe we can help."

Thomas looked at him, then finally whispered, "I don't know Newt. I don't know!" He buried his face in his hands and hunched over. Deep down he knew he wouldn't be able to hide it from them much longer. He knew that at some point he would open up to them, so why wait? After all, they were his best friends, his only family.

His only family left.

He took a shuddering breath then started, "She........ She betrayed me, she broke my heart, she......... she didn't love me. All along it was all an act. A lie. I don't know what I ever did to her to deserve this, I have no frigging idea". Thomas paused, took another long breath and said, "It hurts. It hurts like hell and I don't know what to do!" Thomas exclaimed loudly, showing his frustration, anger and pain.

"Hey Thomas, calm down!" Minho said. "You aren't making any sense right now, you know that? Who are you talking about? Who did what?" Thomas sighed. He didn't know how to continue. It still hurt too much to think about it. He wasn't sure how to speak about it aloud without breaking down into sobs.

Thomas was a tough guy, he knew that because if someone normal had to go through everything Thomas had, after waking up in the glade or fighting everything he did, they definitely wouldn't have been sane. But Thomas was and this fact was enough to make Thomas believe that he was strong. That's why he didn't understand why a thing as small as a this made him want to cry like that.

Another reason Thomas was hesitant in telling Newt and Minho about Teresa was that it was his problem not theirs. Thomas didn't need them to worry more than they already were. He didn't want to burden them with his own problems but after another urge from Minho to continue and a little forcing from both of his friends, Thomas gave in.

"Teresa", he finally said. Saying her name out loud did relieve a little pain, he admitted to himself. But still, it wasn't enough to make him feel any better. "She......she.........", Thomas didn't know exactly what to say but he tried again. And this time starting from the beginning.

"After she kidnapped me, she acted like she hated me, then just before we all met again she and that Aris boy took me to a cave in the forest. There they tried to k-kill me" Thomas stuttered, paused and began again, "They were trying to force me to go through a trapdoor in the floor but when I refused they both attacked me"

Minho and Newt were shocked to hear this news. But they knew better to not show it on their faces. They needed him to continue. He did.

“But that’s not even the worst part”, Thomas laughed bitterly. “When they saw I wasn’t giving up, so to get to me they……….”. Thomas tried again, “she……….he ………..they……….”, but Thomas couldn’t continue. The moisture in his eyes made its way down to his cheeks. He bit his lip to stop the sob that was forming in his throat. Thomas looked down, letting his tears fall.

“What did they do Tommy?” Newt asked softly. “What did she do to make you cry? Did they hurt you? What happened?"

This time when Thomas spoke his voice was so low and broken that it nearly broke the heart of the two boys sitting beside him. “She didn’t even care Newt, she knew how badly it would hurt me, that it would crush me but she still did it, she…..she k-kissed Aris right in front of me. I mean, how could she? How could she do this to me? Didn’t she even think about me once?"

Not being able to control the storm of tears Thomas wanted to shed he let himself cry. “Oh God!” Newt said. Newt believed without a doubt that Teresa had done all this to Thomas. Because she could. She was never trustable, Newt thought.

Minho was still shocked at what he had just heard so Newt tried to calm Thomas. He wrapped his hand around Thomas more tightly and half hugged him while whispering into his ear “Hey! Tommy it’s okay! She is not worth your tears Tommy, don’t let her get to you. Don’t cry”.

All the while there was only one thing going on in Minho’s mind, how much he must love her to cry over her like that, even after all the horrible things she did to him.

Newt looked at Minho, silently asking him to say something to help comfort Thomas.

"I don’t know what to say man, I can’t imagine how much you must be hurting right now” Minho concluded after much thought. Minho knew that he wasn’t exactly being comforting at the moment but he really isn't the one to blame. He didn’t know how to do these things. He had never been good with words. It was Newt's job.

Just as Newt was about to say something, cutting to Minho off about not being comforting at all, the door to the room opened and in stepped the reason that made Thomas cry. Teresa.

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