Supine (boy x boy)

By werevampslova13

12.5K 583 42

-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Guys I am now beginning to Edit this. -"Now I dont like talking about my past much. Its... More

Ch.1 Start
Ch.2 Hunger is an addiction
Ch.3 Famulus
Ch.4 Baby Daddy
Ch.5 But I love You
Ch.6 Born again
Ch.7 Give me an Oscar
Ch.8 Better than blood
Ch.9 I cant be with out you
Ch. 10 No one else matters
Ch.11 I take what I want
Ch.12 I got you now
Ch.13 My blood is the answer
Ch.14 Boiling overover
Ch.15 Babysitting
Ch.16 Awkwardness
Ch.17 Home Early
Ch.18 Lets get high
Ch.19 We both know whats up
Ch.20 Let me touch you
Ch.21 Soak in the feeling
Ch.22 Distance
Ch.23 Handle business
Ch.24 Ambrosio's mansion
Ch.25 The hunt
Ch. 26 Alcoholic behavior
Ch.27 And the truth comes out
Ch.28 History
Ch.29 Trouble
Ch. 30 Morte Mangone
Ch.31 Captured
Ch.33 I thought I lost you
Ch.34 True nature
Ch. 35 Friends with the enemy
Ch.36 Informant
Ch. 37 Bloodlines
Ch.38 In this life time
Ch. 39 I asked for it
Ch. 40 Hex
Ch. 41 Once a maker
Ch. 42 Training day
Ch. 43 Take action
Ch. 44 The start of the coven
lCh. 45 Turning
Ch.46 You are mine
Ch.47 Witch Coven
Ch.48 The one to kill
Ch.49 Glass heart
Ch. 50 A visit
Authors note
Ch. 51 Akins Story

Ch. 32 Unleash Hell

200 11 0
By werevampslova13

* Here is another update. life....lets say its been hectic....I will be graduating from college soon. Yay me! And at age 19 I get to say that im a medical assistant. When I get my job however, after my externship, yes externship not internship, if I dont finish this story by then the updates will be slower. Maybe 2 chapters on saturdays every 2 weeks. That is a if though okay? So anywhore....enjoy this chapter. The scenes that happen here are important so pay attention okay? Enjoy*

"Ill take ya to her. You are so lucky that I like you more then Ambros," Sofee drawled. I never been happier to hear her voice in my life.

"Sofee...," I said happily. She smiles at me.

"Hey darling. I was wonderi'n where you went off to then I heard a little something. Is Ambros causing trouble?" She asks. I nod and clench my fist.

"Im going to kill him," I tell her. She raises a brow.

"Oh my. What did he do to have ya all riled up?" Sofee asked.

"He has Minah. Shes important to me," I tell her. Sofee frowns.

"I heard about her. I actually know where she is . I thought she was just another girl that was unlucky. I didnt know she was yours," Sofee said. Her eyes become dark. "I didnt like it when I was taken away from my family...the things he made me do...," She trails off and looks as if she was remembering something that haunted her. After a couple of seconds she shakes her head. "Follow me."

And thats what we did. Sofee led us towards the very end of the hallway. We stood there and stared at the dead end of the hallway.

"Is this some joke?" I asked irritated. Sofee turns and glares at me.

"Shut up and hold on," She said to me and then she looks at Evie who had been silent the whole time and rolled her eyes at my behavior.

She turns back towards the wall and place her palm on the center of the wall. She presses down on it and a square peice of the wall pushes in and shifts and then other peices follow suit and the wall opens. I stare at it surprise. It was like freaking Harry Potter. I would have never guessed that Ambros would have anything like this. I dont think I would have found Minah on my own even if I searched this whole mansion. Well maybe after a couple of threats to the maids then yeah maybe.

Sofee walks on ahead with Evie behind her and me following behind. The door closes behind us leaving it dark. Well at least for me. I was going to grab him because Sofee walks on with out stopping forgetting that Evie is human and cant see in the dark. He surprised me by following her without hesitation as if he could see. I frown but continue on walking pushing that moment to the side for now.

The hallway turned from regular walls to steel. It smelt like metal and nothing else. I couldnt smell anything. Which was genius. Creating an area in which a vampire senses are dulled....


The click of Sofee's heels echo and bounced against the steel walls. Evie's breathing could be easily heard through the silence and the unnatural thump of his heart was pounding loudly in my ears.

He smelt delicious. And I wanted him.

I gave a grateful sigh as we reached an opening. It was full of cells made of the same steel as the walls with torches that lined the walls to make a dim glow.

Minah was sitting in one of the cells looking bored to death. She was pouting staring out of the cell. I was so happy to see her.

"Minah," I called out to her and came to her. She jumped up with a relieved smile on her face.

"Oppa!" She cried out and grabbed my hands that held on to the bar. I smiled at her. Happy she was safe.

"I remember they were talking about her. They said she had a mouth on her and wouldn't shut up," Sofee said with a smirk. Evie was frowning but I didnt say anything.

"Evie I want  you to take Minah and wait in the jet. I have business to take care of and a mansion to burn down," I said and then pulled on the bars breaking them. Minah steps out with a scowl.

"I've been bored to death for god only knows how long. What took you so long?" Minah asks. I glare at her.

"Dont. You decided to leave the jet. And then open your big mouth and let Ambros know that you were mine. Do you know how much trouble you caused?" I snapped. Minah shrinks back.

"Im sorry," She whispers. I sigh and pull her into a hug.

"Its okay. But im just letting you know that im going to kill him for taking you away and throwing you in here like a criminal. What he did was disrespectful and unforgiving," I said. Minah breaks our embrace and stares at me.

"He made you do something?" She asked. I shake my head.

"I'll tell you later."

"Well now that you have her lets go," Evie said. I give him a look but say nothing as I ushered Minah in front of me. I was ready to get them out of here but of course it didnt happen that way.

"Well Sofee I didnt expect this," Ambros said.

Sofee rolls her eyes and place her hands on her hips.

"Rule number one. And you should know this between vampires Ambros. Dont take what aint yours," Sofee drawled out angrily. Ambros sends her a glare.

"I was going to give her back after I was finish," He explains. Sofee shakes her head.

"I dont know why you wanna end up six feet under mess'n with Akins. Thats messed up," Sofee said with a shake of her head.

I pull Minah behind me and try to signal Evie to do the same but he doesnt catch it. Instead hes too busy drilling a hole inside Ambros brain.

"So your the disgusting peice of shit behind everything," Evie spits. I got to give him credit. Hes more brave and fearless then I thought. Ambros stares at him up and down.

"Behind all what?" He asks. Evie shakes his head.

"This. Human trafficking. Selling women as blood whores. Making them sleep with your vampire budies and forcing them to give blood. Its funny how you people think that humans are the real animals when you do these kind of things," He growls out. Ambros give him a look in which he isnt amused by Evies words. Nonetheless my mate doesn't back down under his stare.

"You talk to much," Ambros said.

"Evie. Come here," I beckon but he remains planted firm in his spot. Sofee gives him a pleased nod at his defiance but its soon replaced with the look of shock because out of nowhere one of Ambros guards throws a dagger and it impales Evie right in the chest.

Before Evie's body had a chance to fall the man is already ripped to peices by me. My mates heart has already stopped leaving me cold and uncaring.

My world stopped.

All my fear and emotions were pushed to the side. My mate was gone and because the injury was at the heart I couldnt do anything to heal him.

This was all Ambros fault and he was my next target until I heard a little thump.

I stop in my tracks and spin around and stare at my mate stunned. Sofee does the same.

Everything was happening fast.

Within seconds two people were dead. Well it was two people until my mates heart decided to beat again.

I rushed over to him and pulled the dagger from his heart. His body jerks and he jumps up with a start and a big breath.

"What just happened?" He asked. I shrug completely out of my wits.

"You died but didnt die," I tell him. He grabs his chest and stare at the floor in shock. I took this moment to focus on Ambros.

He looks scared. His eyes clouded with fear.

" I swear Akins. I didnt know that he would do that. Look," He points to Minah. "She wasn't hurt when you found her I was going to give her back," He rushes out. All his words go in one ear and out the other.

Ambros eyes grow huge as I plunge my hand into his chest holding on to his heart. He gasped and clutches my hands.

" I told you that ill kill you. Guess you didn't take me seriously," I said calmly. " What did your father do to have you even crossing me?"

He takes in a deep breath and I squeeze causing him pain. No amount of words could save his life now. My mate had died because of him. I didnt even matter that somehow he came back to life.

"He....he killed...," He pants out not finishing his sentence.

"Answer the damn question," I hiss out.

"He killed my mother," Ambros wheezes out. I was stunned. Riss was a strong vampire. She was also an old one. Julio and Riss were one in the same. And if he killed her that meant that he was really out of his mind. Ambros had the right to fear him but he forgot something.

I am death.

I gave him a sad look. I knew that if I kill him his father would come after me. After a  tug a war with my brain I decided to yank my hand from his chest. Ambros drops unmoving. Evie stares at me wide eyed, shocked.

"Sofee take them and leave. I have everything under control," I command her. She nods and obeys me. After they left I grab one of the torches planning on lighting the place on fire.

"If you want to live get the hell out of here!" I yell. At first no one moved until I growled out. "Get the fuck out!"

After a couple of minutes of watching them leave I throw the torch and watch as the carpet sets on fire.

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