52 (Short Stories) in 52 (Wee...

By MarthaBechtel

119 2 0

'Write a short story every week. It's not possible to write 52 bad short stories in a row.' - Ray Bradbury I'... More

Random Roll Table (Revised)
Story #1 - Outline - Always Falling Home
Story #1 - Rough Draft - Always Falling Home
Story #1 - Editing - Always Falling Home
Story #1 - Final Draft - Always Falling Home
Story #2 - Outline - Night Lights
Story #2 - Rough Draft - Night Lights
Story #2 - Editing (or not) - Night Lights
Story #3 - Outline - Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Phi
Interlude: Writer's Block, Plot Dragons, and Other Fancy Stuff
Story #4 - Outline and Rough Draft(s) - On Being Batman
Story #4 - Final Draft - On Being Batman
Interlude: Rethinking the Challenge
Story #5 - Outline - Knock Twice For No
Story #6 - Outline/Rough Draft/Editing - Proving a Negative
Story #6 - Final Draft - Proving a Negative
Story #7 - Outline/Rough Draft/Editing - In the Morning's Hush
Story #7 - Final Draft - In the Morning's Hush

Master List of Stories (and Universes)

32 0 0
By MarthaBechtel

This is going to get a little messy, so here's the list of the short stories and what universe they are from. Descriptions of the universes and other related works can be found on my blog: http://www.martha.net/online-novels/

#1 - Always Falling Home (Rabbit'verse, Science Fiction)

#2 - Night Lights (Whistling in the Dark'verse, Urban Dark Fantasy/Horror)

#3 - Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Phi (Everyday Wolves'verse, Urban Fantasy)

#4 - On Being Batman (Baron'verse, Urban Fantasy)

#5 - Knock Twice For No (Listener'verse, High Fantasy)

#6 - Proving a Negative (Stargate Atlantis)

#7 - In the Morning's Hush (Marvel Movieverse)














































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