shine - grayson dolan

By sloppydolan

131K 2.4K 701

"She would never admit how frightened she was, never tell me the scary thoughts that filled her head, the fee... More

shine - grayson dolan
0.1 «Emerson Samuels»
0.2 «Grayson Dolan»
0.3 «Emerson Samuels»
0.4 «Grayson Dolan»
0.5 «Emerson Samuels»
0.6 «Grayson Dolan»
0.7 «Emerson Samuels»
0.8 «Grayson Dolan»
0.9 «Emerson Samuels»
0.10 «Grayson Dolan»
0.11 «Emerson Samuels»
0.12 «Ethan Dolan»
0.13 «Addi Peterson»
0.14 «Emerson Samuels»
0.15 «Grayson Dolan»
0.16.1 «Emerson Samuels»
0.16.2 «Emerson Samuels»
0.17 «Grayson Dolan»
0.18 «Emerson Samuels»
0.19 «Grayson Dolan»
0.20 «Emerson Samuels»
0.21 «Grayson Dolan»
0.22 «Emerson Samuels»
0.23 «Grayson Dolan»
0.24 «Emerson Samuels»
0.25 «Grayson Dolan»
0.26 «Emerson Samuels»
0.27 «Grayson Dolan»
0.28 «Emerson Samuels»
0.29 «Grayson Dolan»
0.30 «Emerson Samuels»
0.31.1 «Grayson Dolan»
0.31.2 «Grayson Dolan»
0.32 «Emerson Samuels»
0.33 «Grayson Dolan»
0.34 «Emerson Samuels»
0.35 «Grayson Dolan»
0.36 «Emerson Samuels»
0.37 «Grayson Dolan»
0.38 «Emerson Samuels»
0.39 «Evan Samuels»
0.40 «Emerson Samuels»
0.41 «Grayson Dolan»
0.42 «Emerson Samuels»
0.43 «Grayson Dolan»
0.44 «Emerson Samuels»
0.45 «Grayson Dolan»
0.46 «Elliot and Evan Samuels»
0.47 «Emerson Samuels»
0.48 «Emerson and Grayson»
0.49 «Grayson Dolan»
0.50 «Grayson Dolan»


2.1K 75 55
By sloppydolan


five years later - grayson

I stepped off of the train, dragging my bag behind me. Since my back had been in a slouched position for the last hour, it felt good to stretch.

"Gray!" I heard my name being called through the crowd, and scanned through until I found who I was looking for.

"Hey, Ethan," he wrapped me in a big hug, patting my back.

"How's it been?" he asked as we walked back to where he parked the car.

"Fine," I nodded, "Classes have been crazy, though," I shook my head, "What about you?"

"Nothing too interesting has happened. I just got in yesterday." He starts the car and pulls out of the train station parking lot.

"Weren't you going home with Addi to Minnesota? What happened? You guys have a fight?"

"No, no. She thought that since this was first time in about a year you had come home, that I should go and see you," he laughed, "God, she was so stubborn."

"Sounds like her," I agreed with a smile.

Ethan and Addi had both gone off to college in California. They had stayed together ever since our junior year back in high school, and were still going strong up until this point.

Meanwhile, I had been in New York, getting my degree in business at New York State. Due to my messed-up schedule, I hadn't been able to travel back to Jersey in over a year and a half, but I had finally managed to this Thanksgiving.

"So, have you met anyone?" Ethan says slowly.

"No," I simply say, "Went on a couple dates, but nothing serious."

He just nods.

We arrive back at home, and I'm greeted by my mom, dad, and Cameron.

"You made it home, safely," my mom gushes over me, "It's been too long, honey."

We all catch up over dinner, and I'm back in my old room by the end of the night. I lie down staring at the ceiling until I hear the doorbell ring and my name being called by Cam.

I head downstairs, where I see both Elliot and Evan standing there. I give them both hugs. I haven't seen them in two years. They were home even less than I was. We kept in touch occasionally, but mostly I didn't know anything that had happened to them, and they for me.

"Come on up, you guys," I lead them into my room, where we awkwardly sat down. I couldn't be certain that any of us knew what to do. It had been so damn long.

"So...," I paused momentarily, "What have you two been up to?"

"Classes, same as always. Exams coming up after the holidays, you know how it is."

It was quiet, until Evan broke the silence, "Listen, Grayson, we're not gonna bullshit you," he says flatly, "We came here to give you something."

He hands me a small, lavender-colored box that I hadn't noticed until then he'd even been holding. It had my scrawled in neat black, handwriting: Grayson. I recognized the penmanship as Emmy's, and gulped deeply. A variety of thoughts rushed through my head.

"We found it yesterday night, while going through her room. I think she meant for us to find it a long time ago, but you never went back in there after that, and El and I are just too dumb," Evan chuckled.

"Have you opened it, or...."

"It says Grayson on it, meaning Grayson should open it," Elliot chimed in, "And just in case you were doing anything with our sister we weren't aware about, we'll leave you to it." He joked. Although that was usually Evan's thing.

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes, Gray," they stood up, "We've relived too many memories this past weekend, anyway."

I gave them both a fierce hug, "It was great to see you two again, it really was."

"And you as well, mate. We're not too far, ya know. I'm down in Boston and Evan's just over in Hartford if you ever need anything."

I nodded, "I'll see you guys again?"

"You bet on it, Dolan."

They left, and I was alone again in the room. Only this time, I wasn't staring at the ceiling, I was staring at the small box of doom.

I wasn't quite sure why I was afraid to open it. It's not like she would pop out of it - as much as I want that. I fingered the smooth sides, fumbling with the edge of the lid.

Finally, I forced myself to pull it open gently. The box wasn't great in depth, but it seemed to be full.

A piece of paper lay gracefully at the top. I picked it up to find it was more of her writing:

Dear Grayson,

I don't know when you'll find this, but I'll be gone by then anyway. How's life treating you, big boy? I hope all those things you told me that day when I broke down crying - all the hopes and dreams of your future - are coming true. You certainly deserve it. How are Ethan and Addi? Those two were meant for each other, I'm sure they're fine. Anyway, back to the point of this whole thing. I wanted to thank you for everything you did for me in these magnificent nine months, Grayson. I've had a crush on you since the day I came over to work on that stupid world history project, and I'm glad you finally had the guts to ask me out. And let me just say: impressive. Empire State Building, not bad, sweetie.

I chuckled through the tears that had begun to fall down my face. It was almost exactly six years ago, when I had asked her over Thanksgiving break. when we had shared our first, amazing - if slightly messy - kiss.

You took care of me in my worst of times, Gray, when I was sick. I'm so sorry to make you go through that. That was the one thing I regret of our whole relationship: dragging you through the mud with me. Thanks for making the last year the best of my life with your goofy smile, your bubbly jokes, and your optimistic attitude towards everything. I love you, Grayson Dolan. I can safely say I died knowing you were the love of my life. And it pains me the most that I will not be yours. Don't lie and say you won't move on , Gray, because you will. And mind you, I want you to. But don't you dare forget about me, alright. I love you, and I will seen you soon enough.

Your dove,

Emmy xo

I was tempted to chuck the paper across the room, but I held it instead close to my chest, where it comforted me to feel her thoughts against me.

I set the letter aside, and searched through the rest of the box. It was all just pictures. Pictures of the both of us, over the greater part of the year for which we had been together.

I couldn't help but grin as I stared through the memories, my mind taking me back. To the picnic we'd had in the peaceful meadow, to climbing the stairs to the Statue of Liberty, and even something as simple as going out to eat lunch. Emmy seemed to have documented it all.

It was funny, because as I thought of it now, she always insisted on taking pictures. Never posting them anywhere, or even sending them to me, just hoarding them on her phone, I guess.

I longed to be with her again. Just one last time.

Touch her hair that always seemed to fall over her face.

Inhale her distinct scent that had become so recognizable as I held her close to me.

Feel her soft lips dangerously close to mine.

But most of all, I just wanted to see her unforgettable smile. The one she used when I told a dumb joke, or when she watched one of her favorite comedies.

A smile that would always shine.

~ ~ ~ ~

thanks so much for all your support on this book! guess it's sadly over. expect another story soon, because i do have some ideas floating around!

- sloppydolan

1/22/2017 10:56 P.M.

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