The Apothecary's Daughter

By tea-and-a-book

424K 18.2K 917

Emmeline Somers is the only daughter of the only apothecary in Abbotshire, England. After her father is left... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 12

9.7K 460 10
By tea-and-a-book

(The kitchen at Mooreland Park is pictured above.)

"What exactly are the two of you working on?" Daniel asked as he entered the kitchen of Mooreland Park.

"Pastries for the patients!" Matilda responds.

"The patients? Dr. Matilda, I didn't realize you had gone to university."

"Not my patients father, Miss Emmy's."

"Ah, and why are you two making pastries for the patients?" Daniel asks, more to Emmeline than to Matilda.

"The local church collects supplies to bake bread for those who are too ill and cannot afford care. Since I deal directly with the patients in need, I bake the bread. I know their dietary restrictions. The church provided all the funds for it so none of your resources are being wasted sir."

"That is of little concern, a few loaves of bread won't put this place in financial ruin. I shan't hold you any longer. Miss Somers, before you leave can you meet me in my study? There is something I need to discuss with you."

"Of course my lord."

"Good luck with you endeavors, Matty tell me if Miss Emmy gets out of line." Daniel says, ruffling her hair.

"Yes father." Daniel nods before returning upstairs.

"Now Matilda are you ready for the fun part?" Emmeline asks.


"Remember how you were taught to not hit and punch?"

"Yes Miss Emmy."

"Well it doesn't count for bread. We need to punch this bread with all of our might. Do you think you can do that?"

"Will father be mad at me for that?"

"No, you see punching the bread is a good thing. It helps make it strong. But we must act quickly." Matilda gingerly begins to punch the bread, with Emmeline punching it with a bit more strength.

"Like this?"

"Yes you are doing it perfectly. The patients are going to love this bread when I deliver it to them tomorrow."

"Will you tell them I helped you make it?"

"Of course, now lets move the dough into the pans. I believe it is time to put them in the oven." Emmeline swiftly begins loading the dough into the pans and placing them in the oven. "And now it is time for us to say goodbye. May I help you get ready for your nap?"

"Yes Miss Emmy." The pair walks up the stairs to Matilda's chamber where Emmeline removes her apron and helps her into an older shift dress.

"I will see you next week, friend." Emmeline says as she tucks her in.

"Goodbye Miss Emmy." Emmeline closes the curtains of the room and leaves. She walks swiftly to Daniel's study, praying that the loaves won't burn in her absence.

"Come in Miss Somers." Daniel's voice calls after Emmeline rapped on the door.

"You wished to speak to me?" Emmeline says, hesitantly entering the room. He is seated at his desk, reading over a ledger.

"Yes, it is regarding Matilda as you would expect." He says, never looking up. Emmeline waits for a few moments for him to say more, he doesn't.

"Is anything wrong sir? I am sorry about the baking today. I assure you it will not happen again. I just have to make several house calls this week and I didn't have time to make them yesterday." Emmeline says quickly.

"You are fine Miss Somers," Daniel says, looking up at her, his tone clinical. "I do not understand why you always assume I am annoyed with what you do. You are teaching Matilda invaluable skills. In fact," He says as he rises from his leatherback chair and returns the ledger to the shelf, "that is why I asked to meet with you. In two weeks weeks I must return to London for a week or so on business but I do not wish for Matilda to have to transition again so I was wondering if you might look after her. I understand you have your shop to run, and you could keep Matilda there if you wish. I of course would pay for your services. You are one of the few people she trusts right now and I think she would quite enjoy it."

"I would be happy to do it sir, but I could not stay at Mooreland Park, there is too much I must do in the week to leave the shop for that long."

"Of course. I will drop her off on my way to town."

"I can come get her my lord. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."

"It is of no inconvenience, I should see where my child will be spending her time, and where her favorite person resides."

"Thank you my lord. My father and I will be honored. Now if you'll excuse me." Emmeline says, curtsying quickly.

"Right the bread, do you need any assistance?" His tone less serious than before.

"I should be fine by myself my lord. Unless of course you want to learn the finer points of baking bread."

"Maybe another time, I believe it would take several hours to teach me. I am quite naive in the kitchen and I would not want to keep you." Daniel says laughing slightly.

"Yet you offered to help?"

"An excuse to speak with you a little more. It is quite lonely here with only Matilda. I need something to shift my mind from the ledgers I've been reading all day."

"Well in that case I could use a little help sir. Even if it is just supervision so that I do not ruin your baking pans." Emmeline replies.

"Supervising I can do." Daniel says lightly. He offers his arm and the pair walk down to the kitchen.

As soon as Emmeline enters her mind immediately shifts to the task at hand and she retrieves the loaves from the oven.

"I am afraid this is all that is to be done my lord. Your daughter did most of the hard work earlier."

"Yet you offered to let me come down and supervise." Daniel says teasingly.

"Well it can get quite lonely with only a father at home. I needed something to shift my mind from the preparation for my patients."

"It seems Miss Somers you and I are looking for the same thing. Can I convince you to stay for dinner? I long for decent conversation."

"I do not wish to intrude on your evening sir."

"You would not be intruding. Matilda sleeps through dinner on the days you come."

"I'm sorry about that my lord."

"T'was not a criticism, simply a statement of fact. You and I will inevitably end up eating alone tonight. I'm assuming your father is asleep when you return home most nights."

"He is, but it is quite improper for the two of us to dine together alone."

"How so?"

"Well sir, you are an unmarried man and I am an unmarried woman and we would be alone with no chaperones." Emmeline says, her cheeks turning a deep scarlet.

"As we are now?"

"This was strictly business. I was completing a task as your subordinate."

"Well then why don't we eat down here. Josephine can prepare the meal and make sure nothing improper goes on. And you would not be eating in a place you clearly don't believe you are worthy of eating in. I am simply down here to enjoy the company of my subordinate, as you so call yourself. Would that be proper?"

"I guess so my lord. I'm sorry I do not know how to act in a situation like this."

"Neither do I, and if it is improper then we shall blame it on our naïveté. Now would you like a glass of wine? God knows I need one."

"Yes thank you my lord. If you show me where the barrel is I can go get us some."

"Nonsense, either you will get lost or word will get out about my poor hosting abilities. Please sit. I must tell Josephine of our plans anyway." Daniel disappears for a few moments, returning with two glasses of wine.

"So Mrs. Ellis is out today?" Emmeline asks as Daniel sits across from her.

"Yes, it is my understanding that she was needed by her husband today. She is a friend of yours, correct?"

"She knew my mother growing up."

"She is a good woman, her son wants to go to seminary correct? To become a minister?"

"Yes, I understand he works as a hand here for the time being."

"I suppose he does. I am embarrassed to say I do not know all of the staff here by name yet."

"Well this home is quite larger than the one you possess in town I presume."

"Yes, the other is significantly smaller. It is a nice place for certain but this is better for my Matty."

"She does seem to be doing quite well here. She is lovely sir. I don't think I've ever met a kinder young girl, with such a spirit too."

"Well as I said earlier you are one of her favorite people. She wasn't so cheery before your visits."

"You flatter me sir," Emmeline says, blushing, "it is this wonderful countryside that deserves the credit. I am but a tour guide." A maid comes out with their meal and the pair begins eating.


"Oh my, my lord, it seems I have lost track of the hour. I must return home at once." Emmeline says, rising from her chair.

"Of course Miss Somers, let me help you gather your things." Daniel says, standing up.

"That won't be necessary sir, the baking pans used were mine."

"So my supervision was completely unnecessary?"

"Not at all sir," Emmeline says as she puts on her cloak, "we both were in need of pleasant conversation. Thank you for your kindness today." She curtsies.

"Of course, I shall see you next week." Daniel bows slightly and Emmeline leaves the room.

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