Business Deal (Camren)

By BobieBigDino

469K 12.7K 4.3K

Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui are two successful woman in two different industries. Camila Cabello is... More

Camila left Fifth Harmony!


15.9K 467 170
By BobieBigDino

*****Sorry for the delay but here it is... ENJOY!*****

Camila's POV

Last night I've done a very big mistake I've regretted but it made me realize something that I should do instead of taking it out of anger. I've never invested myself in too much emotion ever since 'til I met the coldly and most casual person, Lauren Jauregui. She interacts with people casually like everyone around her is just people passing by except her family.

When we first met I thought she was just being friendly or did it like a normal meet and greeting in a random party. But for the past three weeks of being married with her it's like she limit herself in her and her work only. Maybe because of the fact that she never fails to remind herself not to fall for me, but after seeing her surrender herself to me last night without complain I have much confidence now knowing that inside of her really wants me.

When she had admitted it last night that she wanted me that gave me hope. Hope that I can make her fall for me, that these feelings I am invested with will have a positive outcome. I am not familiar on what love felt like but every time I see her beautiful smile it made my heart skip, every time she furrowed or raised her eyebrows it made me smile, every time she speaks from her mind I find it endearing, and the anger I felt when she ignores me. From the past few days we've live together I tried to avoid her but every time I saw her came out of her room wearing business attire look makes me want her more and more every day.

Last night after I left her alone in the couch, it made me realize how much I am falling hard for that woman. When I left, I saw the pain in her face, it made my heart stings like hell. I don't want to see that look ever again. All I want is to see her smile, see her happy. And that's what I'm going to do.

I admit, I was mad at her when I heard her swear to herself not to fall for me. Maybe because of my ego or I was just disappointed that all my plans that day went down the hill. But today, I decided to pursue whatever plans I have in mind. I don't know what love is but I can't deny my strong attraction and interest in her. I choose to show her all the good things in me; I am determined to let her know how much she made me think of her like crazy.

Today, I started it by making her breakfast. I wanted her to feel my presence in this house. My new goal now is not to make her fall for me but instead do the things that would make her happy. Show her how special she is, and let her feel how much she's making my heart floats every time she gave me heartwarming smile. I also want to make sure to myself that these feelings are real. I know it's crazy but I want to feel what it's like to be insanely happy with someone.

After watching her finish her breakfast, I offered to drive her to her office. She said no but I insisted, she just sighed and nodded, better agree than be late. We exited the penthouse and headed to the elevator down to the parking. We walked quietly, I don't know if it was awkward silence or I'm just a little nervous to speak to her. I never get nervous in talking to girls before but with Lauren it was really difficult to utter words.

"Am, so, are you going to be busy today?" I said not sounding like a creep. But am I? Nope. Now I'm doubting myself. I saw her giggle, I raised my eyebrows maybe I look so stupid.

"You look so nervous, it's like you're going into your first job interview. Am I making you nervous?" her question made me embarrass, I felt my face heat up that I know it look like a tomato now. "Ahh, I made Camila Cabello blush, you're so cute."

"Stop it!" I smack her arm playfully. I look like a teenage stupid high school who complemented by her crush. This is so stupid! "How could I not feel nervous, I don't know how to ask a gorgeous stunning woman beside me to dinner?" huh! I smirk as I saw her blush. "Ahh, did I make Lauren Jauregui-Cabello blush?"

I opened my car for her to enter. "Smooth! But is that how you ask a woman to dinner?" she raised eyebrows. "Thanks," I closed the door and run to the driver's seat.

"Nope but you basically bet me to it by revealing my nervousness!" I said started the engine as she laughs shaking her head. I guess it work. Make corny horrible jokes would make her laugh. It's a good sign. I smiled, turning on my radio and drove.

We drive silently as she was busy answering her phones throughout the ride. I let her be since I know how hectic her schedule is. I understand that, though I am hoping she would spare a time for tonight even I don't have a plan on where to take her. We arrive in front of the building I hurriedly jumped out of the car and open the door on her side.

"Thank you, you're being so sweet this morning, I might take you're offer in consideration"

"Well that's my plan. So, see you tonight? I'll pick you up, does 7 sounds good?"

"7 would be good, I have to go now. I'll see you later, okay?" I just smile and nodded. She kissed my cheeks before walking towards the building entrance.

I tried to wipe out the smile on my face but it's hard to ignore the butterflies dancing in my stomach. I hop in into my car and blasted the Drake song pumpin my ride. I grab my phone and dialed Dinah's number, "Hey D!!! I need your help can you come to the penthouse now?" I heard her groaned. I guess I woke her up from her sleep.

"Ugh, what do you want Mila?"

"D! wake up! I have good news!!!! Wake up!!!" I laugh at her as she groans even more.

"You're so annoying!!! What's the good news aside from we've been kicked out by your wife last night? I know you had a fight after we left so, I'm guessing this good mood you have early in the morning is because you had make up sex with her? Am I right?!" I can definitely see the big smirk drawn in her face at this very moment.

"Well, I won't deny that but aside from that I've got a date tonight asshole!!!''

"What? With whom? You're married man! What happen to stay away from other chicks?" I rolled my eyes at her even she couldn't see it.

"Shut up and help me find a nice restaurant to take my wife for tonight, will yah?" a big smirk is plastering on my face now.

"No fucking way! You've finally grown some balls to actually ask her? Dang!!" she laughs hard from the other line. This human is impossible!

"Yeah D, but I don't know where to. You know I don't date, when Ariana and I happened, I didn't do the planning so it is my fucking first time so help me out here."

"Okay, okay, we'll figure out something. I'll just change and run to your place the fastest I could."

"Wait, D! Could you do me a favour and bring Enzo with you? And please, please be careful with him."

"Wow! I should thank Lauren with this later! Damn! I'll be there in few. Byeeee!!" She hung up immediately. We'll I'm used to it.

Before Dinah could arrive in our penthouse I search for a flower shop online. I saw a bouquet of roses that is well arranged, I placed an order and leave a message to go with it. I smile contently on my morning so far; I put back my phone on my back pocket and headed to my room.

I grab my laptop and checked my emails. Yesterday, Dinah and I had a meeting with my good friend Troye Sivan. He had been my friend since college, now he is the director in Arc Records Ltd. We made him one of our investors and agreed on doing the music videos on their talents. I know directing a music videos aren't as hard as making a commercial videos, all I have to do is create an exceptional team to produce a marvelous outputs in every video and photo-shoots.

I was reminded to have a meeting with one of the great director in generation Ms. Hanna Davis for tomorrow. I have to have her on my team, she's one of the greatest. Her ideas in creating music videos were proven with various artists. If she'll be in my team our company would be known in due time.

I was snapped back from my excitement when I heard the door bell ring I jog down the stairs and open the door. "Hey D!" I greeted as she walked pass me, I rolled my eyes and close the door.

"You better tell me the details Walz since you woke me up from my beauty rest," she said slamming herself to our couch and raised her feet to the table.

"Hey! Get your feet off the table!" Lauren doesn't like it when I do that. So I never failed to reprimand them every time they do that. Though I never told them the real reason why, Dinah furrowed her eyebrows looking at me.

"You used to do this a lot back in our apartment," I didn't answer her. "You're so whipped!" she teases showing me smirks all over her face.

"No I'm not! Shut up! Now back to business, where can I have a very romantic place to dine with? I want this to be perfect D!"

Dinah sat up straight from the couch, "Oh right let's plan your perfect date for your perfect wife, first, do you know what kind of food does she like?"

"Ahm, that woman eats anything even live octopus but Italian and sushi are her favourite," I can't even imagine myself eating live octopus! I feel like am gonna puke just thinking 'bout it. I don't know how Lauren could eat anything raw.

Just the thought of her makes me smile, then I felt my phone vibrate, I reach to see who was it, and my favourite name had appeared. "Hello? What can I do for you mah lady?" I answered as Dinah looked at me mockingly.

"I don't know, someone sent me flowers in my office asking me for a date tonight, it doesn't have a name but rather just leaves her number. So, is this the girl who sent me flowers?" I smiled at her playful tone.

"Oh yeah, this is she, since you've called on the number she had left does it mean you'd take her invitation?" I laid back to the couch smiling like crazy on the phone.

"I don't know, maybe if she'd reveal herself to me later tonight and ask me again sweetly even though the flowers itself were already sweet,"

"Well, I assure you she won't be anonymous in due time, and here it goes. Lauren Michelle Cabello-Jauregui, would you do the honor on going out with me tonight?" I glared at Dinah who's been holding her mouth trying not to make any sound on her laughs.

"I would love to go out and meet my secret admirer," I hear her giggled from the other line, it makes my heart melt.

"Perfect, I'll come pick you up later, okay?"

"Okay, that would be great. I'll see you later, bye." She hung up the phone and I jumped on Dinah who's grinning widely at me.

"You look like a high school teenager being hoity-toity, get off me!" I raise my eyebrows, sometimes Dinah just came up with her own vocabulary.

"Whatever Cheechee I'm going on a date and I think I know exactly where to take her. Come on help me choose a dress that will make her drool," I got up from her and smirks walking towards my room.


"Goodluck Chancho! Have fun tonight!" Dinah shouted as we part ways. I am now driving my black Enzo Ferrari which I occasionally used, well mostly when I want to impress a girl. I smirk and continued my way to her building. Lauren haven't seen this car yet, since I've been using my bmw in daily basis.

It's 10 minutes before seven, it's not that early but I'm excited as fuck! I got out of the car as one of the security guard accosted me not to park there, well I shrug and approached him. "Let it be there I'll be quick I'm here to pick up my wife," then I saw the beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on. I smiled at her, "hi gorgeous," I kissed her cheek and handed her the single white rose I hide from behind.

"Thanks, you're just right in time. Wow, you look hot! And nice ride, to whom did you stole this one?" I laugh as I opened the door for her. I smirk at the guy from earlier who had his jaw dropped. I am not really bothered if her employees don't know me as her wife but I tend to change that in the near future.

I run to the driver's side and entered the car. I look at her smiling as she smiled back at me, "so where are we going?"

"I hope you do still love sushi, I remember you told me about eating a raw octopus and since I don't like seeing you eating those I think I could settle in sushi." She threw her head back laughing, a sound that flatters my heart.

"You know we could go to a pizza house where you can actually enjoy yourself to,"

"Nah! I'm fine with sushi, I can eat salmon," I grinned at her, she just smile and shook her head.

About 10 minutes ride we arrived in place I have reserved. I look for a parking which is also near the central park. I jumped off the car and run to the other side to open the door. I held my hand out as she gets off the car. "Thank you, you never fail to do that, every time."

"That's what gentlewoman do, now come on my lady," I stretched my elbow for her to take, she inserted her arms to mine. We walked in into the restaurant and were greeted by the receptionist. "Reservation for Mrs. Cabello-Jauregui, please." I smile as she assisted us to our table. I took Lauren's coat, put it on the other side and pulled the chair for her. "I know this is not as fancy as you've expected but according to Ally this is the best place for sushi lovers."

"Don't worry I've been here and Ally was right their sushi is the best," I sigh in relief.

"That's good to know, it's my first time here so, and you can show me what they have. Take this as an opportunity because I am just giving you this one time to feed my stomach with raw food!" she laugh as she took the menu and orders us some food I might regret later.

Not for long, our food had arrived with different weird presentation. I stared at it for a while building some courage before taking a bite on it. "Come on Camz, it doesn't taste bad. It's actually good." I looked up to her raising my eyebrows. This is the second time she called me by that nickname, not that I am complaining it really sound so cute coming out from her.

"I like it."

"How could you say you like it? You haven't tasted it yet," she picks one sushi by her chopstick and held it in front of my mouth for me to take. 'Ah, she's feeding me' "here, try this it's salmon."

"Not the sushi, the nickname," I took the sushi and tasted the fresh salmon. I see her blushing lightly as she tries to hide it by looking down the foods. I was too busy looking at her that I didn't feel what this food taste like.

We continued experimentally taste different kind of food this restaurant have. I didn't mind since I am enjoying the company very much. Some time, I intentionally tries act I don't like the food so she could held it out and feed it to me. ha ha! Smooth right? or not but whatever you say, I am enjoying it. I can feel she's also having fun since she laughs a lot as we eat and talk with whatever comes up on the table.

After we finished our dinner I ask her if she's up for a walk down central park, luckily she said yes. We went down the side where there are teenagers who were skating in the frozen pond. We sat on the bench in comfortable silence and just watch people passing us by. It is still early in the evening that's why you can still see a lot of people walking this side of the park.

"So, how was the preparation of your production company doing so far?" she ask breaking the silence.

"It's doing great actually, I've persuaded one of my good friends from college to invest on our company. We signed the contract the other day, that's why we celebrated at the penthouse after that without your permission."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I am glad you're doing great in hunting investors. Do you have specific date on when will be the opening of your office?"

"Nope! Not yet until we finalize the line up for our team. Maybe after our meeting with Hannah tomorrow," I smile and looked up to her side profile. She was looking at the people skating not far from us. She was saying something but it didn't register on me, I was too busy taking time to stare at her exceptional beauty "you're really beautiful Lo," I can't help but say it out loud out of the blue.

She looks at me giving me her warmest smile which I reciprocated. I stared at her emerald eyes that could lost me from this earth. Her eyes shine brighter from reflection of lights behind her, I saw her glanced at my lips then back to my eyes. At that moment I wanted to kiss her but my heart was pounding too fast as my nerves chickens out in nervousness. Fuck why I fell like this with her. Fuck it!

I raised my hand and caresses her cheek, I leaned in slowly and closes my eyes feeling her warm breath near me. I felt everything around me slowed down like in movies. I felt her soft lips touches mine. I give her the sweetest kiss I could ever give, with all the passion and admiration I held in my heart. I want her to feel the warmth emotion inside my chest, the chills she's sending me every time her cold hand touches my skin.

I tend to deepen the kiss but was interrupted when I felt something painful had hit my back, I pulled away from Lauren and turn my gaze angrily. "Oww! What the HECK!" I saw too teenagers running towards us.

"I'm really sorry, it wasn't intended to you. I promise, we were just playing and having fun. I accidentally have thrown it to your side. I'm so sorry," the girl said with terrified look on her face.

"It's okay just be careful next time and watch where you throw things at or be sure to hit the right person. I'm gonna let it go this one but if you hit me again or my wife you better run for your life. Now go before I change my mind!" I snapped and shooed them. Way to kill the mood! I shook my head and heard the person next to me giggled. "Shut it Lo!" I sat and pouted, "They ruined my perfect romantic scenery."

She took a peck on my pouted lips and got up from her seat, "come on let's go home it's getting colder out here." She held her hand out which I took and intertwined our fingers. I smiled looking at our perfectly fitted hands. We walk towards my car hand in hand with a wide grin plastered on my face.


"I really had a great time tonight," she said while standing in front of her room.

"I'm glad to hear that. Is it too soon to ask you for a second date? I'd really like to take you on my favourite game this Friday." I scratch the back of my head trying to cover up my shyness. What? Me getting shy on asking a girl! Oh yeah right! It's Lauren I'm asking! Damn Jauregui the things you're making me feel.

"Game? I didn't know you play sports," I laugh as she raised her eyebrows and crosses her arms.

"No, I don't play. Dinah and I got a ticket for NBA this Friday and she's bringing Mani. I am hoping I could bring you as my date. It would our second double date if you'd come."

"Oh, are those two dating now? I saw them banging my room the other night."

"Those two were freaks, they said they were just friends... with benefits. I know it won't work, sooner or later they'll make it official, I can bet on it."

"Alright, let's bet on it. I'll give you 1 month. If they aren't official by that time you're gonna let me drive your Ferrari," she smirks devilishly making my jaw dropped. I cleared my throat and compose myself.

"Okay, challenge accepted, but if they make it official within a month, you're going to spend your whole weekend with me according to my terms. Deal?" she opens her mouth to protest but closes it and takes my hand and shakes it. I give her a peck on the lips and turn towards my room as I laugh devilishly making sure she heard it.


Let me know what you think guys....and let me feel your love 😄

Comments and votes are highly appreciated. 😉

Second double date is going to be fun.... stay tuned! 😈

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