On the Verge ~ (Seth Clearwat...

By DimpledMe

359K 6.5K 1.2K

Seth Clearwater doubted his chances of imprinting, until Violet Brown,a selfless girl moves to La Push, bring... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Violet's POV)
Chapter 4: (Violet's POV)
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 8: (Violet's POV)
Chapter 8: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 9: (Violet's POV)
Chapter 10: (With Bonus chapter!)
Chapter 11: (Violet's POV)
Chapter 11: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 12: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: Part 1
Chapter 18: Part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24: P2
Chapter 25: (Violet's POV)

Chapter 14: (Violet's POV)

8.6K 153 7
By DimpledMe

Chapter 14: Seven (Violet’s POV)


A handsome doctor looked over me. I stared at him idly and wondered how much more beautiful a person could get.

He had sleek blonde hair and flawless white skin. His face was a sort of face any woman would fall in love with, maybe even some men. It was just too beautiful.

As I stared, his mysterious golden brown eyes were familiar. I could see a story behind them. A story I felt like I knew.

“Hello. My name is Carlisle. Now, do you know where you are?” he asked me in a melodic tone.

“No,” I choked in reply.

My throat hurt, it was dry and I was parched.

“You’re in the hospital, you’ve been in an accident” he said.

A sudden pang hit me. I was in an accident?

Carlisle shone a light in my right eye, a memory coming with it. A bright light and then pain as something hit me. As he took the light awake, the memory faded too.

Was that how it happened? Was I hit by a car?

“Was I hit by a car?” I choked aloud.

Carlisle smiled. “Yes, what else can you remember?” he asked.

I concentrated hard, trying to conjure up some more memories. A small flash of a girl, who was a little older than me and myself were sitting on some steps in front of a house, laughing, and then another blaze of a different memory as I was dancing with a boy at a wedding. He was wearing a tuxedo and I was wearing a beautiful dress. The scene changed as a sandy coloured wolf leapt out of a few trees, its dark eyes familiar. The sandy wolf disappeared as I was running through a field of wheat, the same boy I was dancing with at the wedding, chasing after me.

“I’m confused” I murmured.

“About what? What are you confused of?” Carlisle asked.

“I remember a girl, with dark hair. She’s a pretty girl, and I think she’s older than me; and a boy with dark hair too. I was dancing with him at a…wedding, but I think…I think I know who they are…” I trailed off, my mind distracted.    

Carlisle smiled, looking proud.

“I’m very proud of you. You’re memory is starting to come back” he said as a nurse entered the room.

“Doctor Carlisle, you’re needed in the operation room” she said.

Carlisle turned to me. “Try to recollect some of your memories,” he said.

Before he could leave, I quickly remembered something.

“Ah, Doctor Carlisle?” I asked.

“Yes?” he replied facing me.

“What’s my name?”

He laughed lightly. “Your name is Violet Rose Brown.”

“Violet,” I breathed.

Carlisle smiled and left the room.

I stared around the white room. The walls were a washed out white, the only colour were a few dying daisies sitting on the window. On one of the walls, there hung a mirror. I saw my reflection. I looked a tragedy.

I had a massive white, red-stained bandage across my head. My eyes looked so tired, and I had a few cuts here and there on my face.

I turned away from the mirror, staring at the white-greyish washed walls. Grey was a depressing colour. I eyed the table beside me, a necklace sitting on top.

It was a simple necklace, a starch white tooth the centre of the leather string. The tooth was curved perfectly, almost in the shape of a moon.

It was beautiful. It had a story behind it. I wondered what animal it had come from.

As I held it in my palm, a few images of the unfamiliar boy flickered in my mind. Him kissing me, me tight in his warm embrace, his warm smile, both of us sitting on a couch in a small house laughing, the sudden flicker of the memory shifting into a dark night and an enraged man pointing a gun at me made me jump as the door opened.

The necklace fell from my hands, in my fright.

The boy from my faint memories as well as when I woke up, was standing in the doorway. I remembered him saying when I had woken up that his name was Seth.

He had a sad look on his face, and I somehow felt sad too. His sadness tore my heart apart.

He wasn’t wearing a shirt and I didn’t feel at all awkward. I didn’t know why. Was he from my forgotten past?

I wondered if he was my brother or a relative, but the feelings I was feeling weren’t brotherly. They were strong, so strong I felt like jumping up and kissing him.

I blushed for my impulsive desire.

I smiled at him, hoping he would smile too. “Hello.”

I could see him swallow greatly, before he replied. “Hey.”

An awkward silence filled the air as we stared at each other. He stared at me with sharp eyes. I blushed at his stare.

He walked into the room and took a seat in the chair beside the bed.

“Your name’s Seth, right?” I asked.

He nodded.


“Violet” he finished in a tight voice.

I stared at him with excitement. “Do you know me? Do you know who I am?” I asked.

He looked at me with indignant eyes.   

“Yes, I know you. You are very important to me” he replied.

“I think I remember you too...” I said.

He stared with hope into my eyes, and grabbed my hands. I was taken aback by the sudden touch. He looked shocked and quickly released my hands.

“I hope you remember everything” he said quietly.

He looked saddened by my surprise at his touch. It made me want to cry.

“I hope I do too” I replied.

He looked at me, and I smiled in comfort. He smiled back, but I could still see a shade of remorse. I looked down at the necklace.

“Tell me something, was this mine?” I asked as I picked it up. I held it carefully as it dangled in the air between us.

He swallowed loudly. “Yes, a gift from me.”

I looked at him in revelation. “It’s beautiful.”

He smiled as I stared at it. I was feeling haughty knowing it was rightfully mine.

“Here, let me put it on for you” he said.

He reached out and gently took the necklace from my grasp. I didn’t object as I bent my head down as he slipped the necklace around my neck. I pulled my hair out from under it in delight.

Seth smiled at me. “You look beautiful, just as always.”

I was a little confused at the feelings I was feeling for him. A normal person would have been freaked out by the sudden affection, but I wasn’t. I felt conceited, and could feel my cheeks flame.

 “Do you remember anything at all?” he asked.

“Well,” I sighed, “I do remember some things, a few flicks of memories, but I just don’t understand any of it, nor do I remember doing some of these things…”

He looked distracted, but then his gaze shifted back to me, a more serious tone to it.

“Was I in any of them?” he asked in a quiet voice.

I couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, you were in most of them.”

He smiled too, a smile of hope and relief.

“How do we know each other?” I asked. I really wanted to know how he fitted in my life.  

He looked disappointed almost, as I said those words. His mind was somewhere else, as I waited for him to reply.

“I’m sorta your…your protector” he said slowly.

I could tell there was more he wanted to say. He looked guilty, and I wondered why.

“I haven’t been much of a protector lately” he said looking down.

“How so?” I asked confused.

“Well, I’m the reason you’re in hospital” he explained.

I suddenly felt insecure. Was he the reason I was in hospital? Was he the driver behind the wheel?

“I should have kept you safe from any danger, and I wasn’t there to help you at all” he said as he put his head in his hands.

I suddenly realised what he meant by ‘him being the reason I was in hospital.’ He was my ‘protector’ and he wasn’t there to protect me from the danger.

Sorrow flowed into me as I took his hands away from his face and looked him straight in the eyes.

“You weren’t the one who hurt me. You are not the reason why I’m in hospital. Don’t feel so guilty” I consoled.

He smiled a little, and I could tell he was reminiscing on another memory.

“I really hope you remember everything” he said looking sad again.

Wow, my past must have been very important for him to worry about it. I mean, it’s gonna take some time for it to come back to me, and I was feeling pressured about remembering things just for him.

I felt like I was letting him down. I must have illustrated it on my face.

“Don’t look so down, please. It hurts me” he said.

I felt strong feelings of affection for him again. I stared at him, his handsome face and dark eyes covered my whole vision.

I couldn’t help it as my cheeks heated up.

A light knock interrupted us as we turned to see the disturbance. A tall girl with crow black hair and copper skin stood in the doorway. I recognised her from one of my memory flickers.

She smiled at me.

“Hi,” she said entering the room, “I’m Leah, Seth’s sister.”

I smiled in reply as she entered the room and stood on the other side of the bed. I looked back at Seth, seeing some of Leah’s features in his face. 

“Can you forgive me?” Leah suddenly said.

I turned back to her, and realised she was crying. She knelt down beside the bed, tears spilling over her cheeks.

“For what?” I asked feeling myself tear up inside at the sight of her tears.

She blubbered on her tears, before speaking clearly. “You’re in hospital, because of me.”

I looked at Seth, then back at Leah. Then back to Seth, and then back at Leah.

Why were they both taking the blame for my mishap?

“Leah, I doubt you are the reason I’m in hospital” I said, “Don’t feel so down. I was probably being stupid on the road.”

She spluttered on her tears. “No, you weren’t. You were crossing the road fine, and I was watching you, and I should’ve seen the danger coming! I mean, I acted too late, and then the car—”

“Stop!” Seth suddenly shouted.

I looked at him in disbelief, Leah breaking down on the floor. Seth was breathing heavily, his bare chest heaving up and down. His eyes were darkened with fury as angry tears flowed out of them.

I took both of their hands. “Look, I may not have any memory of what happened, but I know for sure that you two are not to blame for my misfortune. So please, don’t feel responsible. It hurts me to see you both taking the blame.”

Seth had calmed down and Leah’s crying had resumed to soft sniffles. Leah stood up, sitting in the chair beside me.

“Seth,” Leah said.

Seth looked up, and I did too.

Leah swallowed, before speaking. “I’m sorry I broke my promise. I was supposed to keep Violet safe. Forgive me.”

I was a little confused. So, now she was my protector?

Seth hesitated, but then spoke “I forgive you” he replied. His tone was truthful.

Leah looked appreciative.

I was still confused as I sat between them. Seth said he was my protector, and now Leah was saying that she was ‘supposed to keep me safe’?

“What did I need protecting from?” I asked aloud.

I saw them both exchange looks.

“It’s sort of complicated…” Leah began.

“It would be easier if you could remember” Seth said.

“I wish I could remember to make it easier on all of us” I sighed.

I was seriously down on myself. I wanted to remember everything, so I didn’t have this big question mark hanging over my head.

“Maybe, I could help…jot your memory” Seth said thinking.

I couldn’t understand how he could actually help me out with this, though the next day, it still didn’t make sense.

I was sitting in bed, until Seth knocked on the door.

“Come in Seth,” I welcomed.

He entered the room, three other people right behind him.

My breath was taken away as I stared at the three others. Standing beside Seth, was a tall well built male. He had bronze hair, in a neat sweep with beautiful alabaster skin and honey combed eyes. He had a face any male would die for. Holding onto his hand, was another sight. A girl, about the same age with brunette hair and the exact same honey combed eyes, stood beside him. She was just as beautiful as he was. The third being in the room was a girl, a little younger than me. I could tell this was the fruit from the female and male. She was around my age. This girl had the traits of the male, his hair and his features, though instead of her eyes being honey comb, they were a gorgeous chocolate brown. Her brunette hair fell past her shoulders in ringlets, her pink cheeks lighting up her face.

I had never seen such a stunning family before. I felt like crap beside them, and the bandage seemed very un-flattering.

The male smiled a little, and I wondered why.

“Violet, this is Edward, Bella and Renesmee” Seth said as he introduced each one.

“Nice to meet you” I replied as politely as I could.

“Violet, I’m so sorry about what happened to you” Bella said.

“Yes, my regards goes towards you” Edward said quite formally.

“Thanks” I replied.

“Violet, do you remember me?” Renesmee asked stepping forward.

I tried to recall her face from my mind, but came up blank. I shook my head sadly. She looked down.

“Violet, remember how I said I could jot your memory?” Seth said solemnly.

“Yes,” I replied slowly, not sure where he was getting at.

“Well, Edward here has a gift,” Seth said.

“What kind of gift?” I asked, still confused.

“I can read minds” Edward answered.

I gave him a shocked look. What? Did I just hear correctly?

“Yes, you did” Edward said answering my thoughts.

Okay, maybe I heard that wrong too, but did he just answer my question which I thought?

“Yes I did” Edward answered again.

I was still in disbelief. How was he doing that?

“Like I said, I can read minds” he replied again.

I gave him a blank look. “Okay, I believe you…But, what does this have to do with jotting my memory?” I asked facing Seth.

“Well, that’s what Renesmee’s here for” Seth explained, “She has a power too.”

I looked at the angelic features of Renesmee. She smiled and took my hand. Before I could even breathe, images began to flicker in my mind.

I was a little surprised at the images, but just relaxed and watched them. It was like watching a movie. Seth’s face kept popping up, as well as Leah’s, and some other woman which looked like Seth and Leah’s mother. An image of Renesmee and I sitting beside a small creek watching ducklings float across the water wavered among the images too.

A sudden feeling of familiarity came back to me as I remembered that exact time. Then the face of…Sam, Embry, Paul, Quil, Jacob all came rushing back to me. I remembered Seth’s sandy coat of fur he had as a werewolf. I remembered that Seth was a werewolf, and so was Leah. There was a whole pack, protecting La Push. I remembered the wedding, Seth and I dancing, Seth quivering with anger when I had made him promise not to get involved with Max. I remembered Max. Max my father. I remembered everything now.

“She remembers!” Edward’s voice shouted.

The images in my head flickered on, as I recalled each memory. Soon they began to go too fast, and too blurred to see. My head began to hurt as there was not enough room.

It was all crammed in my head, as more memories squeezed into the non-existent space. There was no more room, and I was starting to feel dizzy.

“Carlisle!” Edward shouted.

I felt a breeze disrupt the atmosphere.

“She’s passing out!” Carlisle replied out of the blue.

Oh, crap! No, I can’t pass out! Not when I had just remembered. I tried to fight to stay awake, but I was swallowed whole by darkness.  

I could see nothing as darkness overtook my whole vision. I was overcome with blackness as I felt light again. I fought to stay present; hearing sounds around me sound far away. It was a struggle, but I won.

I could hear a loud beeping and some sobs. I wondered where all this noise was coming from as I tried to open my eyes.

“She’s waking up!” a voice shouted.

My eyelids were so heavy, I could barely open them. When I finally did, all I could see was Seth’s face.

He looked worried, almost doubtful.

“Seth?” I whispered.

Joy overcame him as he kissed me on the forehead. “You remember!”

I smiled too.  

“Yes, how can I forget?” I replied.

Seth grabbed my hand, and held onto it. I noticed Renesmee and Edward and Bella standing in the room too.

“Wow, so many visitors?” I said aloud, though my voice was a little rough.

“Violet!” Renesmee said with glee.

Edward and Bella smiled too.

I could feel my head feeling lighter again, as Carlisle suddenly appeared beside me.

“Violet, does it hurt anywhere? Are you feeling light headed?” he asked.

“Nope, I’m feeling quite alright,” I replied a little dazedly, “Just a little tired.” 

“That was a close one” Carlisle breathed.

I breathed in slowly, then back out in relief.  

“Carlisle?” Edward spoke. He said it in a relieved tone. Carlisle nodded at Edward, and gestured outside.

Edward egged Bella and Renesmee outside too. “We’ll leave you two alone” Edward smiled.

Renesmee waved at me, and I smiled a little. Carlisle patted me on the hand, before following their lead.

“Violet, I’m so glad you’re okay. You had me worried” Seth breathed as he held onto my hand. He squeezed it tightly, and I tried to squeeze back.

“Don’t…worry” I murmured. I breathed in slowly, to say something else, but was too slow.

“Don’t speak, just rest” Seth said.

I had enough strength to smile, but felt exhausted again. I closed my eyes, just resting them. I was worn out. My entire body was shattered. Even thinking hurt.

I could feel Seth’s hand on my cheek as he stroked it softly. It was so nice and warm, against my cold skin. I was home.




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