Harry Potter Oneshots

By Intensely_Reading

107K 1.6K 886

Name says it all. Requests are needed and asked for (private messaging is what's asked but comments are ok to... More

Draco Malfoy-Superhero
Harry Potter-Curses
James Potter-Love Potions
Ron Weasley-Quidditch Practice
Cedric Diggory-Say Something
Fred Weasley-Christmas Miracles
Remus Lupin-Patronuses
Fred Weasley - Counterspells to Magic
George Weasley - Broken Families, Healing Memories

George Weasley-Pranking the Toad

7K 143 41
By Intensely_Reading

Kudos to sullylover66 for this week's chapter!

Also, I would like to know your feedback on the chapters, are they too long or too short? Do they make sense? Are the characters not accurate? Is it realistic enough? Criticism (kind criticism) is asked for please. Cuz I'm ready for it!!!

P.S. I only bite when angered. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Fifth year was a pretty good year. If you took out the fact that a vulgar, pretentious pink toad was teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts which is my favorite subject, and that this toad has made it her goal to be the most sadistic person we've ever met and will meet, Voldemort is hunting my twin, but no one believes it, and the Ministry think that a child and an old wizard are their arch nemeses instead of Voldemort. If you took literally all my problems away, then you'd find yourself a pretty good year.

But sadly, reality's a prat, and the only good thing about this year, was the founding of Dumbledore's Army, which was taught by my twin, Harry Potter. Which was where I'm currently at, in the Room of Requirements, learning to perfect the stunning spell.

"Stupe-" George started, but not fast enough.

"Stupefy!" A blast of red light shot out of my wand and towards the Weasley twin. It hit him right in the chest, and he froze. "Rennervate."

George immediately stood up after the counterspell took place and neutralized the stunning charm. "My turn to use the spell."

"There's no turns Weasley, it's only who's fastest at doing the spells and apparently I am." I remarked, smirking at the ginger.

"Aw c'mon, can't you give me a handicap?"

"I should be the one with the handicap if anything Georgie. Maybe it's because you're slow as a snail."

"You know, from the moment I met you, I could tell you weren't going to be good for my ego or self-esteem." George stated, collecting his wand in the process.

"And yet you still became friends with me." I grinned and raised my wand, following George's movements. "Stu-"

"Stupefy!" George literally roared, and I covered my ears to block out the sound.

"Protego." I cast shield charm to block the stunning spell and the latter flew towards it before dissipating. "You don't have to yell to cast a spell y'know." I remarked at George as I took down the protective bubble.

"Haha very funny." He deadpanned.

Smiling cheekily, I replied, "I know right? I'm hilarious."

"It's getting close to curfew time, we should all probably leave now." Everyone heard Harry yell, and glancing at their watches, agreed before walking out of the Room of Requirements. While in the crowd, I went to find Hermione and Ron. Seeing three gingers walking closely together, I made my way over to them and found Harry and Hermione with the Weasleys.

"Harry that was a great lesson, Hermione you're a genius to have Harry teach DADA." I exclaimed to my twin, hanging my arm around his shoulder.

"Thanks, but I'm just glad it worked out." Harry answered, hugging my waist affectionately.

"At least Harry's not boring like Professor Binns. We now know that Harry could have a teaching career ahead of him." Fred joked, teasing the ravenette.

"Yeah, I would be a great teacher y'know. Given my record, I'm definitely a straight O student who absolutely has no detentions." Harry spoke dryly.

"Eh, I don't think you'd be too bad." I said truthfully. "But you never know, Harry could have to potential to bore our minds to death."

"But I do think that Harry did do a good job, all jokes aside." Hermione piped, and all of us nodded our heads, concurring with the bushy haired girl.

Our little group traveled to Gryffindor Tower right before curfew and slipped into the common room. We spread throughout the room, and I sat in a secluded corner with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The rest of the DA members came in and either conversed or went to bed.

"How're you doing with the dreams and visions?" I asked Harry, referring to Harry's connection with Voldemort.

"It's regular." Harry replied, shrugging. "Scar still hurts but other than that, it's ok."

I nodded, setting a hand on my twin's. Voldemort, when he killed our parents, chose to kill Harry first, which resulted on Voldemort's killing curse rebounding back to the caster and the Dark Lord almost dying himself. Then I was stuck with the Dursleys with Harry, but we had each other, so it was livable. Was I ever jealous of Harry and his enormous popularity, no, he's my other half, and it's a bit annoying.

"It's late, I think I'm heading to bed." Hermione noted, standing up.

"I'll come too." I followed suit and bid everyone good night before going to the girl's dorms with Hermione, dreading tomorrow's lessons filled with the obnoxious pink toad.


Life hates me doesn't it. Dumbledore's Army has disbanded because of the she-demon, and now Dumbledore, Dumbledore, has been kicked out. The only source of sanity I have with Umbridge as the headmistress, is Fred and George and their tricks on the toad, and maybe the other teachers too. The toad has won my most sadistic person I've ever had the unfortunate chance to meet trophy. She's probably also trying to beat Voldemort as the most villainous person ever, and there's a possibility that she'll get it.

"You may leave Ms. Potter." The pink abomination ordered in a sickly sweet manner.

"Yes Professor Umbitch." I responded innocently. Bloody hell, now I know why I'm in Gryffindor.

The door in front of me slammed shut, and I turned around, clutching my wounded hand and clasping it behind my back. On it were the scars, I will not insult, well so much for that. "Apparently you want more detentions don't you Ms. Potter, more pain, for what gain?" The pink she-demon simpered.

"For the gain of making a pink toad abomination's life a living hell like she's made ours." I replied, staring at the headmistress with a passive expression.

Umbridge narrowed her eyes before, answering imperiously, "I'm Headmistress and you will learn to respect that. Not anything else other than the Headmistress lovely child."

"Excuse me? I'm sorry to break it to you, but pink toads can't be Headmistresses here. So I suggest you find another school to conquer and get out of this one."

Umbridge breathed through her nose and I wondered why she was trying so hard. When she was done, her face was plastered with a disgustingly sweet smile. Her composure was ebbing away, and I could tell. "Dear, I don't know how many times I have to tell you this to get it through your hard skull, but I'm the Headmistress here, and you listen to what I say."

"Well that's odd, considering you can't get into the headmaster's office that's still filled with Dumbledore's stuff. Your staff doesn't listen to you and they think that your presence is horrible in this school. The students think you are the worst and have not an ounce of respect for you. Your days are just filled with getting rid of pranks and sending out rules that don't get followed, so you also have no power over us. And! Oh I almost forgot the most important point. You're not the Headmistress here." I retaliated, counting off all of my claims with my finger. "I don't know how many times I'll have to say it to get it through your big skull. I mean, us lousy students who haven't even graduated are beating you. You can't even counter a lousy trick played by two seventh years."

Umbridge growled, her hand inching to her wand, before she halted, and came to her somewhat insane senses. "You, Ms. Potter, need to wash that mouth of yours, it's vulgar."

"And you, headmistress Umbridge, need to fix that wardrobe of yours, because it's vulgar." I retorted impulsively.

Red faced, Umbridge opened her mouth, but no sound came out. I sent the silenced professor a slight victorious smirk before grabbing my wand and pointing it at the door behind my back. "Alohomora." I opened it and quickly stepped out, running from the room, making as much distance from the pink abomination and me, as I could. Checking the time, I made a beeline to the Great Hall and sat at my table before Harry was upon me, asking questions.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, nothing like spending your free time etching words into your hand." I answered dryly, plastering a false smile.

"Let me see it."

"Harry, I was just joking, I'm fine."

"If you're fine then give me your hand." Harry snapped, reaching for my right hand.

"There's really no need Harry-"

"I will not insult?" Harry read, curiously, before grabbing a napkin and dabbing the wound. I winced, grimacing at the feel of the napkin on my bruise. "It's so deep, how many times did she ask you to write it?"

"Er, I lost count at twenty."

"Twenty! Bloody hell, no wonder." Harry exclaimed, obviously upset. "At least that was your last detention."

"Yep. That was totally my last detention."

Harry glanced at me, "You got more detentions didn't you, how?"

"Insulted her wardrobe." I spoke curtly, hoping to not delve into what else had happened.

"She deserved whatever you said. But you're just going to get yourself more hurt."

"It's not like it's going to get any worse."

"If you're not suffering enough for her liking, Umbridge will make it worse." Harry pointed out.

"There's a reason there are pain potions." I said matter of factly. "I don't want to talk about the hideous lady anyways, she doesn't deserve our time."

Harry rolled his eyes, before insisting, "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yes Harry, I'm fine." I replied in exasperation.

"I hope you're fine enough to help me on my potions essay, because Hermione refused." Ron lamented. He sat down on the table followed by Hermione.

"Honestly Ron, if you can't do the essay, what do you think's going to happen when we have the OWLs tests." Hermione chided.

"I don't know." Ron mumbled, "But that's later, this is now."

"Hope for a miracle?" I suggested, grinning cheekily.

Ron rolled his eyes while I shrugged at his response. From my line of vision, I could see George staring at me with a peculiar look. I quirked my eyebrow at him and he smirked back, wiggling his eyebrows for some unknown indecipherable reason. I cocked my head to the side, completely baffled by the twin's behavior before he mouthed, talk. Resisting the urge to smack the twin, I nodded, before returning to my food. Merlin, you could've said that to me before doing all your crazy antics, George.

After lunch, I exited the Great Hall before meeting up with the Weasley twins, both grinning at me with mischief in their eyes. I stared at them before gazing expectantly at each. "Well? Spill."

"Me and George have decided that we need to leave Hogwarts-" Fred started, before George finished.

"And start as life owners of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes."

I blinked. "What?"

"We are leaving Hogwarts." The twins repeated.


"Harry needs to get in contact with Sirius and Lupin, so we'll distract Umbridge while he does that. But afterwards, she'll probably be out for our blood. Plus, we don't see the use of moving on for the rest of the months." Fred explained.

"So it's goodbye to Hogwarts and hello to who knows what." George added.

I blinked again, not really believing the situation. "I'll miss you." I uttered softly and immediately hugged both twins by the necks. They were leaving Hogwarts. "And I hope that Weasley's Wizard Wheezes will be a success."

Both twins awkwardly patted my back before Fred said, "Well, saying we're leaving wasn't the only thing we wanted to talk about." I broke from the hug and sent then a questioning eyebrow. "We need your help."

"And you think I'm going to help you just because you asked?" I inquired dryly. Both twins nodded, fully convinced. "Well you're right, anything to make Umbridge's stay here horrible."


"What is it you want me to do?" I asked indignantly.

"Help us measure this corridor." George repeated.


"We need to know how long it is, and then we can tweak it to be as long as this corridor." Fred explained.

"Why can't you blokes do it?"

"Because we're nutters and don't know how to do it efficiently." George replied. "And we're not visiting the library, we'll do that when hell freezes over."

Sighing, I rolled my eyes and grudgingly took the meter stick and charmed it. "Wingardium Leviosa." It floated behind me while I went to the end of the hall. The meter stick followed before it descended down, edge against a wall. "Geminio." The meter sticks duplicated and kept on going until it reached the very where the Weasley twins were. With no other way I could think of doing it, I started counting each individual measuring stick, groaning mentally every time I looked up to see the rest of the distance left. "This is all to make the old bat's life horrible." I muttered before returning to my counting spree.

When I finally reached the end, I sighed and gave the information to the twins. "Great! We got it all covered, now we have to wait for tomorrow to come."

"Wait, one more favor." Fred interrupted his twin.

"Yeah?" I enquired.

"Stall for us, we need time and will be in Gryffindor Tower. Lead the hag and Filch to the entrance hall."

The request was the only thing I was thinking of as tomorrow came in a snail's pace. I waited for the time when the portable swamp would be released. Unfortunately, I was one of the people who were in the corridor when it was activated.

I heard screams and turned to find a wave of water come towards me. My eyes widening to the size of saucers, I took out my wand quickly, "Protego Totalum!" The water crashed onto my shield, and I closed my eyes, when I felt no water, I opened it to find the protective shield almost completely submerged. Some trees were popping out from the floor and shrubbery.

"So this is Fred and George's swamp." I noted admiringly. "Impressive." But my current situation was not so impressive. I placed the bubble charm on me, and released the shield, before swimming up and out of the corridor. I cast a quick warning charm, and then hoped that Hermione's teachings would be forever ingrained in my mind as I did a hot air charm that I found out about through the modest know-it-all.

I rushed out of the flooding hall and backtracked to find a crowd around the water seeping through. The trees were stopping the water from going through, but it wasn't the same for beyond the topiary. I glanced at Umbridge up ahead in the crowd, and she was fuming. Her whole body shaking in rage. Filch was right next to her, pacing back and forth, muttering words of weak encouragement to Umbridge.

I smirked with glee at the reactions, and I could see other students also grinning, although trying to hide it. I ran away to find the twins, but not before hearing Umbridge shriek seethingly, "FILCH! FIND THOSE MEDDLING TWINS!"

I stopped, got out a piece of paper, and wrote on it, We are at the entrance hall. See you there! Before casting a spell on it to make it invisible, and pinning it on the end of a side of the hallway. Clearly visible to passerbys. "Scourgify!" Pointing my wand on the floor, I cleaned it and left it slippery, before scurrying off. "Protego Maxima! Fianto Duri!" I created a force field that could easily avoided, but not that easy to stop. Sliding down a banister, I pointed my wand at the stairs. "Glisseo." The stairs flattened and slanted like a slide as I jumped off, hurrying away. I turned and found a hallway in the second level of the castle filled with curtains. "Diffindo!" One of the curtains ripped as I bounded across the passageways happily.

"Headmistress Umbridge!" I heard Filch yell to my left.

"Protege Maxima. Fianto Duri." I muttered, pointing in the direction of the caretaker's voice.

"Oomph." I heard a soft thud and saw Filch on the ground. I crept away and took it in myself to make all ways to the entrance hall a complete disaster.

While nearing the Great Hall, I heard Umbridge's voice scream in frustration, "Filch! Get the whipping form now!"

I stifled a gasp and thought of Harry, still contacting Sirius. I really did hope he was done. Pushing it in the back of my head, I ran up and started to try and delay Filch, which was easy. Until I heard noise downstairs and I raced down, leaving Filch. Seeing Umbridge, I watched quietly as she roared in annoyance at my invisible barriers. I could see students trailing behind to watch and I sneaked by to the entrance hall. Fred and George were there, waiting with pleasant grins on their faces. I rushed to them but stopped and hid as I heard Umbridge's high, pitchy voice from close by.

"You!" Umbridge screamed. Suddenly it seemed all of the school was crowded around the twins as Umbridge stood imperiously on top of the stairs. I pushed up into the front, where both twins gazed at me before glancing at Umbridge, still smiling. "You did all this didn't you? The sliding stairs, invisible barriers, slippery floors, broken curtains. You little mischievous creatures." Umbridge ranted, while I beamed cockily. The twins looked my way a moment, both smirking their infamous smirks, and I bowed my head, my act was done.

The pink abomination seemed to realized the crowd, and gathered what was left of her dignity after being bested by two seventh years. She suddenly saw their situation, and the Inquisitorial Squad nudging and pushing forward, cornering the troublemakers. Smiling triumphantly, Umbridge remarked victoriously, "So!" Pause, stupid dramatic little bat. "So...you think it amusing to turn a school corridor into a swamp, do you?"

"Pretty amusing, yeah." Fred replied confidently.

Suddenly, Filch came and handed Umbridge a slip of paper, no doubt for the whippings they were talking about before. Filch gave it to the she-demon gleefully, before turning to the twins. The toad thanked Filch and turned to the twins, hinting what was to come for the twins. I frowned, staring at the twins fearfully, but the both just smiled happily. George eyed me a sec, and winked, then Fred did the same.

"You know what?" Fred spoke with determination, "I don't think we are. George, I think we've outgrown full time education."

This was the moment. Both raised their wands, and said, "Accio Brooms." Both of their brooms zoomed towards them. The twins mounted.

"We won't be seeing you." Fred said to the outraged pink toad.

"Yeah, don't bother keeping in touch with us." George added, before both of them kicked off. George locked eyes with me, and smiled wistfully, before it changed into a happy grin. This was goodbye.

Fred swooped to the poltergeist, and stated, "Give her hell from us, Peeves." And both twins flew into the sunset, away from Hogwarts and the pink bat.

I looked nostalgically in their direction, all I had to do is wait for him to come when I get off the train station.


Walking out of the train station, I immediately found the twin redheads who literally engulfed me in a hug. I, with much difficulty, tried to reciprocate as the twins pinned my arms down unintentionally.

"I can't believe I'd miss you buggers so much." I said, smiling up at the two identical expressions, who were grinning down at me.

"We were almost tempted to kidnap you from Hogwarts. Sometimes your sarcasm gives us something to laugh about." George remarked, and I smirked coyly.

"Nice to know I'm a good jester." I answered to the remarked wryly.

"I'm going to go find the others, it's been weeks since I've seen them and I'm dying to pull more pranks." Soon one twins disappeared in the crowd and couldn't be seen from my vantage point.

I turned to find George had produced a bouquet of scarlet red roses, and was handing it to me. Arching my eyebrow, I gingerly took them into my hands. "Cliche much?" I asked, smiling thankfully.

"Maybe." George shrugged before smirking at me. "You must ace at the summoning spell, because you've accio my heart."

"What?" I inquired, incredulous at George's words, setting the roses on my trunk.

"You must be my horcrux, because you complete me."

"Pickup lines?" I nervously laughed, not sure exactly how to react.

"I know I'm not in Professor Flitwick's class, but you're still charming."

"Er, George is this a joke?" I asked awkwardly, feeling trepidation and excitement at the same moment.

"Your smile is Expelliarmus. Simple but disarming." George stepped toward me, and my breath hitched as his arm wrapped around my waist. "You must be magical, because I've fallen under your spell." The ginger's face turned serious as he gazed straight into my eyes. "I know I must be in Gryffindor, because I have the bravery and stupidity to say 'I love you'." A embarrassing red flush spread across my face, warming it up. "What about you?"

"I must be in Gryffindor too then." I muttered.

"Why?" George asked, confused, obviously not expecting me to answer with that.

"Because I have the bravery and stupidity to be able to do this." I grabbed George's tie, and pulled on it, bringing us closer until our lips touched in a surprising and chaste kiss. I tried to retract after that, but George held my head in place, tightening the arm around my waist and deepening the kiss. I didn't object afterwards and pressed back, before both of us split.

"Was that original enough for you?" George asked, catching me off guard as he leaned his forehead against mine.

"It stopped being cliche after the pickup lines." I thought for a moment, before adding, "Because I technically didn't need to be picked up, after all I was your friend."

"But now you're my sarcastic, sassy, fun loving girlfriend, and you'd better not forget that."

"Wouldn't forget it in a million years." I answered with a roll of my eye

A/N: I just came on to update the collecting, and my eyes go as wide as SAUCERS! FREAKING SAUCERS! BECAUSE I HAVE MORE THAN FIFTY READS! THATS HALF OF ONE HUNDRED! AND I LEARNED THAT HALF OF ONE HUNDRED IS A LOT. I'm so thankful for all you peeps who read my oneshots and take time out of your day just to read my stuff. So thank you!

See you next chapter!

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