Come...Fall In Love!

By hemisha

883K 28.6K 699

Kathy would always tell herself, "An arranged marriage is not something I'd ever settle for. I believe in lov... More

1: It all began here
2: Celebrate!
3: Miss over-confident!
4: Trying to break the ice!
5: Holi celebrations!
6: Hurt
7: A day of horror
8: Unexpected turn of events
9: The wedding
10: New life, new beginning?
11: Going back home
12: Learning about each other
13: Conspiracy?
14: Goa it is!
15: Adventurous road journey
16: Honeymoon
17: Oops, he messed it
18: Sweet Distance
19: Book of memories
20: Worrying, caring and ditching
21: Happy birthday!
22: He drops the Bomb!
23: I'll look after you
24: A Heart to Heart
25. Is that Jealousy?
26. Solving the Mystery
27: Diwali
28: Just him & her
29: Here I'm
30: Lonavala- I
31. Lonavala- II
32: New Year
33: Tense moments
35: Uh-ah
36: What did I do?
37: Silent suffering
38: Is it the end?!
39: A year later...
40: Epilogue
41) It Is Back...

34: Tests

17.6K 609 8
By hemisha

Dedication to: LiLLyCoOLeSt1

Chapter 34:

Days passed with Kathy resting in her room. A professor often came over and taught her everything that was important and required lessons. Relatives came over to see how Kathy was doing and Ronnie made sure that someone always looked after her while he was working as she wouldn’t rest on her own. Ronnie dragged her to the Lab and forced her to get an X-ray done. He always looked after her and helped her do her chores. Awkward feelings and emotions did fill in their house and made the environment tense but they were more of friends and good actors to cover up those feelings. The media speculated that a junior Shenoy was in line when they made a visit to a hospital but the rumors were soon cleared. Kathy now got busy making projects for her college and began preparing for examinations that were only a week away.

“Do you need any help?” she heard him say. She looked up from her sheets and saw Ronnie standing near the table with two coffee mugs in his hands. She smiled at him and motioned him to sit down.

“What are you doing now?” he asked her, as he sat down next to her.

“I’m making the kitchen layout now. I’m done with the bed rooms, living room and the bathrooms. I still have one more project in hand. I hope I can make it in time.” She said as she began drawing lines and measuring every design with preciseness. He sat there and scanned the completed sheets that were lying on her desk.

“This looks good. I hope your house look exactly the same! You’ve to get this done by today, right?” he asked her and she nodded.

“Yeah, I hope this looks neat after I put them in the dummy house that I’ve made. It looks cute individually!” she said, admiring her work. He laughed.

“Yes, it looks cute and I’m sure you’ll nail it!” He replied as he grabbed a blank sheet and began making outlines for the upright office for a movie director. It was a dummy project. The college had asked the students to design three places with a very different color scheme, model and space from the previous one. Kathy had chosen a normal residential house, a filmy office and a design for a beauty salon which she had to submit it before the week ended as her exams began from the next week. She was sure lagging behind from most of the students and the college was hesitant on allowing her appear for the exam but since she agreed to this condition and had a 3month working experience with La’ Homme, the college agreed to let her appear for the tests.

“What are you doing Ronnie?” she asked as she noticed him making designs for her.

“Playing snakes and ladder!” he replied sarcastically, making her shake her head at him.

“You can’t do that. I’ve to do it on my own, Ronnie!” she said.

“How will you do it on your own? You only have two days left and you still have to make designs for that salon!” he exclaimed.

“I’ll manage. You can’t do this, this is cheating!” she stated.

“Alright, at least let me arrange your bed room, living room and bath room designs in that empty board you’ve made!” he said and began arranging them in the empty board she used as a base for her house.

“Hmm…okay!” she replied and both got busy with her project. No one said anything and concentrated on getting the work done and it was almost over by the end of the afternoon.

“I’m hungry!” Kathy said after she carefully placed her house next to the office she’d finished designing yesterday.

“Let’s go out!” he said as he got up and stretched his muscles.

“You sure about letting me leave the four walls of your house?” she taunted.

“Are you coming?” he asked her. It had been a month since he’d allowed her to leave her room because of the small crack detected in her bone. She felt that he was over reacting but he would make sure that she listened to him.

“Of course I am! Let me get changed!” she told him and pushed him out of her room.

“Just don’t take forever to come out of the room!” he told and left her room.

Soon, both were ready and went out for dinner. Ronnie stayed closed to her all the time and made sure that she was okay walking outside. He noticed her eyes squinting when light first fell on her, indicating how she wasn’t used to of this brightness. He wrapped his arm around her back and guided her towards a nearby restaurant as Kathy insisted on walking. She felt warm and giddy at the close proximity.

“I can walk with your help!” she said after a while. This closeness was making her think of things that she wasn’t supposed to think. She was scared of him, she was scared of losing him; she was scared of her feelings for him; just like he was. Ronnie’s hand left her waist immediately, making her miss that warmth instantly.

“I know babe.” He said.

“Babe?” she laughed. Oh, how he loved her laughter. He looked at her and shrugged like it was nothing but being there with her meant a lot to him.

“Here we are.” She said as they reached the restaurant. The guard opened the door for them and they sat in the far end table which was next to a huge glass window. Soft romantic music played in the background and a chilled glass of wine was served.

“But we didn’t order this!” Kathy exclaimed.

“Oh no, these drinks are on the man sitting at the center table since it’s their 50th wedding anniversary!” the waiter smiled handing them the menu and walked away. Kathy looked at the happy couple that were surrounded by a few guests and smiled. The couple looked very much in love even after so many years. The man was holding his wife’s hand and saying something in her ears. Age showed on their faces but the glow on their face was still something that made them look so attractive.

“Aren’t they cute?” she asked Ronnie who was already looking at her. He looked away from her as soon as she caught him looking at her.

“50 years, I don’t how they spent so many years together and are still happy!” he exclaimed, making her frown at him.

“Love makes such miracles possible!” she said with a lot of feelings, looking straight in his eyes. He felt like that was directed to him and his heart skipped a beat. He looked back in her eyes and they stared at each other without saying a word, as if they both were in a spell.

“Your order sir!” the waiter came and broke that spell, making them look away from each other and look in to the menu again. They soon decided on their order and instructed the waiter who nodded and walked away from there.

“Seems like we’ve come here at the right time; see how everything is so beautifully set here. This couple can’t seem to get over each other.” Kathy said after a while as she noticed how they were slow dancing on instrumental notes that filled the background. A few other couples had joined them too.

“What a lovely couple! Why don’t you go there and dance?” a stranger came and told them. Both Ronnie and Kathy looked up at the women who just told them this.

“I’m sorry; I’m Maria Fernandez, their daughter. We just want everything to be perfect for them. And then I saw you two, lost in to each other’s eyes and then I decided that I had to come here!” she said. Ronnie cleared his throat as he looked up at the women.

“I’m happy for your parent’s, very few are lucky enough to get someone so precious in life! Wish them a very happy anniversary to them on our behalf!” he smiled at her. Kathy was surprised to hear him say something like that. She looked at him with a pleasantly shocked expression on her face.

“You two are really cute and you remind me about how young love is so full of romance and passion. On the dance floor-NOW!” she said and tried to pull them out.

“It seems like we don’t have a choice!” he said as he stretched his hand forward and asked her for a dance. She looked at his hand and smiled. They locked one of their hands with each other’s and Ronnie’s other hand wrapped around her waist as she placed her hand around his neck. The music changed into a slower one as they began swaying their bodies on the tune. He was careful about not stepping over her leg as he turned them around.

“Did you mean those lines you told Maria?” Kathy asked him as he pulled her closer to him. Her beats were now short and quick as were his.

“Yeah, I did!” he said, looking at her. The two were so lost into each other that they did not notice anyone in the background, they hardly noticed any change in the music, they weren’t aware of how most of them had stopped dancing as they used their heartbeats as music and danced.

“Are you finally in love?” she managed to ask him, feared of his answer. He nodded his head which made her heart go crazy.

“Who is she?” she asked, hoping that it was her. He stopped moving and inched his face towards hers, making her heart come into her mouth.

“It’s a secret!” he whispered very gently, his breath left tingles on her skin and her body shivered involuntarily. She looked down as his stare became too intense for her. She was scared that her eyes would give her away in front of him while he was feeling a little brave in front of her. He placed his finger below her chin and made her look up. She tried to push him away but he tightened his grip over her and pulled her even closer, their mouths inches away and their eyes fluttered close as the distance between their lips disappeared.

“I’m sorry Maria, I can’t dance since I’ve a broken leg!” he heard Kathy say as something hit his leg from beneath the table. He looked around and realized that he was only dreaming about the dance. He shook his head and laughed like a stupid.

“Why are you laughing Ronnie? Is it because I can’t dance?” she asked him and he looked at her with wide eyes. He can’t say anything in front of her, he thought.

“No, I’m glad that I didn’t have to warn you this time!” he said with an awkward smile, making her suspicious about his behavior but she nodded any ways. They ate their food with Kathy bickering about how cute that couple was and about how she’d love to celebrate something like that. Ronnie nodded and added his inputs here and there but stayed quiet mostly. Staying away from her was getting difficult with every passing day and she wasn’t making it easy for him either but he couldn’t blame her since he wanted her close too. The pain, the urge to hold her closer to himself, the feelings that enveloped him in such a trapping way, made difficult for him to keep distance from her. But he lacked the courage to confess his feelings too.

“You alright? You’re zoning out every now and then!” Kathy asked him.

“Yes, I’m good. I was wondering about your projects. You really don’t have a lot of time!” he said quickly.

“Don’t remind me about it Ronnie. I hope I complete my work in time. I was the topper last year and I don’t want to fail now!” she said sadly.

“Aye, you won’t fail!” he said, making her a little hopeful.

“You think so?” she asked him.

“I know so!” he smiled as he placed his arm around her shoulders and walked together, they walked home.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“I’m leaving!” Kathy yelled as she grabbed some toasts and rushed out of the house. She was going to the college and submitting the assignments that she had finally managed to complete. She hoped that her projects would be accepted and she’d be allowed to appear for the exams.

“Where are you going? I’ll drop you there, come on hop in my car!” Ronnie told her as he slowed his car and stopped where Kathy was walking. She looked at him and smiled.

“Thank you for the lift. I was nervous.  I hope they accept my projects today!” she said as she sat on the passenger seat.

"Chill, I know they will. Besides, I’ve seen all your designs and I know they’ll like them.” Ronnie told her.

“Okay now hurry up Mr. Shenoy, I need to be there by 9!” she said tapping her foot impatiently.

“Relax Kathy, you’ll be fine.” He said and drove faster. They reached her college in 20minutes and she walked out of his car.

“Thanks Ronnie. I’ll leave now.” She smiled.

“Yeah, good bye!” he smiled but she did not make any effort to move from there.

“Wish me luck!” she said, answering his question.

“All the Best Kathy!” he laughed and then she walked away. He stayed there until he saw her enter the building and then disappear. He took a deep breath and drove off.

Kathy walked in to the familiar environment of her college and walked towards the office and asked for the professor in-charge of their assignments. She waited in the waiting room and made sure that all her designs were perfect.

“Oh Kathy, you made it in time!” the professor smiled at her.

“Good morning Mr. Sahai! I tried to do as much as I could in such a short time!” she smiled.

“Come on, follow me!” he said and they walked into his cabin where she placed all her projects on the table for him to see and decide if she was prepared enough to appear for the exams.

“Looks nice!” he smiled and then began inspecting the color schemes, the measurements, her theme and actual design. He looked for neatness and accuracy in her dummies and then began checking if it was theoretically correct. He asked her a few questions on the subject, and made her solve a few geometric problems after which he made a grave face in front of her.

“So, you think you are prepared enough to appear for the exams in two days? You think you can do better than other students who were regular in their classes?” he asked her seriously. She felt nervous all of a sudden. Her fingers gripped the sides of her skirt and she thought about her answer for a while.

“I don’t say that you’ve to allow me to appear for exams but I think I deserve a chance since I’m last year’s topper and I’m the only one who has earned a placement in ‘La’ Homme’. I have a work experience of three months and besides I completed this project in a week’s time, something which none of the students here can boast of. But I think it’s completely up to you. You can make my life or you can break it, I’ll gladly accept your decision.” She said calmly.

“Well then, I think it unfair to other students who attended all the classes and completed their internship period along with the college projects. I don’t think you should be allowed to appear for the exams just because you’re married to Mr. Ronnie Shenoy!” Mr. Sahai told her flatly. Kathy jaw dropped at that because she did not expect rejections after the amount of hard work she had put in. she stood up from her seat and turned around to walk out of the room when the professor called her.

“Did he help you complete this work? If not, then can you design a baby’s room in a day for me?” he asked her. She turned around to face him and studied him.

“Alright, I’ll do it!” she said when she was sure that he wasn’t fooling around. She was handed over all the materials the moment she agreed to work on the room. She carefully made designs for the room and thought about a nice, calming color combination for the room. After which she began designing the cradle and a few furniture sets for the room. She was almost done when Mr. Sahai walked in.

“How is it going?” he asked her.

“You want it by today, right?” she asked him and he nodded.

“I’ll hand it over by 5!” she replied confidently, surprising him. He nodded his head and walked out of the room.

Kathy now began cutting papers and modeling her work and then coloring it according to her design. She kept looking at time every now and then. She was coloring the final furniture piece when she realized that she had made a wrong color combination. Panic controlled her brain, making her hyperventilate. She tried to take a deep breath and calm down. She sat there and thought about how to change it and an idea clicked in her mind. She dipped the paper model in water and pulled it out quickly. The color was now wet and then she used some cotton balls that soaked in some color, making it a little lighter. She then applied a new surface on the outer layer and re-colored it. This time, she made sure that she concentrated on her work and wasn’t in a rush, thereby completing her project in time.

“Mr. Sahai, you can check my designs now!” she called him in the room exactly at 5 pm.

“It’s done? So early?” he asked her, not believing her.

“I may not be as good as your students though!” she taunted him. He walked over to her desk and inspected her work. He was surprised at how neat and orderly her work was. He did not look into the details because she really impressed him by her dedication for her work. He nodded his head, impressed.

“Yes it isn’t as good as my students.” He said. Kathy frowned; this just wasn’t her day, she thought.

“You’re way better than them. I can’t let a brilliant student like you, miss an opportunity like this. You’ve cleared this test, you can appear for your final exams from Monday!” he smiled and walked away. Kathy began dancing with joy.


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-Hemii :)

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