Letters to my so called "fath...

By Mae_Be_Fate

365 8 21


Letters to my so called "father"
Lesson 1 : dreams are not reality
Lesson 2: decisions are apart of life
Lesson 3: when you hurt me the most
Lesson 5: I Guess
Holiday Time...</3

Lesson 4: People always lie.

60 3 2
By Mae_Be_Fate


I remember when i was aout 11 you called my mom and told her that things with you and your wife were not working out so well. you said that you wanted to come up and see us, maybe patch things up and start our life as a family. you have us a date and time when you would be t our apartment. We spent all day making your favorite food for when you got there. I had never been so excited in my entire life.Then, the time that you said you would be there, came and went, i started getting worried but mom said that you were only running late. Midnight came and still nothing. Mom called and emailed. only to find out that your phone was no longer in service. you returned our email a week later only to find out that you never planed to come. You Lied. but i guess that people always lie.

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