By MadelaineTaljaard

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Book 1 of the Eternal warrior's saga. (1st draft) Rebecca of Blackmountain has lived all her life, thinking s... More

Zodiac of Wizicarda
Chapter 1 - Dragon Attack
Chapter 2 - Aftermath
Chapter 3 - Rebellion
Chapter 4 - The Edge of Vengance
Chapter 5 - The Mighty Fiery Dragon
Chapter 6 - Plot and Appologies
Chapter 7 - Magic of the Golden Gate
Chapter 8 - Bellsford
Chapter 10 - Winterfall City
Chapter 11 - Wintervale Castle
Chapter 12 - A Leprechaun and the Treasury
Chapter 13 - Advisors
Chapter 14 - The Harsh Reality of Slavery
Chapter 15 - Council Session
Chapter 16 - Court is in Session
Chapter 17 - The Magic Box
Chapter 18 - Secrets and Questions
Chapter 19 - Weakness of the Sharkdragons
Chapter 20 - A Formality
Chapter 21 - Politics and Battle Plans
Chapter 22 - Nerphdet the Necromancer
Chapter 23 - Valley of death
Chapter 24 - Preparations for the Kings Council
Chaper 25 - Journey to the King's Council
Chapter 26 - Evasive Menuevers
Chapter 27 - King Thornton Rothguard
Chapter 28 - A Chance Meeting in Abelone City.

Chapter 9 - Ambush at Crowridge

62 8 11
By MadelaineTaljaard

The next day Earl and Rebecca are provided with the finest horses the town has to offer and provisions for the road they could spare. Rebecca wanted to pay for it but the villagers claimed that as Queen everything in the kingdom belongs to her and she can use it as she sees fit.

As they traveled from village to village over the next few days, Rebecca is astonished at the speed her rumor is spreading. The condition of the villages also did not improve. As far as Rebecca is concerned, Baron Grimston was putting extra effort into maintaining the village as best he could.

The situation in many of the villages along the way is worse. In one case an entire village has been turned into a ghost town. From the stories of the next village, they discover a crime syndicate that offers safety where the soldier's protection is a lack in a village. The syndicate used that village as an example of what would happen if they did not pay.

The town was massacred. No one was left to tell the tale of the horror that happened that day. Now people avoid the town out of fear that there might still be bandits in the town.

According to information, the syndicate's trail leads to a town called Crowridge. The town is on their path as the two of them continue their journey and inspection of the villages, towns, and farmlands.

It wasn't long before they reach the village. Two weeks after their journey started Rebecca and Earl arrive at Crowridge. Unlike the rest of the walled villages, this village wall is in pristine condition.

"Rebecca I have visited this village countless times and I have been aware of any of these activities going on," Early says.

"They would have made certain to hide this from you. They probably either threatened or paid the soldiers stationed there to keep their mouths shut. Otherwise, you would have become aware of this situation long ago, " She assures him.

The horses walk with a peaceful rhythm along the muddy dirt road. The morning's rain in the area she has seen from a distance when they approach the village has left numerous puddles. The two horses navigate their way around the puddles. With the rain clouds moving further inland the sun comes out and immediately Rebecca can feel the UV rays of the sun stinging her skin as it is reflected off the drifting clouds on them.

Then comes the flies. They are incessantly annoying. With the help of a local shrub, Earl shows her they keep the flies away from them. Beads of sweat roll down her back in the sweltering heat, creating a short reprieve from the heat as a gentle breeze blows over them.

Finally, the horses walk into the shade of the first wooden structures that mark the border of the village. The size of the village also suggests that it is more a town than a village. Rebecca urges her horse to the side as an open carriage loaded with furs passes them. The place is very busy compared to the previous villages they visited.

Several people walk up and down the streets in opposite directions. She notices a magic tool shop, tavern, seamstress, blacksmith. "Earl would you mind taking the lead before we get lost in this maze of buildings."

"Look in the dark alleys. We are being watched. Also, look at the notice board. We are wanted for treason and fraud. There is a handsome amount on our heads. We will have to watch our backs here. We stick to the plan. We don't linger in this village, we buy our supplies in the market square. Visit a local tavern to hear some news and then we leave. We find a safe spot outside the village to camp tonight. Preferably as far away from the village as possible."

"This place is really busy. It will be easy for bandits to go about their businesses without being spotted. The buildings that are so close also hold the danger for a fire breaking out and rampaging through the town uncontrolled. Some of them also look like they are on the brink of collapsing," Rebecca says as they ride slowly through the main street of the town.

At the market, they walk past the stalls on foot. Rebecca inspects the quality of the food on display. Earl holds the horse's reigns as they make their way through several groups of people also inspecting the goods to determine what they want to buy. A jeweler with the latest fashion of the era sits by his stall while two guardsmen on either side of the stall eyes everyone passing the stall with open suspicion.

The prices of the food are ridiculously high. Even the less fortunate owners' prices are. Seven silver sickles for a single bunch batch of beetroot for the quality of the food. After making a carefully calculated decision they bought carrots and four loaves of bread. Earl commenting and assures her they will reach Winterfall in four days.

"Can we increase the pace of our journey a little? I am starting to get anxious to get to the castle. There is so much to be done and taken care of. I am starting to wonder if I will be up to the task," Rebecca wonders aloud. She has just finished packing their provisions.

"Rebecca you should not talk about your station so openly at this point," Earl says as he eyes the crowd. He turns looking in different directions. Rebecca suddenly feels uncomfortable with the crowd. There are people in the crowd that does not belong. Armed people in black leather armor. Swords unsheathed and gleaming in the sunlight.

Fear made the crowd disperse around Earl and Rebecca as they notice the armed men. Shopowners quickly shut the caravans of products. Within minutes the square is empty of all shoppers and stalls. Two apples that have fallen roll over the ground. Rebecca straightens herself shuffles closer to Earl as she spread her legs to a fighting stance.

She looks around and discovers that they are surrounded. A man walks towards them with a triumphant smile on his face. "Easy pickings. There Is a lovely reward waiting for me for your capture."

"Are you sure we are so easy to capture? I am immune to your wizards. In my case, it comes from my shifter form. To defeat the likes of you won't go that far. If it does. None of you will leave this square alive!" Earl's last word that comes out sounds like it comes from a hissing snake. "Turn around and mind your own business."

"Then we will be taking the little lady with you. We can have our fun with her before handing her over." As the man said this his eyes travel lustfully over Rebecca's body.

Rebecca is revulsed as she realizes what the man is thinking. "In your dreams asshole." She snaps her finger and their clothes transform back to their original clothes. Rebecca is in a TIS t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Earl is back in his full plate armor gleaming in the sunlight. Rebecca touches the bangle on her arm and the arcane armor activates covering her in armor.

"She's a sorceress!" One of the men shouts in surprise.

"Very interesting. Garmen, she is all yours," says their leader.

A man in a long black robe walks out from among them. He lifts his hood away from his face. Garmen's face is cold and he flares his nose and looks down at her as if she is an unworthy opponent. His eyes are dark and calculating. She narrows her eyes at him. From the hem of his robe, a long thin piece of polished wood is pulled. A wizard.

Wizards are well known for their extensive knowledge of combat spells, jinxes, and curses. They are not bound by their base element of power.

Sorcerers must master their element of power. It will take sorcerers years to master the art of combat with their base element. They can with the help of element ruins use other elements. If she is right, she knows that her dragon pendant is an elemental fire ruin. Its class falls under the ancient legendary rune. An extremely rare and powerful rune.

That explains why I have so easily mastered fire spells. Even though my magic test showed that my element is light. It came from my necklace. From the Fiery Dragon. I have seen its power first hand. His fire breath sends thousands of gallons of water to boiling point almost instantly. My pendant is powerful. Is it enough to protect me against Drachna? I need to know more about it.

"Fiery Dragon you promised me your power is at my disposal. Let's see if that is true." She uses her magical energy to latch onto the pendant around her neck. All of a sudden her arcane armor changes its nature from only light to light and fire. On both arcane gloves appears a new ruin on the palm of each glove. The new arcane armor now looks as if it has been constructed from dragon scales. Her face visor now gaining the look of dragon eyes.

Rebecca knows that fire sorcerers masters their combat skills more easily than other elements because of the element's volatile and destructive nature. Time for the truth.

"Ice trap!" shouts Garmen.

"Fireball!" Rebecca shouts.

The two spells meet in midair. Steam rises from the fireball racing towards the wizard. "Impossible!" Shouts the wizard as he ducks out of the path of the fireball. The fireball hits a stone wall and the wall crumbles under the impact.

Wow!!! No time to celebrate. I have to incapacitate him quickly. Quick before he gets to his feet.

"Sleep!" Rebecca's spell hits Garmen square in the chest as he came to his feet. His wand drops. He sways for a second and keels over.

Rebecca is grateful that her spell holds on even after the man has fallen hard on his back. The bandits have the knight commander cornered ten to one. Time to even the odds. She hits one using a karate chop to the back of his neck.

He drops down unconscious. Earl fends off the attack from two bandits simultaneously. The first of which he sends sprawling and coughing blood from a gloved fist in the gut. He can hit them so hard that their leather armor is useless. The second is skewered through the gut with his sword. Earl's greater strength and attack speed are enhanced by his shifter form.

Rebecca jumps up and does a split kick. Two bandits have tried to attack her from left and right. One she catches on his sternum and he staggers and falls face-first in a heap of dung. The second one is caught under the chin. The kick lifts him spectacularly of his feet. He falls on the ground and slides over the ground next to Garmen unconscious.

By now only six bandits remain. Rebecca moves lightning-fast on the balls of her feet not waiting for them to attack. Within seconds four of them lays unconscious on the ground. Their leader bolts down an ally way. Rebecca runs in hot pursuit.

"Angels rush!" She catches up with him and knocks him out with a kick to the face. "Bindings and levitation." The man's hand and legs are bound in rope and he levitates off the ground. She takes the unconscious leader back to the square and cuts the levitation spell unceremoniously.

"This will save me time to get some answers," Rebecca says as the man at her feet groans. She slaps him on the cheek. "Wake up, sunshine. You have a few questions to answer."

The man opens his eyes. He squirms under her gaze and looks behind her. "C-co-commander, what a surprise. Please help me out..."

"A little too late for excuses, Harry. You have been enjoying your power in this town for too long. Now, who are you working for?" Earl asks coldly.

"Well... You see... Uhm..." His eyes swivel around in his sockets as he tries to think of a legitimate lie that will work in his favor.

Rebecca snarls drawing on her power. "I don't have time to listen to your lies. Speak the truth."

Harry squirms trying to tell another story but Rebecca's spell forces him to speak the moment he opens his mouth. "I work for Duke Triston Griffith."

"What!" Earl is shocked at this news. "How long has the Triston been trying to wrestle more money from people by forcing them to pay for the protection and support of the crown?"

"It was just after the pirate attack ten years ago. The attack forced your predecessor to resign and gained you the position you now hold. Triston believes that he can control the queen by forcing her into a pre-arranged marriage with a nobleman of their choice..."

Harry's words are cut off this time by Rebecca's angry voice. "Who does these @#$% bastards think they are to try and force me to marry anyone!? If I marry someone it will be someone I choose of my own free will. If they try this with me I will set the Fiery dragon on them."

Harry's eyes widen in surprise. "Your majesty! There is more. The pirates raided the castle's vaults. They found a way to get past Lion's gate. They draw the bridge and portcullis of the castle and emptied the vaults during the night. By morning they discovered that all the night staff has been put to sleep with a potion they slipped into their food and drink in the kitchens. It was a well-devised plan. Ever since then, the advisors have tried to refill the vaults with raised taxes, but it's not working. Triston then started a criminal faction to control the people and force as much money out of them as he can. But the people are suffering under the advisor's rule.

"I apologize for what I have done. I was only following orders. Triston placed a reward for your capture when a word has gone out that someone of your description is gathering intelligence for the queen. Now everyone knows the truth. You have been inspecting your kingdom as a commoner. Look around you. The shopowners are returning now that it is safe."

Rebecca looks up and is met with many staring faces. There is a murmur among them as they look at her with intent eyes.

'She looks so much like her father.'

'She has her mother's eyes'

'She is wearing the dragon pendant.'

'Her armor is so beautiful.'

'Does she know what happened to the king?'

'What will she do now that she knows what is going on in the kingdom?'

One by one the crowd bow to her. "Looks like the whole kingdom will know who you are by tomorrow morning."

"No more running, Earl. There is work to be done. We leave for Winterfell through the gateway immediately. I want to get to my castle by sundown."

"Rebecca, the people would like to at least hear what you have to say. To them," says Earl. More murmurs erupt from the crowd.

'He's going to get executed for insulting her.'

'How can he address her as an equal?'

'She must not let such insolent behavior slide.'

'What kind of ruler will she be without a husband?'

'What makes her think she can rule without a husband?'

What am I going to say to these people?

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