-•Can you fix me? •- Modern...

By IWantAffectionPlz

77.1K 1.6K 1.2K

A modern steampunk girl finds her self creating a portal to another dimension which so happened to be one of... More

-•Chapter 1-Entering the portal•-
-•Chapter 2-Waking up in ciel's mansion...•-
-• Earning a job at phantomhives mansion....•-
Another A/N
-•Setting things right•- ( EDITED )
Merry Christmas!
-• All foods before dudes! •-
-• Did i just get grounded? •-
Last A/N
Food Wars
Attention one, attention all
The (not surprising) Results

-•This gonna be a long night...•-

3.8K 106 141
By IWantAffectionPlz

Hello everybody who managed to like this book! Sorry that it's been so long! ಠOಠ argh! I hope you can forgive me!! >~<
Anyway this chapter might not be what you waited for but hopefully you like it...Enjoy!

Last time !

" ah! If it isn't the queens guard dog, Ciel Phantomhive..." Alois said with a slight smirk.

Present time !

" Alois...may I ask why you had decided to kidnap [Name]? " Ciel asked unamused at being here.

" oh~ I was just trying to get to know your new friend~ that's all " Alois said back, smirking.

The two earls and demon butlers had staring contests. [Name], still on Sebastian's back, was looking around as everything around them went quite.

" ummmm....it's getting late soo.....should we go?....." [Name] questioned, every eye broke contact.

" oh while your here Ciel I would like to invite you and your friend here to a ball I'm planning tonight... "

" fine, we will attend, only if you do nothing to [Name]" Ciel said staring at him, slightly glaring.

[Name]' s P.O.V

Alois nodded with a smirk and went back inside while Claude closed the doors, sparing me one last glance causing shivers to crawl down my spine. Ciel sighed and made his way to the carriage. It was a silent short walk before I had to get off Sebastian to get inside. As I sat down I looked out the window and could feel Ciel looking at me. I sighed and looked at him.
" yes? "
" did he do anything to you? " Ciel asked firmly looking out the window next to him.

I stared at him then shook my head when I met his gaze. " no he didn't do anything, but I did have a dream..."

Ciel quirked an eyebrow still staring at me. That's when I explained the dream about the llama and doughnut crying over his lost one, which I ate on accident. He stared at me in both confusion and uncomfort.
I stared back and tilted my head. I hummed in appreciation.

" what? " Ciel asked with a raised eyebrow.

I shook my head " nah, just....happy to be going to a ball..." I replied as I looked out of the window. Ciel closed his eyes as we both rock to and fo from the carriage. My fingers subconsciously started to creep their way to my pocket. I felt paper and realised that it you've been the map from my dream!
My fingers retract ' I'll have to read it when I'm alone ' I thought.
My eyes sparkled as we pulled up to the Phantomhive state. Sebastian hopped off of the front and opened the door. I stepped out by my self while he helped Ciel. I began to walk towards the familiar doors.

" ahhhhh....its great to be back! " I called out as I reached the doors.

Sebastian appeared and opened the doors. We walked in and I was instantly tackled into a hug by the three servants. After our hug session, Ciel retired to his office while Sebastian lead me to my room. I thanked him before turning to the bed. I sat down and thought about the ball. Ahhhh I'm gonna look like such a dweeb......a majestic dweeb that is ƪ(˘⌣˘)Ʃ

" oooookaaaaayyy lets see what narnia has in store for me! " I said out loud, standing up.

One closet search later

I carefully laid down the dress. ( pic ) I looked out the window to see!......stars.....flipping...stars... I stood in silence as I heard Ciel down stairs talking to Sebastian probably.
I screeched like I had an unholy demon taking over my soul and ran to the bathroom. After cleaning my self and getting into the dress, I snuck on my boots underneath. I ran like sonic down stairs and towards the main entrance where lord behold stood an enraged blueberry ...I mean...Ciel....and his knight with kitchen cutlery, Sebastian mc Bastian.

" heh heh.....h-hi guys....." I stuttered with an awkward wave.

I felt Ciel's glare puncture my soul along with Sebastian's. I started to slightly sweat. Blueberry sighed in annoyance and gestured me to follow.
We all made our way to the chariot. I got in first then Ciel and Sebastian drove....like normal....

Time skip to the ball

We all walked up the small flight of stairs of the Trancy Mansion. My stomach did flips as the door opened to reveal Claude with his blank stare. He stepped to the side, inviting us in and one by one we entered. I, sadly, was the last one in. Claude glanced me up and down while I death stared him like Luigi. Trancy then popped out from no where.

" Ciel! It's so great to see you accepted my invitation! " He said " And look it's my new friend! [Name] was it? You look lovely! "

" ah yes...that's my name....." I replied awkwardly as he kissed my hand with a weird smirk.

I pretty much zoned out from what he said after that....yeah I can get bored easily.... Alois finally lead us to the main ball room. Every female there was dressed in the most sparkliest gowns while I stood out like a sore thumb, looking like I'm ready to go to funeral.
We all departed after that...leaving me....by my self...surrounded by people I don't know and clearly open for Alois to kidnap me again.
I sighed and made my way over to the banquet to get me a cup of juice. I stood by the table while sipping small bits as I watched everyone else dance and talk together. I soon broke the number one rule in interacting, the rule being don't make eye contact with anyone especially strangers of the male gender because a cocky looking basted was now gliding his way over.

" hello mil'lady, may I ask why a flower like you is alone? " The man questioned kissing my hand with a slick smile.

I stared at him before inhaling deeply.

" Boi, don't even play that trick with the whole ' charming ' effect. We all know you be thirsty for all of dis..." I said as I walked away towards Ciel and Sebastian.

Once I reached them I let out a sigh of relief. The two looked at me in confusion. I gave a weak smile but it soon dropped as I heard the sudden change in the music. It's the goddamn slow song... I closed my eyes for a moment but as I opened them two hands were stretched out to. Ciel's and Alois's to be exact, I stood there as if time froze. I have a choice, if I choose Alois, I could trigger his psycho side and if I choose Ciel he might....do something....I guess...I don't know about him.....

Who do I choose?....

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