Daibolik Lovers Boyfriend Sce...

By Animefan446

282K 3.6K 769

Like what it says in the title but I won't put Kino in this because he's a new character but I will put in th... More

How You Met Him
The Two Of You Are Friends
When He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend
First Date And First Kiss
He Watches You Do Your Favourite Hobby
You're On You're Period
You Find Out He's A Vampire And He First Bites You
He Meets Your Parents
You Learn About His Past
You're Sick
When He 'Accidentally' Touches Your Butt
When He Sees Your Sleeping Face
When They Randomly Kiss You
When It's Your Birthday
When He Hears You Singing
When You Go To The Beach With Him
When He Sees You Sad
When Someone Catches You Making Out
When He Has A Sleepover At Your Place
Sakamaki (Lemon)
Mukami (Lemon)
Tsukinami (Lemons)
When They Read Your Diary
When You have A Bath With Him
When You Wear His Clothes
Halloween Special
Author's note HELP!!
When He Cheats On You/You Break Up
After The Break Up/ They See You With Someone Else
When He Sees You Hurt And The Two Of You Get Back Together
After You Got Back Together
When You Two Are Watching A Film On The Kodi Stick
Christmas Special

New Year Special

4.5K 58 23
By Animefan446

A/N Sorry for the slow updates but thanks a lot for the votes though. Wow 3K views!! amazing!! anyway, enjoy the scenario!"


Shu couldn't help but stare at your yukata because you looked beautiful in it. Your Yukata was yellow and it had a flower pattern on it and you had your hair tied back in a bun with a hair pin that Shu bought for you as well. Shu pulled you by the waist and he said,"You look beautiful, (Y/n)." You blushed and said,"Thank you Shu, you look handsome yourself." You said as you looked at his kimono that he bought before the new year started. You and Shu then made it to the festival with Shu's brothers and their girlfriends. 

You and Shu walked around for a while just the two of you. Even though last year was the best, meeting and falling in love with Shu and having the good and the bad times you had with him, this year was going to even better for the two of you.


"Come on Reiji hurry up!!" You shouted excitedly as you dragged Reiji by his hand. Reiji sighed and said,"I'm coming! jeez you're like a little kid!" You giggled and said,"I can't help it! it's been a long time since I've been to a festival." Reiji sighed as he shook his head at you. You smelled something nice and you then said,"Mmm..that smell, grilled fish! your treat!" Reiji shouted,"Hey wait a minute!" Reiji tried his best to catch up with you since you were acting like a child.

The triplets found it amusing how Reiji was struggling to catch up with you. However, Reiji did have in end with you and you did look beautiful in your Yukata at least that what Reiji loved about going to the festival with you.


Ayato was blushing in embarrassment why? because you made him wear a kimono because since it was the new year you said that you wanted to go the festival for your date in doing so Reiji forced him to wear a kimono. Just then you showed and you were wearing a red yukata that as a butterfly pattern on it. Ayato smirked at your Yukata and he said,"How'd you know that red was Ore-sama's favourite color?" You smiled and said,"Because you wear red clothing sometimes."

Ayato smirked and he takes your hand and then the two of you went to some of the food stalls. As usual, Ayato got some Takoyaki and he was happily stuffing his face. You looked at Ayato and said,"Ore-sama slow down, if you keep stuffing your face like that you're gonna get an upset stomach." Ayato smirked and said,"I can't help it, it's so good." After a while, Ayato did ended up with a sore stomach and you were shaking your head at him. You shrugged your shoulders and said,"Can't say I didn't warn you, Ore-sama." Ayato glared at you and he said,"Not a word to anyone especially Reiji." You giggled and said,"Understood."


You were happy that it was the new year and you loved the purple Yukata that Kanato was wearing. When Kanato saw you you were wearing a pink kimono that has a cherry blossom pattern on it as well. Kanato smiled and said,"You look adorable (Y/n)-chan." You smiled and said,"Thank you so much Kanato you and teddy look handsome yourselves." Kanato smiled and he then takes your hand the two of you had a wonder about the festival.

You and Kanato both had a bit of a sweet tooth so the two of you bought a few sweets before the fireworks started.


You were currently helping Laito with his kimono since the two of you were going to a festival to celebrate the new year. You were wearing a yellow yukata and it has a colourful flower pattern on it and a light red belt on it. Laito smirked at your Yukata and he said,"You look beautiful Doll-chan." You smiled and said,"You look handsome yourself, OK, that's you finished." Laito then said,"Yeah but you almost squeezed lunch right out of me."

You giggled and said,"Sorry, I had to make sure it was tight enough other wise it'll slide off." Laito chuckled and he offered his arm and said,"Shall we?" You took it and said,"We shall." The two of you then started to walk around the festival for a while. Laito picked up pink lip stick and he said,"Doll-chan, look up for a second." You looked up to him and Laito gently applied the lip stick on your lips. The shop keeper said,"Do you want to see?" The shop keeper gave you a hand mirror and you looked at your reflection.

You said,"Wow, I love it." Laito said,"We'll take it." The shop keeper nods her head and she gave you the lipstick. You and Laito then walked around the festival for a while and then the two of you watched the fireworks in the night sky.


It was the new year and that means a fresh start for, your father and Ayame. When you got to the festival grounds with Subaru, your father handed you over some money and said,"Here you go (Y/n), don't go spending too much now." You smiled and said,"Thanks Dad." Subaru nods his head and he had a hint of blush on cheeks because you had to make him wear a kimono for the festival. (D/n) barked happily and you said,"Thanks again Dad, see ya."

You took Subaru's hand you took him around the festival. Subaru looked at you and he said,"You're enjoying yourself aren't you?" You smiled and said,"I haven't been to a festival since mom passed away so it's been a while." Subaru smiled at your cute reaction and said,"By the way, you look beautiful in the yukata." You smiled and said,"Thank you." You were wearing a light blue kimono with a few dark blue flower pattern on it to try and slightly match up with Subaru's Kimono and your hair was tied back in a bun and you wore a light blue flower hair pin. (See picture above for the colour of Subaru's kimono.)

After having a look at some of the stalls for a while, you and Subaru were sitting on the lake's port staring at the lake's horizon where the two of you could see the fireflies. (D/n) was chasing them and the both of you laughed at him. Just then you saw the lanterns in the lake and you said,"Well, it's time to release ours." Subaru looked at you confused and you then got the lantern from the shopping bags. Subaru said,"What's going on?" You said,"Around this time, those who have lost the ones they loved come here to light their lanterns and send them off in this lake."

Subaru was surprised at this and he said,"Is that so?" You looked at Subaru with a smile and said,"Would you like to send this one off with me Subaru?" Subaru nodded his head. You lit the lantern and then the both of you gently placed the lantern in the water. The both of you gently pushed the lantern and it floated towards the other lanterns. You thought to yourself,"Goodbye mom.."

Subaru held your hand and he said,"Hey (Y/n), can we do this again...next year?" He says with a hint of blush on his cheeks. You smiled and said,"I would like that, Tsubaru." Suabru glared at you and he said,"I thought I told you not to call me that- hmp?!" You cut off his sentence by kissing his lips. You smiled and said,"Hehe, sorry Subaru, it's hard to resist that reaction of yours sometimes." A are smile appeared on his face and Subaru then presses his forehead against yours and he said,"Happy new year, (Y/n)." You pressed your forehead against his so that your noses were touching and you said,"Happy new year, Subaru."


It was the new year and you were looking forward to your date with Ruki because he asked you to go on a date with him at the festival. You were wearing a dark purple yukata that has a light purple flower pattern on it and you had some of your (H/c) tied back while the rest of it was left down. Ruki showed up and you blushed at the kimono that he was wearing. You said,"Wow Ruki, you look handsome." Ruki smiled and he said,"And you look beautiful, Hime (Princess)." You giggled at that nickname he used and he then said,"Shall we get going?"

You smiled and you nodded your head before taking Ruki's hand. The two of you were wondering about the festival looking at the stalls for a while until Ruki started to play a dart game. You watched as how he aims at the target and after a while, he won a prize. It was a stuffed bear and Ruki hands it over to you. You hugged the bear tightly and said,"Thank you Ruki! I love it!" Ruki chuckled and he wrapped an arm around you and said,"You're welcome." Ruki kisses your forehead and the two of you enjoyed the rest of your date.


It was the new year and you thought that Kou was going to be busy but actually, he has a few days off from work so that he can spend some time with you. There was a festival being held in your neighbourhood and you asked Kou if he would like to go and to your surprise he said yes. You were wearing simple pink Yukata and your hair was tied back in a bun with an ornamental crane hairpin that Kou bought for you before the day of the festival.

You and Kou were walking around the festival and he looked very cheerful and he was excitedly dragging you every stall he could find. You smiled and said,"Jeez you're just like a little kid you know that!" Kou looked at you with happy like expression and he said,"I can't help it I haven't been to places like this before." You giggled and said,"All right, all right, just don't get carried away!" You said as you held his hand tightly so that you don't get separated from him. Kou then said,"Come on, lets do some fish scooping."

You nodded your head and the both of you had a fun night trying to fish scoop, trying out different sweets and watching the fireworks. It was only the start of your new year with Kou.


Yuma was frowning slightly with a hint of blush on his cheeks, why? because you had to get him to wear a kimono for the new year's festival that was taking place near your neighbourhood. You were wearing a orange Yukata with a square like pattern on it (See below for the Yukata that you're wearing for this one)

The both of you were wondering around the festival and Yuma sighed and said,"Remind me again, why did I have to wear this stupid Kimono again?" You giggled and said,"Because it's a tradition to wear a kimono or a yukata to a festival and you might stick out like a sore thumb if you didn't wear one." Yuma sighed and said,"I suppose you're right." Yuma the finally had a smile on his face as the two of you continued to have a wonder about in the festival.

Yuma then said,"Come on, (Y/n), I want something sweet to eat." You smiled and said,"Me too." You and Yuma loved spending time at the festival for your date. You got your lantern ready because it was a tradition to light your lantern and release it into the sky to say good bye to the souls that came back to visit. You got two of them one to say goodbye to your sister and another one for Yuma so that he can say goodbye to his boss.

You looked at Yuma and said,"Ready to release them, Yuma?" Yuma said,"Yeah, I've never done anything like this with you before." You smiled and said,"It's OK, all you have to do is to wait for the other lanterns to go up and then we can release ours, it's like saying goodbye to our loved ones." Yuma smiled at this and then the both of you watched as how the other lanterns flew up into the sky. You looked at Yuma and you said,"Ready?" Yuma nods his head and then the two of you released your lanterns and they flew up into the sky with the other lanterns.

Yuma smiled as he watches the other lanterns fly up into the night sky. You leaned against him and said,"It's like watching the souls head back into the heavens doesn't it?" Yuma looked at you and he said,"Yeah." Yuma stroked your cheek and he kisses you on the lips.


A/N Sorry I don't know what to write in this one however, here's a picture of Azusa in his kimono to make up for it.


It was the near year and the art gallery were having a celebration and you've invited Carla to come a long as well. You wore a simple (F/c) kimono and you left your hair down and you have a flower hair pin in your hair as well. Carla wrapped his arms around you from behind and he rests his head on your shoulder. You smiled and said,"Hey Carla." Carla smiled and he said,"Good evening my Eve, you look beautiful."

You smiled and said,"Thank you, my king." Carla smirked at the use of his nickname and then he wrapped an arm around you and he said,"It's too noisy here, mind if we go somewhere else where it's quietier?" You nodded your head and then Carla teleports you to your office. Carla sat you on his lap and he said,"Much better." You smiled and said,"How are you feeling lately Carla?" Carla rests his head on your shoulder and he said,"I've been coughing a little bit but thanks to your blood I've been feeling a bit better."

You smiled and you stroked his cheek and said,"That's good to know." Carla buries his face in the crook of your neck and said,"You smell nice... your scent is so good...I don't think I can fight back the urge any more." You knew what was coming so you let Carla pull down your kimono a little exposing your neck and collarbone. Carla sniffed at your exposed skin and he gently bites down on your neck. You heard him gulping down some of your blood.

You moaned a little as he sucks your blood. Even though the two of you didn't do anything special you were just happy to be with your vampire king.


A/N Sorry I can't think of this one either and again this is a picture to make up for it. Sorry for the slow update and anyway, Happy new year to my fellow readers and followers!

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